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  • Characterization of HfO2 Films Prepared on Various Surfaces for Gate Dielectrics

    Takashi YAMAMOTO  Yukiko IZUMI  Naoyuki SUGIYAMA  Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA  Hideki HASHIMOTO  Yoshihiro SUGITA  


    E87-C No:1

    We prepared HfO2 films by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on three kinds of silicon substrate surfaces (chemical oxide, HF-last surface and thermal oxide), and characterized their morphologies, structures, compositions, and crystallinities by physical analysis. The results revealed that the as-deposited HfO2 films consisted of nano-crystalline particles with a different crystalline system from that of the annealed films. The size of the nano-crystalline particles on the film on the chemical oxide was smaller than those on the other surfaces. The reason is thought to be the difference in OH concentration on the substrate surface. The predominant crystalline phases of all HfO2 films were monoclinic after annealing. Moreover, the film prepared on the chemical oxide had the smoothest surface after annealing. However, island structures with grain boundaries developed in the films on the other surfaces.

  • Robust and Fast Stereovision Based Obstacles Detection for Driving Safety Assistance

    Raphael LABAYRADE  Didier AUBERT  


    E87-D No:1

    This paper deals with a first evaluation of the efficiency and the robustness of the real-time "v-disparity" algorithm in stereovision for generic road obstacles detection towards various types of obstacles (vehicle, pedestrian, motorbike, cyclist, boxes) and under adverse conditions (day, night, rain, glowing effect, noise and false matches in the disparity map). The theoretical good properties of the "v-disparity" algorithm--accuracy, robustness, computational speed--are experimentally confirmed. The good results obtained allow us to use this stereo algorithm as the onboard perception process for Driving Safety Assistance: conductor warning and longitudinal control of a low speed automated vehicle (using a second order sliding mode control) in difficult and original situations, at frame rate using no special hardware. Results of experiments--Vehicle following at low speed, Stop'n'Go, Stop on Obstacle (pedestrian, fallen motorbike, load dropping obstacle)--are presented.

  • Ray-Tracing Simulation of Path-Loss in Urban-Microcellular Environments under Road Traffic Conditions

    Hiroyuki SHIMIZU  Makoto ABO  Chikao NAGASAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E87-B No:1

    The authors have performed a simple computer simulation for a topography that models change in propagation characteristics due to change in traffic volume. The results of this simulation revealed that path loss for a traffic volume of about 2000 vehicles every 30 minutes in a typical urban environment exhibits a Rayleigh distribution. This result agrees well with that of actual measurements demonstrating that even a simple simulation can be a useful tool in system design.

  • Thermal Stability of Stacked High-κ Dielectrics on Silicon and Its Improvement by Helium Annealing

    Kouichi MURAOKA  


    E87-C No:1

    Thermal stability of stacked high-κ dielectrics, especially ZrO2, HfO2 and ZrSiO4 /SiO2 layered structures, on silicon has been investigated in terms of ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), 1 Torr N2 and helium (He) gas annealing with controlled oxygen partial pressure (PO2) at 920. Comparison of 2 nm and 20 nm ZrO2 films under UHV annealing revealed that the trigger of silicidation is the contact of ZrO2, SiO and Si accompanying disappearance of interfacial SiO2 layer due to SiO desorption. In the contact position, a small amount of SiO gas can easily change ZrO2 to ZrSi2. This reaction model is also applicable to the silicidation of HfO2 and ZrSiO4, at not only stacked high-κ film/Si substrate interface, but also at gate poly-Si/high-κ film interface. Moreover, comparison of UHV, N2 and He annealing with controlled PO2 revealed that the optimal PO2 ranges in He at which the thermal stability of layered structure can be achieved are wider than those in UHV and N2. This result suggests that He gas physically may obstruct SiO creation due to the quenching of atomic vibration at degradation-prone sites in the SiO2 /Si interface, thus reducing probability of bond breaking process, which is the first step of silicidation.

  • SCA-Resistant and Fast Elliptic Scalar Multiplication Based on wNAF

    Katsuyuki OKEYA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    The side channel attack (SCA) is a serious attack on wearable devices that have scarce computational resources. Cryptographic algorithms on them should be efficient using small memory--we have to make efforts to optimize the trade-off between efficiency and memory. In this paper we present efficient SCA-resistant scalar multiplications based on window method. Moller proposed an SPA-resistant window method based on 2w-ary window method, which replaces w-consecutive zeros to 1 plus w-consecutive and it requires 2w points of table (or 2w-1 + 1 points if the signed 2w-ary is used). The most efficient window method with small memory is the width-w NAF, which requires 2w-2 points of table. In this paper we convert the width-w NAF to an SPA-resistant addition chain. Indeed we generate a scalar sequence with the fixed pattern, e.g. |00x|00x||00x|, where x is positive odd points < 2w. Thus the size of the table is 2w-1, which is optimal in the construction of the SPA-resistant chain based on width-w NAF. The table sizes of the proposed scheme are 6% to 50% smaller than those of Moller's scheme for w = 2,3,4,5, which are relevant choices in the sense of efficiency for 160-bit ECC.

  • Analyzing the Impact of Data Errors in Safety-Critical Control Systems

    Orjan ASKERDAL  Magnus GAFVERT  Martin HILLER  Neeraj SURI  

    PAPER-Verification and Dependability Analysis

    E86-D No:12

    Computers are increasingly used for implementing control algorithms in safety-critical embedded applications, such as engine control, braking control and flight surface control. Consequently, computer errors can have severe impact on the safety of such systems. Addressing the coupling of control performance with computer related errors, this paper develops a methodology for analyzing the impacts data errors have on control system dependability. The impact of a data error is measured as the resulting control error. We use maximum bounds on this measure as the criterion for control system failure (i.e., if the control error exceeds a certain threshold, the system has failed). In this paper we a) develop suitable models of computer faults for analysis of control level effects and related analysis methods, and b) apply traditional control theory analysis methods for understanding the impacts of data errors on system dependability. An automobile slip-control brake-system is used as an example showing the viability of our approach.

  • A Time-Slot Assignment Scheme in TD-CDMA/TDD Systems

    Ho-Shin CHO  Young Kil KWAG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:12

    We propose a mathematical model to analyze the performance of TD-CDMA/TDD systems in terms of call blocking probability and then find the optimum time-slot switching-point at the smallest call blocking probability considering asymmetrical traffic load distribution for various kinds of service applications.

  • A Method of IP Traffic Management Using the Relationship between TCP Flow Behavior and Link Utilization

    Ryoichi KAWAHARA  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Takuya ASAKA  Katsunori ORI  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E86-B No:11

    We propose a method of IP traffic management where the TCP performance at a bottleneck link is estimated from monitored data about the behavior of the number of active flows versus link utilization, which are both easy to measure. This method is based on our findings that (i) TCP performance remains constant as long as the link utilization is below some threshold value, but becomes degraded when it exceeds this value and (ii) the number of active flows increases linearly with link utilization up to the same value, and the increase becomes nonlinear above it. Though this threshold may vary depending on traffic/network conditions, our method requires neither predetermination of a threshold on the basis of assumed traffic conditions nor direct measurement of TCP performance.

  • Asymmetric Characteristics of Internet Based on Traffic Measurement and Analysis

    Satoshi KATSUNO  Kiminori SUGAUCHI  Osamu TSUNEHIRO  Katsuyuki YAMAZAKI  Kenichi YOSHIDA  Hiroshi ESAKI  


    E86-D No:11

    This paper presents measurement and analysis of various networks and applications using a high-speed IP meter. The authors have developed a high-speed IP meter with a GPS timestamp component, which enables precise measurement of packet delay and jitter in various networks. Measurement of the following networks was performed, 1) Measurement of traffic in a commercial IPv6 access service on ADSL, as a typical broadband access service network. 2) Measurement of traffic in the 54th IETF meeting in Yokohama, as a typical high-speed Internet backbone network. This paper reports the characteristics identified in these networks, e.g. asymmetricities of one-way packet delay over an ADSL access network and the difference in TCP/UDP packet delay over a high-speed backbone network. It also presents the analysis results of some multimedia applications in the Internet, and discusses the quality of service on Internet access service networks.

  • A Simplified Graph Model for User Interface Constraints

    Chuan-Chieh JUNG  Tze-Heng MA  Yue-Sun KUO  

    PAPER-Man-Machine Systems, Multimedia Processing

    E86-D No:11

    Constraints have been used extensively for the construction of graphical user interfaces. User interface constraints that are declarative are more favorable but require sophisticated constraint planning algorithms. Constraint planning algorithms proposed previously are getting more and more complicated as they were asked to handle more general requirements. We believe that the difficulty is mainly caused by the complicated data structure that is translated directly from the problem. By a transformation, we propose a simplified graph model for the problem and prove that the constraint planning problem can be reduced to finding feedback vertex sets on the simplified graph model. We also consider the general problem of handling non-uniform user interface constraints.

  • Efficiently Accommodation of IP Traffic by Employing WDM-Channel-Count Asymmetric Bi-directional Optical Amplifiers

    Masatoyo SUMIDA  Tsutomu KUBO  Takamasa IMAI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E86-B No:11

    A bi-directional WDM transmission link that changes the channel-count assigned in each direction is proposed for efficiently accommodating IP traffic which is characterized by directional volume asymmetry. A novel bi-directional optical amplifier is also proposed for overcoming the problems that arise in realizing the proposed link. The asymmetric, bi-directional, repeatered WDM transmission of 8 (total) 10 Gbit/s, 50 GHz-spaced channels over eleven 50 km spans is successfully demonstrated. The experimental results clarify that, owing to the use of the proposed bi-directional amplifier, directional asymmetry in channel-count and Rayleigh backscattering do not result in any significant performance degradation. Based upon an analysis of backscattering induced impairment, we show that the total transmission loss of 1000 dB can be supported if the span loss is 20 dB.

  • RF Performance of Diamond Surface-Channel Field-Effect Transistors

    Hitoshi UMEZAWA  Shingo MIYAMOTO  Hiroki MATSUDAIRA  Hiroaki ISHIZAKA  Kwang-Soup SONG  Minoru TACHIKI  Hiroshi KAWARADA  


    E86-C No:10

    RF diamond FETs have been realized on a hydrogen-terminated diamond surface conductive layer. By utilizing the self-aligned gate fabrication process which is effective for the reduction of the parasitic resistance, the transconductance of diamond FETs has been greatly improved. Consequently, the high frequency operation of 22 GHz has been realized in 0.2 µ m gate diamond MISFETs with a CaF2 gate insulator. This value is the highest in diamond FETs and is comparable to the maximum value of SiC MESFETs at present.

  • Railways and Space -- Their Assurance System

    Shuichiro YAMANOUCHI  


    E86-D No:10

    Assurance improvement is the most challenging task both in railway and space areas, even though their required technologies are different. It can be said that the railways have been achieving the extremely high assurance level through their long history and experience, while the space area has not accumulated enough experience in addition to their requirement of highly advanced technology. As a result, the latter places more emphasis on theoretical analyses for ensuring the assurance. This paper introduces the two different approaches of railway and space areas toward assurance, and compares the two methods.

  • Method of Estimating Flow Duration Distribution Using Active Measurements

    Takuya ASAKA  Katsunori ORI  Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  


    E86-B No:10

    Measuring the duration of flow of a TCP connection in an end-to-end path is important in the management of network performance, and when this is done, an administrator can manage the quality of the networks using the α percentile of the distribution. We propose a method of estimating the distribution of flow duration in an end-to-end path through active measurement using a small degree of traffic. This method of estimation is based on traffic characteristics that are observed in measuring traffic in actual networks. It imposes little additional load on networks and the time in computation required to estimate the distribution is also short. The distribution to be estimated is assumed as a log-normal distribution, and the mean and variance of the distribution of a target file size is estimated by using results of active measurements. Means and variances in various file sizes are estimated through the linear relationships between these values (or their logarithms) and file size. We also provide numerical examples using actual traffic data.

  • Cell Boundary Shifting with Power Ratio Control and Tilted Antenna Arrays in a Cellular Wireless Communications

    Jie ZHOU  Shigenobu SASAKI  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  

    LETTER-Communications Systems

    E86-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose the soft boundary concept achieved by dynamic tilted antenna to solve the issue of traffic congestion occurred in cellular wireless systems. The tilted antenna array can provide the merit of traffic balance and also achieve the optimization of the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) at receivers by automatically tilting the antenna and implementing the soft boundary among cells, corresponding to the variation of traffic. According to our results, it is shown that power ratio control do not necessarily improved system performance when there is a large variation in traffic because it only control power levels. Also the properly chosen angle of tilt antenna can relieve the traffic congestion and perform the system performance optimization.

  • Performance Comparison of Multipath Routing Algorithms for TCP Traffic

    Guangyi LIU  Shouyi YIN  Xiaokang LIN  


    E86-B No:10

    Multipath is a big problem for TCP traffic in traffic engineering. To solve it, hash functions such as CRC-16 are usually applied over source and destination address segments in packet headers. Through simulations and performance comparison of several multipath algorithms, it is found out that high network utilization achieved by using hash functions is at the expense of low fairness among coexisting TCP flows. It is also illustrated that packet size has significant influence on performance.

  • QoS Certification of Real-Time Distributed Computing Systems: Issues and Promising Approaches

    K.H. (Kane) KIM  


    E86-D No:10

    The general public is expected to demand in not too distant future instituting more stringent certification procedures for computing parts of traditional and new-generation safety-critical application systems. Such quality-of-service (QoS) certification processes will not and can not rely solely on the testing approach. Design-time guaranteeing of timely service capabilities of various subsystems is an inevitable part of such processes. Although some promising developments in this area have been occurring in recent years, the technological challenges yet to be overcome are enormous. This paper is a summary of the author's perspective on the remaining challenges and promising directions for tackling them.

  • A New Dividing Method in Affine Arithmetic

    Shinya MIYAJIMA  Takatomi MIYATA  Masahide KASHIWAGI  


    E86-A No:9

    Affine arithmetic is a kind of interval arithmetic defined by Stolfi et al. In affine arithmetic, it is difficult to realize the efficient nonlinear binomial operations. The purpose of this letter is to propose a new dividing method which is able to supply more suitable evaluation than the old dividing method. And this letter also shows the efficiency of the new dividing method by numerical examples.

  • Local Poisson Property of Aggregated IP Traffic

    Hiroki FURUYA  Hajime NAKAMURA  Shinichi NOMOTO  Tetsuya TAKINE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories

    E86-B No:8

    This paper studies the local Poisson property of aggregated IP traffic. First, it describes the scenario where IP traffic presents a Poisson-like characteristic within some limited range of time scales when packets from independent traffic streams are aggregated. Each of the independent traffic streams corresponds to a series of correlated IP packets such as those of a transport connection. Since the Poisson-like characteristic is observed only within some limited range of time scales, we call this characteristic the local Poisson property. The limited range of time scales of the local Poisson property can be estimated from a network configuration and characteristics of transport connections. Second, based on these observations, we seek the possibility to apply an ordinary Poisson process to evaluation of the packet loss probability in IP networks. The analytical investigation, where IP traffic is modeled by a superposition of independent branching Poisson processes that presents the local Poisson property, suggests that the packet loss probability can be estimated by a finite-buffer queue with a Poisson process when the buffer size is within a certain range. The investigation is verified by simulations. These findings expand the applicability of conventional Poisson-based approaches to IP network design issues.

  • Photoconductive Generation and Detection of Guided-Wave and Free-Space Terahertz Waveforms

    Abdulhakem Y. ELEZZABI  Jonathan F. HOLZMAN  

    INVITED PAPER-Signal Generation and Processing Based on MWP Techniques

    E86-C No:7

    We report on several photoconductive (PC) geometries for the generation of both guided-wave and free-space terahertz (THz) waveforms. It is found that guided-wave THz electrical waveforms can be produced through both PC self-switching and frozen wave generation--eliminating the need for an ultrashort carrier lifetime in the semiconductor substrate. The concept of PC switching is also applied to the generation of free-space THz waveforms, and various ZnSe detectors are investigated as potential electro-optic THz sensors.
