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  • Optimum Condition of Squeezed State Signal for Optical Communication with Energy Loss

    Kouichi YAMAZAKI  Osamu HIROTA  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E71-E No:8

    For the quantum state control communication, one of the most serious problems is the effect of transmission loss which degrades the advantage of the quantum state controlled signal. In this paper, we investigate loss effect for the squeezed state signal, which is one of typical quantum state controlled signals. First, it is shown that when the squeezed state signal optimized regardless of the effect of loss is used as transmitter state in the communication system with energy loss, the signal to noise ratio of the received signal is higher than that of the coherent state signal with the same transmitted photon number when and only when the loss is less than 3 dB. Then this paper gives an optimum condition of the squeezed state signal for lossy channel. This optimum condition provides higher signal to noise ratio of the received signal than that of coherent state signal for any degree of loss. Furthermore, we compare the performance of the quantum coherent communication systems using the optimum squeezed state signal with that of the photon communication using the photon number state signal taking the effect of loss into account.

  • Attractors in an Eventually Bounded Circuit

    Makoto ITOH  Sanemitsu HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E71-E No:8

    Our primary purpose of this paper is to study attractors and bifurcation phenomenon appearing in an eventually bounded circuit. The secondary purpose is to demonstrate the results obtained from the instruments which display Lorenz maps, Poincaré maps and cross sections of attractors on a synchroscope. The above mentioned circuit contains two non-linear resistors and is written as 3 first order differential equations. Experimental observations show:(a) maximum number of the attractors in three.(b) maximum number of the stable limit cycles is three.(c) maximum number of the chaotic attractor is two.Observed bifurcations are:(a) Hopf bifurcation,(b) period doubling bifurcation,(c) periodic window.Furthermore, we examined the Feigenbaum constant δ experimentally and estimated it at 4.67.

  • Residuosity Problem and Its Applications to Cryptography

    Yuliang ZHENG  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Foundations of Data Security

    E71-E No:8

    Let γ and n be positive integers. An integer z with gcd(z, n)1 is called a γth-residue mod n if there exists an integer x such that zxγ (mode n), or a γth-nonresidue mod n if there doesn't exist such an x. Denote by Z*n the set of integers relatively prime to n between 0 and n. The problem of determining whether or not a randomly selected element zZ*n is a γth-residue mod n is called the γth-Residuosity Problem (γth-RP), and appears to be intractable when n is a composite integer whose factorization is unknown. In this paper, we explore some important properties of γth-RP for the case where γ is an odd integer greater than 2, and discuss its applications to cryptography. Based on the difficulty or γth-RP, we generalize the Goldwasser-Micali bit-by-bit probabilistic encryption to a block-by-block probabilistic one, and propose a direct protocol for the dice casting problem over a network. This problem is a general one which includes the well-studied coin flipping problem.

  • Imaging the Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter with Finite-Amplitude Sound Waves: The Difference-Frequency Method and the Second-Harmonic Method

    Yoshikatsu NAKAGAWA  Wayne HOU  Anni CAI  Glen WADE  Masao NAKAGAWA  Masahide YONEYAMA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E71-E No:8

    Imaging the acoustical nonlinear parameter using second-harmonic and difference-frequency waves produced from finite-amplitude sound propagation is described. Experiments for reconstructing nonlinear-parameter tomograms were performed with gelatine phantoms. The tomograms were not of high quality because we used a small-aperture receiver to detect the substantially refracted waves. We show that by laterally translating the receiver to the position of maximum intensity for each measurement of a point on a projection, we can improve the quality of nonlinear parameter tomograms as well as that of conventional attenuation tomograms. We analyze the effects of attenuation and diffraction for a narrow transmitted beam in nonlinear parameter imaging. Using second-harmonic waves is advantageous for attenuation compensation when the attenuation in the object is proportional to the frequency, such as is the case for soft biological tissue. On the other hand, using difference-frequency waves has certain advantages where attenuation is not a problem. With these waves there is less phase variation.

  • Multilevel Network Design for Parity Functions with MOS Cells under Limitations on the Number of Series Transistors

    Yasuaki NISHITANI  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E71-E No:8

    A design method of multilevel logic networks, in single-rail input logic, with MOS cells for parity functions of n variables is presented. The parity functions x1x2xn in a two level network requires 2n-1+1 gates, whereas the number of NOR gates in a multilevel network for this function is proportional to n. Since MOS cells are playing a major role in LSI and can represent more complex functions than a NOR or a NAND gate, it is possible to obtain smaller networks with complex MOS cells than with NOR or NAND gates. However, if MOS cells become excessively complex, the propagation delay time of MOS cells is too large and the normal operation of the whole MOS network cannot be expected. The design procedure given in this paper is systematic and very easy to apply. In the beginning, the formulation of MOS cells and MOS networks has been presented. In this formulation, the number of series and parallel transistors and the number of MOS cells and levels can be defined and enumerated for MOS networks. Without the restrictions the maximum number of series transistors is the number of input variables, n. With the estriction on the number of series transistors to R, the number of parallel transistors is less than or equal to 2R-1. Furthermore, the number of MOS cells and the number of levels of the MOS network are proportional to n and logRn, respectively. Since the designed network is similar to a complete tree, it would also be useful to process a series of combinations of input variable values.

  • Experimental Observation of Heavy Damping Modes of Neutral IBW Modified by Pure IBW Near Perpendicular Propagation

    Shunjiro IKEZAWA  Yoshinori TAKI  Tomiya YAMAZUMI  Tatsutoshi ITO  Masashi KANDO  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E71-E No:8

    An observation of a neutral IBW (ion Bernstein wave) modified by a pure IBW in a large space chamber was represented comparing with the theory. The results for the dispersion relation, the excitation coefficient and the maximum damping rate were discussed.

  • Empirical Bayesian Point Estimation for the Reliability Function of a Bivariate Exponential Model

    Zensho NAKAO  Zeng-Zhong LIU  

    LETTER-Reliability and Mentenability

    E71-E No:8

    An empirical Bayesian method was used to obtain a point estimator for the reliability function of a bivariate exponential distribution associated to a two-component parallel electronic system.

  • Discharge Fusion Splicing of Fluoride Optical Fibers

    Masao TACHIKURA  Toshiaki SATAKE  Yasutake OHISHI  

    LETTER-Communication Cable and Wave Guides

    E71-E No:8

    A discharge fusion splicing technique for fluoride optical fibers has been investigated. Discharge heating conditions were experimentally examined by making a fiber offset from the electrode axis. An average splice loss of 0.14 dB was achieved for 50µm-core fibers.

  • An Experimental Study on 1/f Noise in Granular Resistors

    Hideyuki OKAYAMA  Toru MIZUNAMI  Keiji TAKAGI  


    E71-E No:8

    The authors measured the temperature dependence of the level of the 1/f noise in carbon-black graft-polymer resistors. A distinct dip is observed in the noise level at a temperature at which the temperature coefficient of the resistance is zero. This is in agreement with our temperature fluctuation model on the 1/f noise in resistors which include a large number of small conducting spots.

  • A UHF-TV Antenna Using Skeleton-Slot Array

    Hiroyuki ARAI  Katunori AOKI  Kimio SAKURAI  Naohisa GOTO  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E71-E No:8

    This paper presents an antenna for the UHF-TV reception consisting of skeleton slot array installed on a reflector. We propose a dipole model of the skeleton-slot elements to calculate its radiation pattern. The prototype antenna has 13 dBi antenna gain, 30% frequency band width and a function of beam tilting, which are sufficient characteristics for the UHF-TV reception.

  • Modeling Thermal Properties of TO-5 Packages for Semiconductor Devices

    Yoshinori YAMADA  


    E71-E No:8

    A thermal model of a TO-5 package in steady state has been derived. The model describes analytically the heat conduction, the heat transfer by free convection and the thermal radiation, taking account of a complicated structure of the package. It has been applied to a study on the negative dynamic resistance by self-heating which is observed in MOSFETs at high current level. The sublinear dependence of the temperature of the cap on the dissipated power in the MOSFETs are explained by the temperature dependence of the heat transfer by free convection.

  • Single-Row Routing for Net Lists with a Specified Density Employing Backward Moves

    Mohsen GHAMESHLU  Noriyoshi YOSHIDA  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E71-E No:8

    The single-row single-layer routing is considered for net lists with density5 when backward moves are allowed. A heuristic routing algorithm is given and tested. Comparing with a conventional router, better realizations were found for 38% of randomly generated net lists.

  • Extended Waveform Moment and Its Applications

    Toshinori YOSHIKAWA  Satoru KIJIMA  Anil KHARE  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E71-E No:7

    Waveform moment describes one of the characteristics of the given signal wave. Though basic definitions are quite simple, use of waveform moment and extended waveform moment is shown in numerous areas of DSP. Expressions in both time domain and frequency domain are found and using these, criterion for excluding Nyquist filter possibility, evaluation of frequency characteristics for Elliptic filter, method for determining frequency response for not all points etc. are derived. It is shown that analysis using extended waveform moment method becomes simpler than the direct application of known standard methods.

  • Analysis of Threshold Current in GaAs-AlGaAs SCH Lasers--Effect of the Impurity Atoms in Optical Guiding Layers and Energy Gap Profiles of These Layers on the Threshold Current Density--

    Minoru YAMADA  Masao GAMO  Yasumasa NASHIDA  


    E71-E No:7

    The effects of impurity atoms and energy gap profiles in the optical guiding layers of GaAs-AlGaAs Separate Confinement Hetero (SCH) structure on the threshold current density are theoretically analyzed. Impurity doping in the optical guiding layers is not effective in reducing the threshold current, because impurity atoms induce non-effective current in those layers. The threshold current densities in three types of band gap profiles of the optical guiding layers are examined to find the most profitable structre of the SCH laser. Examined shapes of the profile are step, parabolic and linear types. The lowest threshold current densities calculated in each profile are almost identical if the design parameters such as the thickness of each layer and the alloy ratio are suitably chosen.

  • Enhanced Switching Characteristics of Bistable Distributed Feedback Lasers with Detuning Effect

    Hajime SHOJI  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  Yoichi FUJII  

    LETTER-Quantum Electronics

    E71-E No:7

    Switching characteristics of bistable distributed feedback lasers are analyzed theoretically. The results predict that switch-on speed as well as switch-off speed is improved by a factor of two or more by detuning the Bragg wavelength to shorter wavelength from the wavelength at which the gain is the maximum. This improvement is mainly due to enhancement of the differential gain through the detuning effect.

  • Decomposition of Overlapped Electric Field Patterns by Using the Least Square Estimation of Intensity of Electromagnetic Wave Sources

    Jian-Qing WANG  Tsugio SATO  Hiroshi ECHIGO  Tasuku TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E71-E No:7

    For grasping the electromagnetic environment, the visualization as a pattern of electromagnetic field distribution is effective. Generally, the electromagnetic field distribution pattern is composed of several fields caused by different electromagnetic wave sources. In this paper, a method of pattern decomposition of overlapped electric field pattern is proposed. This method is based on the least square estimation of intensity of electromagnetic wave sources under the assumption that the location of every source has been given. The estimation formula of electric field intensity of sources is derived. This method is applied to decompose the real patterns measured in semi-anechoic chamber. These experimental results show that the method of pattern decomposition can be used to eliminate or extract the unwanted reflected and scattered field with less error.

  • An Improved Digital Measurement System of Torque-Speed Curve Plotting for Motors

    Kohji HIGUCHI  Haruo SHINTANI  

    PAPER-Instrumentation and Control

    E71-E No:7

    A digital system for measurement of angular speed and acceleration or torque for motors is presented, which uses a usual flywheel method with a simple photo-sensor. In our system, an improved type of an inverse-time function generator is especially developed to obtain the accurate angular speed signal from the period of one revolution of the shaft. Despite of the simple form, this system has many advantage in measuring the wide speed range between 128 (or 12.8) and 32768 (or 3276.8) [r/min] with high accuracy of 3 (or 0.3) [r/min] and high acquisition rate (once a revolution). In addition to the digital output for the speed, the analog outputs for the speed and acceleration are also equipped for the torque-speed curve plotting of motors. As a practical application, the torque-speed curves of a two-phase servomotor and a hysteresis synchronous motor are measured.

  • An Algorithm to Compute the Moments of the First Passage Time in the Markov Renewal Process with Finite States

    Katsuhiro NAKADA  Tadaaki YONEYAMA  Takanobu ISEKI  

    PAPER-Engineering Science in General

    E71-E No:7

    This paper presents a numerical algorithm to calculate the first and second moments of the first passage times between states on a certain subset, which concern with the key measures of interests of the Markov renewal process with finite states. Since recursive formulas are the important part of the algorithm, it is very well suited to the computation of the moments and is easily programmed. The algorithm makes it possible to compute the key measure of interests on microprocessor even when the model comprised a quite large number of states.

  • A LSP Analysis-Synthesis Method on Mel Frequency Scale Combined with Linear One

    Shuuichi ARAI  Arata MIYAUCHI  Shinji OZAWA  


    E71-E No:7

    In general, the analysis-synthesis systems are constructed on a linear frequency scale. On the other hand, the frequency resolution of human hearing system have non-linear characteristics. So, it is interesting to study about the analysis-synthesis system on such a non-linear frequency scale like MEL scale. And it is well known that LSP analysis-synthesis method is superior to LPC or PARCOR method in frame rate and quantization characteristics. In this paper, we describe an LSP analysis-synthesis system on MEL frequency scale. At first, we propose the way to obtain LSP parameters on Mel frequency scale (Mel LSP parameters) from the speech signal in linear time domain. Next we propose how to construct the analysis and synthesis filters in linear time domain using the MEL LSP parameters. Furthermore, we combine this system with the ordinary LSP analysis-synthesis system to improve the quality of the synthetic speech. We carried out some experiments to make clear the characteristics of the combined system. The results of tests show that the quality of synthetic speech with the combined system is higher than that with the ordinary LSP system and that with the MEL LSP system on condition that total prediction order is 10. Through the further experiments, we confirm that the synthetic speech quality with the combined system is as good as the that with the standard LSP system at prediction order 12.

  • Analysis of a Queueing System with a Load Balancing Mechanism

    Kohji MOTOISHI  Akira FUKUDA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Services

    E71-E No:7

    This paper presents a queueing system with a load balancing mechanism and an approximate model. We can get the utilization of servers and the distribution ratio from the model. The values agree well the results of simulations.
