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[Keyword] transformation(181hit)


  • Power Dependent Impedance Measurement Exploiting an Oscilloscope and Möbius Transformation

    Sonshu SAKIHARA  Masaru TAKANA  Naoki SAKAI  Takashi OHIRA  


    E100-C No:10

    This paper presents an approach to nonlinear impedance measurement exploiting an oscilloscope and Möbius transformation. Proposed system consists of a linear 4-port network and an oscilloscope. One of the port is excited by a high power source. The power is delivered to the second port, which is loaded with a DUT. Another set of two ports are used to observe a voltage set. This voltage set gives the impedance of the DUT through Möbius transformation. We formulated measurability M of the system, and derived the condition that M becomes constant for any DUT. To meet the condition, we propose a linear 4-port network consisting of a quarter-wavelength transmission line and resistors. We confirm the validity and utility of the proposed system by measuring the impedance of incandescent bulbs and an RF diode rectifier.

  • Generic Transformation for Signatures in the Continual Leakage Model

    Yuyu WANG  Keisuke TANAKA  


    E100-A No:9

    In ProvSec 2014, Wang and Tanaka proposed a transformation which converts weakly existentially unforgeable (wEUF) signature schemes into strongly existentially unforgeable (sEUF) ones in the bounded leakage model. To obtain the construction, they combined leakage resilient (LR) chameleon hash functions with the Generalised Boneh-Shen-Waters (GBSW) transformation proposed by Steinfeld, Pieprzyk, and Wang. However, their transformation cannot be used in a more realistic model called continual leakage model since secret keys of LR chameleon hash functions cannot be updated. In this paper, we propose a transformation which can convert wEUF signature schemes into sEUF ones in the continual leakage model. To achieve our goal, we give a new definition of continuous leakage resilient (CLR) chameleon hash function and construct it based on the CLR signature scheme proposed by Malkin, Teranishi, Vahlis, and Yung. Although our CLR chameleon hash functions satisfy the property of strong collision-resistance, due to the existence of the updating algorithm, an adversary may find the kind of collisions such that messages are the same but randomizers are different. Hence, we cannot combine our chameleon hash functions with the GBSW transformation directly, or the sEUF security of the transformed signature schemes cannot be achieved. To solve this problem, we improve the original GBSW transformation by making use of the Groth-Sahai proof system and then combine it with CLR chameleon hash functions.

  • A Fast Updatable Implementation of Index Generation Functions Using Multiple IGUs

    Tsutomu SASAO  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E100-D No:8

    This paper presents a method to realize index generation functions using multiple Index Generation Units (IGUs). The architecture implements index generation functions more efficiently than a single IGU when the number of registered vectors is very large. This paper proves that independent linear transformations are necessary in IGUs for efficient realization. Experimental results confirm this statement. Finally, it shows a fast update method to IGUs.

  • Performance Evaluation of Software-Based Error Detection Mechanisms for Supply Noise Induced Timing Errors

    Yutaka MASUDA  Takao ONOYE  Masanori HASHIMOTO  


    E100-A No:7

    Software-based error detection techniques, which includes error detection mechanism (EDM) transformation, are used for error localization in post-silicon validation. This paper evaluates the performance of EDM for timing error localization with a noise-aware logic simulator and 65-nm test chips assuming the following two EDM usage scenarios; (1) localizing a timing error occurred in the original program, and (2) localizing as many potential timing errors as possible. Simulation results show that the EDM transformation customized for quick error detection cannot locate electrical timing errors in the original program in the first scenario, but it detects 86% of non-masked errors potential bugs in the second scenario, which mean the EDM performance of detecting electrical timing errors affecting execution results is high. Hardware measurement results show that the EDM detects 25% of original timing errors and 56% of non-masked errors. Here, these hardware measurement results are not consistent with the simulation results. To investigate the reason, we focus on the following two differences between hardware and simulation; (1) design of power distribution network, and (2) definition of timing error occurrence frequency. We update the simulation setup for filling the difference and re-execute the simulation. We confirm that the simulation and the chip measurement results are consistent.

  • Noise Estimation for Speech Enhancement Based on Quasi-Gaussian Distributed Power Spectrum Series by Radical Root Transformation

    Tian YE  Yasunari YOKOTA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:6

    This contribution presents and analyzes the statistical regularity related to the noise power spectrum series and the speech spectrum series. It also undertakes a thorough inquiry of the quasi-Gaussian distributed power spectrum series obtained using the radical root transformation. Consequently, a noise-estimation algorithm is proposed for speech enhancement. This method is effective for separating the noise power spectrum from the noisy speech power spectrum. In contrast to standard noise-estimation algorithms, the proposed method requires no speech activity detector. It was confirmed to be conceptually simple and well suited to real-time implementations. Practical experiment tests indicated that our method is preferred over previous methods.

  • Transition Mappings between De Bruijn Sequences

    Ming LI  Yupeng JIANG  Dongdai LIN  Qiuyan WANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:5

    We regard a De Bruijn sequence of order n as a bijection on $mathbb{F}_2^n$ and consider the transition mappings between them. It is shown that there are only two conjugate transformations that always transfer De Bruijn sequences to De Bruijn sequences.

  • On the Topological Entropy of the Discretized Markov β-Transformations

    Hiroshi FUJISAKI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Theory

    E99-A No:12

    We define the topological entropy of the discretized Markov transformations. Previously, we obtained the topological entropy of the discretized dyadic transformation. In this research, we obtain the topological entropy of the discretized golden mean transformation. We also generalize this result and give the topological entropy of the discretized Markov β-transformations with the alphabet Σ={0,1,…,k-1} and the set F={(k-1)c,…,(k-1)(k-1)}(1≤c≤k-1) of (k-c) forbidden blocks, whose underlying transformations exhibit a wide class of greedy β-expansions of real numbers.

  • Bitwise MAP Estimation for Group Testing Based on Holographic Transformation

    Tadashi WADAYAMA  Taisuke IZUMI  Kazushi MIMURA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E99-A No:12

    The main contribution of this paper is a non-trivial expression, that is called dual expression, of the posterior values for non-adaptive group testing problems. The dual expression is useful for exact bitwise MAP estimation. We assume a simplest non-adaptive group testing scenario including N-objects with binary status and M-tests. If a group contains one or more positive object, the test result for the group is assumed to be one; otherwise, the test result becomes zero. Our inference problem is to evaluate the posterior probabilities of the objects from the observation of M-test results and the prior probabilities for objects. The derivation of the dual expression of posterior values can be naturally described based on a holographic transformation to the normal factor graph (NFG) representing the inference problem. In order to handle OR constraints in the NFG, we introduce a novel holographic transformation that converts an OR function to a function similar to an EQUAL function.

  • Contrast Enhancement of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Images Based on Improved Histogram Equalization

    Chao XU  Dongxiang ZHOU  Keju PENG  Weihong FAN  Yunhui LIU  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:11

    There are often low contrast Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) objects in the MTB images. Based on improved histogram equalization (HE), a framework of contrast enhancement is proposed to increase the contrast of MTB images. Our proposed algorithm was compared with the traditional HE and the weighted thresholded HE. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm has better performance in contrast enhancement, artifacts suppression, and brightness preserving for MTB images.

  • Scattered Reflections on Scattering Parameters — Demystifying Complex-Referenced S Parameters — Open Access

    Shuhei AMAKAWA  


    E99-C No:10

    The most commonly used scattering parameters (S parameters) are normalized to a real reference resistance, typically 50Ω. In some cases, the use of S parameters normalized to some complex reference impedance is essential or convenient. But there are different definitions of complex-referenced S parameters that are incompatible with each other and serve different purposes. To make matters worse, different simulators implement different ones and which ones are implemented is rarely properly documented. What are possible scenarios in which using the right one matters? This tutorial-style paper is meant as an informal and not overly technical exposition of some such confusing aspects of S parameters, for those who have a basic familiarity with the ordinary, real-referenced S parameters.

  • A Refined Estimator of Multicomponent Third-Order Polynomial Phase Signals

    GuoJian OU  ShiZhong YANG  JianXun DENG  QingPing JIANG  TianQi ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E99-B No:1

    This paper describes a fast and effective algorithm for refining the parameter estimates of multicomponent third-order polynomial phase signals (PPSs). The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is accompanied by lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold, and computational complexity. A two-step procedure is used to estimate the parameters of multicomponent third-order PPSs. In the first step, an initial estimate for the phase parameters can be obtained by using fast Fourier transformation (FFT), k-means algorithm and three time positions. In the second step, these initial estimates are refined by a simple moving average filter and singular value decomposition (SVD). The SNR threshold of the proposed algorithm is lower than those of the non-linear least square (NLS) method and the estimation refinement method even though it uses a simple moving average filter. In addition, the proposed method is characterized by significantly lower complexity than computationally intensive NLS methods. Simulations confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Method of Audio Watermarking Based on Adaptive Phase Modulation

    Nhut Minh NGO  Masashi UNOKI  


    E99-D No:1

    This paper proposes a method of watermarking for digital audio signals based on adaptive phase modulation. Audio signals are usually non-stationary, i.e., their own characteristics are time-variant. The features for watermarking are usually not selected by combining the principle of variability, which affects the performance of the whole watermarking system. The proposed method embeds a watermark into an audio signal by adaptively modulating its phase with the watermark using IIR all-pass filters. The frequency location of the pole-zero of an IIR all-pass filter that characterizes the transfer function of the filter is adapted on the basis of signal power distribution on sub-bands in a magnitude spectrum domain. The pole-zero locations are adapted so that the phase modulation produces slight distortion in watermarked signals to achieve the best sound quality. The experimental results show that the proposed method could embed inaudible watermarks into various kinds of audio signals and correctly detect watermarks without the aid of original signals. A reasonable trade-off between inaudibility and robustness could be obtained by balancing the phase modulation scheme. The proposed method can embed a watermark into audio signals up to 100 bits per second with 99% accuracy and 6 bits per second with 94.3% accuracy in the cases of no attack and attacks, respectively.

  • Semi-Generic Transformation of Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption and Its DBDH Instantiation

    Keita EMURA  Jae Hong SEO  Taek-Young YOUN  


    E99-A No:1

    Boneh and Franklin considered to add the revocation functionality to identity-based encryption (IBE). Though this methodology is applicable to any IBE and hierarchical IBE (HIBE), the resulting scheme is non-scalable. Therefore, a generic transformation of scalable revocable (H)IBE (R(H)IBE) from non-scalable R(H)IBE is really desirable. Towards this final goal, in this paper we introduce prototype RHIBE which does not require to be scalable (but requires some conditions), and propose a generic transformation of scalable RHIBE from prototype RHIBE. Moreover, we construct a prototype RHIBE scheme based on the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. Since our prototype RHIBE provides history-free update, insider security, and decryption key exposure resistance, our construction yields the first RHIBE scheme based on the static assumption with these desirable properties.

  • Pattern Transformation Method for Digital Camera with Bayer-Like White-RGB Color Filter Array

    Jongjoo PARK  Jongwha CHONG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:11

    A Bayer-like White-RGB (W-RGB) color filter array (CFA) was invented for overcoming the weaknesses of commonly used RGB based Bayer CFA. In order to reproduce full-color images from the Bayer-like W-RGB CFA, a demosaicing or a CFA interpolation process which estimates missing color channels of raw mosaiced images from CFA is an essential process for single sensor digital cameras having CFA. In the case of Bayer CFA, numerous demosaicing methods which have remarkable performance were already proposed. In order to take advantage of both remarkable performance of demosaicing method for Bayer CFA and the characteristic of high-sensitive Bayer-like W-RGB CFA, a new method of transforming Bayer-like W-RGB to Bayer pattern is required. Therefore, in this letter, we present a new method of transforming Bayer-like W-RGB pattern to Bayer pattern. The proposed method mainly uses the color difference assumption between different channels which can be applied to practical consumer digital cameras.

  • Robust Beamforming for Joint Transceiver Design in K-User Interference Channel over Energy Efficient 5G

    Shidang LI  Chunguo LI  Yongming HUANG  Dongming WANG  Luxi YANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:8

    Considering worse-case channel uncertainties, we investigate the robust energy efficient (EE) beamforming design problem in a K-user multiple-input-single-output (MISO) interference channel. Our objective is to maximize the worse-case sum EE under individual transmit power constraints. In general, this fractional programming problem is NP-hard for the optimal solution. To obtain an insight into the problem, we first transform the original problem into its lower bound problem with max-min and fractional form by exploiting the relationship between the user rate and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and using the min-max inequality. To make it tractable, we transform the problem of fractional form into a subtractive form by using the Dinkelbach transformation, and then propose an iterative algorithm using Lagrangian duality, which leads to the locally optimal solution. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed robust EE beamforming scheme outperforms the conventional algorithm.

  • A Model-Checking Approach for Fault Analysis Based on Configurable Model Extraction

    Hideto OGAWA  Makoto ICHII  Tomoyuki MYOJIN  Masaki CHIKAHISA  Yuichiro NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Model Checking

    E98-D No:6

    A practical model-checking (MC) approach for fault analysis, that is one of the most cost-effective tasks in software development, is proposed. The proposed approach is based on a technique, named “Program-oriented Modeling” (POM) for extracting a model from source code. The framework of model extraction by POM provides configurable abstraction based on user-defined transformation rules, and it supports trial-and-error model extraction. An environment for MC called POM/MC was also built. POM/MC analyzes C source code to extract Promela models used for the SPIN model checker. It was applied to an industrial software system to evaluate the efficiency of the configurable model extraction by POM for fault analysis. Moreover, it was shown that the proposed MC approach can reduce the effort involved in analyzing software faults by MC.

  • Proposing and Evaluating Clone Detection Approaches with Preprocessing Input Source Files

    Eunjong CHOI  Norihiro YOSHIDA  Yoshiki HIGO  Katsuro INOUE  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:2

    So far, many approaches for detecting code clones have been proposed based on the different degrees of normalizations (e.g. removal of white spaces, tokenization, and regularization of identifiers). Different degrees of normalizations lead to different granularities of source code to be detect as code clones. To investigate how the normalizations impact the code clone detection, this study proposes six approaches for detecting code clones with preprocessing input source files using different degrees of normalizations. More precisely, each normalization is applied to the input source files and then equivalence class partitioning is performed to the files in the preprocessing. After that, code clones are detected from a set of files that are representatives of each equivalence class using a token-based code clone detection tool named CCFinder. The proposed approaches can be categorized into two types, approaches with non-normalization and normalization. The former is the detection of only identical files without any normalization. Meanwhile, the latter category is the detection of identical files with different degrees of normalizations such as removal of all lines containing macros. From the case study, we observed that our proposed approaches detect code clones faster than the approach that uses only CCFinder. We also found the approach with non-normalization is the fastest among the proposed approaches in many cases.

  • Stabilizing Unknown and Unstable Periodic Orbits in DC-DC Converters by Temporal Perturbations of the Switching Time

    Hanh Thi-My NGUYEN  Tadashi TSUBONE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E98-A No:1

    A dynamic controller, based on the Stability Transformation Method (STM), has been used to stabilize unknown and unstable periodic orbits (UPOs) in dynamical systems. An advantage of the control method is that it can stabilize unknown UPOs. In this study, we introduce a novel control method, based on STM, to stabilize UPOs in DC-DC switching power converters. The idea of the proposed method is to apply temporal perturbations to the switching time. These perturbations are calculated without information of the locations of the target orbits. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by numerical simulations and laboratory measurements.

  • A Method to Find Linear Decompositions for Incompletely Specified Index Generation Functions Using Difference Matrix

    Tsutomu SASAO  Yuta URANO  Yukihiro IGUCHI  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E97-A No:12

    This paper shows a method to find a linear transformation that reduces the number of variables to represent a given incompletely specified index generation function. It first generates the difference matrix, and then finds a minimal set of variables using a covering table. Linear transformations are used to modify the covering table to produce a smaller solution. Reduction of the difference matrix is also considered.

  • Self-Tuning Approach to Stabilizing Unknown and Unstable Periodic Orbits

    Takumi HASEGAWA  Tadashi TSUBONE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E97-A No:11

    We consider an improved control method based on the Stability Transformation Method. Stability Transformation Method detects unknown and unstable periodic orbits of chaotic dynamical systems. Based on the approach to realize the Stability Transformation Method in real systems, we have proposed a control method which can stabilize unknown and unstable periodic orbits embedded in chaotic attractors. However, setting of the control parameters of the control system has remained as unsolved issue. When the dynamics of a target system are unknown, the control parameters have to be set by trial and error. In this paper, we improve the control method with the automatic adjustment function of the control parameters. We show an example of stabilizing unstable periodic orbits of the 3-dimensional hysteresis chaos generator by using the proposed control method. Some results are confirmed by laboratory measurements. The results imply that any unknown and unstable periodic orbits can be stabilized by using the proposed method, if the target chaos system is reduced to 1-dimensional return map.
