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  • Flux-Flow Type Josephson Oscillator with a Coupling Circuit to a Quasiparticle Detector

    Tadao NAGATSUMA  Keiji ENPUKU  Fujio IRIE  Keiji YOSHIDA  

    LETTER-Other Devices

    E66-E No:11

    Properties of the flux-flow type Josephson oscillator coupled to a quasiparticle detector through a planar stripline cavity are investigated in the millimeter wave region. The present coupling scheme is essential for magnetic field isolation between the oscillator and the Josephson rf-devices, as well as filtering of spurious harmonics.

  • Visual Perception and Cognition of Kanji Patterns

    Kenji HIWATASHI  Masako SUDO  

    LETTER-Biological Cybernetics

    E66-E No:11

    By psychological measurements, data of two kinds of subjective judgements--perceptual and cognitive judgements--for Kanji and Kanji-like patterns were obtained, and it was shown that two stages of information processing--perception and cognition--in human pattern recognition has different functions respectively.

  • Time Domain Equalizer Performance in the Non-minimum Phase Shift Fading Channel

    Masaharu ARAKI  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems

    E66-E No:11

    Time domain equalizer performance in a non-minimum phase multipath channel is estimated analytically. In a two-ray fading model, this channel is characterized by the amplitude ratio if the interfering ray to the direct ray, where the ratio is greater than unity. Based on the theoretical analysis of intersymbol interference, it is shown that in the non-minimum phase condition the decision feedback equalizer does not have as large an improvement factor as has been reported for minimum phase condition. However, detailed signature analysis shows that the decision feedback equalizer in the non-minimum phase condition has an equalization capability better than a linear transversal equalizer in a range where the amplitude ratio is close to unity.

  • Hardware Implementation of a New Parallel Fourier Transform (PFT) System Using a Differential Transform Matrix

    Minoru KOHATA  Hideaki SONE  Hiroshi ECHIGO  Tasuku TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Fourier Transform

    E66-E No:10

    A principle of new Parallel Fourier Transform (PFT) system using a differential transform matrix (DTM) is presented, and its hardware implementation is carried out. The PFT is one of the methods which can execute real-time Discrete Fourier Transform with a low-cost parallel processing. In this paper, the derivation of PFT using DTM is mentioned from the original PFT using polyphase system. It is shown that the PFT using DTM can execute the DFT by 2.5N digital additions or subtractions (where N is the number of input signal points) for each Fourier component, and its hardware is shown. Finally a typical experiment of the PFT is presented.

  • A Simple Meaning Representation Formalism for Japanese Discourse

    Hidetoshi YOKOO  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence

    E66-E No:10

    A simple meaning representation formalism for Japanese discourse understanding system is presented. Meanings are represented as the clausal forms of logic by utilizing the contextual knowledge and common-sense reasoning can be made as deductive inference by a PROLOG-like procedural interpretation.

  • System Configuration of On-Line Library

    Hiroshi INOSE  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Data Processing

    E66-E No:10

    This paper describes the systems aspect of the study which has been conducted to explore the realizability of an on-line library that is capable of providing on-line, to many remote users with original document information. The concept of an on-line library is presented first and then design considerations for a prototype system is described. The prototype system includes a bibliographic information retrieval subsystem, an original document information retrieval subsystem, and a remote terminal subsystem. The bibliographic information retrieval subsystem is capable of interactively retrieving a bibliographic database and a location information database which are stored in magnetic disks. The original document information retrieval subsystem is capable of selectively providing, in accordance with the result of bibliographic information retrieval, pages of original documents which are stored in a direct-read-after-write (DRAW) type optical disk. The remote terminal subsystem performs interactive bibliographic information retrieval and hard-copy recording of original document information by digital facsimile, as well as signal processing and communication control. System performance of the prototype system has been evaluated experimentally, and based upon the evaluation, design parameters for a full-fledged operational system have been described.

  • Analysis of Optical Guided Waves in a Periodically Corrugated Dielectric Film Waveguide by Perturbation Method

    Nion Sock CHANG  Yukito MATSUO  

    PAPER-Optical and Quantum Electronics

    E66-E No:10

    The symmetric first-order Bragg interactions of the optical guided wave in a periodically corrugated dielectric layered structure are investigated for the case of TE mode. The dispersion relation that clarified the propagation characteristics of the optical guided wave in this system is derived systematically by a singular perturbation method using multiple space scales. The obtained formulation is possible to give analytically an estimation of the system, and its numerical results give a designing basis at composing the filter of the optical guided wave and resonator of the semiconductor lasers.

  • Impurity Influence in Raw Materials on Transmission Loss for the VAD Fibers

    Hiroyuki SUDA  Kazunori CHIDA  Motohiro NAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Optical and Quantum Electronics

    E66-E No:10

    In order to propose necessary raw material purity for obtaining low loss optical vapor-phase axial deposition (VAD) fibers, the contribution of impurities in raw materials to transmission loss for finished fibers has been investigated. Especially, the relation between both SiHCl3 and Fe impurity concentrations in raw materials and the absorption loss for final VAD fibers is clarified. As a result, the OH absorption loss, which is to be produced by SiHCl3 impurity, for VAD fibers is independent of the SiHCl3 impurity amount in raw materials, in contrast to MCVD fibers. In regard to Fe impurity, broadly Fe absorption loss of 0.3 dB/km at 0.8 µm appeared in the VAD fiber which was made from the raw materials containing saturated FeCl3 impurity. This Fe impurity contribution is discussed in terms of partial vapor pressure. Besides, low loss fiber with a 0.60 dB/km minimum transmission loss at 1.55 µm has been fabricated from unpurified SiCl4 with 99.17% purity. It is showed that low grade raw materials can be used to fabricate low loss fibers for practical use in the VAD process.

  • The Degeneracy of TE and TM Modes in a Transversely Magnetized Ferrite Slab

    Charrary SURAWATPUNYA  Makoto TSUTSUMI  Nobuaki KUMAGAI  

    PAPER-Microwaves and Millimeter Waves

    E66-E No:10

    The degeneracy of TE and TM modes in a transversely magnetized ferrite slab is investigated from the dispersion diagram. The Bragg reflection phenomena in the periodic structures are employed to measure the propagation characteristics of both modes in the vicinity of the degenerate point. A theoretical study of the Bragg reflection phenomena in a surface-corrugated polycrystalline YIG slab is carried out on the basis of an equivalent-circuit model, and then experiments are performed. Existence of the degeneracy of TE and TM modes in the millimeter wave frequencies is confirmed experimentally.

  • Multiple Fiber Connector with Reciprocal End Structure

    Kengo IMON  Masamitu TOKUDA  

    LETTER-Optical and Quantum Electronics

    E66-E No:10

    A new type of multiple connector for multiple extrusion fiber unit is proposed. This connector has a reciprocal end structure and a simple clamping device such as thermo-shrinkable tube. Average splice loss of 0.31 dB with the maximum loss of 0.52 dB is attained with index maching oil.

  • Variational formula for Magnetostatic Wave Resonators and Its Applications

    Takashi OHIRA  Makoto TSUTSUMI  Nobuaki KUMAGAI  

    PAPER-Microwaves and Millimeter Waves

    E66-E No:10

    A variational formula is presented for magnetostatic wave resonators. The formula is applied to the magnetized ferrite disk and ring resonators. The resonant mode charts are shown, and it is found that if the aspect of the resonator is optimized, a single mode resonance can be realized on a wide frequency range.

  • A Method of Making Pseudo-Stereo Pairs from a Line Figure

    Takeshi AGUI  Tomoharu NAGAO  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E66-E No:10

    It is described that an interactive method of generating easily a pseudo-stereo pair from a two dimensional manually drawn line figure, which has not three dimensional data.

  • Analysis of Buffer Reservation Models with Mixed Renewal and Poisson Inputs

    Konosuke KAWASHIMA  

    PAPER-Switching Systems

    E66-E No:9

    This paper reports on studies of queueing systems having finite waiting buffers and many processors with two input streams, one of which is given preference over the other by buffer reservation. The arrival patterns for the two streams are different. One stream is described by a renewal process and the other is Poissonian. The former is called a GI call, and the latter a Poisson call. The buffer reservation model in this paper is an analogy from a trunk reservation model for telephone network. Two models are considered, giving priority to either Poisson calls or GI calls. The buffer reservation models have some practical applications to packet switched network and integrated communication systems such as voice and data systems. The models are analyzed using piecewise Markov process theory and transient solutions for an M/M/S/K queueing model. In addition, some numerical results are shown for loss probability and mean waiting time, as well as throughput rate. Traffic characteristics are consequently clarified.

  • Boundary Element Analysis of the Discontinuities in an Elastic Plate Waveguide for SH Waves

    Masanori KOSHIBA  Toshiaki MIKI  Michio SUZUKI  

    LETTER-Acoustic Waveguides

    E66-E No:9

    A numerical approach for the solution of the scattering by the discontinuities in an elastic plate waveguide for SH waves is described. The approach is a combination of the boundary element method and the analytical method. The results by this approach for the step discontinuity in a plate waveguide agree well with earlier theoretical results.

  • Some Properties of Multi-State Monotone Systems and Their Boolean Structure Functions

    Kyoichi NAKASHIMA  Kazuharu YAMATO  

    PAPER-System Reliability

    E66-E No:9

    The reliability analysis of multi-state systems is needed for treating multi-modal failures, failure interdependency and degraded states. This paper defines some types of multi-state monotone systems from the positive relation between two states of components and presents their properties with emphasis on properties of Boolean structure functions with restricted 0-1 variables. Positive-directionally (or negative-directionally) monotone system is defined as the concept of monotone system wider than the former one, and its deterministic and probabilistic properties useful for the reliability analysis are given. Extended definitions of series, parallel and series-parallel systems are also given.

  • Contact Resistance between a Solid Lubricant Composite and Metals

    Yoshitada WATANABE  Riitsu TAKAGI  


    E66-E No:9

    The static contact resistance between a lubricating composite material and three kinds of metals, copper, molybdenum and tungsten, were studied. The resistance for a pair of the composite and a metal under a load indicated a maximum or a minimum at a certain applied current. The behavior of the resistance vs. current curves could classify the contact pairs tested into three groups.

  • A Digital CCD Field Memory for Video Signal Processing

    Tadakuni NARABU  Hideo KANBE  Miaki NAKASHIO  Maki SATO  Takeo HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Integrated Circuits

    E66-E No:9

    A CCD memory was implemented and its fundamental operation was confirmed. This memory is the first digital CCD field memory for video signal processing. It can read and write simultaneously at unusually high frequency such as 14.3 MHz in spite of having large capacity such as 195 k bits. This memory is made of one block of serial-parallel-serial structure. The ship size is 9.00 mm (H)5.5 mm (V). It was fabricated by n-channel CCD process using the three-level polysilicon technology. The thickness of gate oxide is 1000 . We developed CCD's of new structure for serial registers to obtain high horizontal bit density keeping high charge transfer efficiency. The serial registers have 768 effective bits and the length per bit is 10 µm/bit. The transfer efficiency was found to be more than 0.99997. Input clock pulses of the serial registers are 2-phase, 9 Vp-p. Parallel registers employ an operation of 6-phase electrode-per-bit, which contributes high vertical bit density. The clock generator and clock drivers for parallel registers are on-chip, and the levels of input clock pulses for them are TTL compatible. This memory generates reference signals, which identify digital signals of 1 or 0 at an external sense amplifier. The amplitude of the output signal is 200 m Vp-p.

  • Field Experiments on 128 kbit/s Digital Signal Transmission with Post-Detection Selection Diversity in Land Mobile Radio Channels

    Toshio MIKI  Masaharu HATA  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems

    E66-E No:9

    Field experiments have been performed in the Tokyo metropolitan area, using a 128 kbit/s GMSK signaling. Through the experiments, the diversity improvement on high-speed digital transmission performance have been made clear in land mobile radio channels.

  • Failure Rate Prediction Method for LSIs

    Kiyoshi OGAWA  Yoshimitsu SAKAGAWA  Yoshio SUNOHARA  

    PAPER-Integrated Circuits

    E66-E No:9

    This paper proposes, as a new LSI reliability estimation method, a procedure for estimating the failure rate of LSI by classifying failures according to failure modes and by expressing the failure rates as functions of the LSI design parameters. As a concrete example, bipolar logic LSIs and MOSRAMs were taken up. Their respective failure modes and the design parameter dependences for the failure rates were considered, in order to obtain the relations between the integration density and the failures. As a result, it was clarified that the failure rate per gate for bipolar logic LSI was inversely proportional to (the number of gates)0.4 and that the failure rate per bit for MOSRAM was inversely proportional to (the number of bits)0.7. And it was concluded that the dominant failure modes will be in the metallization for the bipolar logic LSI and in surface degradation for the MOSRAM. Thus, new LSI reliability estimation was carried out. And the technical problems to solve or new technical targets to study in order to improve the reliability of high density LSIs were clarified.

  • Precise Control of Grating Pitch by Electron-Beam Exposure System for Integrated Optics

    Kazuhito FURUYA  Kenji YOSHIDA  Kimiyasu HONJO  Yasuharu SUEMATSU  

    LETTER-Optical and Quantum Electronics

    E66-E No:9

    A pitch of a grating drawn by an electron beam was controlled precisely within 10 by attaching an attenuator to a conventional electron-beam-exposure system. This technique may be applied for fabrication of a periodic structure for integrated optics.
