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[Keyword] PET(247hit)


  • Simple Nonbinary Coding Strategy for Very Noisy Relay Channels

    Puripong SUTHISOPAPAN  Kenta KASAI  Anupap MEESOMBOON  Virasit IMTAWIL  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E95-A No:12

    From an information-theoretic point of view, it is well known that the capacity of relay channels comprising of three terminals is much greater than that of two terminal direct channels especially for low SNR region. Previously invented relay coding strategies have not been designed to achieve this relaying gain occurring in the low SNR region. In this paper, we propose a new simple coding strategy for a relay channel with low SNR or, equivalently, for a very noisy relay channel. The multiplicative repetition is utilized to design this simple coding strategy. We claim that the proposed strategy is simple since the destination and the relay can decode with almost the same computational complexity by sharing the same structure of decoder. An appropriate static power allocation which yields the maximum throughput close to the optimal one in low SNRs is also suggested. Under practical constraints such as equal time-sharing etc., the asymptotic performance of this simple strategy is within 0.5 dB from the achievable rate of a relay channel. Furthermore, the performance at few thousand bits enjoys a relaying gain by approximately 1 dB.

  • Scalable Privacy-Preserving t-Repetition Protocol with Distributed Medical Data

    Ji Young CHUN  Dowon HONG  Dong Hoon LEE  Ik Rae JEONG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E95-A No:12

    Finding rare cases with medical data is important when hospitals or research institutes want to identify rare diseases. To extract meaningful information from a large amount of sensitive medical data, privacy-preserving data mining techniques can be used. A privacy-preserving t-repetition protocol can be used to find rare cases with distributed medical data. A privacy-preserving t-repetition protocol is to find elements which exactly t parties out of n parties have in common in their datasets without revealing their private datasets. A privacy-preserving t-repetition protocol can be used to find not only common cases with a high t but also rare cases with a low t. In 2011, Chun et al. suggested the generic set operation protocol which can be used to find t-repeated elements. In the paper, we first show that the Chun et al.'s protocol becomes infeasible for calculating t-repeated elements if the number of users is getting bigger. That is, the computational and communicational complexities of the Chun et al.'s protocol in calculating t-repeated elements grow exponentially as the number of users grows. Then, we suggest a polynomial-time protocol with respect to the number of users, which calculates t-repeated elements between users.

  • A Comprehensive Instrument for Measuring Individual Competency of IT Applications in an Enterprise IT Environment

    Chui Young YOON  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E95-D No:11

    An instrument that can efficiently measure individual competency of IT applications (ICITA) is presented. It allows an organization to develop and manage the IT application capability of individuals working in an enterprise IT environment. The measurement items are generated from the definition and major components of individual competency of IT applications. The reliability and validity of the instrument construct are verified by factor and correlation analysis. A 15-item instrument is proposed to efficiently measure individual competency of IT applications and the instrument will contribute to the improved ICITA of human resources working in an enterprise IT environment.

  • An Efficient Translation Method from Timed Petri Nets to Timed Automata

    Shota NAKANO  Shingo YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E95-A No:8

    There are various existing methods translating timed Petri nets to timed automata. However, there is a trade-off between the amount of description and the size of state space. The amount of description and the size of state space affect the feasibility of modeling and analysis like model checking. In this paper, we propose a new translation method from timed Petri nets to timed automata. Our method translates from a timed Petri net to an automaton with the following features: (i) The number of location is 1; (ii) Each edge represents the firing of transition; (iii) Each state implemented as clocks and variables represents a state of the timed Petri net one-to-one correspondingly. Through these features, the amount of description is linear order and the size of state space is the same order as that of the Petri net. We applied our method to three Petri net models of signaling pathways and compared our method with existing methods from the view points of the amount of description and the size of state space. And the comparison results show that our method keeps a good balance between the amount of description and the size of state space. These results also show that our method is effective when checking properties of timed Petri nets.

  • On-the-Fly Trace Generation Approach to the Security Analysis of the TMN Protocol with Homomorphic Property: A Petri Nets-Based Method


    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E95-D No:1

    Many Petri nets-based methods have been developed and applied to analyze cryptographic protocols. Most of them offer the analysis of one attack trace only. Only a few of them provide the analysis of multiple attack traces, but they are rather inefficient. Similarly, the limitation of the analysis of one attack trace occurs in most model checking methods for cryptographic protocols. Recently, we proposed a simple but practical Petri nets-based model checking methodology for the analysis of cryptographic protocols, which offers an efficient analysis of all attack traces. In our previous analysis, we assume that the underlying cryptographic algorithms are black boxes, and attackers cannot learn anything from cipher text if they do not have a correct key. In this paper, we relax this assumption by considering some algebraic properties of the underlying encryption algorithm. Then, we apply our new method to TMN authenticated key exchange protocol as a case study. Surprisingly, we obtain a very efficient analysis when the numbers of attack traces and states are large, and we discover two new attacks which exploit the algebraic properties of the encryption.

  • Verifying Structurally Weakly Persistent Net Is Co-NP Complete

    Atsushi OHTA  Kohkichi TSUJI  


    E94-A No:12

    Petri net is a powerful modeling tool for concurrent systems. Subclasses of Petri net are suggested to model certain realistic applications with less computational cost. Structurally weakly persistent net (SWPN) is one of such subclasses where liveness is verified in deterministic polynomial time. This paper studies the computational complexity to verify whether a give net is SWPN. 3UNSAT problem is reduced to the problem to verify whether a net is not SWPN. This implies co-NP completeness of verification problem of SWPN.

  • The Marking Construction Problem of Petri Nets and Its Heuristic Algorithms

    Satoshi TAOKA  Toshimasa WATANABE  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E94-A No:9

    The marking construction problem (MCP) of Petri nets is defined as follows: “Given a Petri net N, an initial marking Mi and a target marking Mt, construct a marking that is closest to Mt among those which can be reached from Mi by firing transitions.” MCP includes the well-known marking reachability problem of Petri nets. MCP is known to be NP-hard, and we propose two schemas of heuristic algorithms: (i) not using any algorithm for the maximum legal firing sequence problem (MAX LFS) or (ii) using an algorithm for MAX LFS. Moreover, this paper proposes four pseudo-polynomial time algorithms: MCG and MCA for (i), and MCHFk and MC_feideq_a for (ii), where MCA (MC_feideq_a, respectively) is an improved version of MCG (MCHFk). Their performance is evaluated through results of computing experiment.

  • Performance Analysis of Repetition Coded OFDM Systems with Diversity Combining and Higher-Level Modulation

    Fumihito SASAMORI  Ziyan JIA  Shiro HANDA  Shinjiro OSHITA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:1

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems have great advantages, such as high spectrum efficiency and robustness against multipath fading. In order to enhance the advantages, this paper investigates an efficient utilization of both diversity combining and higher-level modulation (adaptive modulation) with a repetition code on the frequency domain in the OFDM systems. The repetition coded OFDM systems can achieve an improvement of performance with such a simple structure as one pair of transmit/receive antennas. In this paper, we derive simple closed-form equations for bit error probability (BEP) and throughput, and then improvements of those performances in the proposed OFDM systems are verified by both theoretical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation.

  • Delay Time Determination for the Timed Petri Net Model of a Signaling Pathway Based on Its Structural Information

    Yoshimasa MIWA  Yuki MURAKAMI  Qi-Wei GE  Chen LI  Hiroshi MATSUNO  Satoru MIYANO  


    E93-A No:12

    This paper proposes a method to incorporate the concept of time for the inclusion of dynamics of signaling pathway in a Petri net model, i.e., to use timed Petri nets. Incorporation of delay times into a Petri net model makes it possible to conduct quantitative evaluation on a target signaling pathway. However, experimental data describing detailed reactions are not available in most cases. An algorithm given in this paper determines delay times of a timed Petri net only from the structural information of it. The suitability of this algorithm has been confirmed by the results of an application to the IL-1 signaling pathway.

  • Nested Interrupt Analysis of Low Cost and High Performance Embedded Systems Using GSPN Framework

    Cheng-Min LIN  

    PAPER-Software System

    E93-D No:9

    Interrupt service routines are a key technology for embedded systems. In this paper, we introduce the standard approach for using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPNs) as a high-level model for generating CTMC Continuous-Time Markov Chains (CTMCs) and then use Markov Reward Models (MRMs) to compute the performance for embedded systems. This framework is employed to analyze two embedded controllers with low cost and high performance, ARM7 and Cortex-M3. Cortex-M3 is designed with a tail-chaining mechanism to improve the performance of ARM7 when a nested interrupt occurs on an embedded controller. The Platform Independent Petri net Editor 2 (PIPE2) tool is used to model and evaluate the controllers in terms of power consumption and interrupt overhead performance. Using numerical results, in spite of the power consumption or interrupt overhead, Cortex-M3 performs better than ARM7.

  • A Support Method with Changeable Training Strategies Based on Mutual Adaptation between a Ubiquitous Pet and a Learner

    Xianzhi YE  Lei JING  Mizuo KANSEN  Junbo WANG  Kaoru OTA  Zixue CHENG  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E93-D No:4

    With the progress of ubiquitous technology, ubiquitous learning presents new opportunities to learners. Situations of a learner can be grasped through analyzing the learner's actions collected by sensors, RF-IDs, or cameras in order to provide support at proper time, proper place, and proper situation. Training for acquiring skills and enhancing physical abilities through exercise and experience in the real world is an important domain in u-learning. A training program may last for several days and has one or more training units (exercises) for a day. A learner's performance in a unit is considered as short term state. The performance in a series of units may change with patterns: progress, plateau, and decline. Long term state in a series of units is accumulatively computed based on short term states. In a learning/training program, it is necessary to apply different support strategies to adapt to different states of the learner. Adaptation in learning support is significant, because a learner loses his/her interests easily without adaptation. Systems with the adaptive support usually provide stimulators to a learner, and a learner can have a great motivation in learning at beginning. However, when the stimulators reach some levels, the learner may lose his/her motivation, because the long term state of the learner changes dynamically, which means a progress state may change to a plateau state or a decline state. In different long term learning states, different types of stimulators are needed. However, the stimulators and advice provided by the existing systems are monotonic without changeable support strategies. We propose a mutual adaptive support. The mutual adaptation means each of the system and the learner has their own states. On one hand, the system tries to change its state to adapt to the learner's state for providing adaptive support. On the other hand, the learner can change its performance following the advice given based on the state of the system. We create a ubiquitous pet (u-pet) as a metaphor of our system. A u-pet is always with the learner and encourage the leaner to start training at proper time and to do training smoothly. The u-pet can perform actions with the learner in training, change its own attributes based on the learner's attributes, and adjust its own learning rate by a learning function. The u-pet grasps the state of the learner and adopts different training support strategies to the learner's training based on the learner's short and long term states.

  • Computational Complexity of Liveness Problem of Normal Petri Net

    Atsushi OHTA  Kohkichi TSUJI  


    E92-A No:11

    Petri net is a powerful modeling tool for concurrent systems. Liveness, which is a problem to verify there exists no local deadlock, is one of the most important properties of Petri net to analyze. Computational complexity of liveness of a general Petri net is deterministic exponential space. Liveness is studied for subclasses of Petri nets to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions that need less computational cost. These are mainly done using a subset of places called siphons. CS-property, which denotes that every siphon has token(s) in every reachable marking, in one of key properties in liveness analysis. On the other hand, normal Petri net is a subclass of Petri net whose reachability set can be effectively calculated. This paper studies computational complexity of liveness problem of normal Petri nets. First, it is shown that liveness of a normal Petri net is equivalent to cs-property. Then we show this problem is co-NP complete by deriving a nondeterministic algorithm for non-liveness which is similar to the algorithm for liveness suggested by Howell et al. Lastly, we study structural feature of bounded Petri net where liveness and cs-property are equivalent. From this consideration, liveness problem of bounded normal Petri net is shown to be deterministic polynomial time complexity.

  • Efficiently Computing Minimal-Support Nonnegative Integer Invariants of Petri Nets

    Toshimasa WATANABE  Satoshi TAOKA  


    E92-A No:11

    Invariants of Petri nets are fundamental algebraic characteristics of Petri nets, and are used in various situations, such as checking (as necessity of) liveness, boundedness, periodicity and so on. Any given Petri net N has two kinds of invariants: a P-invariant is a |P|-dimensional vector Y with Yt A = and a T-invariant is a |T|-dimensional vector X with A X = for the place-transition incidence matrix A of N. T-invariants are nonnegative integer vectors, while this is not always the case with P-invariants. This paper deals only with nonnegative integer invariants (invariants that are nonnegative vectors) and shows results common to the two invariants. For simplicity of discussion, only P-invariants are treated. The Fourier-Motzkin method is well-known for computing all minimal support integer invariants. This method, however, has a critical deficiency such that, even if a given Perti net N has any invariant, it is likely that no invariants are obtained because of an overflow in storing intermediate vectors as candidates for invariants. The subject of the paper is to give an overview and results known to us for efficiently computing minimal-support nonnegative integer invariants of a given Petri net by means of the Fourier-Motzkin method. Also included are algorithms for efficiently extracting siphon-traps of a Petri net.

  • Two Enhanced Heuristic Algorithms for the Minimum Initial Marking Problem of Petri Nets

    Satoru OCHIIWA  Satoshi TAOKA  Masahiro YAMAUCHI  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E92-A No:11

    The minimum initial marking problem of Petri nets (MIM) is defined as follows: "Given a Petri net and a firing count vector X, find an initial marking M0, with the minimum total token number, for which there is a sequence δ of transitions such that each transition t appears exactly X(t) times in δ, the first transition is enabled at M0 and the rest can be fired one by one subsequently." In a production system like factory automation, economical distribution of initial resources, from which a schedule of job-processings is executable, can be formulated as MIM. AAD is known to produce best solutions among existing algorithms. Although solutions by AMIM+ is worse than those by AAD, it is known that AMIM+ is very fast. This paper proposes new heuristic algorithms AADO and AMDLO, improved versions of existing algorithms AAD and AMIM+, respectively. Sharpness of solutions or short CPU time is the main target of AADO or AMDLO, respectively. It is shown, based on computing experiment, that the average total number of tokens in initial markings by AADO is about 5.15% less than that by AAD, and the average CPU time by AADO is about 17.3% of that by AAD. AMDLO produces solutions that are slightly worse than those by AAD, while they are about 10.4% better than those by AMIM+. Although CPU time of AMDLO is about 180 times that of AMIM+, it is still fast: average CPU time of AMDLO is about 2.33% of that of AAD. Generally it is observed that solutions get worse as the sizes of input instances increase, and this is the case with AAD and AMIM+. This undesirable tendency is greatly improved in AADO and AMDLO.

  • The Online Graph Exploration Problem on Restricted Graphs

    Shuichi MIYAZAKI  Naoyuki MORIMOTO  Yasuo OKABE  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory

    E92-D No:9

    The purpose of the online graph exploration problem is to visit all the nodes of a given graph and come back to the starting node with the minimum total traverse cost. However, unlike the classical Traveling Salesperson Problem, information of the graph is given online. When an online algorithm (called a searcher) visits a node v, then it learns information on nodes and edges adjacent to v. The searcher must decide which node to visit next depending on partial and incomplete information of the graph that it has gained in its searching process. The goodness of the algorithm is evaluated by the competitive analysis. If input graphs to be explored are restricted to trees, the depth-first search always returns an optimal tour. However, if graphs have cycles, the problem is non-trivial. In this paper we consider two simple cases. First, we treat the problem on simple cycles. Recently, Asahiro et al. proved that there is a 1.5-competitive online algorithm, while no online algorithm can be (1.25-ε)-competitive for any positive constant ε. In this paper, we give an optimal online algorithm for this problem; namely, we give a (1.366)-competitive algorithm, and prove that there is no (-ε)-competitive algorithm for any positive constant ε. Furthermore, we consider the problem on unweighted graphs. We also give an optimal result; namely we give a 2-competitive algorithm and prove that there is no (2-ε)-competitive online algorithm for any positive constant ε.

  • Performance Evaluation of Symbol-Wise XOR Based Bi-directional Relaying

    Jianming WU  Shunji MIYAZAKI  Kazuhisa OHBUCHI  Tomohiko TANIGUCHI  


    E92-B No:5

    In this paper, we investigate the system performance of decode and forward based bi-directional relaying based on symbol-wise XOR operation. This technique gives more freedom in selecting the modulation and coding scheme at relay stations, and significantly relaxes the transmission bottleneck. However, the performance degradation occurs when the modulation orders of both links differ from each other. To mitigate such an impact, we exploit a repetition coding scheme in conjunction with a redundant modulation code scheme by overlapping MCS levels. To this end, a system level simulation proves that the proposed scheme achieves about 43% capacity gain over bit-wise XOR based bi-directional relaying and gives additional 10% gain over symbol-wise XOR based bi-directional relaying.

  • Reachability Analysis of Variants of Communication-Free Petri Nets

    Chien-Liang CHEN  Suey WANG  Hsu-Chun YEN  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory

    E92-D No:3

    Communication-free Petri nets provide a net semantics for Basic Parallel Processes, which form a subclass of Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) a process calculus for the description and algebraic manipulation of concurrent communicating systems. It is known that the reachability problem for communication-free Petri nets is NP-complete. Lacking the synchronization mechanism, the expressive power of communication-free Petri nets is somewhat limited. It is therefore importance to see whether the power of communication-free Petri nets can be enhanced without sacrificing their analytical capabilities. As a first step towards this line of research, in this paper our main concern is to investigate, from the decidability/complexity viewpoint, the reachability problem for a number of variants of communication-free Petri nets, including communication-free Petri nets augmented with 'static priorities,' 'dynamic priorities,' 'states,' 'inhibitor arcs,' and 'timing constraints.'

  • A Tight Upper Bound on Online Buffer Management for Multi-Queue Switches with Bicodal Buffers

    Koji KOBAYASHI  Shuichi MIYAZAKI  Yasuo OKABE  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory

    E91-D No:12

    The online buffer management problem formulates the problem of queuing policies of network switches supporting QoS (Quality of Service) guarantee. In this paper, we consider one of the most standard models, called multi-queue switches model. In this model, Albers et al. gave a lower bound , and Azar et al. gave an upper bound on the competitive ratio when m, the number of input ports, is large. They are tight, but there still remains a gap for small m. In this paper, we consider the case where m=2, namely, a switch is equipped with two ports, which is called a bicordal buffer model. We propose an online algorithm called Segmental Greedy Algorithm (SG) and show that its competitive ratio is at most ( 1.231), improving the previous upper bound by ( 1.286). This matches the lower bound given by Schmidt.

  • Measures of End-User Information Competency in an Organizational Information Environment

    Chui Young YOON  

    LETTER-Language, Thought, Knowledge and Intelligence

    E91-A No:12

    Efficient use of information technology (IT) is considered a major determinant of an end-user's business performance and an enterprise's competitiveness. A 16-item tool that can efficiently measure end-user information competency is presented with the measures. The validity and reliability of the tool is confirmed, and the tool's theoretical and practical applications are discussed.

  • Effective Selective Detection Scheme Based on Pulse Repetition for Coherent UWB Systems

    Jaewoon KIM  Sekwon KIM  Wonjin SUNG  Yoan SHIN  


    E91-B No:11

    We propose a selective detection scheme based on pulse repetition considering both BER (Bit Error Rate) performance and complexity in coherent UWB (Ultra Wide Band) systems. To take system complexity into account, the proposed scheme transmits the UWB signals by pulse repetition at the transmitter, like conventional PRC (Pulse Repetition Coding). However, to effectively improve BER performance of the system, the proposed scheme performs selective detection by estimating the SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of the received pulse-repeated signal at the UWB receiver.
