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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Reduced-Complexity Belief Propagation Decoding for Polar Codes

    Jung-Hyun KIM  Inseon KIM  Gangsan KIM  Hong-Yeop SONG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:9

    We propose three effective approximate belief propagation decoders for polar codes using Maclaurin's series, piecewise linear function, and stepwise linear function. The proposed decoders have the better performance than that of existing approximate belief propagation polar decoders, min-sum decoder and normalized min-sum decoder, and almost the same performance with that of original belief propagation decoder. Moreover, the proposed decoders achieve such performance without any optimization process according to the code parameters and channel condition unlike normalized min-sum decoder, offset min-sum decoder, and their variants.

  • Quantification of Human Stress Using Commercially Available Single Channel EEG Headset


    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E100-D No:9

    A study on quantification of human stress using low beta waves of electroencephalography (EEG) is presented. For the very first time the importance of low beta waves as a feature for quantification of human stress is highlighted. In this study, there were twenty-eight participants who filled the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire and recorded their EEG in closed eye condition by using a commercially available single channel EEG headset placed at frontal site. On the regression analysis of beta waves extracted from recorded EEG, it has been observed that low beta waves can predict PSS scores with a confidence level of 94%. Consequently, when low beta wave is used as a feature with the Naive Bayes algorithm for classification of stress level, it not only reduces the computational cost by 7 folds but also improves the accuracy to 71.4%.

  • Management of Information, Communications, and Networking: from the Past to the Future Open Access

    Shingo ATA  Toshio TONOUCHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E100-B No:9

    As a result of large-scale and complicated of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), the technologies of operations and management of ICT infrastructure and systems are changing to adopt the variation and diversity of usage and communication characteristics. In retrospect, operations and management technologies cover widely from the support of telecommunications operations and remote monitoring for maintaining network equipments, to an integrated network management framework for configuration, monitoring, testing and controls. Recently, the spread of network virtualization technologies enable agility, integrity, and resilience to ICT services. Operations and management technologies will be more important in future, for the support of integrated management of ICT infrastructure including computing resource, and automation of service operations. In this paper, we review research activities of the Technical Committee on Information and Communications Management (ICM) with discussions of individual research category. We then describe the state-of-the-art topics and future directions in the area of ICM.

  • Establishment of EMC Research in Japan and its Future Prospects Open Access

    Osamu FUJIWARA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E100-B No:9

    Systematic research on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in Japan started in 1977 by the establishment of a technical committee on “environmental electromagnetic engineering” named EMCJ, which was founded both in the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers or the present IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) and in the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan or the IEEJ. The research activities have been continued as the basic field of interdisciplinary study to harmonize even in the electromagnetic (EM) environment where radio waves provide intolerable EM disturbances to electronic equipment and to that environment itself. The subjects and their outcomes which the EMCJ has dealt with during about 40 years from the EMCJ establishment include the evaluation of EM environment, EMC of electric and electronic equipment, and EMC of biological effects involving bioelectromagnetics and so on. In this paper, the establishment history and structure of the EMCJ are reviewed along with the change in activities, and topics of the technical reports presented at EMCJ meetings from 2006 to 2016 are surveyed. In addition, internationalization and its related campaign are presented in conjunction with the EMCJ research activities, and the status quo of the EMCJ under the IEICE is also discussed along with the prospects.

  • Color Transfer by Region Exploration and Navigation



    E100-D No:9

    Color transfer is a simple process to change a color tone in one image (source) to look like another image (target). In transferring colors between images, there are several issues needed to be considered including partial color transfer, trial-and-error, and multiple target color transfer. Our approach enables users to transfer colors partially and locally by letting users select their regions of interest from image segmentation. Since there are many ways that we can transfer colors from a set of target regions to a set of source regions, we introduce the region exploration and navigation approach where users can choose their preferred color tones to transfer one region at a time and gradually customize towards their desired results. The preferred color tones sometimes can come from more than one image; therefore our method is extended to allow users to select their preferred color tones from multiple images. Our experimental results have shown the flexibility of our approach to generate reasonable segmented regions of interest and to enable users to explore the possible results more conveniently.

  • Entity Summarization Based on Entity Grouping in Multilingual Projected Entity Space

    Eun-kyung KIM  Key-Sun CHOI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E100-D No:9

    Entity descriptions have been exponentially growing in community-generated knowledge databases, such as DBpedia. However, many of those descriptions are not useful for identifying the underlying characteristics of their corresponding entities because semantically redundant facts or triples are included in the descriptions that represent the connections between entities without any semantic properties. Entity summarization is applied to filter out such non-informative triples and meaning-redundant triples and rank the remaining informative facts within the size of the triples for summarization. This study proposes an entity summarization approach based on pre-grouping the entities that share a set of attributes that can be used to characterize the entities we want to summarize. Entities are first grouped according to projected multilingual categories that provide the multi-angled semantics of each entity into a single entity space. Key facts about the entity are then determined through in-group-based rankings. As a result, our proposed approach produced summary information of significantly better quality (p-value =1.52×10-3 and 2.01×10-3 for the top-10 and -5 summaries, respectively) than the state-of-the-art method that requires additional external resources.

  • Contact Resistance Property of Gold Plated Contact Covered with Contact Lubricant Under High Temperature

    Terutaka TAMAI  Masahiro YAMAKAWA  


    E100-C No:9

    At the present time, as downsizing of connectors causes thin gold plated layer and low contact load, serious problem of degradation of contact resistance property is induced. For these contacts, corrosion of the contacts surface under environment and high temperature as soldering and reflow process should be existed. Oxidation of base metal atoms which are diffused from under layer and additives occurs. Contact resistance increases for both surface contamination and low contact load. In order to resolve these problems and wear of surface, application of contact lubricants is useful and effective. However, degradation of the lubricants under such reflow process as high temperature possibly occurs. Therefore, in this study, from view point of change of lubricant quality as viscosity, weight loss, polymerization, oxidation and molecular orientation were clarified. For increase in contact resistance, orientation of lubricant molecular acts as important factor was found. The other factors of the lubricant hardly does not effect on contact resistance.

  • Low-Latency Low-Cost Architecture for Square and Cube Roots

    Jihyuck JO  In-Cheol PARK  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:9

    This paper presents a low-latency, low-cost architecture for computing square and cube roots in the fixed-point format. The proposed architecture is designed based on a non-iterative root calculation scheme to achieve fast computations. While previous non-iterative root calculators are restricted to a square-root operation due to the limitation of their mathematical property, the root computation is generalized in this paper to apply an approximation method to the non-iterative scheme. On top of that, a recurrent method is proposed to select parameters, which enables us to reduce the table size while keeping the maximum relative error value low. Consequently, the proposed root calculator can support both square and cube roots at the expense of small delay and low area overheads. This extension can be generalized to compute the nth roots, where n is a positive integer.

  • Evolution and Future of Information Networks Open Access

    Tohru ASAMI  Katsunori YAMAOKA  Takuji KISHIDA  


    E100-B No:9

    This paper looks at the history of research in the Technical Committee on Information Networks from the time of its inception to the present and provides an overview of the latest research in this area based on the topics discussed in recent meetings of the committee. It also presents possible future developments in the field of information networks.

  • Joint User and Power Allocation in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with Multiple Primary Users' Security Constraints

    Ding XU  Qun LI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E100-A No:9

    In this letter, we consider a cognitive radio network where multiple secondary users (SUs) share the spectrum bands with multiple primary users (PUs) who are facing security threats from multiple eavesdroppers. By adopting the PU secrecy outage constraint to protect the PUs, we optimize the joint user and power allocation for the SUs to maximize the SU ergodic transmission rate. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. It is shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing scheme, especially for a large number of PUs and a small number of SUs. It is also shown that the number of eavesdroppers has negligible impact on the performance improvement of the proposed algorithm compared to the existing scheme. In addition, it is shown that increasing the number of eavesdroppers has insignificant impact on the SU performance if the number of eavesdroppers is already large.

  • A New Automated Method for Evaluating Mental Workload Using Handwriting Features

    Zhiming WU  Hongyan XU  Tao LIN  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E100-D No:9

    Researchers have already attributed a certain amount of variability and “drift” in an individual's handwriting pattern to mental workload, but this phenomenon has not been explored adequately. Especially, there still lacks an automated method for accurately predicting mental workload using handwriting features. To solve the problem, we first conducted an experiment to collect handwriting data under different mental workload conditions. Then, a predictive model (called SVM-GA) on two-level handwriting features (i.e., sentence- and stroke-level) was created by combining support vector machines and genetic algorithms. The results show that (1) the SVM-GA model can differentiate three mental workload conditions with accuracy of 87.36% and 82.34% for the child and adult data sets, respectively and (2) children demonstrate different changes in handwriting features from adults when experiencing mental workload.

  • Pixel-Wise Interframe Prediction based on Dense Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation for Depth Map Coding

    Shota KASAI  Yusuke KAMEDA  Tomokazu ISHIKAWA  Ichiro MATSUDA  Susumu ITOH  


    E100-D No:9

    We propose a method of interframe prediction in depth map coding that uses pixel-wise 3D motion estimated from encoded textures and depth maps. By using the 3D motion, an approximation of the depth map frame to be encoded is generated and used as a reference frame of block-wise motion compensation.

  • Recent Technologies in Japan on Array Antennas for Wireless Systems Open Access


    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:9

    Array antenna technology for wireless systems is highly integrated for demands such as multi-functionality and high-performance. This paper details recent technologies in Japan in design techniques based on computational electromagnetics, antenna hardware techniques in the millimeter-wave band, array signal processing to add adaptive functions, and measurement methods to support design techniques, for array antennas for future wireless systems. Prospects of these four technologies are also described.

  • R&D of 3M Technologies towards the Realization of Exabit/s Optical Communications Open Access

    Toshio MORIOKA  Yoshinari AWAJI  Yuichi MATSUSHIMA  Takeshi KAMIYA  

    INVITED PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E100-B No:9

    Research efforts initiated by the EXAT Initiative are described to realize Exabit/s optical communications, utilizing the 3M technologies, i.e. multi-core fiber, multi-mode control and multi-level modulation.

  • Commutation Phenomena and Brush Wear of DC Motor at High Speed Rotation

    Masayuki ISATO  Koichiro SAWA  Takahiro UENO  


    E100-C No:9

    Many DC commutator motors are widely used in automobiles. In recent years, as compact and high output DC motors have been developed due to advanced technology, the faster the rotational speed is required and the commutation arc causes a high rate of wear/erosion of brush and commutator. Therefore, it is important how the motor speed influences commutation phenomena such as arc duration, residual current and erosion and wear of commutator and brush in order to achieve high reliability and extensive lifespan. In this paper waveforms of commutation voltage and current are measured at the rotation speed of 1000 to 5000min-1and the relation between rotation speed and arc duration / residual current is obtained. In addition long term tests are carried out at the rotation speed of 1000 to 5000min-1 the change of arc duration and effective commutation period is examined during the test of 20hours. Further, brush wear is evaluated by the difference of brush length between before and after test. Consequently, it can be made clear that as the speed increases, the effective commutation period decreases and the arc duration is almost same at the speed up to 3000min-1 and is around 42µsec.

  • Image Restoration of JPEG Encoded Images via Block Matching and Wiener Filtering

    Yutaka TAKAGI  Takanori FUJISAWA  Masaaki IKEHARA  


    E100-A No:9

    In this paper, we propose a method for removing block noise which appears in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) encoded images. We iteratively perform the 3D wiener filtering and correction of the coefficients. In the wiener filtering, we perform the block matching for each patch in order to get the patches which have high similarities to the reference patch. After wiener filtering, the collected patches are returned to the places where they were and aggregated. We compare the performance of the proposed method to some conventional methods, and show that the proposed method has an excellent performance.

  • Shift-Variant Blind Deconvolution Using a Field of Kernels

    Motoharu SONOGASHIRA  Masaaki IIYAMA  Michihiko MINOH  


    E100-D No:9

    Blind deconvolution (BD) is the problem of restoring sharp images from blurry images when convolution kernels are unknown. While it has a wide range of applications and has been extensively studied, traditional shift-invariant (SI) BD focuses on uniform blur caused by kernels that do not spatially vary. However, real blur caused by factors such as motion and defocus is often nonuniform and thus beyond the ability of SI BD. Although specialized methods exist for nonuniform blur, they can only handle specific blur types. Consequently, the applicability of BD for general blur remains limited. This paper proposes a shift-variant (SV) BD method that models nonuniform blur using a field of kernels that assigns a local kernel to each pixel, thereby allowing pixelwise variation. This concept is realized as a Bayesian model that involves SV convolution with the field of kernels and smoothing of the field for regularization. A variational-Bayesian inference algorithm is derived to jointly estimate a sharp latent image and a field of kernels from a blurry observed image. Owing to the flexibility of the field-of-kernels model, the proposed method can deal with a wider range of blur than previous approaches. Experiments using images with nonuniform blur demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SV BD method in comparison with previous SI and SV approaches.

  • An Ultra-Low Voltage CMOS Voltage Controlled Oscillator with Process and Temperature Compensation

    Ting-Chou LU  Ming-Dou KER  Hsiao-Wen ZAN  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E100-C No:8

    Process and temperature variations have become a serious concern for ultra-low voltage (ULV) technology. The clock generator is the essential component for the ULV very-large-scale integration (VLSI). MOSFETs that are operated in the sub-threshold region are widely applied for ULV technology. However, MOSFETs at subthreshold region have relatively high variations with process and temperature. In this paper, process and temperature variations on the clock generators have been studied. This paper presents an ultra-low voltage 2.4GHz CMOS voltage controlled oscillator with temperature and process compensation. A new all-digital auto compensated mechanism to reduce process and temperature variation without any laser trimming is proposed. With the compensated circuit, the VCO frequency-drift is 16.6 times the improvements of the uncompensated one as temperature changes. Furthermore, it also provides low jitter performance.

  • Voice Conversion Using Input-to-Output Highway Networks

    Yuki SAITO  Shinnosuke TAKAMICHI  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E100-D No:8

    This paper proposes Deep Neural Network (DNN)-based Voice Conversion (VC) using input-to-output highway networks. VC is a speech synthesis technique that converts input features into output speech parameters, and DNN-based acoustic models for VC are used to estimate the output speech parameters from the input speech parameters. Given that the input and output are often in the same domain (e.g., cepstrum) in VC, this paper proposes a VC using highway networks connected from the input to output. The acoustic models predict the weighted spectral differentials between the input and output spectral parameters. The architecture not only alleviates over-smoothing effects that degrade speech quality, but also effectively represents the characteristics of spectral parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed architecture outperforms Feed-Forward neural networks in terms of the speech quality and speaker individuality of the converted speech.

  • Expansion of Bartlett's Bisection Theorem Based on Group Theory

    Yoshikazu FUJISHIRO  Takahiko YAMAMOTO  Kohji KOSHIJI  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E100-A No:8

    This paper expands Bartlett's bisection theorem. The theory of modal S-parameters and their circuit representation is constructed from a group-theoretic perspective. Criteria for the division of a circuit at a fixed node whose state is distinguished by the irreducible representation of its stabilizer subgroup are obtained, after being inductively introduced using simple circuits as examples. Because these criteria use only circuit symmetry and do not require human judgment, the distinction is reliable and implementable in a computer. With this knowledge, the entire circuit can be characterized by a finite combination of smaller circuits. Reducing the complexity of symmetric circuits contributes to improved insights into their characterization, and to savings of time and effort in calculations when applied to large-scale circuits. A three-phase filter and a branch-line coupler are analyzed as application examples of circuit and electromagnetic field analysis, respectively.
