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  • Unconditionally Secure Authenticated Encryption

    Junji SHIKATA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Yuliang ZHENG  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  


    E87-A No:5

    In this paper, we formally define and analyze the security notions of authenticated encryption in unconditional security setting. For confidentiality, we define the notions, APS (almost perfect secrecy) and NM (non-malleability), in terms of an information-theoretic viewpoint along with our model where multiple senders and receivers exist. For authenticity, we define the notions, IntC (integrity of ciphertexts) and IntP (integrity of plaintexts), from a view point of information theory. And then we combine the above notions to define the security notions of unconditionally secure authenticated encryption. Then, we analyze relations among the security notions. In particular, it is shown that the strongest security notion is the combined notion of APS and IntC. Finally, we formally define and analyze the following generic composition methods in the unconditional security setting along with our model: Encrypt-and-Sign, Sign-then-Encrypt and Encrypt-then-Sign. Consequently, it is shown that: the Encrypt-and-Sign composition method is not always secure; the Sign-then-Encrypt composition method is not always secure; and the Encrypt-then-Sign composition method is always secure, if a given encryption meets APS and a given signature is secure.

  • Measurement of Complex Permittivity for Liquid Phantom by Transmission Line Method Using Coaxial Line

    Kouji SHIBATA  Kensuke TANI  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Kouji WADA  

    PAPER-General Methods, Materials, and Passive Circuits

    E87-C No:5

    This paper is focused on the measurement of the complex permittivity of a liquid phantom by the transmission line method using a coaxial line for measuring high-permittivity and high-loss materials. First, the complex permittivity of the liquid phantom material is measured under various physical lengths of the coaxial line for accurate measurement. Secondly, comparison between the measured result and the result obtained by the coaxial probe method is carried out in the frequency range from 0.5 to 3 GHz. Finally, the measurement error included in the complex permittivity is estimated quantitatively. The discussions lead to the conclusion that accurate measurement of the liquid material with high-permittivity and high-loss is possible by the presented method.

  • 40-Gbit/s 16-bit Burst Optical Packet Generator Based on Photonic Parallel-to-Serial Conversion

    Hirokazu TAKENOUCHI  Kiyoto TAKAHATA  Tatsushi NAKAHARA  Ryo TAKAHASHI  Hiroyuki SUZUKI  


    E87-C No:5

    We propose a burst optical packet generator based on a novel photonic parallel-to-serial conversion scheme, and demonstrate 40-Gbit/s 16-bit optical packet generation from 16-ch parallel low-voltage TTL data streams. It consists of electrical 4:1 parallel-to-serial converters that employ InP metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors, and an optical time-domain multiplexer with electroabsorption modulators. The proposed optical packet generator is suitable for burst optical packet generation and overcomes the electronic bandwidth limitation, which is prerequisite for achieving high-speed photonic packet switched networks. In addition, it can be driven by simple low-cost low-power CMOS logic circuits, and is compact and extensible in terms of the number of input channels due to the effective combination of electrical and optical multiplexing.

  • Link Quality-Based Path Selection Scheme in Millimeter-Wave Broadband Entrance Network for Wireless Heterogeneous Systems

    Jaturong SANGIAMWONG  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-Wireless LAN

    E87-B No:5

    This paper proposes the constraint availability and bandwidth shortest path (CABSP) selection algorithm and the extension of the adaptive modulation scheme to the CABSP (CABSP-AM) selection algorithm in the millimeter-wave (MMW) broadband entrance network for wireless heterogeneous systems. The CABSP algorithm considers the availability denoted as the quality of the MMW which is severely affected by the rainfall. The CABSP-AM algorithm, moreover, is proposed to further make more efficient use of bandwidth resources by considering the QoS requirements of each class of service in multimedia communication. As the results, the CABSP algorithm yields higher throughput performance than the conventional constraint shortest path (CSP) selection algorithm, but lower than the CABSP-AM algorithm. The spectrum efficiency improvements of the CABSP-AM over the CABSP are about 1.36 and 1.48 fold in case of error sensitive and non-sensitive classes respectively.

  • Improved HMM Separation for Distant-Talking Speech Recognition

    Tetsuya TAKIGUCHI  Masafumi NISHIMURA  


    E87-D No:5

    In distant-talking speech recognition, the recognition accuracy is seriously degraded by reverberation and environmental noise. A robust speech recognition technique in such environments, HMM separation and composition, has been described in. HMM separation estimates the model parameters of the acoustic transfer function using adaptation data uttered from an unknown position in noisy and reverberant environments, and HMM composition builds an HMM of noisy and reverberant speech, using the acoustic transfer function estimated by HMM separation. Previously, HMM separation has been applied to the acoustic transfer function based on a single Gaussian distribution. However the improvement was smaller than expected for the impulse response with long reverberations. This is because the variance of the acoustic transfer function in each frame increases, since the length of the impulse response of the room reverberation is longer than that of the spectral analysis window. In this paper, HMM separation is extended to estimate the acoustic transfer function based on the Gaussian mixture components in order to compensate for the greater variability of the acoustic transfer function, and the re-estimation formulae are derived. In addition, this paper introduces a technique to adapt the noise weight for each mel-spaced frequency in order to improve the performance of the HMM separation in the linear-spectral domain, since the use of the HMM separation in the linear-spectral domain sometimes causes a negative mean output due to the subtraction operation. The extended HMM separation is evaluated on distant-talking speech recognition tasks. The results of the experiments clarify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Wideband Characteristics of Demmel Condition Number for 22 MIMO-OFDM Channels

    Naoki KITA  Wataru YAMADA  Akio SATO  Shuta UWANO  


    E87-B No:5

    The suitability of a complex MIMO channel matrix for spatial multiplexing is verified experimentally in terms of the Demmel condition number. The instantaneous 2 2 MIMO-OFDM channel measurements in several indoor environments indicate the location dependency of the condition number. Wideband frequency characteristics are also analyzed to evaluate the applicability of spatial multiplexing.

  • Some Observations on One-way Alternating Pushdown Automata with Sublinear Space

    Jianliang XU  Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  


    E87-A No:5

    This paper investigates some fundamental properties of one-way alternating pushdown automata with sublinear space. We first show that one-way nondeterministic pushdown automata are incomparale with one-way alternating pushdown automata with only universal states, for spaces between log log n and log n, and also for spaces between log n and n/log n. We then show that there exists an infinite space hierarchy among one-way alternating pushdown automata with only universal states which have sublinear space.

  • Estimation Algorithm from Delayed Measurements with Correlation between Signal and Noise Using Covariance Information


    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E87-A No:5

    This paper considers the least-squares linear estimation problem of signals from randomly delayed observations when the additive white noise is correlated with the signal. The delay values are treated as unknown variables, modelled by a binary white noise with values zero or one; these values indicate that the measurements arrive in time or they are delayed by one sampling time. A recursive one-stage prediction and filtering algorithm is obtained by an innovation approach and do not use the state-space model of the signal. It is assumed that both, the autocovariance functions of the signal and the crosscovariance function between the signal and the observation noise are expressed in a semi-degenerate kernel form; using this information and the delay probabilities, the estimators are recursively obtained.

  • Fundamental Properties of M-Convex and L-Convex Functions in Continuous Variables

    Kazuo MUROTA  Akiyoshi SHIOURA  


    E87-A No:5

    The concepts of M-convexity and L-convexity, introduced by Murota (1996, 1998) for functions on the integer lattice, extract combinatorial structures in well-solved nonlinear combinatorial optimization problems. These concepts are extended to polyhedral convex functions and quadratic functions on the real space by Murota-Shioura (2000, 2001). In this paper, we consider a further extension to general convex functions. The main aim of this paper is to provide rigorous proofs for fundamental properties of general M-convex and L-convex functions.

  • Performance Analysis of Robust Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 for Fault-Tolerant Mobile Services

    Sangheon PACK  Taewan YOU  Yanghee CHOI  

    PAPER-Mobility Management

    E87-B No:5

    In mobile multimedia environment, it is very important to minimize handoff latency due to mobility. In terms of reducing handoff latency, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) can be an efficient approach, which uses a mobility agent called Mobility Anchor Point (MAP) in order to localize registration process. However, MAP can be a single point of failure or performance bottleneck. In order to provide mobile users with satisfactory quality of service and fault-tolerant service, it is required to cope with the failure of mobility agents. In, we proposed Robust Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (RH-MIPv6), which is an enhanced HMIPv6 for fault-tolerant mobile services. In RH-MIPv6, an MN configures two regional CoA and registers them to two MAPs during binding update procedures. When a MAP fails, MNs serviced by the faulty MAP (i.e., primary MAP) can be served by a failure-free MAP (i.e., secondary MAP) by failure detection/recovery schemes in the case of the RH-MIPv6. In this paper, we investigate the comparative study of RH-MIPv6 and HMIPv6 under several performance factors such as MAP unavailability, MAP reliability, packet loss rate, and MAP blocking probability. To do this, we utilize a semi-Markov chain and a M/G/C/C queuing model. Numerical results indicate that RH-MIPv6 outperforms HMIPv6 for all performance factors, especially when failure rate is high.

  • Exploring Human Speech Production Mechanisms by MRI

    Kiyoshi HONDA  Hironori TAKEMOTO  Tatsuya KITAMURA  Satoru FUJITA  Sayoko TAKANO  


    E87-D No:5

    Recent investigations using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of human speech organs have opened up new avenues of research. Visualization of the speech production system provides abundant information on the physiological and acoustic realization of human speech. This article summarizes the current status of MRI applications with respect to speech research as well as our own experience of discovery and re-evaluation of acoustic events emanating from the vocal tract and physiological mechanisms.

  • A Profit Maximization Scheme by Service-List Control for Multiple Class Services

    Ikuo YAMASAKI  Ryutaro KAWAMURA  Katsushi IWASHITA  


    E87-B No:5

    Future IP networks will provide multi-class-services that have multiple levels of Quality of Services (QoS) at different prices. One of the issues for the network service provider (NSP) will be how to profit by providing them. This paper proposes a scheme that maximizes the profit of the NSP by controlling the service-list under the constraint of the available network resources. We introduce a model in which the users' selection from among the multiple classes is influenced not just by the price and QoS of one class, but the prices and QoS levels of all classes. In short, the user's selection involves a balance between the price and QoS levels of all classes. To model the users' class choice, we adopt discrete choice analysis; it can estimate the model parameters such that the model fits actual choice data. This paper proposes a functional framework that consists of User Choice Model Function, Original Demand Forecast Function, and Service-list Determination Function. The proposed model has the advantage of following actual changes adaptively. Effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated by computer simulation for a multiple class service; even if the real parameters are changed, the proposal can follow the change and provide the optimal service-list that maximizes profit adaptively.

  • A Practical Approach for Coded OFDM with Partial Transmit Sequence

    Tomoyuki MANDAI  Ikuo OKA  Marc P.C. FOSSORIER  Shingo ATA  Chikato FUJIWARA  


    E87-B No:5

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a possible candidate for the modulation used in mobile multimedia communications because of its robustness to fading and flexibility of transmission rate. Partial transmit sequence (PTS) is an effective technique for reducing the peak power of OFDM signals by means of phase rotation. In PTS, side information (SI) is transmitted to correct the effects of the phase rotation. We propose a new method based on rotationally invariant trellis coded modulation for coded OFDM with PTS. In this method, no SI is required and the few information bits affected by the phase rotation are not used as data. (They are regarded as dummy bits). It is shown that the proposed method yields better bit error rate (BER) performance than other methods using side information under the condition of almost the same transmission rate.

  • Sound Source Localization Using a Profile Fitting Method with Sound Reflectors

    Osamu ICHIKAWA  Tetsuya TAKIGUCHI  Masafumi NISHIMURA  


    E87-D No:5

    In a two-microphone approach, interchannel differences in time (ICTD) and interchannel differences in sound level (ICLD) have generally been used for sound source localization. But those cues are not effective for vertical localization in the median plane (direct front). For that purpose, spectral cues based on features of head-related transfer functions (HRTF) have been investigated, but they are not robust enough against signal variations and environmental noise. In this paper, we use a "profile" as a cue while using a combination of reflectors specially designed for vertical localization. The observed sound is converted into a profile containing information about reflections as well as ICTD and ICLD data. The observed profile is decomposed into signal and noise by using template profiles associated with sound source locations. The template minimizing the residual of the decomposition gives the estimated sound source location. Experiments show this method can correctly provide a rough estimate of the vertical location even in a noisy environment.

  • A Priority-Based QoS Routing for Multimedia Traffic in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna Using a Zone-Reservation Protocol

    Tetsuro UEDA  Shinsuke TANAKA  Siuli ROY  Dola SAHA  Somprakash BANDYOPADHYAY  

    PAPER-Ad-hoc Network

    E87-B No:5

    Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning is a new but challenging research area in the field of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) to support multimedia data communication. However, the existing QoS routing protocols in ad hoc network did not consider a major aspect of wireless environment, i.e., mutual interference. Interference between nodes belonging to two or more routes within the proximity of one another causes Route Coupling. This can be avoided by using zone-disjoint routes. Two routes are said to be zone disjoint if data communication over one path does not interfere with the data communication along the other path. In this paper, we have proposed a scheme for supporting priority-based QoS in MANET by classifying the traffic flows in the network into different priority classes and giving different treatment to the flows belonging to different classes during routing so that the high priority flows will achieve best possible throughput. Our objective is to reduce the effect of coupling between routes used by high and low priority traffic by reserving zone of communication. The part of the network, used for high priority data communication, i.e, high priority zone, will be avoided by low priority data through the selection of a different route that is maximally zone-disjoint with respect to high priority zones and which consequently allows contention-free transmission of high priority traffic. The suggested protocol in our paper selects shortest path for high priority traffic and diverse routes for low priority traffic that will minimally interfere with high priority flows, thus reducing the effect of coupling between high and low priority routes. This adaptive, priority-based routing protocol is implemented on Qualnet Simulator using directional antenna to prove the effectiveness of our proposal. The use of directional antenna in our protocol largely reduces the probability of radio interference between communicating hosts compared to omni-directional antenna and improves the overall utilization of the wireless medium in the context of ad hoc wireless network through Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA).

  • Single Probe Method with Vector Detection for Measuring Microwave Reflection Coefficient

    Takashi IWASAKI  Makoto TAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-General Methods, Materials, and Passive Circuits

    E87-C No:5

    A novel method for measuring microwave reflection coefficients without the open and load standards is proposed. In this method, a single probe is inserted into an air line and the output wave is detected by a vector detector. Offset shorts are used for the calibration. The measurement system is constructed using 7 mm coaxial line and APC7 connectors. The result of the measurement in the frequency range 1-9 GHz shows the possibility of the proposed method. All the major systematic errors can be estimated from the data that is easily obtainable.

  • Recent Advances in Measurement Techniques for Microwave Active Devices and Circuits

    Yasushi ITOH  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E87-C No:5

    Recent advances in measurement techniques for microwave active devices and circuits are reviewed in this paper. The R&D activities have been devoted aggressively how to characterize nonlinear performance of high power devices and circuits. They are pulsed I-V, a variety of load-pull measurements, probing, sampling, and sensing techniques, supported by the recent significant advances in DSP (Digital Signal Processing), RF components, semiconductor devices, etc. The recent advances in vector network analyzers are of our great interest. They are (a) multi-port vector network analyzers for characterizing mixers, differential devices, packaged components, electronic package characterization, and multi-layer transmission lines, and (b) EO (Electro-Optic) modulated vector network analyzers for characterizing electronic performance of EO devices with the aid of EO modulators and photonic probes. In addition, probing, sampling, and sensing techniques have made great progress to directly measure electromagnetic field, time-domain voltage waveform, and temperature in small spot areas. In this paper, some topics related to these measurement techniques are briefly reviewed. Then the existing and future issues for characterization and measurement techniques of microwave active devices and circuits are discussed.

  • Hybrid MOM-Immittance Approach for Full-Wave Characterization of Printed Strips and Slots in Layered Waveguide and Its Applications

    Rakhesh Singh KSHETRIMAYUM  Lei ZHU  

    PAPER-General Methods, Materials, and Passive Circuits

    E87-C No:5

    A hybrid method-of-moments (MoM) and immittance approach for efficient and accurate analysis of printed slots and strips of arbitrary shape in layered waveguide for various applications has been proposed. An impedance-type MoM is formulated from the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for printed strip case and an admittance-type MoM is formulated from the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) for the printed slot case, using the Galerkin's technique. Immittance approach has been used to calculate spectral dyadic Green's functions for the layered waveguide. For efficient analysis of large and complex structures, equivalent circuit parameters of a block are first extracted and complete structure is analyzed through cascaded ABCD matrices. The equivalent circuit characterization of printed strip and slot in layered waveguide has been done for the first time. Finite periodic structure loaded with printed strips has been investigated and it shows the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) behavior. The electromagnetic (EM) program hence developed is checked for its numerical accuracy and efficiency with results generated with High-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) and shows good performance.

  • Decoding Algorithms for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes with Multilevel Modulations

    Hisashi FUTAKI  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories

    E87-B No:5

    Recently, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes have attracted much attention. LDPC codes can achieve the near Shannon limit performance like turbo codes. For the LDPC codes, the reduced complexity decoding algorithms referred to as uniformly most powerful (UMP) BP- and normalized BP-based algorithms were proposed for BPSK on an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The conventional BP and BP-based algorithms can be applied to BPSK modulation. For high bit-rate transmission, multilevel modulation is preferred. Thus, the BP algorithm for multilevel modulations is proposed in . In this paper, we propose the BP algorithm with reduced complexity for multilevel modulations, where the first likelihood of the proposed BP algorithm is modified to adjust multilevel modulations. We compare the error rate performance of the proposed algorithm with that of the conventional algorithm on AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels. We also propose the UMP BP- and normalized BP-based algorithms for multilevel modulations on AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels. We show that the error rate performance of the proposed BP algorithm is almost identical to that of the algorithm in, where the decoding complexity of the proposed BP algorithm is less than that of the algorithm in. We also show that the proposed BP-based algorithms can achieve the good trade-off between the complexity and the error rate performance.

  • Size-Reduced Visual Secret Sharing Scheme

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Hatsukazu TANAKA  


    E87-A No:5

    We propose a method for reducing the size of a share in visual secret sharing schemes. The proposed method does not cause the leakage and the loss of the original image. The quality of the recovered image is almost same as that of previous schemes.
