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[Keyword] SPEC(1274hit)


  • Noise Spectrum Estimation with Entropy-Based VAD in Non-stationary Environments

    Bing-Fei WU  Kun-Ching WANG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:2

    This study presents a fast adaptive algorithm for noise estimation in non-stationary environments. To make noise estimation adapt quickly to non-stationary noise environments, a robust entropy-based voice activity detection (VAD) is thus required. It is well-known that the entropy-based measure defined in spectral domain is very insensitive to the changing level of nose. To exploit the specific nature of straight lines existing on speech-only spectrogram, the proposed spectrum entropy measurement improved from spectrum entropy proposed by Shen et al. is further presented and is named band-splitting spectrum entropy (BSE). Consequently, the proposed recursive noise estimator including BSE-based VAD can update noise power spectrum accurately even if the noise-level quickly changes.

  • Analysis of the Clock Jitter Effects in a Time Invariant Model of Continuous Time Delta Sigma Modulators

    Hossein SHAMSI  Omid SHOAEI  Roghayeh DOOST  


    E89-A No:2

    In this paper by using an exactly analytic approach the clock jitter in the feedback path of the continuous time Delta Sigma modulators (CT DSM) is modeled as an additive jitter noise, providing a time invariant model for a jittery CT DSM. Then for various DAC waveforms the power spectral density (psd) of the clock jitter at the output of DAC is derived and by using an approximation the in-band power of the clock jitter at the output of the modulator is extracted. The simplicity and generality of the proposed approach are the main advantages of this paper. The MATALB and HSPICE simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed formulas.

  • Remote Monitoring Scheme for Output Video of Standards Convertors

    Ryoichi KAWADA  Osamu SUGIMOTO  Atsushi KOIKE  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications" Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E89-B No:1

    As digital television transmission is becoming ubiquitous, a method that can remotely monitor the quality of the final and intermediate pictures is urgently needed. In particular, the case where standards conversion is included in the transmission chain is a serious issue as the input and output cannot simply be compared. This letter proposes a novel method to solve this issue. The combination of skipping fields/pixels and the previously proposed SSSWHT-RR method, using the information of correlation coefficients and variance of the picture, achieves accurate detection of picture failure.

  • Impact of the Line-of-Sight Propagation Component on the Orthogonality Factor of the Synchronous DS-CDMA Uplink

    Seung-Hoon HWANG  Lajos HANZO  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E89-B No:1

    This paper investigates a modifying orthogonality factor for synchronous DS-CDMA uplink in dispersive Rician multipath fading channels, which reflects upon the effects of specular path power as well as decaying channel characteristics. Using this investigation, the orthogonal factors in indoor environments are evaluated and compared with the various parameters such as decaying factor, line-of-sight component, and the number of multipaths.

  • Recursive Computation of Wiener-Khintchine Theorem and Bispectrum

    Khalid Mahmood AAMIR  Mohammad Ali MAUD  Arif ZAMAN  Asim LOAN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:1

    Power Spectral Density (PSD) computed by taking the Fourier transform of auto-correlation functions (Wiener-Khintchine Theorem) gives better result, in case of noisy data, as compared to the Periodogram approach in case the signal is Gaussian. However, the computational complexity of Wiener-Khintchine approach is more than that of the Periodogram approach. For the computation of short time Fourier transform (STFT), this problem becomes even more prominent where computation of PSD is required after every shift in the window under analysis. This paper presents a recursive form of PSD to reduce the complexity. If the signal is not Gaussian, the PSD approach is insufficient and we estimate the higher order spectra of the signal. Estimation of higher order spectra is even more time consuming. In this paper, recursive versions for computation of bispectrum has been presented as well. The computational complexity of PSD and bispectrum for a window size of N, are O(N) and O(N2) respectively.

  • A Binary Tree Based Methodology for Designing an Application Specific Network-on-Chip (ASNOC)

    Yuan-Long JEANG  Jer-Min JOU  Win-Hsien HUANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Architecture

    E88-A No:12

    In this paper, a methodology based on a mix-mode interconnection architecture is proposed for constructing an application specific network on chip to minimize the total communication time. The proposed architecture uses a globally asynchronous communication network and a locally synchronous bus (or cross-bar or multistage interconnection network MIN). First, a local bus is given for a group of IP cores so that the communications within this local bus can be arranged to be exclusive in time. If the communications of some IP cores should be required to be completed within a given amount of time, then a non-blocking MIN or a crossbar switch should be made for those IP cores instead of a bus. Then, a communication ratio (CR) for each pair of local buses is provided by users, and based on the Huffman coding philosophy, a process is applied to construct a binary tree (BT) with switches on the internal nodes and buses on the leaves. Since the binary tree system is deadlock free (no cycle exists in any path), the router is just a relatively simple and cheap switch. Simulation results show that the proposed methodology and architecture of NOC is better on switching circuit cost and performance than the SPIN and the mesh architecture using our developed deadlock-free router.

  • Exact Minimization of FPRMs for Incompletely Specified Functions by Using MTBDDs

    Debatosh DEBNATH  Tsutomu SASAO  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E88-A No:12

    Fixed polarity Reed-Muller expressions (FPRMs) exhibit several useful properties that make them suitable for many practical applications. This paper presents an exact minimization algorithm for FPRMs for incompletely specified functions. For an n-variable function with α unspecified minterms there are 2n+α distinct FPRMs, and a minimum FPRM is one with the fewest product terms. To find a minimum FPRM the algorithm requires to determine an assignment of the incompletely specified minterms. This is accomplished by using the concept of integer-valued functions in conjunction with an extended truth vector and a weight vector. The vectors help formulate the problem as an assignment of the variables of integer-valued functions, which are then efficiently manipulated by using multi-terminal binary decision diagrams for finding an assignment of the unspecified minterms. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated through experimental results for code converters, adders, and randomly generated functions.

  • Primitive Inductive Theorems Bridge Implicit Induction Methods and Inductive Theorems in Higher-Order Rewriting

    Keiichirou KUSAKARI  Masahiko SAKAI  Toshiki SAKABE  

    PAPER-Computation and Computational Models

    E88-D No:12

    Automated reasoning of inductive theorems is considered important in program verification. To verify inductive theorems automatically, several implicit induction methods like the inductionless induction and the rewriting induction methods have been proposed. In studying inductive theorems on higher-order rewritings, we found that the class of the theorems shown by known implicit induction methods does not coincide with that of inductive theorems, and the gap between them is a barrier in developing mechanized methods for disproving inductive theorems. This paper fills this gap by introducing the notion of primitive inductive theorems, and clarifying the relation between inductive theorems and primitive inductive theorems. Based on this relation, we achieve mechanized methods for proving and disproving inductive theorems.

  • Information-Spectrum Characterization of Multiple-Access Channels with Correlated Sources

    Ken-ichi IWATA  Yasutada OOHAMA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E88-A No:11

    In this paper, Information-Spectrum characterization is derived for the reliable transmission of general correlated sources over the general multiple-access channels. We consider the necessary and sufficient conditions for the transmission of general correlated sources over the general multiple-access channels by using Information-Spectrum methods which are introduced by Han and Verdu.

  • Symbolic Reachability Analysis of Probabilistic Linear Hybrid Automata

    Yosuke MUTSUDA  Takaaki KATO  Satoshi YAMANE  


    E88-A No:11

    We can model embedded systems as hybrid systems. Moreover, they are distributed and real-time systems. Therefore, it is important to specify and verify randomness and soft real-time properties. For the purpose of system verification, we formally define probabilistic linear hybrid automaton and its symbolic reachability analysis method. It can describe uncertainties and soft real-time characteristics.

  • Application of Cognitive Radio Technology across the Wireless Stack

    Paul KOLODZY  


    E88-B No:11

    The RF environment in the future will consist of many mobile devices operating across a wide range of applications. Most radio developments assume a static operating environment. The physical layer, MAC layer, and network protocols are optimized for that specific environment. However, this new RF environment consisting of many mobile devices will be very dynamic. Radios will need the capacity to sense and adapt to changing environmental conditions. That characteristic is generally associated with cognitive radio. This paper will provide an introduction to new strategies for designing systems for this new, dynamic environment using cognitive radio technology.

  • On Bit Error Probabilities of SSMA Communication Systems Using Spreading Sequences of Markov Chains

    Hiroshi FUJISAKI  Yosuke YAMADA  


    E88-A No:10

    We study asynchronous SSMA communication systems using binary spreading sequences of Markov chains and prove the CLT (central limit theorem) for the empirical distribution of the normalized MAI (multiple-access interference). We also prove that the distribution of the normalized MAI for asynchronous systems can never be Gaussian if chains are irreducible and aperiodic. Based on these results, we propose novel theoretical evaluations of bit error probabilities in such systems based on the CLT and compare these and conventional theoretical estimations based on the SGA (standard Gaussian approximation) with experimental results. Consequently we confirm that the proposed theoretical evaluations based on the CLT agree with the experimental results better than the theoretical evaluations based on the SGA. Accordingly, using the theoretical evaluations based on the CLT, we give the optimum spreading sequences of Markov chains in terms of bit error probabilities.

  • Information-Spectrum Characterization of Broadcast Channel with General Source

    Ken-ichi IWATA  Yasutada OOHAMA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E88-A No:10

    This paper clarifies a necessary condition and a sufficient condition for transmissibility for a given set of general sources and a given general broadcast channel. The approach is based on the information-spectrum methods introduced by Han and Verdu. Moreover, we consider the capacity region of the general broadcast channel with arbitrarily fixed error probabilities if we send independent private and common messages over the channel. Furthermore, we treat the capacity region for mixed broadcast channel.

  • Millimeter-Wave Broadband Mixers in New Testing and Measurement Instruments for High Data Rate Signal Analyses

    Masayuki KIMISHIMA  


    E88-C No:10

    The millimeter-wave (MMW) broadband mixers that are useful for measurement instruments to analyze MMW high data rate signals have been investigated. At first, we propose the specialized RF front-end for analyses of MMW high data rate signals. Next, the required specifications for the 1st mixers of the front-end are estimated, and the design, fabrication, and testing results of Q, V, and W-band monolithic broadband resistive mixers are described. The testing results are compared with performances of the diode mixer designed for V-band. It was found that the resistive mixers have very attractive performances of low conversion loss, good frequency flatness and high third order intercept point (IP3) with low Local (LO) oscillators power. The developed resistive mixers are suitable for the proposed MMW band measurement instruments.

  • Optimum Wavelength Filter Spectrum Response in DWDM Systems for Ultimate Spectral Efficiency

    Shuichi SUZUKI  Yasuo KOKUBUN  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E88-B No:9

    A method of evaluating the wavelength filter spectrum response is introduced. The increase of the crosstalk level due to the filtering and the relation between the total crosstalk and the spectral efficiency are derived in detail using the Gaussian filter. Since this method can be applied to various kinds of filter spectrum responses, the ultimate spectral efficiencies of filters are compared. In this comparison, the problem of the box-like filter, which has been considered to be desirable, is revealed, and this is improved by cascading the filter spectrum. The requirement on the rejection floor that inheres in the filter is also made clear.

  • Tradeoff between Area Spectral Efficiency and End-to-End Throughput in Rate-Adaptive Multihop Radio Networks

    Koji YAMAMOTO  Susumu YOSHIDA  


    E88-B No:9

    We investigate the impact of symbol rate control, modulation level control, and the number of hops on the area spectral efficiency of interference-limited multihop radio networks. By controlling symbol rate and modulation level, data rate can be adapted according to received power. In addition, varying the number of hops can control received power. First, we evaluate the achievable end-to-end throughput of multihop transmission assuming symbol rate and modulation level control. Numerical results reveal that by controlling symbol rate or using multihop transmission, the end-to-end communication range can be extended at the cost of end-to-end throughput, and this may result in lower area spectral efficiency. Next, an expression for the area spectral efficiency of multihop radio networks is derived as a function of the number of hops and the end-to-end throughput. Numerical results also reveal that the resulting area spectral efficiency depends on the specific circumstances, which, however, can be increased only by using multihop transmission.

  • Anti-Parallel Dipole Coupling of Quantum Dots via an Optical Near-Field Interaction

    Tadashi KAWAZOE  Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI  Motoichi OHTSU  


    E88-C No:9

    We observed the optically forbidden energy transfer between cubic CuCl quantum dots coupled via an optical near-field interaction using time-resolved near-field photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The energy transfer time and exciton lifetime were estimated from the rise and decay times of the PL pump-probe signal, respectively. We found that the exciton lifetime increased as the energy transfer time fell. This result strongly supports the notion that near-field interaction between QD makes the anti-parallel dipole coupling. Namely, a quantum-dots pair coupled by an optical near field has a long exciton lifetime which indicates the anti-parallel coupling of QDs forming a weakly radiative quadrupole state.

  • Design of UWB Pulses in Terms of B-Splines

    Mitsuhiro MATSUO  Masaru KAMADA  Hiromasa HABUCHI  

    PAPER-Pulse Shape

    E88-A No:9

    The present paper discusses a new construction of UWB pulses within the framework of soft-spectrum adaptation. The employed basis functions are B-splines having the following properties: (i) The B-splines are time-limited piecewise polynomials. (ii) The first-order B-splines are rectangular pulses and they converge band-limited functions at the limit that their order tends to infinity. (iii) There are an analog circuit and a fast digital filter for the generation of B-splines. Simple application of Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process to the shifted B-splines results in a few basic pulses, which are well time-limited and have a broad band width, but do not comply with the FCC spectral mask. A constrained approximation technique is proposed for adaptively designing pulses so that they approximate target frequency characteristics. At the cost of using eleven shifted B-splines, an example set of four pulses comforting the FCC spectral mask is obtained.

  • A Fast Encoding Technique for Vector Quantization of LSF Parameters

    Sangwon KANG  Yongwon SHIN  Changyong SON  Thomas R. FISCHER  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications" Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E88-B No:9

    A fast encoding technique is described for vector quantization (VQ) of line spectral frequency parameters. A reduction in VQ encoding complexity is achieved by using a preliminary test that reduces the necessary codebook search range. The test is performed based on two criteria. One criterion uses the distance between a specific single element of the input vector and the corresponding element of the codevectors in the codebook. The other criterion makes use of the ordering property of LSF parameters. The fast encoding technique is implemented in the enhanced variable rate codec (EVRC) encoding algorithm. Simulation results show that the average searching range of the codebook can be reduced by 44.50% for the EVRC without degradation of spectral distortion (SD).

  • Theory of Transmission and Dissipation of Radiation near a Metallic Slab Based on Angular Spectrum Representation

    Tetsuya INOUE  Yasuo OHDAIRA  Hirokazu HORI  


    E88-C No:9

    The radiation properties of oscillating electric dipoles are studied theoretically for three and four layered systems including a single metallic slab based on angular spectrum representation of vector spherical waves. One of the remarkable results obtained is the transmission energy spectrum showing strong dependence on the thickness of a dielectric layer placed between oscillating electric dipole and metallic surface, which explains the experimental results of molecular fluorescence into surface plasmon modes. The theory based on angular spectrum representation and tunneling current provides us with a clear identification of plasmonic excitation transfer, transmission loss associated with plasmon transport in metallic layer, and energy dissipation or quenching of excitation due to surface plasmon excitation at the metallic surface in relation to the characteristic complex wave number of evanescent waves.
