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  • Synthesis Method of Incompletely Specified Ternary Function Based on Some Polyphecks

    Kazuharu YAMATO  Kyoichi NAKASHIMA  Yoshiaki MIYOSHI  Naohiro FUKUDA  

    LETTER-Multi-Valued Logic

    E67-E No:3

    In this paper, the synthesis method of incompletely specified function based on NOR-type polypheck is presented. In synthesizing a function, the size of term is applied. The expanded simplification method in binary logic system is also applied.

  • An Automatic Public Address System Using a PARCOR Speech Synthesizer LSI

    Yasuhiko ARAI  


    E67-E No:3

    An automatic public address system using a PARCOR speech synthesizer LSI has been developed. A µCPU controls the synthesizer LSI, and compiles up to 255 sentences from maximum 255 words. For the excitation source, a one-pitch residual waveform is used to improve the PARCOR-synthesized speech sound quality good for the public address system. Adopting the differential coding of the K parameters, in the case that the frame period is 10 ms and the spectral distortion per parameter is 0.5 dB, spectral information has been reduced 26.9% as compared with that of the conventional PCM coding of the K parameters. Furthermore, varing the frame data length, the total data have been reduced 30 to 35% as compared with the fixed frame data length. By means of the spectral distortion measure, spectral information has been compressed in this variable frame rate system. Consequently, is has been known that the speech sound quality is improved by the parameter smoothing effect. An average bit rate is 4.2 kbits/s (in case of 10 ms frame period) or 7.2 kbits/s (5 ms frame period). Sound articulation score is 94.4% (10 ms frame period). Finally, a general method to derive the excitation waveform from the mean power spectrum of original residual signal is proposed, and it is shown that the use of novel excitation has the effect of synthesizing a similar sound to the original one.

  • Plastic Sheath for 2.6/9.5 mm Coaxial Cable

    Tsuneo KUWABARA  Satoshi MOCHIZUKI  

    LETTER-Cable Sheath

    E67-E No:3

    Permeance properties of a stalpeth sheath and a laminated aluminum polyethylene (LAP) sheath are analyzed experimentally. From a view point of the permeance property, the LAP sheath which is coated with adhesive copolymer on both sides on an aluminum tape is available for 2.6/9.5 mm coaxial cable whose sheath has been extruded lead sheath yet.

  • Application of the Boundary Element Method to Plane Wave Scattering Problems from Several Dielectric Cylinders

    Ken'ichiro YASHIRO  Sumio OHKAWA  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation

    E67-E No:3

    The boundary element method (BEM) is applied to the two dimensional scattering of plane electromagnetic waves. Numerical results show that the BEM is effectively available to analyse the scattering even from a complex geometry. Errors depending on the number of boundary elements are also discussed.

  • Null Forming by Phase Control in Array Antennas

    Isamu CHIBA  Tadashi NUMAZAKI  Seiji NANO  Takashi KATAGI  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E67-E No:3

    Methods for forming a null by only phase control based on search algorithm require complex calculations. This paper presents a method based on beam superposition without search algorithm. Due to this method, optimum phase are obtained directly by simple calculations. To confirm the usefulness of this method, experiments carried out by using circular-arc antennas have been done. Results of experiments show that a deep null can be formed at desired directions.

  • Studies on the Characteristics of Nb Josephson Junction--Effect of Substrate Bias--

    Takeshi ARIIZUMI  Kazuto IKEDA  Toshinari GOTO  

    LETTER-Other Devices

    E67-E No:2

    Nb-NbOχ-Pb Josephson junctions based on the Nb films deposited by dc bias sputtering have been investigated. It was found that the bias voltages, hence the properties of Nb film affect tunnel characteristics and high quality junctions can be made at appropriate substrate bias voltage.

  • Telegraph Equations in Tapered Waveguides

    Tadao INAMI  Masao KODAMA  Kengo TAIRA  Norimasa KIKUYAMA  

    LETTER-Microwaves and Millimeter Waves

    E67-E No:2

    In order to study reflection characteristics of a tapered waveguide, we often use an equivalent transmission line satisfying the telegraph equations. We show a method of determining the telegraph equation in tapered waveguides having two symmetric planes.

  • Data-Driven Control of Multi-Microprocessor System

    Masahiro SOWA  Motoaki OHKUBO  


    E67-E No:2

    A prototype multi-microprocessor system, GMMCS, with a time-slice common bus is built at University of Gunma. The concept of data-driven control is introduced for making the control program simple and clear. The system can also work as a procedural level data flow computer system with plural master processors. A hardware of the system has already been reported in the transaction of IECE Japan. This paper discusses mainly the software especially the method of introducing the concept into the system and the results of sorting programs executed using the system.

  • An Adaptive Variable-Resonance Equalizer for a 16 QAM Radio System

    Teruaki YOSHIDA  Hideaki MATSUE  Kozo MORITA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems

    E67-E No:2

    This paper describes the design and performance of a new adaptive IF equalizer for correcting amplitude and group delay dispersion due to selective fading in a 200 Mb/s, 16 QAM digital radio system. This equalizer contains only a simple variable-resonance circuit automatically controlled by a microcomputer. This adaptive equalizer can reduce both amplitude and delay dispersions due to minimum phase fading and amplitude dispersion due to non-minimum phase fading. In field trial tests (over-water, 52.6 km span), outage time for 16 QAM signals was significantly reduced by about 80% during severe fading periods by about 97.5% during two fading months using this equalizer. Additionally, the in-band amplitude dispersion probability was reduced by about 99%.

  • Software Reliability Growth Modeling with Number of Test Runs

    Shigeru YAMADA  Shunji OSAKI  Hiroyuki NARIHISA  


    E67-E No:2

    Modeling of software reliability growth for a software error detection process is one of key objectives in software reliability. Most of software reliability growth models proposed in the existing literature have adopted a calendar time or machine execution time as the unit of error detection period. This paper investigates a software reliability growth model which uses the number of test runs or executed test cases as the unit of error detection period. The model is discussed by assuming a nonhomogeneous Poission process (NHPP) in which the random variable is defined as the number of software errors detected out of n test runs (n0, 1, 2, ). The NHPP model has a mean value function showing an exponential growth curve. A set of actual software error data is analyzed, and the maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters and the related quantitative indices for software reliability assessment are obtained. The goodness-of-fit test shows that the observed data well-fit the NHPP model. Finally, a software release problem based on a reliability criterion is discussed.

  • Differential Emission Measurement for Atmospheric Attenuation at 20.3 and 31.4 GHz by a Radiometer

    Takeyuki OJIMA  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E67-E No:2

    Attenuation measurements of clear atmosphere were made for eight months by observing sky brightness temperature with a dual-frequency microwave radiometer in no use of extraterrestrial radio sources. High resolution measurements or data processing were realized by a differential emission measurement (DEM) method which could largely reduce an additional attenuation error due to measurement error of brightness temperature to about one tenth in comparison with a conventional emission measurement method. A simple approximate equation of atmospheric attenuation was derived as a function of brightness temperature. True brightness temperature can be retrieved from the approximate equation and the DEM method even if measured brightness temperatures include much constant errors.

  • Large Scale Thermal Analysis of Power Integrated Devices

    Mineo KATSUEDA  Takao MIYAZAKI  Junichiro KAGAMI  Minoru NAGATA  

    PAPER-Electron Devices

    E67-E No:2

    A new approach to the analysis of large-scale thermal system has been developed, in which the thermal resistance matrix of principal portions of the system can be computed very quickly. The features of this method are 1) approximation of rectangular heat sources by equivalent circular ones, 2) formulation of a thermal equation under condition that the semiconductor chip extends infinitely, and 3) modification for a finite chip using the image method, upon necessity. In this paper, formulation and discussions of the present method are described with applications to the thermal problems for high-frequency power transistors that are divided in a large number of cellular devices. Using the present method, isothermal design and thermal instability phenomena such as hot spots and current crowdings are studied.

  • Ar Sputter-Etching of YIG and Ta2O5 and Fabrication of Artificial Anisotropic Waveguides with YIG Thin Films

    Tetsuya MIZUMOTO  Yoshiyuki NAITO  

    PAPER-Optical and Quantum Electronics

    E67-E No:2

    A microfabrication technique using a sputter-etching with Ar, including the process of a mask formation, is described. A Ti etch resistant mask was formed by using a lift-off technique following an electron beam exposure lithography. The sputter-etch rate of YIG, Ta2O5, Ti and Al were determined. Grating patterns with fairly deep grooves were fabricated on YIG and Ta2O5 successfully.

  • Properties of nm Bridge on Edge Junction

    Katsuyoshi HAMASAKI  Kazutake MATSUMOTO  Yoshimitsu KODAIRA  Toranosuke KOMATA  Tsutomu YAMASHITA  

    LETTER-Electron Devices

    E67-E No:2

    Thermal oxidation and liftoff technique have been used to fabricate the niobium nm bridge on an edge junction. The bridges had an effective length of less than 50 nm and width of 2 µm. Experimental results of the threshold curves of the DC-SQUID at 4.2 K are in excellent agreement with calculations based on a sinusoidal current-phase relation. Very sharp microwave-induced steps were also observed, and the bridges were found to show Josephson effect in a wide range of temperature.

  • A Variable-Gain Amplifier Employing First-Quadrant Multiplier/Dividers

    Takeshi YAMAKAWA  Fumio UENO  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E67-E No:2

    A new type of variable-gain amplifier employing two first-quadrant multiplier/dividers is discussed. It has many distinctive features, such as 1) no change in input and output impedances, when gain is changed, 2) good linearity insensitive to the area-mismatch of transistors, 3) zero ouput offset independent of ambient temperature and gain, 4) large gain-bandwidth product, 5) simple circuit configuration.

  • Error Performance Considerations of π/2-TFSK under the Multipath Interfering Environment


    PAPER-Transmission Systems

    E67-E No:1

    Differential detection of π/2-TFSK, which turns to MSK and π/2 shift PSK in the limitting cases, is analyzed in order to find conditions under which the error performance is not degraded severly and to make clear the relationship between error characteristics of MSK and PSK differential detection in the multipath interfering channel. A two-wave model of two Rayleigh waves is adopted as a frequency selective channel. The conditions under which the π/2-TFSK scheme is able to be implemented and detected with the differential detection are investigated. It is indicated that these can be realized by CPFSK. It is shown that existence of a flat part in the excess phase transition exhibits an important role in order not to be severly corrupted by the multipath interference.

  • Formulation of the Verbal Thought Process Based on Generative Rules

    Naoki SUEHIRO  Hiroya FUJISAKI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence

    E67-E No:1

    An assumption is made on the generative nature of the verbal thought process, based on an analogy between language use and verbal thought. A procedure is then presented for acquiring the set of generative rules from a given set of concept strings, leading to an efficient representation of verbal knowledge. The non-terminal symbols derived in the acquisition process are found to correspond to concepts and superordinate concepts in the human process of verbal thought. The validity of the formulation and the efficiency of knowledge representation is demonstrated by an example in which knowledge of biological properties of animals is reorganized into a set of generative rules. The process of inductive inference is then defined as a generalization of the acquired knowledge, and the principle of maximum simplicity of rules is proposed as a possible criterion for such generalization. The proposal is also tested by an example in which only a small part of a systematic body of knowledge is utilized to make inferences on the unknown parts of the system.

  • Numerical Analysis on Magnetization Characteristics of Magnetic Rods Magnetized by Coil

    Hiroyuki WATANABE  Katsuhiro KATO  


    E67-E No:1

    The purpose of this paper is to clear the problems on the analysis of the magnetization characteristics of the magnetic rods magnetized by a coil. For obtaining the magnetization characteristics by the numerical analysis, the finite element method referring to the Green's function are used in this paper. It is necessary to reduce the calculation error, computer memory and execution time in the numerical analysis. The results of the analysis for these requirements are obtained as follows.(1) The analytical region should be divided so that the magnetic energy in each triangular elements is equal. The value of the magnetic energy is determined by the allowance of the calculation error.(2) The analytical region has an optimum area for the dimension of the magnetic rod. The length of the longitudinal direction of the rod should be 2 times of the rod length, and the length of the lateral direction of the rod should be 15 times of the rod radius.

  • Determination of Generation Time and Surface Generation Velocity from Voltage Step Responses of Current and Capacitance on MOS Capacitor

    Akira SHIBATA  Kazumaro KITA  

    PAPER-Electron Devices

    E67-E No:1

    A simple method to obtain the bulk generation time and surface generation velocity in the completely depleted state is presented. The method is based on measuring both the gate current and high frequency capacitance at the time, t=0, soon after the gate voltage is switched from a depletion to an inversion state on an MOS capacitor. The gate current Igo and high frequency capacitance Chfo at t=0 is measured for various step gate voltages, and the plots of Igo/(1Chfo/Cox) against (Cf/Chfo1) is obtained as the straight line, from which the two generation constants are calculated. In respect of some advantages compared to already existing methods, it is pointed out that our method does not require to know the impurity density and depletion layer width of semiconductor for the determination of the two generation constants.

  • Error Correctable Many-Valued Majority Elements

    Yoshinori YAMAMOTO  Shiro FUJITA  


    E67-E No:1

    A method is presented to synthesize many-valued majority elements which can correct errors and simultaneously realize logic functions.
