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  • Frequency Reuse Power Allocation for Broadband Cellular Networks

    Joohwan KIM  Hyukmin SON  Sanghoon LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:2

    An FRPA (frequency reuse power allocation) technique by employing the frequency reuse notion as a strategy for overcoming the ICI (intercell interference) and maintaining the QoS (quality of service) at the cell boundary is described for broadband cellular networks. In the scheme, the total bandwidth is divided into sub-bands and two different power levels are then allocated to sub-bands based on the frequency reuse for forward-link cell planning. In order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a Monte Carlo simulation was performed based on the Chernoff upper bound. The simulation shows that this technique can achieve a high channel throughput while maintaining the required QoS at the cell boundary.

  • An Improved Scheme for Channel Parameter Estimation in Mobile Communication Systems

    Jingyu HUA  Xiaohu YOU  Dongming WANG  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E88-C No:12

    In [1], an algorithm based on phase variations of received pilot symbols was proposed to estimate one of the most important channel parameters, maximum Doppler shift, fd. However, AWGN (Additive white gauss noise) will cause large estimation error in some cases. In order to analyze the influence of noise, we extended the phase probability density function (pdf) in [1] to the scenario with both fading and AWGN, then the estimation error is characterized in closed-form expression. By this error expression, we found that power control will affect the estimator of [1] and we proposed a modification method based on SNR estimation to obtain accurate Doppler shift estimation in moderate low SNRs (signal-to-noise ratio). Simulation results show high accuracy in wide range of velocities and SNRs.

  • Analysis of Collision Channel with Asynchronous Access

    Laszlo GYORFI  Sandor GYORI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E88-A No:10

    A T user multiple access collision channel without feedback is considered where the channel inputs are called packets. The packets take values from non-binary input alphabet. It is supposed that at most M users are active, i.e., are communicating simultaneously (2 M T). We are looking for codes and protocol sequences of users of minimum length such that from the output of the channel it can be determined which users were active, what were their synchron positions, and what they sent.

  • Forward-Link Capacity Analysis for MC-CDMA

    Hyukmin SON  Sanghoon LEE  


    E88-B No:10

    OFDM-based networks utilizing the frequency reuse factor of 1 may produce the severe ICI (intercell interference) at the cell boundary even though overall cell capacity is increased and network deployment is facilitated. In the forward-link, the ICI may rise above a QoS (quality of service) threshold beyond some distance from BSs (base stations). In this paper, we analyze the forward-link capacity of an MC-CDMA system as a function of the ICI according to the distance from a cell. To achieve this goal, a closed form of the outage probability is derived and utilized to obtain the accommodated number of users and system parameters.

  • Simulation Probability Density Function Design for Turbo Codes

    Takakazu SAKAI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E88-A No:10

    We research on an importance sampling (IS) simulation to estimate a low error probability of turbo codes. The simulation time reduction in IS depends on another probability density function (p.d.f.) called simulation p.d.f. The previous IS simulation method can not evaluate the error probability on the low SNR and waterfall region. We derive the optimal simulation p.d.f. which gives the perfect estimator. A new simulation p.d.f. design, which is related to the optimal one, is proposed to overcome the problem of the previous IS method. The proposed IS simulation can evaluate all possible error patterns. Finally, some computer simulations show that the proposed method can evaluate the error probability on the low SNR, waterfall, and error floor regions. At the evaluation of the BER of 10-7, the simulation time of the proposed method is about 1/350 times as short as that of the Monte-Carlo simulation. When the BER is less than 710-8, the proposed method requires shorter simulation time than the conventional IS method.

  • Performance of a New DS-CDMA Synchronization System Using Cycle-and-Add Property

    Yoshikazu YAMAGUCHI  Shinji YAMASHITA  Mitsuo YOKOYAMA  Hideyuki UEHARA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E88-A No:10

    This paper proposes a novel PN (Pseudo Noise) synchronization system using Cycle-and-Add property of M-sequence featuring fast acquisition in DS-CDMA (direct sequence-code division multiple access). Fast acquisition is carried out by generating a PN sequence in a simple multiplicative action of a received signal with its delayed one. This multiplicative action is similar to differentially coherent detection and realizes an anti-fading property. Easy implementation is materialized by the fact that the system is mostly composed of baseband devices. The principle, performance evaluation and the detection probability of synchronization for the proposed method are shown. Furthermore, detection probability of synchronization in a fast Rayleigh fading channel is shown for the performance evaluation.

  • Code Acquisition in DS/CDMA Systems by Employing a Detector Based on a posteriori Probability Calculation

    M. Tahir Abbas KHAN  Nobuoki ESHIMA  Yutaka JITSUMATSU  Tohru KOHDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:10

    A detector based on calculation of a posteriori probability is proposed for code acquisition in singleuser direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems. Available information is used for decision making, unlike conventional methods which only use a part of it. Although this increases the overhead in terms of additional memory and computational complexity, significant performance improvements are achieved. The frame work is extended to multiuser systems and again mean acquisition time/correct acquisition probability performance is superior to the conventional systems although computational complexity is high. An approximate multiuser method with significantly less complexity is also derived.

  • Analysis of Bit Error Probability of Trellis Coded 8-PSK

    Hideki YOSHIKAWA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory

    E88-A No:10

    The letter presents an analysis of bit error probability for trellis coded 8-ary phase shift keying moduation with 2-state soft decision Viterbi decoding. It is shown that exact numerical error performance can be obtained for low singal-to-noise power ratio where bounds are useless.

  • On Bit Error Probabilities of SSMA Communication Systems Using Spreading Sequences of Markov Chains

    Hiroshi FUJISAKI  Yosuke YAMADA  


    E88-A No:10

    We study asynchronous SSMA communication systems using binary spreading sequences of Markov chains and prove the CLT (central limit theorem) for the empirical distribution of the normalized MAI (multiple-access interference). We also prove that the distribution of the normalized MAI for asynchronous systems can never be Gaussian if chains are irreducible and aperiodic. Based on these results, we propose novel theoretical evaluations of bit error probabilities in such systems based on the CLT and compare these and conventional theoretical estimations based on the SGA (standard Gaussian approximation) with experimental results. Consequently we confirm that the proposed theoretical evaluations based on the CLT agree with the experimental results better than the theoretical evaluations based on the SGA. Accordingly, using the theoretical evaluations based on the CLT, we give the optimum spreading sequences of Markov chains in terms of bit error probabilities.

  • Threshold-Type Call Control under the Outage Restriction in a CDMA Cellular System

    Dong-Wan TCHA  Soon-Ho LEE  Go-Whan JIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:9

    For a CDMA system with a single carrier, we consider a call control policy at each cell, which gives priority to handoff calls over new calls while meeting the overall call quality. New calls are first under the call control of the threshold type, and then receive services together with the handoff calls but under the outage restriction guaranteeing a pre-specified call quality. An optimization model with such quality-guaranteeing constraints is formulated, which is to determine the threshold value for each cell, minimizing the new call blocking probability. We propose a solution heuristic, with which a number of simulations are conducted under a variety of traffic environments. The computational experiments evaluate the usefulness of our call control scheme in that handoff calls are given an appropriate level of priority while the system capacity is effectively utilized.

  • Estimation of Radiated Power of Radio Transmitters Using a Reverberation Chamber

    Tsutomu SUGIYAMA  Takashi SHINOZUKA  Ken IWASAKI  


    E88-B No:8

    A procedure for estimating radiated power of radio transmitter is proposed based on a statistical property of field intensity time variation distribution in a reverberation chamber. When random varying multipath waves produced by stirrers in a reverberation chamber are received together with a direct wave, the resulting mixed waves are regarded as a kind of multipath waves. Theoretical and experimental results are reported regarding a procedure for estimating radiated power from the 63.2% value of CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) of an envelope of multipath waves.

  • Statistical Characteristics of E-Field Distribution in a Reverberation Chamber

    Katsushige HARIMA  


    E88-B No:8

    A statistically uniform E-field is created in a reverberation chamber by moving mechanical stirrers to vary boundary conditions. The uniformity of the spatial electric-field distribution in an ideal reverberation chamber can be theoretically estimated by calculating the probability density function of its distribution. However, uniformity in an actual chamber is affected by the dimensions of the chamber and the structure of the stirrers. We experimentally and theoretically evaluated the effect of stirrers on the spatial uniformity of the average, median, and maximum electric-field distributions. When the dimensions of a chamber equipped with effective stirrers are large compared to the wavelength at the operating frequency, that is, when resonant modes above approximately 105 exist below the operating frequency, the spatial uniformity experimentally evaluated agrees well with theoretical values estimated by calculating the probability density function of their distributions.

  • Optimal Call Admission Control for Voice Traffic in Cellular Mobile Communication Networks

    Minoru OHMIKAWA  Hideaki TAKAGI  Sang-Yong KIM  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E88-A No:7

    We propose a new call admission control (CAC) scheme for voice calls in cellular mobile communication networks. It is assumed that the rejection of a hand-off call is less desirable than that of a new call, for a hand-off call loss would cause a severe mental pain to a user. We consider the pains of rejecting new and hand-off calls as different costs. The key idea of our CAC is to restrict the admission of new calls in order to minimize the total expected costs per unit time over the long term. An optimal policy is derived from a semi-Markov decision process in which the intervals between successive decision epochs are exponentially distributed. Based on this optimal policy, we calculate the steady state probability for the number of established voice connections in a cell. We then evaluate the probability of blocking new calls and the probability of forced termination of hand-off calls. In the numerical experiments, it is found that the forced termination probability of hand-off calls is reduced significantly by our CAC scheme at the slight expense of the blocking probability of new calls and the channel utilization. Comparison with the static guard channel scheme is made.

  • Influence of Transmitting Ground and Satellite Station HPA Nonlinearities on Satellite Communication System Performance in the Presence of Cochannel Interference

    Mihajlo C. STEFANOVIC  Goran T. DJORDJEVIC  

    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E88-B No:7

    Taking the uplink and downlink cochannel interference and noise into account, we determine the error probability in detecting a binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signal transmitted over a satellite system containing two high power amplifiers (HPA). The first one is the constituent part of the transmitting ground station and the second one is the constituent part of the satellite station. The emphasis is placed on determining the system performance degradation imposed by the influence of the nonlinear characteristic of the HPA at the transmitting ground station in combination with the negative influences of the uplink and downlink cochannel interference, as well as the nonlinear characteristic of HPA at the satellite station.

  • Optimal Lightpath Routing in WDM Multicast Networks

    Kuo-Bin TSENG  Jhin-Fang HUANG  

    PAPER-Optical Network Architecture

    E88-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a heuristic multicast routing algorithm, which minimizes the cost while satisfying both the wavelength required and hop length selection. The algorithm consists of two subproblems: the wavelength assignment & the routing path selection. For solving the wavelength assignment subproblem, an auxiliary graph is created where by the nodes and the links in the original network are transformed to the edges and the vertices, respectively, and the same availability wavelength of each edge is taken into a multicast group. Furthermore, for solving the routing path selection subproblem, the shortest-path routing strategy is adopted to choose transmission path between two multicast groups. Simulation results show that our algorithm performs much better than previously proposed algorithms with increasing call-connection probability by 28% and reducing the blocking probability by 52%.

  • BER Performance of Rectangular QAM with MRC over Nakagami-n Fading Channels

    Jung Seok LIM  Kwangmin HYUN  Dongweon YOON  Sang Kyu PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:4

    We derive and analyze a bit error rate (BER) expression of a Gray coded rectangular QAM (R-QAM) signal with maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception over Nakagami-n (Rician) fading channels. The derived result is provided in terms of the Whittaker function and the confluent hypergeometric function. Because the derived expression is general, it can readily allow numerical evaluation for various cases of practical interest such as line-of-sight (LOS) or satellite communication channel analysis.

  • Performance Analysis of Symbol Error Probability for MPSK with an I-Q Unbalance over a Rician Fading Channel

    Jinah PARK  Seungkeun PARK  Kyoung Rok CHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:4

    Two rotational transformations are used to derive a new expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) of an M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) with an I-Q unbalance over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rician fading channels. We used the new expression to investigate the effect of the I-Q unbalance on the MPSK SEP performance. Our investigation confirms that this approach is a convenient way to evaluate the average SEP of an MPSK for various cases of the Rician factor.

  • New Expression for the SER of M-ary PSK

    Dongweon YOON  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E88-B No:4

    This letter derives a new exact and general closed-form expression involving a two-dimensional joint Gaussian Q-function for the symbol error rate (SER) of M-ary Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) under an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. By using two rotations of coordinates the correlation coefficient between two Gaussian random vectors is provided, then with the derived correlation coefficient that characterizes the two-dimensional joint Gaussian Q-function, a new expression for the SER of MPSK is presented. The derived new SER expression offers a convenient method to evaluate the performances of MPSK for various cases of practical interest.

  • Evaluation of Shoulder Muscular Fatigue Induced during Mouse Operation in a VDT Task

    Atsuo MURATA  Hiroshi ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E88-D No:2

    This study was designed to evaluate localized muscular fatigue induced during mouse operation in a VDT task. Ten male undergraduates from 19 to 23 years old participated in the experiment. The subject performed a pointing task with a PC mouse for about 4 hours. The EMG measurements and psychological rating of fatigue were conducted before the experimental task and after each 30-minutes block during the experimental task. The changes in the Mean Power Frequency (MPF) and Percentage Maximum Voluntary Contraction (%MVC)-shift for the constant cumulative probability in the Amplitude Probability Distribution Function (APDF) with time were explored. The correspondence between the index (MPF or APDF) and the subjective rating of localized muscular fatigue was also examined. The performance was nearly constant across all blocks. The psychological rating of fatigue tended to increase with time. The MPF tended to increase with time, although the main effect of block (time) was not statistically significant. The %MVC-shift tended to increase with time. The correspondence with the perceived sensation of localized muscular fatigue was higher when using the %MVC-shift than when using the MPF. Based on the results, the effectiveness of the indexes used for evaluating localized muscular fatigue was discussed. The %MVC-shift obtained from the APDF was found to be a sensitive index of localized muscular fatigue and corresponded well with the subjective rating of localized muscular fatigue.

  • A Generalized Performance Study of DS-CDMA Uplink/Downlink Receivers in Nakagami Wideband Fading Channel

    Mohammed ABDEL-HAFEZ  Fatih ALAGOZ  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E88-B No:1

    In this paper, we consider a mobile system consisting of a single isolated circular cell with K independent users simultaneously sharing the channel using binary DS-CDMA to establish a full duplex channel with the base station. Both coherent and differential detection RAKE receivers with Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) techniques are considered. The performance of two uplink/downlink receivers in Nakagami wideband fading channel is studied. Our approach relies on the use of total instantaneous interference power calculations instead of the use of average power approximations. We analyzed and derived new exact formulae for bit error probabilities for the considered system, and presented a set of numerical results both for the exact formulae and Gaussian approximation. The performance comparisons suggest that the exact formulae provide superior performance to Gaussian approximation especially at low number of users and either high fading parameters of the desired user or low fading parameters of the MAIs.
