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  • Integrated Intelligent Programming Environment for Learning Programming

    Haruki UENO  


    E77-D No:1

    This paper describes the concepts and methodologies of the INTELLITUTOR system which is an integrated intelligent programming environment for learning programming. INTELLITUTOR attempts to work as a human programming tutor to guide a user, i.e., a student, in writing a computer program, to detect logical errors within it, and to make advices not only for fixing them but also for letting him notice his misunderstandings. The system consists of three major modules, i.e., GUIDE, ALPUS and TUTOR. GUIDE is a guided editor for easy coding, ALPUS is an algorithm-based program understander, and TUTOR is an embedded-intelligent tutoring system for programming education. The ALPUS system can infer user's intentions from buggy codes in addition to detecting logical errors by means of knowledge-based reasoning. ALPUS uses four kinds of programming knowledge: 1) knowledge on algorithms, 2) Knowledge on programming techniques, 3) Knowledge on a programming language, and 4) Knowledge on logical errors. These knowledge are organized in a hierarchical procedure graph (HPG) as a multi-use knowledge base. The knowledge on logical errors was obtained by means of cognitive experiments. The student model is built by means of the results of ALPUS and interactions between a student and the system. Teaching is done based on the student model. Because the ITS subsystem, i.e., TUTOR, is embedded within the intelligent programming environment interactions for creating the student model could be minimized. Although the current system deals with the PASCAL language, most of the knowledge is applicable to those of procedure-oriented programming languages. The INTELLITUTOR system was implemented in the frame-based knowledge engineering environment ZERO and working on a UNIX workstation for system evaluation.

  • Pure Optical Parallel Array Logic System--An Optical Parallel Computing Architecture--

    Tsuyoshi KONISHI  Jun TANIDA  Yoshiki ICHIOKA  


    E77-C No:1

    We propose an optical computing architecture called pure optical parall array logic system (P-OPALS) as an instance of sophisticated optical computing system. On the P-OPALS, high density images can be processed in parallel using the optical system with high resolving power. We point out problems on the way to develop the P-OPALS and propose logical foundation of the P-OPALS called single-input optical array logic (S-OAL) as a solution of those problems. Based on the proposed architecture, an experimental system of the P-OPALS is constructed by using three optical techniques: birefringent encoding, selectable discrete correlator, and birefringent decoding. To show processing capability of the P-OPALS, some basic parallel operations are demonstrated. The results obtained indicate that image consisting of 300 100 pixels can be processed in parallel on the experimental P-OPALS. Finally, we estimate potential capability of the P-OPALS.

  • The Role of Student Models in Learning Environments

    John SELF  


    E77-D No:1

    The student model component of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) used to be considered central: it was the means by which the ITS could individually adapt the learning experience to suit the learner's perceived needs. However, the practical difficulty of building reliable student models, the evolution away from the knowledge communication style of ITSs towards a more constructivist philosophy, and the development of new media to support learning interactions have all combined to question the role (if any) for student models in current interactive learning environments (ILEs). In this paper we will explore the new role of student models by considering the lessons learned from five Lancaster projects (SAFE, EPIC, PEOPLEPOWER, CLORIS and SMILE). The main issues revolve (as usual) around the questions of control and learning objectives.

  • Interconnection Architecture Based on Beam-Steering Devices

    Hideo ITOH  Seiji MUKAI  Hiroyoshi YAJIMA  


    E77-C No:1

    Beam-steering devices are attractive for spatial optical interconnections. Those devices are essential not only for fixed connecting routed optical interconnections, but for flexible connecting routed optical interconnections. The flexible connecting routed optical interconections are more powerful than the conventional fixed connecting routed ones. Structures and characteristics of beam-steering devices, a beam-scanning laser diode and a fringe-shifting laser diode, are reported for those interconnections. Using these lasers, the configurations of several optical interconnections, such as optical buses and optical data switching links as examples of fixed and flexible connecting routed optical interconnections are discussed.

  • Improvement of "Soft Breakdown" Leakage of off-State nMOSFETs Induced by HBM ESD Events Using Drain Engineering for LDD Structure

    Ikuo KURACHI  Yasuhiro FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Failure Physics and Failure Analysis

    E77-A No:1

    Leakage enhancement after an ESD event has been analyzed for output buffer LDD MOSFETs. The HBM ESD failure threshold for the LDD MOSFETs is only 200-300 V and the failure is the leakage enhancement of the off-state MOSFETs called as "soft breakdown" leakage. This leakage enhancement is supposed to be caused by trapped electrons in the gate oxide and/or creation of interface states at the gate overlapped drain region due to snap-back stress during the ESD event. The mechanism of the lekage can be explained by band-to-band and/or interface state-to-band tunneling of electrons. The improvement of the HBM ESD threshold has been also evaluated by using two types of drain engineering which are additional arsenic implantation for the output LDD MOSFETs and "offset" gate MOSFET as a protection circuit for the output pins. By using these drain engineering, the threshold can be improved to more than 2000 V.

  • An Interactive Learning Environment for an Intelligent Tutoring System

    Akira TAKEUCHI  Setsuko OTSUKI  


    E77-D No:1

    This paper presents an experimental environment of an intelligent tutoring system called EXPITS. In this environment, users learn functions and the structure of the intelligent tutoring system and characteristics of knowledge processing. EXPITS provides facilities for investigating internal processes and internal states of the intelligent tutoring system. These facilities include visualization tools and controllers of internal processes. Because the internal states and behavior of ITS depend on student's understanding states, one cannot get total understanding of ITS without information about student's knowledge states. To solve this problem, we introduce a pseudo student which simulates a human student in order to visualize explicitly all information which affects ITS behavior. Target users of EXPITS are school teachers, who are users of intelligent tutoring systems, university students who are studying artificial intelligence and postgraduate students who are specially studying intelligent tutoring systems. We have designed EXPITS to achieve different learning objectives for these three kinds of users. The learning objective for school teachers is to understand the differnce between intelligent tutoring systems and traditional CAI systems. University students are expected to understand characteristics of knowledge processing and rule based systems. Lastly, EXPITS provides postgraduate students who are studying intelligent tutoring systems with a test bed for examining ability and efficiency of the system in different configurations by changing parameters and by replacing constituents of the system. To achieve these purposes, EXPITS has experimental facilities for the following four themes; relationship between the domain knowledge representation method and teaching activities, the selection method of teaching paradigms, relationship between problem solving processes and teaching activities, and student modeling.

  • Optimal Free-Sensors Allocation Problem in Safety Monitoring System

    Kenji TANAKA  Keiko SAITOH  

    LETTER-Reliability and Safety

    E77-A No:1

    This paper proposes an optimal free-sensors allocation problem (OFSAP) in safety monitoring systems. OFSAP is the problem of deciding the optimal allocation of several sensors, which we call free sensors, to plural objects. The solution of OFSAP gives the optimal allocation which minimizes expected losses caused by failed dangerous (FD)-failures and failed safe (FS)-failures; a FD-failure is to fail to generate an alarm for unsafe object and a FS-failure is to generate an alarm for safe object. We show an unexpected result that a safer object should be monitored by more sensors under certain conditions.

  • Development of a Simulation-Based Intelligent Tutoring System for Assisting PID Control Learning

    Takeki NOGAMI  Yoshihide YOKOI  Ichiro YANAGISAWA  Shizuka MITUI  


    E77-D No:1

    A simulation-based ITS (Intelligent tutoring system), SRIM, has been developed for the purpose of providing individualized learning to students of PID control. We first indicate that the following two steps will be a burden to the student during personal use of simulators: 1) Selection of operational goals and 2) Interpretation of the simulation results. In order to reduce the burden of students in learning with a simulator, SRIM guides the learning process by providing local goals for PID controller tuning and by giving messages. Two tutoring strategies: i.e. the exercise style strategy and the illustrating style strategy, are employed in SRIM. In the exercise style strategy, a local goal for tuning a PID controller is first given to the student. A local goal is defined as one which can be satisfied by a single operation step such as Decrease the off-set." The student selects his operation and executes the simulation. By observing the simulation, the student understands whether his operation was a success or a failure. The illustrating style strategy is invoked to repair the student's erroneous knowledge when a contradiction is detected in the student model or a wrong operation is selected repeatedly. The architecture of ITS is employed to perform the local goal selection and the tutoring strategy switching, in a natural, well timed manner. The performance of SRIM was evaluated for the purpose of demonstrating the effectiveness of the teaching strategy. The evaluation experiment was carried out in the following steps: 1) Pre-test, 2) Learning and 3) Post-test. The teaching effect of SRIM was compared with other learning methods such as simple use of simulators or a textbook from the results of the pre-test and the post-test. The results showed that SRIM is effective in providing individualized learning with simulators.

  • Identity-Based Non-interactive Key Sharing

    Hatsukazu TANAKA  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper an identity-based non-interactive key sharing scheme (IDNIKS) is proposed in order to realize the original concept of identity-based cryptosystem, of which secure realization scheme has not been proposed. First the necessary conditions for secure realization of IDNIKS are considered from two different poinrts of view: (i) the possibility to share a common-key non-interactively and (ii) the security for entity's conspiracy. Then a new non-interactive key sharing scheme is proposed, of which security depends on the difficulty of factoring. The most important contribution is to have succeeded in obtaining any entity's secret information as an exponent of the obtainer's identity information. The security of IDNIKS for entity's conspiracy is also considered in details.

  • Spectral Domain Analysis for Scattering Properties of Periodic Arrays on Dielectric Substrates

    Hideaki WAKABAYASHI  Masanobu KOMINAMI  Hiroji KUSAKA  Hiroshi NAKASHIMA  


    E76-B No:12

    A full-wave analysis for the scattering problem of infinite periodic arrays on dielectric substrates excited by a circularly-polarized incident wave is presented. The impedance boundary condition is solved by using the moment method in the spectral domain. Numerical results are given and scattering properties are discussed.

  • Data Compression of Long Time ECG Recording Using BP and PCA Neural Networks

    Yasunori NAGASAKA  Akira IWATA  


    E76-D No:12

    The performances of BPNN (neural network trained by back propagation) and PCANN (neural network which computes principal component analysis) for ECG data compression have been investigated from several points of view. We have compared them with an existing data compression method TOMEK. We used MIT/BIH arrhythmia database as ECG data. Both BPNN and PCANN showed better results than TOMEK. They showed 1.1 to 1.4 times higher compression than TOMEK to achieve the same accuracy of reproduction (13.0% of PRD and 99.0% of CC). While PCANN showed better learning ability than BPNN in simple learning task, BPNN was a little better than PCANN regarding compression rates. Observing the reproduced waveforms, BPNN and PCANN had almost the same performance, and they were superior to TOMEK. The following characteristics were obtained from the experiments. Since PCANN is sensitive to the learning rate, we had to precisely control the learning rate while the learning is in progress. We also found the tendency that PCANN needs larger amount of iteration in learning than BPNN for getting the same performance. PCANN showed better learning ability than BPNN, however, the total learning cost were almost the same between BPNN and PCANN due to the large amount of iteration. We analyzed the connection weight patterns. Since PCANN has a clear mathematical background, its behavior can be explained theoretically. BPNN sometimes generated the connection weights which were similar to the principal components. We supposed that BPNN may occasionally generate those patterns, and performs well while doing that. Finally we concluded as follows. Although the difference of the performances is smal, it was always observed and PCANN never exceeded BPNN. When the ease of analysis or the relation to mathematics is important, PCANN is suitable. It will be useful for the study of the recorded data such as statistics.

  • Ray Mode Coupling Analysis of Plane Wave Scattering by a Trough

    Hiroshi SHIRAI  Kazuhiro HIRAYAMA  


    E76-B No:12

    Electromagnetic plane wave scattering by a wide trough on the ground has been analyzed by high frequency asymptotic techniques based on Geometrical Theory of Diffraction. Field in the trough region has been formulated in terms of parallel plane waveguide modes, whose excitation (coupling) coefficients are obtained by ray-mode conversion techniques. Numerical calculation has been done extensively and thus obtained results are then compared with those by other methods. Good agreements have been observed except for oblique incidence case. It is found that first and secondary modal re-radiation fields from the indented trough region play an important role for scattering far field, and primary edge diffracted field contributes mainly to reflection boundary direction.

  • Separated Equivalent Edge Current Method for Calculating Scattering Cross Sections of Polyhedron Structures

    Yonehiko SUNAHARA  Hiroyuki OHMINE  Hiroshi AOKI  Takashi KATAGI  Tsutomu HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E76-B No:11

    This paper describes a novel method to calculate the fields scattered by a polyhedron structure for an incident plane wave. In this method, the fields diffracted by an edge are calculated using the equivalent edge currents which are separated into components dependent on each of the two surfaces which form the edge. The separated equivalent edge currents are based on the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD). Using this Separated Equivalent Edge Current Method (SEECM) , fields scattered by a polyhedron structure can be calculated without special treatment of the singularity in the diffraction coefficient. This method can be also applied successfully to structures with convex surfaces by modeling them as polyhedron structures.

  • Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by a Cavity Model with Lossy Inner Walls

    Noh-Hoon MYUNG  Young-Seek SUN  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E76-B No:11

    An approximate but sufficiently accurate high frequency solution is developed in this paper for analyzing the problem of electromagnetic plane wave scattering by an open-ended, perfectly-conducting, semi-infinite parallel-plate waveguide with a thin layer of lossy or absorbing material on its inner wall, and with a planar termination inside. The high frequency solution combines uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) and aperture integration (AI) methods. The present method has several advantages in comparison with other methods.

  • Synthesis of Protocol Specifications for Design of Responsive Protocols

    Hirotaka IGARASHI  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E76-D No:11

    Responsive protocols are communication protocols which ensure timely and reliable recovery when error events occur. Protocol synthesis for design of responsive protocols is to derive a protocol specification based on a service specification. In the previous methods, if the service specification includes simultaneous transmission of primitives from a high layer to a low layer through different service access points, then the derived protocol specification includes protocol errors of unspecified reception caused by message collisions. Also, they only includes a recovery function such as retransmission of messages. This is not enough for recovery from abnormal states due to coordination loss. This paper extends a class of derived protocol specifications to include message collisions which usually occur in real communication protocols. Furthermore, this paper proposes a new method for synthesis of a responsive protocal specification derived from a service specification such that the derived protocol specification is free from protocol erros of unspecified receptions caused by message collisions and includes two recovery functions: message retransmission and checkpoint restart functions.

  • Design of a Multiplier-Accumulator for High Speed lmage Filtering

    Farhad Fuad ISLAM  Keikichi TAMARU  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology

    E76-A No:11

    Multiplication-accumulation is the basic computation required for image filtering operations. For real-time image filtering, very high throughput computation is essential. This work proposes a hardware algorithm for an application-specific VLSI architecture which realizes an area-efficient high throughput multiplier-accumulator. The proposed algorithm utilizes a priori knowledge of filter mask coefficients and optimizes number of basic hardware components (e.g., full adders, pipeline latches, etc.). This results in the minimum area VLSI architecture under certain input/output constraints.

  • Inverse Scattering Analysis Based on the Equivalent Source Method for Perfectly Conducting Cylinders Using Scattered Data of Several Frequencies


    PAPER-Inverse Problem

    E76-C No:10

    The inverse problem we consider in this paper seeks, based on the equivalent source method, to determine the shape of perfectly conducting cylinders from the scattered farfield data obtained by using several incident waves. When incident waves of different frequencies are used, the shape of the scatterer can be reconstructed by employing only a few number of observation points. In the reconstruction problem, to determine the shape of the scatterer, the conjugate gradients method is applied. The general approach is applicable to cylindrical scatterers of arbitrary shape. Results of numerical simulations are presented to support the suggested approach.

  • Detecting Multiple Rigid Image Motions from an Optical Flow Field Obtained with Multi-Scale, Multi-Orientation Filters

    Hsiao-Jing CHEN  Yoshiaki SHIRAI  Minoru ASADA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:10

    A method for detecting multiple rigid motions in images from an optical flow field obtained with multi-scale, multi-orientation filters is proposed. Convolving consecutive gray scale images with a set of eight orientation-selective spatial Gaussian filters yields eight gradient constraint equations for the two components of a flow vector at every location. The flow vector and an uncertainty measure are obtained from these equations. In the neighborhood of motion boundary, the uncertainty of the flow vectors increase. By using multiple sets of filters of different scales, multiple flow vectors are obtained at every location, from which the one with minimal uncertainty measure is selected. The obtained flow field is then segmented in order to solve the aperture problem and to remove noise without blurring discontinuity in the flow field. Discontinuities are first detected as those locations where flow vectors have relatively larger uncertainty measures. Then similar flow vectors are gouped into regions. By modeling flow vectors, regions are merged to form segments each of which belongs to a planar patch of a rigid object in the scene.

  • A Study on the Design and Reliability Analysis of Concurrent System by Petri Nets: A Case on Lift System

    Gy Bum KIM  Gang Soo LEE  Jung Mo YOON  


    E76-A No:10

    In this paper, we show that Petri nets can be applied practically to design and analysis of concurrent, parallel and embedded mode systems such as a lift system that is familiar to our daily life. Modeling behavioral characteristics of the lift, we extend a standard Petri net by constant timed transition, faultable transition, stochastic transition and condition transition concepts. Likewise, we prsesnt some results of design and analysis of the system. This method can be applied to design and analysis of another concurrent systems.

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Dielectric Grating with Planar Slanted-Fringe

    Tsuneki YAMASAKI  Hirotaka TANAKA  

    PAPER-Scattering and Diffraction

    E76-C No:10

    The scattering of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric grating with planar slanted-fringe is analyzed using the improved Fourier series expansion method. In the analysis, the slanted grating region is divided into layers to make an assembly of stratified thin modulated index layers. This method can be applied to a wide range of periodic structures and is especially effective in the case of planar slanted grating, because the electromagnetic fields in the each layer can easily be obtained by shifting the solution in the first layer. In this paper, the numerical results are given for grating with rectangular and sinusoidal dielectric profiles, and for TM and TE cases of arbitrary incident angle. The diffraction efficiencies obtained by the presented method are compared with the results by the coupled-wave approach; the influences of the slant angle on the diffraction efficiencies at the Wood's anomaly and at the coupling resonance frequency are also discussed.
