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[Keyword] color(289hit)


  • PCA-LDA Based Color Quantization Method Taking Account of Saliency

    Yoshiaki UEDA  Seiichi KOJIMA  Noriaki SUETAKE  


    E103-A No:12

    In this letter, we propose a color quantization method based on saliency. In the proposed method, the salient colors are selected as representative colors preferentially by using saliency as weights. Through experiments, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Hue-Correction Scheme Considering Non-Linear Camera Response for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion

    Kouki SEO  Chihiro GO  Yuma KINOSHITA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E103-A No:12

    We propose a novel hue-correction scheme for multi-exposure image fusion (MEF). Various MEF methods have so far been studied to generate higher-quality images. However, there are few MEF methods considering hue distortion unlike other fields of image processing, due to a lack of a reference image that has correct hue. In the proposed scheme, we generate an HDR image as a reference for hue correction, from input multi-exposure images. After that, hue distortion in images fused by an MEF method is removed by using hue information of the HDR one, on the basis of the constant-hue plane in the RGB color space. In simulations, the proposed scheme is demonstrated to be effective to correct hue-distortion caused by conventional MEF methods. Experimental results also show that the proposed scheme can generate high-quality images, regardless of exposure conditions of input multi-exposure images.

  • Contact Current Density Analysis Inside Human Body in Low-Frequency Band Using Geometric Multi-Grid Solver

    Masamune NOMURA  Yuki NAKAMURA  Hiroo TARAO  Amane TAKEI  


    E103-C No:11

    This paper describes the effectiveness of the geometric multi-grid method in a current density analysis using a numerical human body model. The scalar potential finite difference (SPFD) method is used as a numerical method for analyzing the current density inside a human body due to contact with charged objects in a low-frequency band, and research related to methods to solve faster large-scale simultaneous equations based on the SPFD method has been conducted. In previous research, the block incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradients (ICCG) method is proposed as an effective method to solve the simultaneous equations faster. However, even though the block ICCG method is used, many iterations are still needed. Therefore, in this study, we focus on the geometric multi-grid method as a method to solve the problem. We develop the geometric-multi-grid method and evaluate performances by comparing it with the block ICCG method in terms of computation time and the number of iterations. The results show that the number of iterations needed for the geometric multi-grid method is much less than that for the block ICCG method. In addition, the computation time is much shorter, depending on the number of threads and the number of coarse grids. Also, by using multi-color ordering, the parallel performance of the geometric multi-grid method can be greatly improved.

  • Improved Neighborhood Based Switching Filter for Protecting the Thin Curves in Arbitrary Direction in Color Images

    ChangCheng WU  Min WANG  JunJie WANG  WeiMing LUO  JiaFeng HUA  XiTao CHEN  Wei GENG  Yu LU  Wei SUN  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:9

    Although the classical vector median filter (VMF) has been widely used to suppress the impulse noise in the color image, many thin color curve pixels aligned in arbitrary directions are usually removed out as impulse noise. This serious problem can be solved by the proposed method that can protect the thin curves in arbitrary direction in color image and remove out the impulse noise at the same time. Firstly, samples in the 3x3 filter window are considered to preliminarily detect whether the center pixel is corrupted by impulse noise or not. Then, samples outside a 5x5 filter window are conditionally and partly considered to accurately distinguish the impulse noise and the noise-free pixel. At last, based on the previous outputs, samples on the processed positions in a 3x3 filter window are chosen as the samples of VMF operation to suppress the impulse noise. Extensive experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can be used to remove the impulse noise of color image while protecting the thin curves in arbitrary directions.

  • Rust Detection of Steel Structure via One-Class Classification and L2 Sparse Representation with Decision Fusion

    Guizhong ZHANG  Baoxian WANG  Zhaobo YAN  Yiqiang LI  Huaizhi YANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:2

    In this work, we present one novel rust detection method based upon one-class classification and L2 sparse representation (SR) with decision fusion. Firstly, a new color contrast descriptor is proposed for extracting the rust features of steel structure images. Considering that the patterns of rust features are more simplified than those of non-rust ones, one-class support vector machine (SVM) classifier and L2 SR classifier are designed with these rust image features, respectively. After that, a multiplicative fusion rule is advocated for combining the one-class SVM and L2 SR modules, thereby achieving more accurate rust detecting results. In the experiments, we conduct numerous experiments, and when compared with other developed rust detectors, the presented method can offer better rust detecting performances.

  • Psychological and Physiological Effects of Visible Light Communication Using Versatile CSK Code Patterns

    Takamasa SHIMADA  Noriko KONNO  Atsuya YOKOI  Noriharu MIYAHO  


    E103-A No:1

    Visible light communication (VLC) will play a wide variety of important roles in future communication services. This paper deals with color shift keying (CSK) for the modulation of visible light communications. There are some previous studies about psychological and physiological effects of colors. These studies implied that color offset CSKs have psychological and physiological effects, which normal CSK doesn't have. This paper evaluates the psychological and physiological effects of color offset CSKs compared with normal CSK based on interviews and electroencephalogram (alpha wave, beta wave, and P300) measurements. This study evaluates the feasibility of visible light communication providing added value by measuring arousal, rest, visual attraction, task performance, capacity of working memory, and response for the CSK codes. The results showed that red-, green- and blue-offset CSK have specific features. Red-offset CSK induces excitement and increasing wakefulness levels, attracts attention, enlarges capacity of working memory, raises task performance, and induces fast responses. Green-offset CSK maintains rest levels, elevates relaxation levels, reduces stress, raises task performance, and induces fast responses. Blue-offset CSK maintains rest levels and induces fast responses. It is thought that we can use color offset CSK appropriately and provide added value to their application by considering the results of psychological and physiological investigations. Red-offset CSK is thought to be suitable for commercial advertisements. Green- and blue-offset CSK are thought to be suitable for wireless communication environments in hospitals. Red- and green-offset CSK are thought to be suitable for wireless communication environments in business. Red-, green- and blue-offset CSK are thought to be suitable for use in intelligent transportation systems (ITS).

  • A Hue-Preserving Tone Mapping Scheme Based on Constant-Hue Plane Without Gamut Problem



    E102-A No:12

    We propose a novel hue-preserving tone mapping scheme. Various tone mapping operations have been studied so far, but there are very few works on color distortion caused in image tone mapping. First, LDR images produced from HDR ones by using conventional tone mapping operators (TMOs) are pointed out to have some distortion in hue values due to clipping and rounding quantization processing. Next,we propose a novel method which allows LDR images to have the same maximally saturated color values as those of HDR ones. Generated LDR images by the proposed method have smaller hue degradation than LDR ones generated by conventional TMOs. Moreover, the proposed method is applicable to any TMOs. In an experiment, the proposed method is demonstrated not only to produce images with small hue degradation but also to maintain well-mapped luminance, in terms of three objective metrics: TMQI, hue value in CIEDE2000, and the maximally saturated color on the constant-hue plane in the RGB color space.

  • An Integrated Method to Remove Color Cast and Contrast Enhancement for Underwater Image Open Access

    Siaw-Lang WONG  Raveendran PARAMESRAN  Ibuki YOSHIDA  Akira TAGUCHI  


    E102-A No:11

    Light scattering and absorption of light in water cause underwater images to be poorly contrasted, haze and dominated by a single color cast. A solution to this is to find methods to improve the quality of the image that eventually leads to better visualization. We propose an integrated approach using Adaptive Gray World (AGW) and Differential Gray-Levels Histogram Equalization for Color Images (DHECI) to remove the color cast as well as improve the contrast and colorfulness of the underwater image. The AGW is an adaptive version of the GW method where apart from computing the global mean, the local mean of each channel of an image is taken into consideration and both are weighted before combining them. It is applied to remove the color cast, thereafter the DHECI is used to improve the contrast and colorfulness of the underwater image. The results of the proposed method are compared with seven state-of-the-art methods using qualitative and quantitative measures. The experimental results showed that in most cases the proposed method produced better quantitative scores than the compared methods.

  • Adaptive Multi-Scale Tracking Target Algorithm through Drone

    Qiusheng HE  Xiuyan SHAO  Wei CHEN  Xiaoyun LI  Xiao YANG  Tongfeng SUN  


    E102-B No:10

    In order to solve the influence of scale change on target tracking using the drone, a multi-scale target tracking algorithm is proposed which based on the color feature tracking algorithm. The algorithm realized adaptive scale tracking by training position and scale correlation filters. It can first obtain the target center position of next frame by computing the maximum of the response, where the position correlation filter is learned by the least squares classifier and the dimensionality reduction for color features is analyzed by principal component analysis. The scale correlation filter is obtained by color characteristics at 33 rectangular areas which is set by the scale factor around the central location and is reduced dimensions by orthogonal triangle decomposition. Finally, the location and size of the target are updated by the maximum of the response. By testing 13 challenging video sequences taken by the drone, the results show that the algorithm has adaptability to the changes in the target scale and its robustness along with many other performance indicators are both better than the most state-of-the-art methods in illumination Variation, fast motion, motion blur and other complex situations.

  • Prediction of the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch Effect for Natural Images Using a Correction Function

    Yuki HAYAMI  Daiki TAKASU  Hisakazu AOYANAGI  Hiroaki TAKAMATSU  Yoshifumi SHIMODAIRA  Gosuke OHASHI  


    E102-A No:9

    The human visual system exhibits a characteristic known as the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch (H-K) effect: even if the hue and the lightness retain the same values, the actual lightness (perceived lightness) changes with changes in the color saturation. Quantification of this effect is expected to be useful for the future development and evaluation of high-quality displays. We have been studying the H-K effect in natural images projected by LED projectors, which play important roles in practical uses. To verify the effectiveness of the determinations of the H-K effect for natural images, we have performed a subjective-evaluation experiment by method of adjustment for natural images and compared the experimental values with values calculated from extended form of Nayatani's equation to apply to natural images. In general, we found a high correlation between the two, although there was a low correlation for some images. Therefore, we obtained a correction function derived from the subjective evaluation experiment value of 108 color (hue: 12 × saturation: 3 × lightness: 3) patterns and have applied it to estimate the equation H-K effect.

  • Micro-Expression Recognition by Leveraging Color Space Information

    Minghao TANG  Yuan ZONG  Wenming ZHENG  Jisheng DAI  Jingang SHI  Peng SONG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:6

    Micro-expression is one type of special facial expressions and usually occurs when people try to hide their true emotions. Therefore, recognizing micro-expressions has potential values in lots of applications, e.g., lie detection. In this letter, we focus on such a meaningful topic and investigate how to make full advantage of the color information provided by the micro-expression samples to deal with the micro-expression recognition (MER) problem. To this end, we propose a novel method called color space fusion learning (CSFL) model to fuse the spatiotemporal features extracted in different color space such that the fused spatiotemporal features would be better at describing micro-expressions. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed CSFL method, extensive MER experiments on a widely-used spatiotemporal micro-expression database SMIC is conducted. The experimental results show that the CSFL can significantly improve the performance of spatiotemporal features in coping with MER tasks.

  • The Coloring Reconfiguration Problem on Specific Graph Classes

    Tatsuhiko HATANAKA  Takehiro ITO  Xiao ZHOU  


    E102-D No:3

    We study the problem of transforming one (vertex) c-coloring of a graph into another one by changing only one vertex color assignment at a time, while at all times maintaining a c-coloring, where c denotes the number of colors. This decision problem is known to be PSPACE-complete even for bipartite graphs and any fixed constant c ≥ 4. In this paper, we study the problem from the viewpoint of graph classes. We first show that the problem remains PSPACE-complete for chordal graphs even if c is a fixed constant. We then demonstrate that, even when c is a part of input, the problem is solvable in polynomial time for several graph classes, such as k-trees with any integer k ≥ 1, split graphs, and trivially perfect graphs.

  • A Petri Net Approach to Generate Integer Linear Programming Problems

    Morikazu NAKAMURA  Takeshi TENGAN  Takeo YOSHIDA  


    E102-A No:2

    This paper proposes a Petri net based mathematical programming approach to combinatorial optimization, in which we generate integer linear programming problems from Petri net models instead of the direct mathematical formulation. We treat two types of combinatorial optimization problems, ordinary problems and time-dependent problems. Firstly, we present autonomous Petri net modeling for ordinary optimization problems, where we obtain fundamental constraints derived from Petri net properties and additional problem-specific ones. Secondly, we propose a colored timed Petri net modeling approach to time-dependent problems, where we generate variables and constraints for time management and for resolving conflicts. Our Petri net approach can drastically reduce the difficulty of the mathematical formulation in a sense that (1) the Petri net modeling does not require deep knowledge of mathematical programming and technique of integer linear model formulations, (2) our automatic formulation allows us to generate large size of integer linear programming problems, and (3) the Petri net modeling approach is flexible for input parameter changes of the original problem.

  • Color-to-Gray Conversion Method Considering Contrasts in Color Image

    Shi BAO  Zhiqiang LIU  Go TANAKA  


    E101-A No:11

    A new projection-based color-to-gray conversion method is proposed in this letter. In the proposed method, an objective function which considers color contrasts in an input image is defined. Projection coefficients are determined by minimizing the objective function. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed method.

  • Robust Index Code to Distribute Digital Images and Digital Contents Together

    Minsu KIM  Kunwoo LEE  Katsuhiko GONDOW  Jun-ichi IMURA  


    E101-D No:9

    The main purpose of Codemark is to distribute digital contents using offline media. Due to the main purpose of Codemark, Codemark cannot be used on digital images. It has high robustness on only printed images. This paper presents a new color code called Robust Index Code (RIC for short), which has high robustness on JPEG Compression and Resize targeting digital images. RIC embeds a remote database index to digital images so that users can reach to any digital contents. Experimental results, using our implemented RIC encoder and decoder, have shown high robustness on JPEG Comp. and Resize of the proposed codemark. The embedded database indexes can be extracted 100% on compressed images to 30%. In conclusion, it is able to store all the type of digital products by embedding indexes into digital images to access database, which means it makes a Superdistribution system with digital images realized. Therefore RIC has the potential for new Internet image services, since all the images encoded by RIC are possible to access original products anywhere.

  • Noise Removal Based on Surface Approximation of Color Line

    Koichiro MANABE  Takuro YAMAGUCHI  Masaaki IKEHARA  


    E101-A No:9

    In a local region of a color image, the color distribution often takes the form of a linear line in the RGB space. This property is called “Color Line” and we propose a denoising method based on this property. When a noise is added on an image, its color distribution spreads from the Color Line. The denoising is achieved by reducing the spread. In conventional methods, Color Line is assumed to be only a single line, but actual distribution takes various shapes such as a single line, two lines, and a plane and so on. In our method, we estimate the distribution in more detail using plane approximation and denoise each patch by reducing the spread depending on the Color Line types. In this way, we can achieve better denoising results than a conventional method.

  • Multilevel Thresholding Color Image Segmentation Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

    Sipeng ZHANG  Wei JIANG  Shin'ichi SATOH  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:8

    In this paper, a multilevel thresholding color image segmentation method is proposed using a modified Artificial Bee Colony(ABC) algorithm. In this work, in order to improve the local search ability of ABC algorithm, Krill Herd algorithm is incorporated into its onlooker bees phase. The proposed algorithm is named as Krill herd-inspired modified Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (KABC algorithm). Experiment results verify the robustness of KABC algorithm, as well as its improvement in optimizing accuracy and convergence speed. In this work, KABC algorithm is used to solve the problem of multilevel thresholding for color image segmentation. To deal with luminance variation, rather than using gray scale histogram, a HSV space-based pre-processing method is proposed to obtain 1D feature vector. KABC algorithm is then applied to find thresholds of the feature vector. At last, an additional local search around the quasi-optimal solutions is employed to improve segmentation accuracy. In this stage, we use a modified objective function which combines Structural Similarity Index Matrix (SSIM) with Kapur's entropy. The pre-processing method, the global optimization with KABC algorithm and the local optimization stage form the whole color image segmentation method. Experiment results show enhance in accuracy of segmentation with the proposed method.

  • Data Hiding in Spatial Color Images on Smartphones by Adaptive R-G-B LSB Replacement

    Haeyoung LEE  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:8

    This paper presents an adaptive least-significant-bit (LSB) steganography for spatial color images on smartphones. For each red, green, and blue color component, the combinations of All-4bit, One-4bit+Two-2bit, and Two-3bit+One-2bit LSB replacements are proposed for content-adaptivity and natural histograms. The high capacity of 8.4bpp with the average peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) 43.7db and fast processing times on smartphones are also demonstrated

  • Novel Defogging Algorithm Based on the Joint Use of Saturation and Color Attenuation Prior

    Chen QU  Duyan BI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:5

    Focusing on the defects of famous defogging algorithms for fog images based on the atmosphere scattering model, we find that it is necessary to obtain accurate transmission map that can reflect the real depths both in large depth and close range. And it is hard to tackle this with just one prior because of the differences between the large depth and close range in foggy images. Hence, we propose a novel prior that simplifies the solution of transmission map by transferring coefficient, called saturation prior. Then, under the Random Walk model, we constrain the transferring coefficient with the color attenuation prior that can obtain good transmission map in large depth regions. More importantly, we design a regularization weight to balance the influences of saturation prior and color attenuation prior to the transferring coefficient. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed defogging method outperforms the state-of-art image defogging methods based on single prior in terms of details restoring and color preserving.

  • Color Image Enhancement Method with Variable Emphasis Degree

    Hiromu ENDO  Akira TAGUCHI  


    E101-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose a new enhancement method for color images. In color image processing, hue preserving is required. The proposed method is performed into HSI color space whose gamut is same as RGB color space. The differential gray-level histogram equalization (DHE) is effective for gray scale images. The proposed method is an extension version of the DHE for color images, and furthermore, the enhancement degree is variable by introducing two parameters. Since our processing method is applied to not only intensity but also saturation, the contrast and the colorfulness of the output image can be varied. It is an important issue how to determine the two parameters. Thus, we give the guideline for how to decide the two parameters. By using the guideline, users can easily obtain their own enhancement images.
