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  • A Substrate Current Model for Analog CMOS Circuit Simulations

    Kwang Sub YOON  Jong Kug SEON  


    E78-A No:12

    This paper presents an accurate and semi-physical MOSFET substrate current model suitable for analog circuit simulations. The proposed model is valid over a wide range of the electric field present in MOSFET devices and is continuous from cut off region to saturation region. The developed model was implemented into the circuit simulator, SPICE3. Benchmark of the developed model was achieved by making comparisons between the measured data and the simulated data for MOSFET devices, push-pull CMOS inverters, a regulated cascode CMOS operational amplifier. The experimental results showed that the developed model was more accurate and computationally efficient than the conventional models.

  • The Skipping Technique: A Simple and Fast Algorithm to Find the Pitch in CELP Vocoder

    JooHun LEE  MyungJin BAE  Souguil ANN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:11

    A fast pitch search algorithm using the skipping technique is proposed to reduce the computation time in CELP vocoder. Based on the characteristics of the correlation function of speech signal, the proposed algorithm skips over certain ranges in the full pitch search range in a simple way. Though the search range is reduced, high speech quality can be maintained since those lags having high correlation values are not skipped over and are used for search by closed-loop analysis. To improve the efficiency of the proposed method, we develop three variants of the skipping technique. The experimental results show that the proposed and the modified algorithm can reduce the computation time in the pitch search considerably, over 60% reduction compared with the traditional full search method.

  • A Priori Estimation of Newton Type Homotopy Method for Calculating an Optimal Solution of Convex Optimization Problem

    Mitsunori MAKINO  


    E78-A No:10

    In this paper a priori estimation method is presented for calculating solution of convex optimization problems (COP) with some equality and/or inequality constraints by so-called Newton type homotopy method. The homotopy method is known as an efficient algorithm which can always calculate solution of nonlinear equations under a certain mild condition. Although, in general, it is difficult to estimate a priori computational complexity of calculating solution by the homotopy method. In the presented papers, a sufficient condition is considered for linear homotopy, under which an upper bound of the complexity can be estimated a priori. For the condition it is seen that Urabe type convergence theorem plays an important role. In this paper, by introducing the results, it is shown that under a certain condition a global minimum of COP can be always calculated, and that computational complexity of the calculation can be a priori estimated. Suitability of the estimation for analysing COP is also discussed.

  • A Mathematical Solution to a Network Designing Problem

    Yoshikane TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:10

    One of the major open issues in neural network research includes a Network Designing Problem (NDP): find a polynomial-time procedure that produces minimal structures (the minimum intermediate size, thresholds and synapse weights) of multilayer threshold feed-forward networks so that they can yield outputs consistent with given sample sets of input-output data. The NDP includes as a sub-problem a Network Training Problem (NTP) where the intermediate size is given. The NTP has been studied mainly by use of iterative algorithms of network training. This paper, making use of both rate distortion theory in information theory and linear algebra, solves the NDP mathematically rigorously. On the basis of this mathematical solution, it furthermore develops a mathematical solution Procedure to the NDP that computes the minimal structure straightforwardly from the sample set. The Procedure precisely attains the minimum intermediate size, although its computational time complexity can be of non-polynomial order at worst cases. The paper also refers to a polynomial-time shortcut to the Procedure for practical use that can reach an approximately minimum intermediate size with its error measurable. The shortcut, when the intermediate size is pre-specified, reduces to a promising alternative as well to current network training algorithms to the NTP.

  • Alternating Finite Automata with Counters and Stack-Counters Operating in Realtime

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:8

    This paper investigates the accepting powers of one-way alternatiog finite automata with counters and stack-counters (lafacs's) which operate in realtime. (The difference between counter" and stack-counter" is that the latter can be entered without the contents being changed, but the former cannot.) For each k0 and l0 ((k, l)(0, 0)), let 1AFACS(k, l, real) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating finite automata with k counters and l stack-counters, and let 1UFACS(k, l, real) (1NFACS(k, l, real)) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating finite automata with k counters and l stack-counters which have only universal (existential) states. We first investigate a relationship among the accepting powers of realtime lafacs's with only universal states, with only existential states, and with full alternation, and show, for example, that for each k0 and l0 ((k, l)(0, 0)), 1UFACS(k, l, real) 1NFACS(k, l, real) 1AFACS(k, l, real). We then investigate hierarchical properties based on the number of counters and stack-counters, and show, foe example, that for each k0 and l0 ((k, l)(0, 0)), and each X{U, N}, 1XFACS(k1, l, real)1AFACS(k, l, real)φ. We finally investigate a relationship between counters and stack-counters, and show, for example, that for each k0, l0 and m1, and each X{U, N}, 1XFACS(k, lm, real)1AFACS(k2m1, l, real)φ.

  • DSP Compiler for Matrix and Vector Expressions with Automatic Computational Ordering

    Nobuhiko SUGINO  Seiji OHBI  Akinori NISHIHARA  


    E78-A No:8

    A description language for matrix and vector expressions and its compiler for DSPs are shown. They provide both a user-friendly programming environment and efficient codes. In order to increase throughput and to reduce amount of methods based on mathematical laws are introduced. A method to decide the matrix and vector storage location suitable for processing on DSP is also proposed.

  • A Declarative Synchronization Mechanism for Parallel Object-Oriented Computation

    Takanobu BABA  Norihito SAITOH  Takahiro FURUTA  Hiroshi TAGUCHI  Tsutomu YOSHINAGA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:8

    We have designed and implemented a simple yet powerful declarative synchronization mechanism for a paralle object-oriented computation model. The mechanism allows the user to control multiple message reception, specify the order of message reception, lock an invocation, and specify relations as invocation constraints. It has been included in a parallel object-oriented language, called A-NETL. The compiler and operating system have been developed on a total architecture, A-NET (Actors NETwork). The experimental results show that (i) the mechanism allows the user to model asynchronous events naturally, without losing the integrity of described programs; (ii) the replacement of the mechanism with the user's code requires tedious descriptions, but gains little performance enhancement, and certainly loses program readability and integrity; (iii) the mechanism allows the user to shift synchronous programs to asynchronous ones, with a scalable reduction of execution times: an average 20.6% for 6 to 17 objects and 46.1% for 65 objects. These prove the effectiveness of the proposed synchronization mechanism.

  • Learning Theory Toward Genome Informatics

    Satoru MIYANO  

    PAPER-Machine Learning and Its Applications

    E78-D No:5

    This paper discusses some problems in Molecular Biology for which learning paradigms are strongly desired. We also present a framework of knowledge discovery by PAC-learning paradigm together with its theory and practice developed in our work for discovery from amino acid sequences.

  • On the Sample Complexity of Consistent Learning with One-Sided Error

    Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  

    PAPER-Computational Learning Theory

    E78-D No:5

    Although consistent learning is sufficient for PAC-learning, it has not been found what strategy makes learning more efficient, especially on the sample complexity, i.e., the number of examples required. For the first step towards this problem, classes that have consistent learning algorithms with one-sided error are considered. A combinatorial quantity called maximal particle sets is introduced, and an upper bound of the sample complexity of consistent learning with one-sided error is obtained in terms of maximal particle sets. For the class of n-dimensional axis-parallel rectangles, one of those classes that are consistently learnable with one-sided error, the cardinality of the maximal particle set is estimated and O(d/ε1/ε log 1/δ) upper bound of the learning algorithm for the class is obtained. This bound improves the bounds due to Blumer et al. and meets the lower bound within a constant factor.

  • A Parallel Algorithm for Determining the Congruence of Point Sets in Three-Dimensions

    Tatsuya AKUTSU  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:4

    This paper describes an O(log3n) time O(n/log n) processors parallel algorithm for determining the congruence (exact matching) of two point sets in three-dimensions on a CREW PRAM, where n is the maximum size of the input point sets. Although optimal O(n log n) time sequential algorithms were developed for this problem, no efficient parallel algorithm was known previously. In the algorithm, the original problem is reduced to the two-dimensional congruence problem by computing a three-dimensional point set cps(S) for each input point set S, where cps(S) satisfies the following conditions: 0|cps(S)|12; cps(T(S))T(cps(S)) for all isometric transformations T. The two-dimensional problem can be solved efficiently in parallel using a parallel version of a previously-known sequential algorithm. cps(S) is computed recursively in the following way: the size of a point set is reduced by a constant factor in each recursive step. To reduce the size of a point set, a convex hull is constructed and then it is regarded as a planar graph, so that combinatorial properties of a planar graph are used effectively. A sequential version of the algorithm works in O(n log n) time, so that this paper gives another optimal sequential algorithm. The presented algorithm can be applied for graphs such that each vertex corresponds to a point and each edge corresponds to a line segment connecting its endpoints. Moreover, the algorithm can be modified for computing the canonical form of a point set or a graph.

  • Parallel Algorithms for Refutation Tree Problem on Formal Graph Systems

    Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Satoru MIYANO  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:2

    We define a new framework for rewriting graphs, called a formal graph system (FGS), which is a logic program having hypergraphs instead of terms in first-order logic. We first prove that a class of graphs is generated by a hyperedge replacement grammar if and only if it is defined by an FGS of a special form called a regular FGS. In the same way as logic programs, we can define a refutation tree for an FGS. The classes of TTSP graphs and outerplanar graphs are definable by regular FGSs. Then, we consider the problem of constructing a refutation tree of a graph for these FGSs. For the FGS defining TTSP graphs, we present a refutation tree algorithm of O(log2nlogm) time with O(nm) processors on an EREW PRAM. For the FGS defining outerplanar graphs, we show that the refutation tree problem can be solved in O(log2n) time with O(nm) processors on an EREW PRAM. Here, n and m are the numbers of vertices and edges of an input graph, respectively.

  • Unification-Failure Filter for Natural Language

    Alfredo M. MAEDA  Hideto TOMABECHI  Jun-ichi AOE  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:1

    Graph unification is doubtlessly the most expensive process in unification-based grammar parsing since it takes the vast majority of the total parsing time of natural language sentences. A parsing time overload in unification consists in that, in general, no less than 60% of the graph unifications performed actually fail. Thus one way to achieve unification time speed-up is focusing on an efficient, fast way to deal with such unification failures. In this paper, a process, prior to unification itself, capable of filtering or stopping a considerably high percentage of graphs that would fail unification is proposed. This unification-filtering process consists of comparison of signatures that correspond to each one of the graphs to be unified. Unification-filter (hereafter UF) is capable of stopping around 87% of the non-unifiable graphs before unification itself takes place. UF takes significantly less time to detect graphs that do not unify and discard them than it would take to unification to fail the attempt to unify the same graphs. As a result of using UF, unification is performed in an around 71% of the time for the fastest known unification algorithm.

  • On the Number of Negations Needed to Compute Parity Functions

    Tetsuro NISHINO  Jaikumar RADHAKRISHNAN  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:1

    We exactly determine the number of negations needed to compute the parity functions and the complement of the parity functions. We show that with k NOT gates, parity can be computed on at most 2k+11 variables, and parity complement on at most 2k+12 variables. The two bounds are shown to be tight.

  • Two Algorithms for Modular Exponentiation Using Nonstandard Arithmetics

    Vassil DIMITROV  Todor COOKLEV  


    E78-A No:1

    Two new algorithms for performing modular exponentiation are suggested. Nonstandard number systems are used. The first algorithm is based on the representing the exponent as a sum of generalized Fibonacci numbers. This representation is known as Zeckendorf representation. When precomputing is allowed the resulting algorithm is more efficient than the classical binary algorithm, but requires more memory. The second algorithm is based on a new number system, which is called hybrid binary-ternary number system (HBTNS). The properties of the HBTNS are investigated. With or without precomputing the resulting algorithm for modular exponentiation is superior to the classical binary algorithm. A conjecture is made that if more bases are used asymptotically optimal algorithm can be obtained. Comparisons are made and directions for future research are given.

  • Information Leakage Measurement in a Distributed Computation Protocol

    Shin-ichi KAWAMURA  


    E78-A No:1

    This paper deals with the information leakage measurement in a distributed computation protocol called SASC. The SASC protocol is a kind of two-party protocol between a client and a server. The computation for RSA cryptosystem is the target of this paper. This paper shows that a secure RSA-SASC protocol proposed recently could be changed to be insecure if the client which has secret information were to complain about the computation result. This paper first clarifies how to measure the information amount which leaks through the protocol. It, then, shows an attack procedure to make use of the client's complaint. Effectiveness of the attack procedure is measured by the information theoretic measure. By using the same measure, it is shown that some attacks do not work to derive the client's secret. It is also shown that a practical countermeasure to limit the number of incorrect computation allowed is effctive to limit the leakage of the secret information to some reasonable extent.

  • On the Negation-Limited Circuit Complexity of Clique Functions

    Tetsuro NISHINO  Keisuke TANAKA  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:1

    A negation-limited circuit is a combinational circuit which includes at most [log(n1)] NOT gates. We show a relationship between the size of negation-limited circuits computing clique functions and the number of NOT gates in the circuits.

  • Complexity of Finding Alphabet Indexing

    Shinichi SHIMOZONO  Satoru MIYANO  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:1

    For two finite disjoint sets P and Q of strings over an alphabet Σ, an alphabet indexing for P, Q by an indexing alphabet Γ with |Γ||Σ| is a mapping :ΣΓ satisfying (P)(Q), where :Σ*Γ* is the homomorphism derived from . We defined this notion through experiments of knowledge acquisition from amino acid sequences of proteins by learning algorithms. This paper analyzes the complexity of finding an alphabet indexing. We first show that the problem is NP-complete. Then we give a local search algorithm for this problem and show a result on PLS-completeness.

  • On Computing Connecting Orbits: General Algorithm and Applications to the Sine–Gordon and Hodgkin–Huxley Equations


    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E77-A No:11

    A systematic method for locating and computing branches of connecting orbits developed by the authors is outlined. The method is applied to the sine–Gordon and Hodgkin–Huxley equations.

  • A Parallel Method for the Prefix Convex Hulls Problem

    Wei CHEN  Koji NAKANO  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Nobuki TOKURA  

    PAPER-Algorithms, Data Structures and Computational Complexity

    E77-A No:10

    Given a sorted set S of n points in the plane, the prefix convex hulls problem of S is to compute the convex hull for every prefix set of S. We present a parallel algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm runs in O(logn) time using n/logn processors in the CREW PRAM computational model. The algorithm is shown to be time and cost optimal. One of the techniques we adopt to achieve these optimal bounds is the use of a new parallel data structure Array-Tree.

  • A Polynomial Time Learning Algorithm for Recognizable Series

    Hiroyuki OHNISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:10

    Recognizable series is a model of a sequential machine. A recognizable series S is represented by a triple (λ,µ,γ), called a linear representation of S, where λ is a row vector of dimension n specifying the initial state, γ is a column vector of dimension n specifying the output at a state, and µ is a morphism from input words to nn matrices specifying the state transition. The output for an input word w is defined as λ(µw) γ, called the coefficient of w in S, and written as (S,w). We present an algorithm which constructs a reduced linear representation of an unknown recognizable series S, with coefficients in a commutative field, using coefficient queries and equivalence queries. The answer to a coefficient query, with a word w, is the coefficient (S, w) of w in S. When one asks an equivalence query with a linear representation (λ,µ,γ), if (λ,µ,γ) is a linear representation of S, yes is returned, and otherwise a word c such that λ (µc) γ(S, c) and the coefficient (S, c) are returned: Such a word c is called a counterexample for the query. For each execution step of the algorithm, the execution time consumed from the initial step to the current step is O(mN 4M), where N is the dimension of a reduced linear representation of S, M is the maximum time consumed by a single fundamental operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division), and m is the maximum length of counterexamples as answers to equivalence queries returned until that step.
