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  • Traffic Shaping for VBR Traffic in ATM Networks

    Naoaki YAMANAKA  Youichi SATO  Ken-ichi SATO  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:10

    The effectiveness of traffic shaping for VBR traffic is analyzed. Evaluation results prove that traffic shaping can improve link efficiency for most forms of bursty VBR traffic and that link efficiency gains of more than 250% can be expected without the shaping delay imposing any significant QOS deterioration. Traffic shaping increases the link efficiency to about 80% for traffic with short burst repetition periods. The traffic shaping techniques and analytical results described herein can be employed in the traffic management of future B-ISDN/ATM networks.

  • A Method of Composing Communication Protocols with Priority Service

    Masahiro HIGUCHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  


    E75-B No:10

    Many practical communication protocols provide priority service as well as ordinary service. In such a protocol, the protocol machines can initiate a priority service at most of the states. This characteristic leads an extreme increment of the number of state transitions on the protocol machines and causes state space explosion in verification of safety property of the protocol. This paper describes a method of constructing a communication protocol from composition of a subprotocol for ordinary service and that for priority service. This paper also presents a sufficient condition for a composed protocol to inherit safety property from the subprotocols. By using the composition method and the sufficient condition, the decision problem for safety property of the composed protocol can be reduced to those of the subprotocols. An experimental result of verification of a part of OSI session protocol is also described. The result shows that the method can reduce the computation time for verifying safety property to about 3% against the naive way.

  • Switching Software Design Using Dataflow Techniques

    Yukihito MAEJIMA  Hirotoshi SHIRASU  Toukou OUTSUBO  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper describes a new method for designing switching software called DDL (Data Driven Logic). The new design method adopts the dataflow concept and graphical programming using a dataflow diagram. A dataflow diagram is used for software representation, and a dataflow mechanism is emulated on a conventional von Neumann processor. The DDL method has the following advantages; (1) general advantages of dataflow software; i.e. easily understandable programs using graphical representations, and easy description of parallelism, (2) modular design using reusable software components, (3) easy design and programming with a graphical user interface. This paper presents the general concepts and structure of DDL. It also discusses the dataflow emulation mechanism, the DDL software development process, the DDL programming environment, an evaluation of the DDL call processing program applied to a commercial PABX, and some unsolved problems of DDL.

  • Contactless Evaluation Using a Laser/Microwave Method for the Silicon-on-Insulator Made by Wafer Bonding

    Akira USAMI  Takahisa NAKAI  Hideki FUJIWARA  Shun-ichiro ISHIGAMI  Takao WADA  


    E75-C No:9

    In this study, we evaluate the electrical characteristics of the SOI layer made by the wafer bonding method using a laser/microwave method. We use a He-Ne laser pulse for the photoconductivity modulation method and a semiconductor laser diode for the photoconductivity decay method as the carrier injection light source. The detected signal intensity at the void area decreases as compared with that at the center area of the SOI layer where there are no voids. The positions of the voids revealed by the proposed method are in good agreement with those by X-ray topography. We also measure the lifetime by the photoconductivity decay method using a laser diode. The lifetime at the void area is much shorter than that at the center area. It is considered that the decrease in the detected signal intensity at the void area is due to reduction in the minority carrier lifetime.

  • A Stochastic Signal Processing in the Traffic Noise Prediction Problem with the Nonstationarity of Headway Distribution

    Mitsuo OHTA  Kiminobu NISHIMURA  Kazutatsu HATAKEYAMA  


    E75-A No:8

    A ner trial of statistical evaluation for a nonstationary traffic flow and its traffic noise is proposed as a prediction method of its probability distribution function by considering the temporal change of distribution parameters especially from a structural viewpoint. First, a headway distribution of the nonstationary traffic flow passing through within a road segment is proposed on the basis of an Erlang distribution by reflecting a temporal change of its distribution parameters. Then, an initial phase density concerning with asynchronous counting method and the probability of counting n cars over a long time interval are derived from the above nonstationary expression of headway distribution. Thus, the statistics of noise intensity at an observation point has been predicted by combining the above probabilistic factors and deterministic factors related to noise propagation environment with use of a compound stochastic process model. Finally, te effectivenss of the proposed theory has been confirmed experimentally by applying it to the actual traffic flow on a highway.

  • The Segregation and Removal of Metallic Impurities at the Interface of Silicon Wafer Surface and Liquid Chemicals

    Takashi IMAOKA  Takehiko KEZUKA  Jun TAKANO  Isamu SUGIYAMA  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E75-C No:7

    It is crucial to make Si wafer surfaces ultraclean in order to realize such advanced processes as the low-temperature process and the high-selectivity in the ULSI production. The ultra clean wafer surface must be perfectly free from particles, organic materials, metallic impurities, native oxide, surface microroughness, and adsorbed molecule impurities. Since the metallic contamination on the wafer surface, which is one of the major contaminants to be overcome in order to come up with the ultra clean wafer surface, has the fatal effect on the device characteristics, the metallic impurities in the wafer surface must be suppressed at least below 1010 atoms/cm2. Meanwhile the current dry processes such as reactive ion etching or ion implantation, suffer the metallic contamination of 10121013 atoms/cm2. The wet process becomes increasingly important to remove the metallic impurities introduced in the dry process. Employing a new evaluation method, the metallic impurity segregations at the inrerface between the Si and liquid employed in the wet cleaning process of the Si surface such as ultrapure water and various clemicals were studied. This article clearly indicate that it is important to suppress the metallic impurities, such as Cu, which can exchange electrons with Si to be segregated, at least below the 10 ppt level in ultrapure water and liquid chemical such as HF, H2O2, which are employed in the final step of the wet cleaning. When the ultrapure water rinsing is performed in the ambience containing oxygen, the native oxide grows accompanying an inclusion of metals featuring lower electron negativity than Si. It is revealed that, in order to provent the metallic impurity precipitation, it is require not only to remove metallic impurities from ultrapure water but also to keep the cleaning ambience without oxygen, such as the nitrogen ambience, so as to suppress the native oxide formation.

  • Influence of Vacancy in Silicon Wafer of Various Types on Surface Microroughness in Wet Chemical Process

    Tadahiro OHMI  Toshihito TSUGA  Jun TAKANO  Masahiko KOGURE  Koji MAKIHARA  Takayuki IMAOKA  


    E75-C No:7

    The increase of surface microroughness on Si substrate degrades the electrical characteristics such as the dielectric breakdown field intensity (EBD) and charge to break-down (QBD) of thin oxide film. It has been found that the surface microroughness increases in the wet chemical process, particularly in NH4OH-H2O2-H2O cleaning (APM cleaning). It has been revealed that the surface microroughness does not increase at all if the NH4OH mixing ratio in NH4OH-H2O2-H2O solution is reduced from the conventional level of 1:1:5 to 0.05:1:5, and the room temperature ultrapure water rinsing is introduced right after the APM cleaning. At the same time, the APM cleaning with NH4OH-H2O2-H2O mixing ratio of 0.05:1:5 has been very effective to remove particles and metallic impurities from the Si surface. The surface microroughness dominating the electrical properties of very thin oxide films is strictly influenced by the wafer quality. The increase of surface microroughness due to the APM cleaning has varied among the wafer types such as Cz, FZ and epitaxial (EPI) wafers. The increase of surface microroughness in EPI wafer was very much limited, while the surface microroughness of FZ and Cz wafers gradually increase. As a result of investigating the amount of diffused phosphorus atoms into these wafers, the increase of the surface microroughness in APM cleaning has been confirmed to strongly depend on the silicon vacancy cluster concentration in wafer. The EPI wafer having low silicon vacancy concentration is essentially revealed superior for future sub-half-micron ULSI devices.

  • A New Cleaning Solution for Metallic Impurities on the Silicon Wafer Surface

    Tsugio SHIMONO  Mikio TSUJI  


    E75-C No:7

    A new cleaning solution (FPM; HF-H2O2-H2O) was investigated in order to remove effectively metallic impurities on the silicon wafer surface. The removability of metallic impurities on the wafer surface and the concentrations of metallic impurities adsorbed on the wafer surface from each contaminated cleaning solution were compared between FPM and conventional cleaning solutions, such as HPM (HCl-H2O2-H2O), SPM (H2SO4-H2O2), DHF (HF-H2O) and APM (NH4OH-H2O2-H2O). This new cleaning solution had higher removability of metallic impurities than conventional ones. Adsorption of some kinds of metallic impurities onto the wafer surface was a serious problem for conventional cleaning solutions. This problem was solved by the use of FPM. FPM was important not only as a cleaning solution for metallic impurities, but also as an etchant. Furthemore, this new cleaning solution made possible to construct a simple cleaning system, because the concentrations of HF and H2O2 are good to be less than 1% for each, and it can be used at room temperature.

  • Evaluation of Statistical Cell Multiplexing Effects and Path Capacity Design in ATM Networks

    Youichi SATO  Ken-ichi SATO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:7

    This paper provides an analytical method to evaluate the cell loss probability in ATM (Asyncronous Transfer Mode) networks employing statistical cell multiplexing. A fairly simple design procedure for path/link capacity is also developed. It is demonstrated that the proposed method yields a conservative capacity value over the entire range examined. This was confirmed by comparing the results obtained through the proposed method with computer simulation results. The method yields a link capacity design approach that can effectively handle different bandwidth and types of VPs within the same link. Evaluations show that the method allows 10% to 1400% more traffic than possible with the peak bandwidth allocation scheme in the parameter range we examined; the specified cell loss probability is set at 10-9. As a result, it is shown that the proposed analytical procedure to evaluate the cell loss probability in statistical cell multiplexing, and the path/link capacity design method are effective and practical even though they use fairly simple procedures.

  • 2D Simulation of Particle Formation, Growth, and Deposition in Low-Pressure CVDs: Application of CONTAMINATE Version 2.0

    Evan WHITBY  Koichi TSUZUKI  


    E75-C No:7

    As part of Hitachi's development of clean semiconductor processing equipment, the Fluids Modeling Group of the Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory is developing a computer model, CONTAMINATE, for simulating contamination of wafers in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems. CONTAMINATE is based on a 2D implementation of the SIMPLER algorithm for simulating convection/diffusion transport processes. The new model includes modules for simulating fluid flow, heat transfer, chemical reactions, and gas-phase formation and deposition of clusters and particles. CONTAMINATE outputs property fields and estimates of various film quality indices. Using CONTAMINATE we simulated a SiH4: O2: N2 gas mixture at 300 K flowing over a wafer heated to 700 K. System pressures were varied from 1-100 torr and SiH4 pressures from 0.1 to 10 torr. Deposition characteristics are in qualitative agreement with actual systems and are summarized as follows: (1) No particles larger than 0.1µm deposited for any of the conditions tested. (2) Film damage occurred above 10 torr, but no damage occurred below 10 torr. (3) Increasing SiH4 pressure at constant system pressure eliminated particle deposition because particles grew large enought that thermophoresis blocked particle diffusion. (4) Conformal deposition of featured surfaces was achieved only at 1 torr. (5) Film thickness variation over the diameter of the wafer was 15% at 100 torr, 3% at 10 torr, and 1% at 1 torr.

  • Evaluation of Si Surface Micro-Roughness by Measuring Chlorine Concentration and Total Charge of Native Oxide

    Ichiro OKI  Tetsuo BIWA  Jun KUDO  Hikou SHIBAYAMA  


    E75-C No:7

    We have developed a new method of evaluating Si suface micro-roughness, by forming thin oxide in HCl/H2O2 solution and then measuring the concentration of chlorine atomes and the total charge in this oxide. It is shown that this oxide does not affect the surface micro-roughness, and the surface concentration of chlorine atoms incorporated in this oxide and the total oxide charge are proportional to the surface microroughness, obtained by AFM. From this correlation, it is possible to evaluate the surface micro-roughness for large areas compared with the areas of AFM measurement.

  • High-Fidelity Sub-Band Coding for Very High Resolution Images

    Takahiro SAITO  Hirofumi HIGUCHI  Takashi KOMATSU  


    E75-B No:5

    Very high resolution images with more than 2,000*2.000 pels will play a very important role in a wide variety of applications of future multimedia communications ranging from electronic publishing to broadcasting. To make communication of very high resolution images practicable, we need to develop image coding techniques that can compress very high resolution images efficiently. Taking the channel capacity limitation of the future communication into consideration, the requisite compression ratio will be estimated to be at least 1/10 to 1/20 for color signals. Among existing image coding techniques, the sub-band coding technique is one of the most suitable techniques. With its applications to high-fidelity compression of very high resolution images, one of the major problem is how to encode high frequency sub-band signals. High frequency sub-band signals are well modeled as having approximately memoryless probability distribution, and hence the best way to solve this problem is to improve the quantization of high frequency sub-band signals. From the standpoint stated above, the work herein first compares three different scalor quantization schemes and improved permutation codes, which the authors have previously developed extending the concept of permutation codes, from the aspect of quantization performance for a memoryless probability distribution that well approximates the real statistical properties of high frequency sub-band signals, and thus demonstrates that at low coding rates improved permutation codes outperform the other scalor quatization schemes and that its superiority decreases as its coding rate increases. Moreover, from the results stated above, the work herein, develops a rate-adaptive quantization technique where the number of bits assigned to each subblock is determined according to the signal variance within the subblock and the proper quantization scheme is chosen from among different types of quantization schemes according to the allocated number of bits, and applies it to the high-fidelity encoding of sub-band signals of very high resolution images to demonstrate its usefulness.

  • Leaf Reduction Theorem on Time- and Leaf-Bounded Alternating Turing Machines

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E75-D No:1

    There have been several studies related to a reduction of the amount of computational resources used by Turing machines. As consequences, Linear speed-up theorem", tape compression theorem" and reversal reduction theorem" have been obtained. In this paper, we discuss a leaf reduction theorem on alternating Turing machines. Recently, the result that one can reduce the number of leaves by a constant factor without increasing the space complexity was shown for space- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines. We show that for time- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines, the number of leaves can be reduced by a constant factor without increasing time used by the machine. Therefore, our result says that a constant factor on the leaf complexity does not affect the power of time- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines.
