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  • Voltage-Mode Multiple-Valued Logic Adder Circuits

    Ioannis M. THOIDIS  Dimitrios SOUDRIS  Adonios THANAILAKIS  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E87-C No:6

    Novel designs of multiple-valued logic (quaternary) half adder, full adder, and carry-lookahead adder are introduced. The proposed circuits are static and operate in voltage-mode. Moreover, there is no current flow in steady states, and thus, no static power dissipation. Although the comparison in transistor count shows that the proposed quaternary circuits are larger than two respective binary ones, benefits in parallel addition arise from the use of multiple-valued logic. Firstly, the ripple-carry additions are faster because the number of carries is half compared to binary ones and the propagation delay from the input carry through the output carry is relatively small. Secondly, the carry-lookahead scheme exhibits less complexity, which leads to overall reduction in transistor count for addition with large number of bits.

  • An Algorithm for the Generation of Maximal-Period Sequences Based on One-Dimensional Chaos Maps with Finite Bits

    Daisaburo YOSHIOKA  Akio TSUNEDA  Takahiro INOUE  


    E87-A No:6

    This paper deals with the method for generation of maximal-period sequences which are designed by properly quantizing the variable state of a class of one-dimensional piecewise-linear onto maps. We confirmed that the proposed method enables us to generate many maximal-period sequences from such maps including De-Bruijn cases.

  • Structures of Human Relations and User-Dynamics Revealed by Traffic Data

    Masaki AIDA  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Hiroyoshi MIWA  Chisa TAKANO  Shin-ichi KURIBAYASHI  


    E87-D No:6

    The number of customers of a service for Internet access from cellular phones in Japan has been explosively increasing for some time. We analyze the relation between the number of customers and the volume of traffic, with a view to finding clues to the structure of human relations among the very large set of potential customers of the service. The traffic data reveals that this structure is a scale-free network, and we calculate the exponent that governs the distribution of node degree in this network. The data also indicates that people who have many friends tend to subscribe to the service at an earlier stage. These results are useful for investigating various fields, including marketing strategies, the propagation of rumors, the spread of computer viruses, and so on.

  • Genetic State Reduction Method of Incompletely Specified Machines


    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E87-A No:6

    A new state reduction method of incompletely specified sequential machines is proposed in this paper. The method is based on a genetic algorithm implementing a dormant mechanism. MCNC benchmark machines are simplified by using this method to evaluate the method. The experimental results show that machines of almost the same number of states as the minimum ones can be derived by this method.

  • Microphone Array with Minimum Mean-Square Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator for Speech Enhancement

    Hongseok KWON  Jongmok SON  Keunsung BAE  


    E87-A No:6

    This paper describes a new speech enhancement system that employs a microphone array with post-processing based on minimum mean-square error short-time spectral amplitude (MMSE-STSA) estimator. To get more accurate MMSE-STSA estimator in a microphone array, modification and refinement procedure are carried out from each microphone output. Performance of the proposed system is compared with that of other methods using a microphone array. Noise removal experiments for white and pink noises demonstrate the superiority of the proposed speech enhancement system to others with a microphone array in average output SNRs and cepstral distance measures.

  • Emerging Market for Mobile Remote Physiological Monitoring Services

    Timothy BOLT  Sadahiko KANO  Akihisa KODATE  


    E87-D No:6

    This paper offers an initial analysis of economic and market issues in the development and deployment of mobile remote physiological monitoring services for medical patients through wireless wearable sensors and actuators. Examining the characteristics of the service technologies and related industries, this study focuses on the structure, participants and roles of standardisation of the layers within the emerging mobile remote physiological monitoring industry. The study concludes that the structure of the emerging mobile remote physiological monitoring industry will be oriented about service provision, be integrated with other personal / patient data storage services and be heavily influenced by the interplay of technological developments, the health market structure, existing players and regulation. Additionally, the keys players are likely to be the system integrators and service providers concentrating on large institutional customers. A focus of the paper is analysing both the causes and implications of a modular, horizontally layered industry structure likely to result from the mix of technologies, suppliers and customers as this market develops. The paper discusses why, although horizontal specialisation is the most likely outcome, there is little risk of key layers becoming commoditised. The paper also discusses the appropriate types and levels of standardisation and equipment certification activities that should be encouraged, along with from which groups and industries the pressure for these will come.

  • Performance Analysis of Transmission Rate Scheduling Schemes for Integrated Voice/Data Service in Burst-Switching DS/CDMA System

    Meejoung KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:6

    This letter shows the performance comparisons of several different rate scheduling schemes for non-real time data service over the uplink of burst switching-based direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) system to support the integrated voice/data service. The closed-form solution of optimal scheduling formulation, which minimizes average transmission delay when all of the active data users are transmitting simultaneously, is presented and mathematical analyses with other rate scheduling schemes, which provide efficiency criterion of transmission delay for rate scheduling schemes, are performed. Numerical results show the analyses explicitly.

  • Efficient Routing of Board-Level Optical Clocks for Ultra High-Speed Systems

    Chung-Seok (Andy) SEO  Abhijit CHATTERJEE  


    E87-A No:6

    A new approach to optical clock distribution utilizing optical waveguide interconnect technology is introduced. In this paper, we develop a new algorithm for design and optimization of embedded optical clock distribution networks for printed wiring boards. The optimization approach takes into account bending and propagation losses of optical waveguides. Less than 26.1 psec in signal timing skew is obtained for a signal flight time of 614.38 psec. About 15% reduction in optical power consumption is also obtained over clock nets routed with existing (optical) methods.

  • Modeling Email Communications

    Yihjia TSAI  Ching-Chang LIN  Ping-Nan HSIAO  


    E87-D No:6

    Recently, the small-world network model has been popular to describe a wide range of networks such as human social relations and networks formed by biological entities. The network model achieves a small diameter with relatively few links as measured by the ratio of clustering coefficient and the number of links. It is quite natural to consider email communication similar to social network patterns. Quite surprisingly, we find from our empirical study that local email networks follow a different type of network model that falls into the category of scale-free network. We propose new network models to describe such communication structure.

  • Self-Organizing Map-Based Analysis of IP-Network Traffic in Terms of Time Variation of Self-Similarity: A Detrended Fluctuation Analysis Approach

    Masao MASUGI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E87-A No:6

    This paper describes an analysis of IP-network traffic in terms of the time variation of self-similarity. To get a comprehensive view in analyzing the degree of long-range dependence (LRD) of IP-network traffic, this paper used a self-organizing map, which provides a way to map high-dimensional data onto a low-dimensional domain. Also, in the LRD-based analysis, this paper employed detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), which is applicable to the analysis of long-range power-law correlations or LRD in non-stationary time-series signals. In applying this method to traffic analysis, this paper performed two kinds of traffic measurement: one based on IP-network traffic flowing into NTT Musashino R&D center (Tokyo, Japan) from the Internet and the other based on IP-network traffic flowing through at an interface point between an access provider (Tokyo, Japan) and the Internet. Based on sequential measurements of IP-network traffic, this paper derived corresponding values for the LRD-related parameter α of measured traffic. As a result, we found that the characteristic of self-similarity seen in the measured traffic fluctuated over time, with different time variation patterns for two measurement locations. In training the self-organizing map, this paper used three parameters: two α values for different plot ranges, and Shannon-based entropy, which reflects the degree of concentration of measured time-series data. We visually confirmed that the traffic data could be projected onto the map in accordance with the traffic properties, resulting in a combined depiction of the effects of the degree of LRD and network utilization rates. The proposed method can deal with multi-dimensional parameters, projecting its results onto a two-dimensional space in which the projected data positions give us an effective depiction of network conditions at different times.

  • "Man-Computer Symbiosis" Revisited: Achieving Natural Communication and Collaboration with Computers

    Neal LESH  Joe MARKS  Charles RICH  Candace L. SIDNER  


    E87-D No:6

    In 1960, the famous computer pioneer J.C.R. Licklider described a vision for human-computer interaction that he called "man-computer symbiosis. " Licklider predicted the development of computer software that would allow people "to think in interaction with a computer in the same way that you think with a colleague whose competence supplements your own. " More than 40 years later, one rarely encounters any computer application that comes close to capturing Licklider's notion of human-like communication and collaboration. We echo Licklider by arguing that true symbiotic interaction requires at least the following three elements: a complementary and effective division of labor between human and machine; an explicit representation in the computer of the user's abilities, intentions, and beliefs; and the utilization of nonverbal communication modalities. We illustrate this argument with various research prototypes currently under development at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (USA).

  • A Study of Aspect Ratio of the Aperture and the Effect on Antenna Efficiency in Oversized Rectangular Slotted Waveguide Arrays

    Hisahiro KAI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:6

    A post-wall waveguide-fed parallel plate slotted array is an attractive candidate for high efficiency and mass producible planar array antennas for millimeter wave applications. For the slot design of this large sized array, a periodic boundary wall model based on the assumption of infinite array size and a parallel waveguide is used. In fact, the aperture is large but still finite (10-40 wavelength) and the TEM-like wave is perturbed due to the narrow walls at the periphery of the aperture as well as the slot coupling; antenna efficiency is affected by the size and the aspect ratio of the aperture. All these observations imply the unique defects of oversized waveguide arrays. In this paper, the aperture efficiency of post-wall waveguide arrays is assessed as a function of size and aspect ratio of the aperture for the first time, both in theory and measurement. An effective field analysis for an electrically large oversized waveguide array, developed by the author, is utilized for determining the slot excitation coefficients and aperture illumination. It is predicted that the oversized waveguide array has a potential efficiency of 80-90% if the aperture is larger than 18 wavelength on a side and the gain is more than 30 dBi. A transversely wide aperture generally provides higher efficiency than a longitudinally long aperture, provided a perfectly uniform TEM wave would be launched from the feed waveguide.

  • On the Use of Shanks Transformation to Accelerate Capacitance Extraction for Periodic Structures

    Ye LIU  Zheng-Fan LI  Mei XUE  Rui-Feng XUE  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E87-C No:6

    Integral equation method is used to compute three-dimension-structure capacitance in this paper. Since some multi-conductor structures present regular periodic property, the periodic cell is used to reduce the computational domain with adding appropriate magnetic and electric walls. The periodic Green's function in the integral equation method is represented in the form of infinite series with slow convergence. In this paper, Shanks transformation is used to accelerate the convergence. Numerical examples show that the proposed method is accurate with a much higher efficiency in capacitance extraction for 3-D periodic structures.

  • A Digital Watermarking Algorithm Using Correlation of the Tree Structure of DWT Coefficients

    Young-Ho SEO  Soon-Young CHOI  Sung-Ho PARK  Dong-Wook KIM  


    E87-A No:6

    This paper proposed a watermarking algorithm for image, which assumed an image compression based on DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform). To reduce the amount of computation, this algorithm selects the watermarking positions by a threshold table which is statistically established from computing the energy correlation of the corresponding wavelet coefficients. The proposed algorithm can operate in a real-time if the image compression process operates in a real-time because the watermarking process was designed to operate in parallel with the compression process. Also it improves the property of losing the watermak and reducing the compresson ratio by the quantization and Huffman coding steps. It was done by considering the sign of the coefficients and the change in the value for watermarking. Visually recognizable pattern such as a binary image were used as the watermark. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm satisfied the properties of robustness and imperceptibility that are the major conditions of watermarking.

  • Lateral and Vertical Scaling of High-fmax InP-Based HBTs

    Shinichi TANAKA  Yoshifumi IKENAGA  Akira FUJIHARA  


    E87-C No:6

    Design approach to improving fmax of InP-based HBTs by combining lateral scaling (lithographic scaling) and vertical scaling (improving fT) is discussed. An HBT scaling model is formulated to provide means of analyzing the essential impact of scaling on fmax. The model was compared with measurements of single and double heterojunction bipolar transistors with different fT and various emitter sizes. While a high fmax of 313 GHz was achieved using submicron HBT with high fT, it was found that further improvement could have been obtained by reducing the emitter resistance, which has imposed considerable limit on lateral scaling.

  • Design Optimization Methodology for On-Chip Spiral Inductors

    Kenichi OKADA  Hiroaki HOSHINO  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E87-C No:6

    This paper presents a methodology for optimizing the layout of on-chip spiral inductors using structural parameters and design frequency in a response surface method. The proposed method uses scattering parameters (S-parameter) to express inductor characteristics, and hence is independent of spiral geometries and equivalent circuit models. The procedure of inductor optimization is described, and a design example is presented.

  • Low-Voltage Sigma-Delta Modulator Topologies for Broadband Communications Applications

    Mohammad YAVARI  Omid SHOAEI  Francesco SVELTO  


    E87-C No:6

    This paper presents a novel class of sigma-delta modulator topologies for low-voltage, high-speed, and high-resolution applications with low oversampling ratios (OSRs). The main specifications of these architectures are the reduced analog circuit requirements, large out-of-band gain in the noise transfer function (NTF) without any stability concerns to achieve high signal to noise ratio (SNR) with a low OSR, and unity-gain signal transfer function (STF) to reduce the harmonic distortions resulted from the analog circuit imperfections. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed modulator architectures a prototype with HSPICE is implemented. A low-power two-stage class A/AB OTA with modified common mode feedback (CMFB) circuit in the first stage is used to implement the fourth order modulator. Simulation results with OSR of 16 give signal to noise plus distortion ratio (SNDR) and dynamic range (DR) of 90-dB and 92.5-dB including the circuit noise in the 1.25-MHz signal bandwidth, respectively. The circuit is implemented in a 0.13-µm standard CMOS technology. It dissipates about 40-mW from a single 1.2-V power supply voltage.

  • AGSphere: Multiresolution Structure of Directional Relationship on Surface Parts

    HyungSeok KIM  Kwangyun WOHN  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E87-D No:6

    We present a new method in multiresolution rendering of a complex object. Our method uses viewer-centered features including the silhouette in generating multiresolution model. Because the silhouette of an object depends on the position of the viewer, the silhouette has difficulties in real-time generation. We propose the AGSphere for real-time management of the silhouette. The AGSphere easily identifies silhouette parts and manages it in multiresolution manner. The primary applicable feature of the AGSphere is the silhouette from the viewer, but we can also use the AGSphere for other directional features like light silhouette. In this paper, we show experimental results for the silhouette either from the viewer or the light. The efficiency of the proposed method is compared with other methods. We also propose new texture map generation method to use with the multiresolution geometry. Generated texture map has valid mapping function for the multiresolution geometry minimizing texture distortions.

  • 3D Structure from a Single Calibrated View Using Distance Constraints

    Rubin GONG  Gang XU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E87-D No:6

    We propose a new method to recover scene points from a single calibrated view using a subset of distances among the points. This paper first introduces the problem and its relationship with the perspective n point problem. Then the number of distances required to uniquely recover scene points are explored. The result is then developed into a practical vision algorithm to calculate the initial points' coordinates using distance constraints. Finally SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) is used to optimize the initial estimations. It can minimize a cost function defined as the sum of squared reprojection errors while keeping the specified distance constraints strictly satisfied. Both simulation data and real scene images have been used to test the proposed method, and good results have been obtained.

  • A Compact Low Voltage CMOS Exponential Current-to-Voltage Converter Free from Transconductance Parameter Matching between NMOS and PMOS

    Makoto YAMAGUCHI  Akira HYOGO  Keitaro SEKINE  


    E87-C No:6

    A compact low-voltage CMOS exponential current-to-voltage converter free from transconductance parameter matching between NMOS and PMOS is proposed. The circuit is composed of level shift circuits and current mirrors. The SPICE simulation results show a 27 dB linear range with a linearity error of less than 1 dB.
