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  • Requirements Specification and Analysis of Digital Systems Using FARHDL

    Victor R. L. SHEN  Feng-Ho KUO  Feipei LAI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E81-D No:3

    As expert system technology gains wider acceptance in digital system design, the need to build and maintain a large scale knowledge base will assume greater importance. However, how to build a correct and efficient rule base is even a hard part in the knowledge-based system development. In this paper, we develop FARHDL (Frame-And-Rule-based Hardware Description Language) to form a knowledge base. The FARHDL is simple but powerful to specify the hardware requirements and can be directly simulated by PROLOG. Through the knowledge base transformed from FARHDL, a formal method can be developed to design, implement, and validate the digital hardware systems. Furthermore, behavioral properties, anomaly properties, structural properties, and timing properties are applied to analyze the requirements specification. The purposes of those properties are used to detect explicit/implicit incorrect specification clauses and to capture some desired requirements, such as completeness and consistency. Finally, the analysis results can be a useful tool for finding obscure problems in tricky digital system designs and can also aid in the development of formal specifications.

  • A Cascade Form Predictor of Neural and FIR Filters and Its Minimum Size Estimation Based on Nonlinearity Analysis of Time Series

    Ashraf A. M. KHALAF  Kenji NAKAYAMA  


    E81-A No:3

    Time series prediction is very important technology in a wide variety of fields. The actual time series contains both linear and nonlinear properties. The amplitude of the time series to be predicted is usually continuous value. For these reasons, we combine nonlinear and linear predictors in a cascade form. The nonlinear prediction problem is reduced to a pattern classification. A set of the past samples x(n-1),. . . ,x(n-N) is transformed into the output, which is the prediction of the next coming sample x(n). So, we employ a multi-layer neural network with a sigmoidal hidden layer and a single linear output neuron for the nonlinear prediction. It is called a Nonlinear Sub-Predictor (NSP). The NSP is trained by the supervised learning algorithm using the sample x(n) as a target. However, it is rather difficult to generate the continuous amplitude and to predict linear property. So, we employ a linear predictor after the NSP. An FIR filter is used for this purpose, which is called a Linear Sub-Predictor (LSP). The LSP is trained by the supervised learning algorithm using also x(n) as a target. In order to estimate the minimum size of the proposed predictor, we analyze the nonlinearity of the time series of interest. The prediction is equal to mapping a set of past samples to the next coming sample. The multi-layer neural network is good for this kind of pattern mapping. Still, difficult mappings may exist when several sets of very similar patterns are mapped onto very different samples. The degree of difficulty of the mapping is closely related to the nonlinearity. The necessary number of the past samples used for prediction is determined by this nonlinearity. The difficult mapping requires a large number of the past samples. Computer simulations using the sunspot data and the artificially generated discrete amplitude data have demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed predictor and the nonlinearity analysis.

  • Ultrashort Optical Pulse Shaping by Electrooptic Synthesizer

    Dae-Sik KIM  Tattee KHAYIM  Akihiro MORIMOTO  Tetsuro KOBAYASHI  


    E81-C No:2

    We demonstrate an electrooptic synthesis technique for generating arbitrarily shaped short optical pulses from a CW narrow linewidth laser. For the optical pulse shaping, a large-amplitude electrooptic phase modulator is specially fabricated by employing the quasi-velocity-matching. The phase modulated light having sidebands as wide as 1 THz is separated and phase-only-controlled spatially by a liquid crystal modulator array. After composing the light by using a grating, nearly 1. 2 ps of Fourier-transform-limited optical pulses is obtained.

  • A Field Theory of Pattern Identification Using the Concept of Gauge Fields

    Masahiro AGU  Mitsuhiro YAMADA  Andreas DAFFERTSHOFER  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:2

    A field theory for geometrical pattern identification is developed based on the postulate that various modified patterns are identified via invariant characteristics of pattern transformations. The invariant characteristics of geometrical patterns are written as the functional of the light intensity distribution of pattern, its spatial gradient, and also its spatial curvature. Some definite expressions of the invariant characteristic functional for two dimensional linear transformation are derived, and their invariant and feature extracting property are examined numerically. It is also shown that the invariant property is conserved even when patterns are deformed locally by introducing a "gauge field" as new degree of freedom in the functional in form of a covariant derivative. Based on this idea, we discuss a field theoretical model for pattern identification performed in biological systems.

  • Tree Automaton with Tree Memory

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Izumi HAYAKAWA  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E81-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose an extension of finite state tree automaton, called tree automaton with tree memory (TTA), and also define structure composing TTA (SC-TTA) and backward deterministic TTA (BD-TTA) as subclasses of TTA. We show that the classes of yield languages accepted by TTAs, SC-TTAs and BD-TTAs are equal to the class of recursively enumerable languages, the class of languages generated by tree-to-string finite state translation systems (TSFSTSs) and the class of languages generated by deterministic TSFSTSs, respectively. As a corollary, it is shown that the yield language accepted by an SC-TTA (resp. a BD-TTA) is linear space (resp. polynomial time) recognizable.

  • Perceptual Contributions of Static and Dynamic Features of Vocal Tract Characteristics to Talker Individuality

    Weizhong ZHU  Hideki KASUYA  


    E81-A No:2

    Experiments were performed to investigate perceptual contributions of static and dynamic features of vocal tract characteristics to talker individuality. An ARX (Auto-regressive with exogenous input) speech production model was used to extract separately voice source and vocal tract parameters from a Japanese sentence, /aoiueoie/ ("Say blue top" in English) uttered by three males. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) was applied to resolve formant trajectories of the speech signal into static and dynamic components. The perceptual contributions were quantitatively studied by systematically replacing the corresponding formant components of the sentences between the three talkers. Results of the experiments show that the static (average) feature of the vocal tract is a primary cue to talker individuality.

  • Active-Impedance Analysis of Narrow-Band Crystal Oscillators with Resonator Filters and Its Application to Dual-Mode Crystal Oscillators

    lkuo NIIMI  Yasuaki WATANABE  Hitoshi SEKIMOTO  Shigeyoshi GOKA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E81-C No:2

    This paper describes a method for analyzing active impedance, i. e. equivalent resistance and equivalent reactance, of a narrow-band transistor Colpitts crystal oscillator. This oscillator, employing an AT-cut resonator filter, has a very narrow-band width and an achievement of extremely low phase-noise characteristics is expected. The analysis proposed is based on an algebraic formula, which employs a nonlinear approximation for transistor gm, and a simplified circuit model. Calculated results are compared with the experimental results in the frequency characteristics of the oscillator active impedance with changing the driving signal current. Good agreement between the calculation and experimental results shows that the proposed technique is suitable for designing Colpitts crystal oscillators with resonator filters. In addition we apply this technique to the analysis of dual-mode crystal oscillators.

  • Simulation & Measurement of TCP/IP over ATM Wide Area Networks

    Georgios Y. LAZAROU  Victor S. FROST  Joseph B. EVANS  Douglas NIEHAUS  

    PAPER-ATM switch interworking

    E81-B No:2

    Predicting the performance of high speed wide area ATM networks (WANs) is a difficult task. Evaluating the performance of these systems by means of mathematical models is not yet feasible. As a result, the creation of simulation models is usually the only means of predicting and evaluating the performance of such systems. In this paper, we use measurements to validate simulation models of TCP/IP over high speed ATM wide area networks. Validation of simulations with measurements is not common; however, it is needed so that simulation models can be used with confidence to accurately characterize the performance of ATM WANs. In addition, the appropriate level of complexity of the simulation models needs to be determined. The results show that under appropriate conditions simulation models can accurately predict the performance of complex high speed ATM wide area networks. This work also shows that the user perceived performance is dependent on host processing demands.

  • Two Types of Adaptive Beamformer Using 2-D Joint Process Lattice Estimator

    Tateo YAMAOKA  Takayuki NAKACHI  Nozomu HAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:1

    This paper presents two types of two-dimensional (2-D) adaptive beamforming algorithm which have high rate of convergence. One is a linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamforming algorithm which minimizes the average output power of a beamformer, and the other is a generalized sidelobe canceler (GSC) algorithm which generalizes the notion of a linear constraint by using the multiple linear constraints. In both algorithms, we apply a 2-D lattice filter to an adaptive filtering since the 2-D lattice filter provides excellent properties compared to a transversal filter. In order to evaluate the validity of the algorithm, we perform computer simulations. The experimental results show that the algorithm can reject interference signals while maintaining the direction of desired signal, and can improve convergent performance.

  • Security of the Extended Fiat-Shamir Schemes

    Kazuo OHTA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E81-A No:1

    Fiat-Shamir's identification and signature scheme is efficient as well as provably secure, but it has a problem in that the transmitted information size and memory size cannot simultaneously be small. This paper proposes an identification and signature scheme which overcomes this problem. Our scheme is based on the difficulty of extracting theL-th roots modn (e. g.L=2 1020) when the factors ofnare unknown. We prove that the sequential version of our scheme is a zero knowledge interactive proof system and our parallel version reveals no transferable information if the factoring is difficult. The speed of our scheme's typical implementation is at least one order of magnitude faster than that of the RSA scheme and is relatively slow in comparison with that of the Fiat-Shamir scheme.

  • Generalized Permutation Alphabets and Generating Groups

    The Cuong DINH  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E81-A No:1

    Recently reported multidimensional geometrically uniform signal constellations (L MPSK and Decomposed-Lattice constellations) are joined in the term of Generalized Permutation Alphabets (GPA). Possibility of a binary isometric labeling of GPA's is completely characterized. An algorithm for constructing generating groups of PSK-type GPA is proposed. We show that this concept, when is extended to the lattice, gives rise to a class of new coset codes which perform out best codes listed in [11].

  • Group Cipher System for Intranet Security

    Hiromichi ITO  Seiichi SUSAKI  Masato ARAI  Minoru KOIZUMI  Kazuo TAKARAGI  


    E81-A No:1

    A group-oriented cipher communication method is developed and implemented on a WWW-based (World Wide Web) network system. In this method, a group key common to all entities of the group is generated based on the group name or the identities of entities belonging to the group. The group key, in turn, is used for encrypting the data being shared among the group via the WWW server. The data theft at the WWW cache sites on the intermediate communication line is prevented, establishing a unified feature of the good WWW cache performance and security. A prototype of our method proved the feasibility and the efficiency.

  • Comment on "On the One-Way Algebraic Homomorphism"

    Li XIAOJIE  Yi Xian YANG  


    E81-A No:1

    A multiple signature scheme proposed in [1] is proved to be insecure.

  • High-Speed Similitude Retrieval for a Viewpoint-Based Similarity Discrimination System

    Takashi YUKAWA  Kaname KASAHARA  Kazumitsu MATSUZAWA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E80-D No:12

    This paper proposes high-speed similitude retrieval schemes for a viewpoint-based similarity discrimination system (VB-SDS) and presents analytical and experimental performance evaluations. The VB-SDS, which contains a huge set of semantic definitions of commonly used words and computes semantic similarity between any two words under a certain viewpoint, promises to be a very important module in analogical and case-based reasoning systems that provide solutions under uncertainty. By computing and comparing similarities for all words contained in the system, the most similar word for a given word can be retrieved under a given viewpoint. However, the time this consumes makes the VB-SDS unsuitable for inference systems. The proposed schemes reduce search space based on the upper bound of a similarity calculation function to increase retrieval speed. An analytical evaluation shows the schemes can achieve a thousand-fold speedup and confirmed through experimental results for a VB-SDS containing about 40,000 words.

  • CDMA for Personal Communications Based on Low Earth-Orbital Satellite Systems

    Akira OGAWA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Abbas JAMALIPOUR  


    E80-A No:12

    This paper is concerned with CDMA applied to personal and mobile communications on a global basis using multiple low earth orbital satellites (LEOS). We focus our attention on some unique aspects of LEOS systems and discuss their influences on the CDMA system performance as well as the techniques for coping with these aspects. We deal with three kinds of important items that are unique to LEOS systems; Doppler frequency shift due to satellite movement, propagation delay affecting packetized data transmission and geographical nonunifomity in traffic.

  • Prefiltering for LMS Based Adaptive Receivers in DS/CDMA Communications

    Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  Kazuo YAMANAKA  


    E80-A No:12

    In this paper, three issues concerning the linear adaptive receiver using the LMS algorithm for single-user demodulation in direct-sequence/code-division multiple-access (DS/CDMA) systems are considered. First, the convergence rate of the LMS algorithm in DS/CDMA environment is considered theoretically. Both upper and lower bounds of the eigenvalue spread of the autocorrelation matrix of receiver input signals are derived. It is cleared from the results that the convergence rate of the LMS algorithm becomes slow when the signal power of interferer is large. Second, fast converging technique using a prefilter is considered. The LMS based adaptive receiver using an adaptive prefilter adjusted by a Hebbian learning algorithm to decorrelate the input signals is proposed. Computer simulation results show that the proposed receiver provides faster convergence than the LMS based receiver. Third, the complexity reduction of the proposed receiver by prefiltering is considered. As for the reduced complexity receiver, it is shown that the performance degradation is little as compared with the full complexity receiver.

  • Polarization Transformation Characteristics of a Stratified Uniaxial Chiral Slab

    Atsushi KUSUNOKI  Mitsuru TANAKA  


    E80-C No:11

    Polarization transformation characteristics of a statified slab consisting of uniaxial chiral layers are investigated. It is assumed that a plane electromagnetic wave with arbitrary polarization is normally incident from free space on the stratified slab, which is located on a dielectric substrate. Note that the electric field inside a uniaxial chiral layer is expressed as a sum of four plane waves with different wavenumbers. The wavenumbers are found by seeking non-trivial solutions of the constitutive relations with Maxwell's equations. The electric field components of the transmitted and reflected waves can be obtained from a chainmatrix formalism. The powers and the Stokes parameters of the two waves are represented in terms of their electric field components. As is well known, the Stokes parameters uniquely describe every possible state of polarization of a plane wave. Numerical results are presented for two types of uniaxial chiral structure. The cross- and co-polarized powers and the Stokes parameters of the transmitted and reflected waves are computed for the incident plane wave of linear polarization. The results demonstrate a significant polarization transformation of the transmitted wave. Then it is shown that the stratified slab can be used as efficient polarization-transformation transmission filters active at some frequency band.

  • A Sparse-Matrix/Canonical Grid Method for Analyzing Microstrip Structures

    Chi H.CHAN  Chien Min LIN  Leung TSANG  Yiu Fung LEUNG  


    E80-C No:11

    In this paper, we illustrate the analysis of microstrip structures with a large number of unknowns using the sparse-matrix/canonical grid method. This fast Fourier thansform (FFT) based iterative method reduces both CPU time and computer storage memory requirements. We employ the Mixed-Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) formulation in conjunction with the RWG triangular discretization. The required spatial-domain Green's functions are obtained efficiently and accurately using the Complex Image Method (CIM). The impedance matrix is decomposed into a sparse matrix which corresponds to near interactions and its complementary matrix which corresponds to far interactions among the subsectional current elements on the microstrip structures. During the iterative process, the near-interaction portion of the matrix -vector multiplication is computed directly as the conventional MPIE formulation. The far-interaction portion of the matrix-vector multiplication is computed indirectly using fast Fourier transforms (FFTs). This is achieved by a Taylor series expansion of the Green's function about the grid points of a uniformly-spaced canonical grid overlaying the triangular discretization.

  • A Simple Relation between Loss Performance and Buffer Contents in a Statistical Multiplexer with Periodic Vacations

    Koohong KANG  Bart STEYAERT  Cheeha KIM  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Services

    E80-B No:11

    In this Letter, we investigate the loss performance of a discrete-time single-server queueing system with periodic vacations, with which we are often confronted in traffic control, such as cell scheduling or priority control schemes, at ATM nodes. Explicit expressions are derived for the cell loss ratio in terms of the distribution of the buffer contents in an infinite capacity queue.

  • Design of Printed Circuit Boards as a Part of an EMC-Adequate System Development

    Werner JOHN  


    E80-B No:11

    The EMC-adequate design of microelectronic systems includes all actions intended to eliminate electromagnetic interference in electronic systems. Challenges faced in the microelectronic area include a growing system complexity, high integration levels and higher operating speeds at all levels of integration (chip, MCM, printed circuit board and system). The growing complexity, denser design and higher speed all lead to a substantial increase in EMC problems and accordingly the design time. EMC is not commonly accepted as a vital topic in microelectronic design. Microelectronic designers often are of the opinion that EMC is limited to electrical and electronic systems and the mandatory product regulations instead of setting requirements also for the integrated circuit they are designing. In this contribution a concept for an EMC-adequate design of electronic systems will be introduced. This concept is based on a generalized development process to integrate EMC-constraints into the system design. A prototype of an environment to analyse signal integrity effects on PCB based on a workflow oriented integration approach will be presented. Based on this approach the generation of user specific design and analysis environments including various set of EMC-tools is possible.
