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  • Electrical Properties of Titanium Nitride Thin Films

    Keishi KAWABATA  


    E66-E No:8

    Electrical properties of titanium nitride films prepared by reactive sputtering of Ti in an atmosphere of argon-nitrogen mixture at nitrogen partial pressure of 210-2 Pa were studied. Values of sheet resistance (Rs) and temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of TiN film were found to lie within the following limits of Rs15100Ω/, and TCR-80 +50 ppm/. The films were subjected to heating at 200 in air for 100 hours, whose resistance-changes ΔR/Ri were found to depend considerably on the aging hour (t) and the film thickness (dQ). It was found that ΔR/Ri is proportional to t1/2/do. As for the influence of humidity upon the resistance changes, the relative-changes ΔR/R20 were found to have a negative sign with an extremely small magnitude of 0.1% at 95% RH.

  • An Amplitude Modulator Using Static Induction Transistor (SIT)

    Hiroshi INOUE  Tasuku TAKAGI  Katsuyuki KANEKO  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E66-E No:8

    A cascode type AM modulator, which is the combination of a static induction transistor (SIT) and a JEFT is proposed. The experimental results show the improvement in linearity and distortion because of the good constant voltage characteristics of SIT.

  • Expressions with Discontinuous Weight Function for Obtaining the Cycle-Slip Property in the Second-Order Phase-Locked Loop

    Yoshinori UCHIDA  


    E66-E No:8

    The expressions for obtaining the cycle-slip statistical property in the second-order phase-locked loop (PLL) in the presence of noise are given by gaining the time-dependent probability density function (pdf). The time-dependent pdf for the second-order PLL was presented for the first time by K. Nishiguchi and myself. But the phase-error process considered in the same paper was a modulo 2π reduced version. The pdf with modulo 2π is known to lose the information concerning the cycle-slip statistical property. Thus in order to gain the cycle-slip property and transient property, we now present the time-dependent pdf, the phase-error region of which expands from -2π to 2π. On the other hand, in order to generate the cycle-slip in the phase-error on R1, it is necessary to set the absorptive walls at the boundaries (2π) and the source of the probability density at the origin of the phase-error variable. The absorptive walls at the boundaries are represented by setting the pdf = 0 at the boundaries. And in my other paper the pdf is constructed by the continuous functions. In the present paper, however, the pdf has the discontinuity in the expanded function at the boundaries. Introducing the discontinuous pdf gives us the additive terms which show not the diffusion effect but the other property and do not appear in the case of the continuous pdf.

  • An Explicit Solution Technique for the Wiener-Hopf Integral Equation in the Filtering Problem

    Yutaka UEDA  Akira NOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E66-E No:8

    In this decade various nonlinear transmission lines with solitary waves (solitons) have been investigated, where the inverse scattering theory has played an important role. The inverse scattering theory applies to the characterization of transmission lines. For example, the impedance distribution is determined from the observed data of the reflected or transmitted waves. Filtering theory is closely related with this inverse scattering problem. To solve the Wiener-Hopf integral equation in its general form which appears in the linear filtering theory, we set up an integral operator factorization scheme of the Zakharov-Shabat type an analog of which plays a fundamental role in the inverse scattering theory. Solving this scheme explicitly in time-domain, we give a causality-conditioned solution to the Wiener-Hopf integral equation where it is not necessary to assume the kernel function to be rational. It is also shown that in simple cases our solution technique in time-domain corresponds to the usual spectral factorization method in frequency-domain.

  • A Note on Space Complexity of Nondeterministic Two-Dimensional Turing Machines

    Akira ITO  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  Hiroshi TANIGUCHI  

    LETTER-Automata and Languages

    E66-E No:8

    It has already been known that there exists an infinite hierarchy of the classes of sets of square tapes accepted by deterministic space-bounded two-dimensional Turing machines with spaces below log m. This paper shows that there exists an infinite hierarchy of the classes of sets of square tapes accepted by nondeterministic space-bounded two-dimensional Turing machines with spaces less than or equal to log m.

  • Bilinear Transformed Switched-Capacitor Immittance Converter

    Masayuki ISHIKAWA  

    LETTER-Circuit Theory

    E66-E No:8

    A new switches-capacitor immittance converter (SCIC) circuit based on the bilinear transformation is propose. The inductive (n+1)-terminal network is realized using in SCIC's and one capacitive (n+1)-terminal network. The SCIC consists of only one buffer, one op amp and three capacitors.

  • Suppression of the Residue of Ground Clutter after the MTI

    Matsuo SEKINE  Hiroyuki ENDO  Yoshinobu NAKAYAMA  Toshimitsu MUSHA  Yuichi TOMITA  Toshihiko HAGISAWA  Takeru IRABU  Eiichi KIUCHI  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems

    E66-E No:8

    Ground clutter from irregular surfaces was measured using an L-band long range air-route surveillance radar (ARSR) at very low grazing angles, between 0.13 and 0.25. It is shown that the ground clutter amplitude statistics themselves do not always follow a Weibull distribution, but rather the residual amplitude after the double canceller moving target indicator (MTI) obeys a Weibull distribution. Therefore, the unsuppressed residual ground clutter will be suppressed by means of Weibull CFAR processors.

  • Si-Monolithic Microwave Wideband Amplifier

    Taka-aki NAKATA  Shinichi MIYAZAKI  Hisao KUSHIYAMA  Kentaro ISHIDA  

    LETTER-Integrated Circuits

    E66-E No:8

    Using Si, a monolithic microwave wideband amplifier has been developed. Housing in a TO-5 can, 17 dB gain, 1.4 GHz bandwidth and 5 dB noise figure are achieved. Input and output impedances are well matched to 50 Ω.

  • A Proposal of a Modified Interrupted Poisson Process

    Fumiaki MACHIHARA  

    LETTER-Switching Systems

    E66-E No:8

    A modified interrupted Poisson process is proposed as an approximation of an overflow process from the M/M/S/K queue. This process improves the accuracy of an interrupted Poisson process which was proposed by Kuczura.

  • The Collision Shifting Method for Detection of Nerve Fiber Discontinuity

    Yukio KOSUGI  Akio ANDO  Hiroshi KAWARADA  

    LETTER-Nerve Conduction

    E66-E No:8

    Control of the pulse collision point on an axon, prior to the propagation time measurement facilitates the detection of the non-uniformity of an axon, similar to a TDR on transmission lines. The measurement requires the placement of electrodes only on the extremities of the axon.

  • Dispersion Measurement and Shielding Effect on a Slot Line

    Kenji KAWANO  

    PAPER-Microwaves and Millimeter Waves

    E66-E No:7

    Dispersion measurements are described for slot lines constructed on alumina substrates, covering the 26-37 GHz frequency range. Wavelength ratios of slot lines were calculated from the measured resonant frequencies of slot ring resonators. Their advantages are that no end effects need to be considered. The experimental results are compared with the computed values through the hybrid-mode analysis in the spectral domain. Furthermore, the effect of shielding walls, which is important in practical design, was investigated.

  • Accurate Matched Filters for Pulsed Signals Using Tap-Less Delay Lines

    Fuminori KOBAYASHI  Michio NAKANO  


    E66-E No:7

    For arranging matched filters as a prefilter and a comb filter in series, a method is proposed to implement accurate prefilters utilizing integrators while eliminating their drift by commutative resetting. Experimental results demonstrate a dynamic range of 50 dB.

  • Improved Atmospheric Path-Length Correction by a Dual-Frequency Microwave Radiometer

    Takeyuki OJIMA  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E66-E No:7

    Water vapor excess path-length (WVEP) in atmosphere, in spite of its much smaller average value than a dry air component which is stable, makes larger seasonal and diurnal variations. An estimation algorithm for WVEP is improved for less errors even in large opacity of the atmosphere and the multi-algorithm program (MAP), together with the Wu-algorithm of JPL in CalTech, is applied to make the least estimation error. A limitation of the MAP is also discussed. The differential emission measurement (DEM) is also applied to WVEP estimation is order to reduce additional errors due to measurement errors of antenna temperature, which can make them a half through one tenth of those by another algorithms. The experimental results gave proof of the effectiveness of the DEM.

  • An Optimum Design of Multi-Stage Alternative Routing Network Systems

    Shunji ABE  Haruo AKIMARU  

    PAPER-Switching Systems

    E66-E No:7

    The optimum design of alternative routing network systems applying the equivalent random theory, which minimizes the system cost under given service criteria, has been proposed for the basic triangular model. Practical networks, however, are more complex than this model; for example, the networks overflowing from an alternative route to a higher level one will be introduced. As a study of such networks, an approximate solution of the two-stage overflow model has been proposed, but its accuracy has not yet been made clear. This paper first investigates a general n-stage overflow model, and provides the optimum condition minimizing the system cost applying the implicit function theorem. Next, using the above result, the accuracy for the approximate solution of the two-stage model is evaluated numerically. Furthermore, a practical design for the two-stage system is proposed, which is based on the optimum design charts for the basic triangular model.

  • Optimum Gaussian Filter for MSK with 2-Bit Differential Detection

    Shigeaki OGOSE  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems

    E66-E No:7

    This paper describes the predemodulation filtering effects on the bit-error-rate (BER) performance and the optimum predemodulation Gaussian band-pass filter (BPF) for MSK with 2-bit differential detection. It is derived that the optimum BT product for 10-3 and 10-6 BER is 1.0 and 1.2 with 3.2 dB and 3.8 dB Eb/N0 degradation from the ideal coherent transmission system, respectively. It is also shown that the BER performance of 2-bit differential detection for BT1.5 is better than that of conventional 1-bit differential detection by 0.2 dB to 2 dB.

  • Optical Switching Characteristics in Slightly Nondegenerated Multilayered Couplers Using Acousto-Optic Interaction by Surface Acoustic Waves

    Nobuo GOTO  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  Yasuo AKAO  

    PAPER-Optical and Quantum Electronics

    E66-E No:7

    Experiments of acousto-optic interaction in slightly nondegenerated couplers are firstly demonstrated with comparison to the theoretical results. The switching mechanism is based on the even-odd mode conversion by acousto-optic effects and on the mode splitting in the separating branch. The device consists of ZnS/Ta2O5/Nb2O5 thin films on Y-cut LiNbO3 substrates of propagation in the X direction. Surface acoustic waves of approximately 0.5 W, 71.2 MHz switch optical power about 90 percent. The frequency characteristics agree well with the theoretical results. These experiment characteristics may give the design base of useful tunable optical filters and multi-wavelength separators.

  • Application of Finite-Element Method to E-Plane Waveguide Discontinuities

    Masanori KOSHIBA  Mitsuru SATO  Michio SUZUKI  

    LETTER-Microwaves and Millimeter Waves

    E66-E No:7

    A finite-element program for the solution of the E-plane waveguide discontinuity is presented. The validity of the method is confirmed by comparing numerical results for the E-plane linear taper with the measured results of Matsumaru. The results obtained for the E-plane step-diaphragm junction discontinuity are compared with some computed results in the literature and our results agree well with the results of the conservation of complex power technique.

  • Truncated Error of Asymptotic Expansion for Erlang Loss Function

    Haruo AKIMARU  Haruhisa TAKAHASHI  Tsunako NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Switching Systems

    E66-E No:7

    This paper presents an expanded numerical table for the coefficients of the asymptotic expansion for Erlang loss function and a formula for estimating the truncation error of the expansion. It is shown that the expansion gives a high accuracy for practical application ranges.

  • Scanning Diversity Effect on Channel Reuse in a Digital FM Cellular Land Mobile Radio

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    LETTER-Diversity Reception

    E66-E No:7

    This paper presents the optimum switching threshold in a dual scanning diversity and the diversity effects on channel reuse distance and number of channel groups needed for cellular reuse in a digital FM cellular land mobile radio.

  • A Note on Alternating On-Line Turing Machines with Only Universal States

    Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  Hiroshi TANIGUCHI  Akira ITO  

    LETTER-Automata and Languages

    E66-E No:6

    The main purpose of this paper is to show that, for any L(n) such that L(n)logn and [L(n)/n]0, L(n) space bounded alternating on-line Turing machines with only universal states are less powerful than ordinary L(n) space bounded alternating on-line Turing machines. Closure properties are also discussed.
