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A Reliable 1T1C FeRAM Using a Thermal History Tracking 2T2C Dual Reference Level Technique for a Smart Card Application Chip

Shoichiro KAWASHIMA, Isao FUKUSHI, Keizo MORITA, Ken-ichi NAKABAYASHI, Mitsuharu NAKAZAWA, Kazuaki YAMANE, Tomohisa HIRAYAMA, Toru ENDO

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Summary :

A robust 1T1C FeRAM sensing technique is demonstrated that employs both word base access and reference level generation architecture to track the thermal history of the cells by utilizing a Feedback inverter Input Push-down (FIP) method for a Bit line Ground Sensing (BGS) pre-amplifier and a self-timing latch Sense Amplifier (SA) which is immune to increasing non-switching charges due to thermal depolarization or imprint of ferroelectric capacitor. The word base access unit consists of one 2T2C cell that stores 0/1 data and also generates '0' and '1' reference levels by which other 1T1C signals are compared. A 0.18-µm CMOS 3-V 1-Mbit device was qualified by a 250 bake for a short time retention and 150 1000-hour bake which is an accelerated equivalent to 10-years retention. It endured 1012 fatigue cycles with an access time of 81 ns, 3.0 V VDD at 85. Also a Smart Card application chip which is embedded with the 1-Mbit FeRAM macro showed 30% faster download time than one with EEPROM.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E90-C No.10 pp.1941-1948
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Section on VLSI Technology toward Frontiers of New Market)
Next-Generation Memory for SoC

