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[Keyword] ALG(2355hit)


  • Reliability Functions for Concatenated Codes Employing Modular Codes with Maximum Likelihood Decoding

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Junya KAGA  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E78-A No:9

    This paper investigates the error correcting capabilities of concatenated codes employing algebraic geometry codes as outer codes and time-varying randomly selected inner codes, used on discrete memoryless channels with maximum likelihood decoding. It is proved that Gallager's random coding error exponent can be obtained for all rates by such codes. Further, it is clarified that the error exponent arbitrarily close to Gallager's can be obtained for almost all random selections of inner codes with a properly chosen code length, provided that the length of the outer code is sufficiently large. For a class of regular channels, the result is also valid for linear concatenated codes, and Gallager's expurgated error exponent can be asymptotically obtained for all rates.

  • Bifurcation Analysis of Nonlinear Resistive Circuits by Curve Tracing Method

    Lingge JIANG  Akio USHIDA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:9

    In this paper, we discuss computational methods for obtaining the bifurcation points and the branch directions at branching points of solution curves for the nonlinear resistive circuits. There are many kinds of the bifurcation points such as limit point, branch point and isolated point. At these points, the Jacobian matrix of circuit equation becomes singular so that we cannot directly apply the usual numerical techniques such as Newton-Raphson method. Therefore, we propose a simple modification technique such that the Newton-Raphson method can be also applied to the modified equations. On the other hand, a curve tracing algorithm can continuously trace the solution curves having the limit points and/or branching points. In this case, we can see whether the curve has passed through a bifurcation point or not by checking the sign of determinant of the Jacobian matrix. We also propose two different methods for calculating the directions of branches at branching point. Combining these algorithms, complicated solution curves will be easily traced by the curve tracing method. We show the example of a Hopfield network in Sect.5.

  • Homotopy Equivalent Spectral Transformation and Morse Theory

    Yoshinao SHIRAKI  


    E78-A No:9

    The systematic treatment of speech-spectrum transformation can be obtained in terms of algebraic topology and Morse theory. Some properties of homotopy-equivalence in the transformation of 1- and 2-dimensional speech spectrum are discussed.

  • A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Checking the Inclusion for Real-Time Deterministic Restricted One-Counter Automata Which Accept by Final State

    Ken HIGUCHI  Mitsuo WAKATSUKI  Etsuji TOMITA  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:8

    A deterministic pushdown automaton (dpda) having just one stack symbol is called a deterministic restricted one-counter automaton (droca). A deterministic one-counter automaton (doca) is a dpda having only one stack symbol, with the exception of a bottom-of-stack marker. The class of languages accepted by droca's which accept by final state is a proper subclass of the class of languages accepted by doca's. Valiant has proved the decidability of the equivalence problem for doca's and the undecidability of the inclusion problem for doca's. Hence the decidability of the equivalence problem for droca's is obvious. In this paper, we evaluate the upper bound of the length of the shortest input string (witness) that disproves the inclusion for a pair of real-time droca's which accept by final state, and present a new direct branching algorithm for checking the inclusion for a pair of languages accepted by these droca's. Then we show that the worst-case time complexity of our algorithm is polynomial in the size of these droca's.

  • Using Process Algebras for the Semantic Analysis of Data Flow Networks


    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:8

    Data flow is a paradigm for concurrent computations in which a collection of parallel processes communicate asynchronously. For nondeterministic data flow networks many semantic models have been defined, however, it is complex to reason about the semantics of a network. In this paper, we introduce a transformation between data flow networks and the LOTOS specification language to make available theories and tools developed for process algebras for the semantic analysis based on traces of the networks. The transformation does not establish a one-to-one mapping between the traces of a data flow network and the LOTOS specification, but maps each network in a specification which usually contains more traces. The obtained system specification has the same set of traces as the corresponding network if they are finite, otherwise also non fair traces are included. Formal analysis and verification methods can still be applied to prove properties of the original data flow network, allowing in case of networks with finite traces to prove also network equivalence.

  • A Stable Least Square Algorithm Based on Predictors and Its Application to Fast Newton Transversal Filters

    Youhua WANG  Kenji NAKAYAMA  


    E78-A No:8

    In this letter, we introduce a predictor based least square (PLS) algorithm. By involving both order- and time-update recursions, the PLS algorithm is found to have a more stable performance compared with the stable version (Version II) of the RLS algorithm shown in Ref.[1]. Nevertheless, the computational requirement is about 50% of that of the RLS algorithm. As an application, the PLS algorithm can be applied to the fast Newton transversal filters (FNTF). The FNTF algorithms suffer from the numerical instability problem if the quantities used for extending the gain vector are computed by using the fast RLS algorithms. By combing the PLS and the FNTF algorithms, we obtain a much more stable performance and a simple algorithm formulation.

  • Analysis of Database Production Rules by Process Algebra

    Yoshinao ISOBE  Isao KOJIMA  Kazuhito OHMAKI  


    E78-D No:8

    The purpose of this research is to analyze production rules with coupling modes in active databases and to exploit an assistant system for rule programming. Each production rule is a specification including an event, a condition, and an action. The action is automatically executed whenever the event occurs and the condition is satisfied. Coupling modes are useful to control execution order of transactions. For example, a transaction for consistency check should be executed after transactions for update. An active database, which is a database with production rules, can spontaneously update database states and check their consistency. Production rules provide a powerful mechanism for knowledge-bases. However it is very difficult in general to predict how a set of production rules will behave because of cascading rule triggers, concurrency, and so on. We are attempting to adopt a process algebra as a basic tool to analyze production rules. In order to describe and analyze concurrent and communicating systems, process algebras such as CCS, CSP, ACP, and π-calculus, are well known. However there are some difficulties to apply existing process algebras to analysis of production rules in growing process trees by process creation. In this paper we propose a process algebra named CCSPR (a Calculus of Communicating Systems with Production Rules), Which is an extension of CCS. An advantage of CCSPR is to syntactically describe growing process trees. Therefore, production rules can be appropriately analyzed in CCSPR. After giving definitions and properties of CCSPR, we show an example of analysis of production rules in CCSPR.

  • Minimax Approach for Logical Configuration in Reconfigurable Virtual Circuit Data Networks

    Chang Sup SUNG  Sung Ki PARK  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E78-A No:8

    This paper condiders a problem of logecal configuration in reconfigurable VCDN (Virtual Circuit Data Networks) which is analyzed through a mimimax approach, and its objective is to minimize the largest delay on any logical link, measured in both queueing delay and propagation delay. The problem is formulated as a 0/1 mixed integer programming and analyzed by decomposing it into two subproblems, called routing and dimensioning problems, for which an efficient hauristic algorithm is proposed in an iterating process made beween the two subproblems for solution improvement. The algorithm is tested for its performance eveluation.

  • A Variable Step Size (VSS-CC) NLMS Algorithm

    Fausto CASCO  Hector PEREZ  Mariko NAKANO  Mauricio LOPEZ  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:8

    A new variable step size Least Mean Square (LMS) FIR adaptive filter algorithm (VSS-CC) is proposed. In the VSS-CC algorithm the step size adjustment (α) is controlled by using the correlation between the output error (e(n)) and the adaptive filter output ((n)). At small times, e(n) and (n) are correlated which will cause a large α providing faster tracking. When the algorithm converges, the correlation will result in a small size α to yield smaller misadjustments. Computer simulations show that the proposed VSS-CC algori thm achieves a better Echo Return Loss Enhancemen (ERLE) than a conventional NLMS Algorithm. The VSS-CC algorithm was also compared with another variable step algorithm, achieving the VSS-CC a better ERLE when the additive noise is incremented.

  • An Improved Neural Network for Channel Assignment Problems in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems

    Nobuo FUNABIKI  Seishi NISHIKAWA  


    E78-B No:8

    This paper presents an improved neural network for channel assignment problems in cellular mobile communication systems in the new co-channel interference model. Sengoku et al. first proposed the neural network for the same problem, which can find solutions only in small size cellular systems with up to 40 cells in our simulations. For the practical use in the next generation's cellular systems, the performance of our improved neural network is verified by large size cellular systems with up to 500 cells. The newly defined energy function and the motion equation with two heuristics in our neural network achieve the goal of finding optimum or near-optimum solutions in a nearly constant time.

  • Error Correction/Detection Decoding Scheme of Binary Hamming Codes

    Chaehag YI  Jae Hong LEE  

    LETTER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E78-A No:8

    An error correction/detection decoding scheme of binary Hamming codes is proposed. Error correction is performed by algebraic decoding and then error detection is performed by simple likelihood ratio testing. The proposed scheme reduces the probability of undetected decoding error in comparison with conventional error correction scheme and increases throughjput in comparison with conventional error detection scheme.

  • A New Structure for Noise and Echo Cancelers Based on A Combined Fast Adaptive Filter Algorithm

    Youhua WANG  Kenji NAKAYAMA  Zhiqiang MA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:7

    This paper presents a new structure for noise and echo cancelers based on a combined fast abaptive algorithm. The main purpose of the new structure is to detect both the double-talk and the unknown path change. This goal is accomplished by using two adaptive filters. A main adaptive filter Fn, adjusted only in the non-double-talk period by the normalized LMS algorithm, is used for providing the canceler output. An auxiliary adaptive filter Ff, adjusted by the fast RLS algorithm, is used for detecting the double-talk and obtaining a near optimum tap-weight vector for Fn in the initialization period and whenever the unknown path has a sudden or fast change. The proposed structure is examined through computer simulation on a noise cancellation problem. Good cancellation performance and stable operation are obtained when signal is a speech corrupted by a white noise, a colored noise and another speech signal. Simulation results also show that the proposed structure is capable of distinguishing the near-end signal from the noise path change and quickly tracking this change.

  • A Fast Dynamic Algorithm for Storage Allocation in Telecommunication Networks

    Yoshiaki TANAKA  Olivier BERLAGE  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:7

    This paper studies a video storage problem that occurs in Video-on-Demand (VOD) networks and in other distributed database systems. Videos should be stored in order to respect various constraints, especially available storage and transmission capacities. We show there exists an algorithm to solve this combinatorial problem through a pricing mechanism and that it converges to a solution under some general conditions. Simulation results with up to 43-node networks and up to 300 videos show that the algorithm is fast.

  • On the Word Error Probability of Linear Block Codes for Diversity Systems in Mobile Communications

    Chaehag YI  Jae Hong LEE  

    LETTER-Mobile Communication

    E78-B No:7

    The word error probability of linear block codes is computed for diversity systems with maximal ratio combining in mobile communications with three decoding algorithms: error correction (EC), error/erasure correction (EEC), and maximum likelihood (ML) soft decoding algorithm. Ideal interleaving is assumed. EEC gives 0.1-1.5dB gain over EC. The gain of EEC over EC decreases as the number of diversity channels increases. ML soft gives 1.8-5.5dB gain over EC.

  • Design of Highly Reliable Optical Fiber Cable Network in Access Networks


    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:7

    Currently there is considerable world-wide speculation regarding the introduction of optical fiber cable into access networks, because optical fiber has a big potential for providing attractive multimedia services. Since optical fiber cable can provide a variety of grade of services, high-reliability of cable networks would be required compared with the conventional copper cable networks. To develop multimedia telecommunication networks as an infrastructure, it is urgent to clarify the highly reliable optical fiber cable network architecture. Since cable network architecture deeply depends on regional conditions such as demand, area size, duct layer networks (consisting of ducts, manholes, tunnels, feeder points etc.), it is necessary to develop a cable network designing tool with user-friendly interfaces for efficiently evaluating cable network architectures. This paper firstly proposes the heuristic algorithms enhanced by the disjoint-shortest-path and the depth-first-search methods that would be applicable for real access networks. Secondly, the design method of highly reliable optical fiber cable network based on the heuristic algorithms in terms of network cost and unavailability caused by cable breakdown is proposed. It can design the combination of star- and loop-shaped (where two diversified routes exist between a feeder point and central office) cable network. Furthermore, comparison with the conventional design method which simply applies star- or loop-shaped cable network is done in terms of economy and reliability on real access networks in the Tokyo metropolitan area. It is concluded that the proposed method can reduce the network cost further and realize a short unavailability value compared with the conventional method.

  • The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem in Defective Cellular Automata

    Martin KUTRIB  Roland VOLLMAR  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:7

    The firing squad synchronization problem is considered for defective cellular automata. A lower bound of time tf for the problem is derived. The state complexity to solve the problem is investigated and it is shown that the state set has to be arbitrary large to obtain solutions of time complexity (n). For memory-augmented defective cellular automata a tf-time solution is given.

  • A New Adaptive Convergence Factor Algorithm with the Constant Damping Parameter

    Isao NAKANISHI  Yutaka FUKUI  


    E78-A No:6

    This paper presents a new Adaptive Convergence Factor (ACF) algorithm without the damping parameter adjustment acoording to the input signal and/or the composition of the filter system. The damping parameter in the ACF algorithms has great influence on the convergence characteristics. In order to examine the relation between the damping parameter and the convergence characteristics, the normalization which is realized by the related signal terms divided by each maximum value is introduced into the ACF algorithm. The normalized algorithm is applied to the modeling of unknown time-variable systems which makes it possible to examine the relation between the parameters and the misadjustment in the adaptive algorithms. Considering the experimental and theoretical results, the optimum value of the damping parameter can be defined as the minimum value where the total misadjustment becomes minimum. To keep the damping parameter optimum in any conditions, the new ACF algorithm is proposed by improving the invariability of the damping parameter in the normalized algorithm. The algorithm is investigated by the computer simulations in the modeling of unknown time-variable systems and the system indentification. The results of simulations show that the proposed algorithm needs no adjustment of the optimum damping parameter and brings the stable convergence characteristics even if the filter system is changed.

  • Speaker-Consistent Parsing for Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition

    Kouichi YAMAGUCHI  Harald SINGER  Shoichi MATSUNAGA  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  


    E78-D No:6

    This paper describes a novel speaker-independent speech recognition method, called speaker-consistent parsing", which is based on an intra-speaker correlation called the speaker-consistency principle. We focus on the fact that a sentence or a string of words is uttered by an individual speaker even in a speaker-independent task. Thus, the proposed method searches through speaker variations in addition to the contents of utterances. As a result of the recognition process, an appropriate standard speaker is selected for speaker adaptation. This new method is experimentally compared with a conventional speaker-independent speech recognition method. Since the speaker-consistency principle best demonstrates its effect with a large number of training and test speakers, a small-scale experiment may not fully exploit this principle. Nevertheless, even the results of our small-scale experiment show that the new method significantly outperforms the conventional method. In addition, this framework's speaker selection mechanism can drastically reduce the likelihood map computation.

  • Estimation of ARMAX Systems and Strictly Positive Real Condition

    Jianming LU  Takashi YAHAGI  Jianting CAO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:5

    This letter presents new estimation algorithm of ARMAX systems which do not always satisfy the strictly positive real (SPR) condition. We show how estimated parameters can converge to their true values based on the overparameterized system. Finally, the results of computer simulation are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Link Capacity Assignment in Packet-Switched Network with Existing Network Consideration

    Suwan RUNGGERATIGUL  Weiping ZHAO  Yusheng JI  Akiko AIZAWA  Shoichiro ASANO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:5

    When communication network planning-design is performed, especially in a short-term case, it is important to utilize existing facilities in the construction of the new network. In this paper, link capacity assignment problem (CA problem) for packet-switched networks is investigated with the consideration of the existing network. To deal with this, per-unit cost of existing link capacity is thought to be less than that of newly installed capacity and a link cost function is modeled by a non-linear, non-differentiable one which is composed of two portions of capacity cost. After formulating the CA problem, two optimum algorithms derived from Lagrange multiplier method are presented and a modified algorithm is used for solving the CA problem in order to reduce the computation time. Some numerical results show that according to the values of link traffic flows, there will be links whose capacities must be set equally to the existing values. Moreover, when link cost difference is introduced in the CA problem, the number of links that the capacities of which have to be changed from existing values is less than that of linear cost function case, i.e., the case without consideration of the cost difference in link capacity.
