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  • Coded Modulation for Satellite Digital Video Broadcasting

    Robert MORELOS-ZARAGOZA  Oscar Yassuo TAKESHITA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Coded Modulation

    E79-A No:9

    In this paper, coded modulation techniques suitable for satellite broadcasting of digital high-definition TV are studied. An overview of current approaches to satellite broadcasting is presented. New constructions of coded modulation schemes for unequal error protection (UEP), based on both block and trellis codes, are introduced in this paper. The proposed schemes can achieve both better overall performance and enhanced graceful degradation of the received signal, in comparison with existing digital satellite broadcasting approaches.

  • Generalized Mesh-Connected Computers with Hyperbus Broadcasting for a Computer Network*

    Shi-Jinn HORNG  

    PAPER-Interconnection Networks

    E79-D No:8

    The mesh-connected computers with hyperbus broadcasting are an extension of the mesh-connected computers with multiple broadcasting. Instead of using local buses, we use global buses to connect processors. Such a strategy efficiently reduces the time complexity of the semigroup problem from O(N) to O(log N). Also, the matrix multiplication and the transitive closure problems are solved in O(log N) and O(log2 N) time, respectively. Then, based on these operations, several interesting problems such as the connected recognition problem, the articulation problem, the dominator problem, the bridge problem, the sorting problem, the minimum spanning tree problem and the bipartite graph recognition problem can be solved in the order of polylogarithmic time.

  • Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Proper Circular Arc Graphs

    Selim G. AKL  Lin CHEN  


    E79-D No:8

    Efficient parallel algorithms for several problems on proper circular arc graphs are presented in this paper. These problems include finding a maximum matching, partitioning into a minimum number of induced subgraphs each of which has a Hamiltonian cycle (path), partitioning into induced subgraphs each of which has a Hamiltonian cycle (path) with at least k vertices for a given k, and adding a minimum number of edges to make the graph contain a Hamiltonian cycle (path). It is shown here that the above problems can all be solved in logarithmic time with a linear number of EREW PRAM processors, or in constant time with a linear number of BSR processors. A more important part of this work is perhaps the extension of basic BSR to allow simultaneous multiple BROADCAST instructions.

  • Multimedia Database Systems for the Contents Mediator

    Masao SAKAUCHI  Takashi SATOU  Yoshitomo YAGINUMA  


    E79-D No:6

    Multimedia Database Systems as the tool to extract and generate additional values from multimedia 'Contents' are discussed in this paper with putting emphasis on the mediator functions between users and contents. Firstly, we discuss about 'what to do' from the view point of four promising contents sources: 'on the network,' 'in the digital broadcasting' 'in the library' and 'in the real world.' From this view pont, four types of multimedia database systems are defined. 'What to do' for each database system is also discussed. Two concrete multimedia database systems with unique mediator functions, stream-type multimedia database platform GOLS and the intelligent access and authoring system using multiple media synchronization are proposed with experimental evaluation results and concrete multimedia database applications.

  • Message Transfer Algorithms on the Recursive Diagonal Torus

    Yulu YANG  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E79-D No:2

    Recursive Diagonal Torus (RDT) is a class of interconnection network for massively parallel computers with 216 nodes. In this paper, message transfer algorithms on the RDT are proposed and discussed. First, a simple one-to-one message routing algorithm called the vector routing is introduced and its practical extension called the floating vector routing is proposed. In the floating vector routing both the diameter and average distance are improved compared with the fixed vector routing. Next, broadcasting and hypercube emulation algorithm scheme on the RDT are shown. Finally, deadlock-free message routing algorithms on the RDT are discussed. By a simple modification of the e-cube routing and a small numbers of additional virtual channels, both one-to-one message transfer and broadcast can be achieved without deadlock.

  • Reliability of Hypercubes for Broadcasting with Random Faults

    Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Sabine R. OHRING  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E79-D No:1

    In this paper we analyze the reliability of a simple broadcasting scheme for hypercubes (HCCAST) with random faults. We prove that HCCAST (n) (HCCAST for the n-dimensional hypercube) can tolerate Θ(2n/n) random faulty nodes with a very high probability although it can tolerate only n - 1 faulty nodes in the worst case. By showing that most of the f-fault configurations of the n dimensional hypercube cannot make HCCAST (n) fail unless f is too large, we illustrate that hypercubes are inherently strong enough for tolerating random faults. For a realistic n, the reliability of HCCAST (n) is much better than that of the broadcasting algorithm described in [6] although the latter can asymptotically tolerate faulty links of a constant fraction of all the links. Finally, we compare the fault-tolerant performance of the two broadcasting schemes for n = 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and we find that for those practical valuse, HCCAST (n) is very reliable.

  • Broadcasting in Hypercubes with Randomly Distributed Byzantine Faults

    Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Keiko KATANO  

    PAPER-Reliability and Fault Analysis

    E78-A No:9

    We study all-to-all broadcasting in hypercubes with randomly distributed Byzantine faults. We construct an efficient broadcasting scheme BC1-n-cube running on the n-dimensional hypercube (n-cube for short) in 2n rounds, where for communication by each node of the n-cube, only one of its links is used in each round. The scheme BC1-n-cube can tolerate (n-1)/2 Byzantine faults of nodes and/or links in the worst case. If there are exactly f Byzantine faulty nodes randomly distributed in the n-cabe, BC1-n-cube succeeds with a probability higher than 1(64nf/2n) n/2. In other words, if 1/(64nk) of all the nodes(i.e., 2n/(64nk) nodes) fail in Byzantine manner randomly in the n-cube, then the scheme succeeds with a probability higher than 1kn/2. We also consider the case where all nodes are faultless but links may fail randomly in the n-cube. Broadcasting by BC1-n-cube is successful with a probability hig her than 1kn/2 provided that not more than 1/(64(n1)k) of all the links in the n-cube fail in Byzantine manner randomly. For the case where only links may fail, we give another broadcasting scheme BC2-n-cube which runs in 2n2 rounds. Broadcasting by BC2-n-cube is successful with a high probability if the number of Byzantine faulty links randomly distributed in the n-cube is not more than a constant fraction of the total number of links. That is, it succeeds with a probability higher than 1nkn/2 if 1/(48k) of all the links in the n-cube fail randomly in Byzantine manner.

  • Phase Ambiguity Resolver for PCM Sound Broadcasting Satellite Service with Low Power Consumption Viterbi Decoder Employing SST Scheme

    Kazuhiko SEKI  Shuji KUBOTA  Shuzo KATO  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E78-B No:9

    This paper proposes a novel phase ambiguity resolver with combining a very low power Viterbi decoder employing a scarce state transition scheme to realize cost effective receivers for the PCM sound broadcasting satellite service. The theoretical analyses on phase decision performance show that the proposed resolver achieves the symbol-by-symbol phase detection and decides correctly phases of the demodulated data even if the bit error probability of 710-2. The resolver also reduces the phase decision time to below 1/1000 of that of the conventional resolver. Furthermore, experimental results of the power consumption estimate that the prototype Viterbi decoder consumes only 60mW at the data rate of 24.576Mbit/s.

  • A Signal-to-Noise Enhancer with Extended Bandwidth Using Two MSSW Filters and Two 90Hybrids

    Youhei ISHIKAWA  Toshihiro NOMOTO  Takekazu OKADA  Satoru SHINMURA  Fumio KANAYA  Shinichiro ICHIGUCHI  Toshihito UMEGAKI  


    E78-C No:8

    A signal-to-noise enhancer with a bandwidth that is six times as wide as that of the conventional type is presented. A new circuit construction, the combination of two MSSW filters which have the same insertion loss in the broadband and two 90 hybrids, is effective to remarkably extend the bandwidth. The enhancement of the enhancer amounts to 20 dB in the operating frequency range of 1.9 GHz150 MHz in 0 to 60 degrees centigrade. This enhancer has accomplished FM threshold extension because the S/N is improved by 1 to 7 dB below the C/N of 9 dB. It was demonstrated that this new enhancer is effective for noise reduction in practical DBS reception.

  • Performance Analysis of Channel Segregation in Cellular Environments with PRMA

    Mario FRULLONE  Guido RIVA  Paolo GRAZIOSO  Claudia CARCIOFI  


    E78-A No:7

    Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) is emerging as a possible multiple access scheme for the forth-coming Personal Communication systems, due to its inherent flexibility and to its capability to exploit silence periods to perform a statistical multiplexing of traffic sources, often characterised by a high burstiness. On the other hand, the current trend in reducing cell sizes and the more complex traffic scenarios pose major planning problems, which are best coped with by adaptive allocation schemes. The identification of adaptive schemes suitable to operate on a shorter time scale, which is typical of packetised information, disclose a number of problems which are addressed in this paper. A viable solution is provided by a well-known self-adaptive assignment method (Channel Segregation), originally developed for FDMA systems, provided it is conveniently adapted for PRMA operation. Simulations show good performance, provided that values of some system variables are correctly chosen. These results encourage further studies in order to refine adaptive methods suitable for cellular, packet switched personal communications systems.

  • A Fair and Wasteless Channel Assignment Protocol for Optical Dual Bus Networks

    Shu LI  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  


    E78-B No:4

    The Distributed Queue Dual Bus protocol (DQDB) has been adopted as the metropolitan area network (MAN) standard by IEEE802.6 committee. Recently, the unfairness problem in the DQDB protocol, by which head stations benefit, has been pointed out. Although a fair bandwidth distribution among the stations is obtained by adding the so-called bandwidth balancing mechanism into the DQDB protocol (DQDB/BB), the DQDB/BB protocol leaves a portion of the available bandwidth unused, and it takes a considerable amount of time to converge to fair channel assignment. In this study, to overcome the drawbacks in DQDB and DQDB/BB, we introduce a new media access control protocol which is based on assigning each station a level according to some traffic information such as the queueing length, delay time etc. Only the station with the highest level is allowed to transmit. Through the operation of level assignment or the choice of level function, the transmission can be easily controlled in a distributed manner. This protocol is simple compared with DQDB/BB and can be implemented in the DQDB architecture. The simulation results show that the new protocol obtains not only fair throughput regardless of the distance between the stations, but also fair delay performance. In addition, the new protocol can easily provide preempty priority service through level assignment. The new protocol converges to fair distribution of the channel in the time required for only one or two round-trips. This is very fast compared with the DQDB/BB protocol.

  • Transport Structure for Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting

    Naoki KAWAI  Kouji OHSAKI  Takeshi KIMURA  Seiichi NAMBA  


    E77-B No:12

    We discuss ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) which has a transport structure to meet the technical requirements such as the flexibility and the extensibility of broadcasting in the future. The basic configuration of the ISDB transmission signal for distribution into various transmission channels is shown. Hybrid multiplexing, which uses common fixed-length packets and structured transmission units called "slots," is introduced to construct a transmission signal for low-cost signal processing in ISDB receivers. We show that a fixed packet length of 40-240 bytes results in high transmission efficiency in a diverse range of service arrangements. Furthermore, we use transmission control methods, which show the relationship between programs and packet IDs, to select the desired program with certainty and ease.

  • IDUN: A Broadcast Multimedia System

    Anders AHL  


    E77-B No:12

    When a new digital broadcasting system is introduced for the viewers, it is important to be able to include new services and system aspects. That is to give the viewers new experiences and meet the demands they might have in the future. To fulfil the viewers expectations, is a key for success for the introduction of new service and product. It is equally important to look at the long term perspective and have the possibility to gradually develop the digital broadcasting systems we establish today. A fully integrated multimedia system is a hybrid of different media services, distribution paths and display object. The pros and cons of each of them must be examined and each of them used where best suited. This will probably give a more complex media world with fuzzy borders between what is broadcasting, packaged media and what is the on-line information society. In order to balance this, any new digital multimedia system needs to be developed with an open architecture, based on generally agreed standards and possibly follow a non-proprietary approach. IDUN, a prototype system for multimedia broadcasting, is on its way to fulfil these requirements. IDUN combines the powerful point to multi-point emission, domestic data storage and computer processing with the telecommunication network. It is feasible to introduce it in the analogue world of today but could better be utilised in a fully digital future. Some possible services are further proposed. Some of them with a tight relation to what a broadcaster already produces, which could give an evolutionary transfer to the new digital world.

  • Transmission Characteristics of DQPSK-OFDM for Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting Systems

    Masafumi SAITO  Shigeki MORIYAMA  Shunji NAKAHARA  Kenichi TSUCHIDA  


    E77-B No:12

    OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a useful digital modulation method for terrestrial digital broadcasting systems, both for digital TV broadcasting and digital audio broadcasting. OFDM is a kind of multicarrier modulation and shows excellent performance especially in multipath environments and in mobile reception. Other advantages are its resistance to interference signals and its suitability for digital signal processing. When each carrier of the OFDM signal is modulated with DQPSK, we call it DQPSK-OFDM. DQPSK-OFDM is a basic OFDM system, which is especially suitable for mobile reception. This paper describes how a DQPSK-OFDM system works and shows several experimental and simulation results. The experimental results mainly concern the performance of the DQPSK-OFDM system relative to various disturbances such as multipath (ghost) signals, nonlinearity of the channel, and interference from analog signals. The transmission characteristics of DQPSK-OFDM are investigated and the basic criteria for the system design of DQPSK-OFDM are discussed.

  • Adaptively Weighted Code Division Multiplexing for Hierarchical Digital Broadcasting

    Hiroyuki HAMAZUMI  Yasuhiro ITO  Hiroshi MIYAZAWA  


    E77-B No:12

    This paper describes an adaptively weighted code division multiplexing (AW-CDM) system, in other words, power controlled spread-spectrum multiplexing system and describes its application to hierarchical digital broadcasting of television signals. The AW-CDM, being combined with multi-resolutional video encoder, can provide such a hierarchical transmission that allows both high quality services for fixed receivers and reduced quality services for mobile/portable receivers. The carrier and the clock are robustly regenerated by using a spread-spectrum multiplexed pseudorandom noise (PN) sounder as a reference in the receiver. The PN reference is also used for Rake combining with signals via different paths, and for adaptive equalization (EQ). In a prototype AW-CDM modem, three layers of hierarchical video signals (highs: 5.91Mbps, middles: 1.50Mbps, and lows: 0.46 Mbps) are divided into a pair of 64 orthogonal spread-spectrum subchannels, each of which can be given a different priority and therefore a different threshold. In this case, three different thresholds are given. The modem's transmission rate is 9.7Mbps in the 6MHz band. Indoor transmission tests confirm that lows (weighted power layer I), middles (averaged power layer II), and highs (lightened power layer III) are retrievable under conditions in which the desired to undesired signal ratios (DURs) are respectively 0dB, 8.5dB, and 13.5dB. If the undesired signals are multipaths, these performances are dramatically improved by Rake combining and EQ. The AW-CDM system can be used for 20-30 Mbps advanced television (ATV) transmission in the 6-MHz bandwidth simply by changing the binary inputs into quaternary or octonary inputs.

  • A Study on Power Assignment of Hierarchical Modulation Schemes for Digital Broadcasting

    Masakazu MORIMOTO  Hiroshi HARADA  Minoru OKADA  Shozo KOMAKI  


    E77-B No:12

    In the future satellite broadcasting system in 21GHz band, the rainfall attenuation is a most significant problem. To solve this problem, the hierarchical transmission systems have been studied. This paper analyzes the performance of the hierarchical modulation scheme from the view point of power assignment in the presence of the rainfall attenuation. This paper shows an optimum power assignment ratio to maximize the spectral efficiency and the signal-to-noise ratio of received image, and these optimum ratio is varied with the measure of system performance.

  • Multicast Routing Based on Predicted Traffic Statistics

    Paul C. HUANG  Yoshiaki TANAKA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:10

    With the arrival of B-ISDN, widespread usage of multicast services such as TV broadcasting and video 900 services will increase the possibility of network congestion unless efficient multiple destination routing (MDR) algorithms are used. Current MDR algorithms using link cost based on bandwidth usage or distance to compute the minimum cost routing tree do not take into account the vast amount of information collected by intelligent network (IN) databases. In this paper, we propose a multicast routing algorithm which modifies the way the cost is calculated by using the predicted traffic statistics collected by IN databases. We also show that the traffic handling characteristics vastly improved over conventional MDR algorithms.

  • A Secure Broadcast Communication Method with Short Messages

    Masahiro MAMBO  Akinori NISHIKAWA  Eiji OKAMOTO  Shigeo TSUJII  


    E77-A No:8

    Broadcasting with secrecy of messages is important in a situation such as pay television. In pay television only a broadcasting station broadcasts a message. On the other hand, broadcast communication is also important. Broadcast communication means any user in a whole group can broadcast a message to any subset of the group. In this paper the efficiency of secure broadcast communication is discussed in terms of the length of messages sent and the encryption speed. We prove that the length of the broadcast messages is not kept less than O(n), where n is the number of receivers, when a broadcast system has a form of a single system which is defined as the generalized form of an individual key method and a master key method. In contrast, the proposed secure broadcast communication method, a multi-dimension method, keeps the length of messages sent O(mmn), where m is the number of the dimension used in the multi-dimension method. At the same time the encryption speed was reduced from O(n(log(n+C2)+C3)) of the master key method to O(mn(logmn+C1)) of the multi-dimension method.

  • A Yearlong Performance of Satellite Broadcasting Receiving Systems

    Yuliman PURWANTO  Yasutaka OGAWA  Manabu OHMIYA  Kiyohiko ITOH  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E77-B No:6

    It is well known that weather conditions affect the performance of satellite broadcasting receiving systems. For example, snow accretion on antennas degrades the receiving performance seriously because it reduces received signal power and also can increase antenna noise. Since effects of the weather are considered to differ for various types of receiving antenna, an investigation on this phenomenon is very important. A study on weather effects to three types of satellite broadcasting receiving antenna, a planar antenna, a center-fed parabolic reflector antenna, and an offset parabolic reflector antenna, is presented in this paper. Since the performance of receiving antennas can be determined by a parameter G/T, a long-term and continuous measurement of G/T must be performed. Furthermore, the measurement of more than one receiving system should be performed simultaneously. Also, the measurement should be performed in a snowy area (in winter) and a rainy area (in the other seasons) to evaluate the effect of the weather. To fulfil the criterion, a continuous measurement system of G/T has been built in Hokkaido University, Sapporo. Sapporo, which is located at latitude 42 degrees north, has a long and snowy winter, and also has rainy days in the other seasons so that we can evaluate the effect of weather. Using this measurement system, cumulative distributions of measurement results are obtained so that the performance of different types of receiving system can be evaluated. In this paper, some considerations on the noise level are also discussed briefly to evaluate the performance degradation of the receiving systems.

  • Selective Order-Preserving Broadcast (SP) Protocol

    Akihito NAKAMURA  Makoto TAKIZAWA  


    E77-B No:3

    This paper discusses how to provide selective broadcast communication for a group of multiple entities in a distributed system by using high-speed communication networks. In the group communication, protocol data units (PDUs) sent by each entity have to be delivered atomically in some order to all the destinations in the group. In distributed applications, each entity sends a PDU only to a subset rather than all the entities, and each entity needs to receive all the PDUs destined to it from every entity in the same order as they are sent. We name such a broadcast service a selective order-preserving broadcast (SP) service. In this paper, we discuss how to design a distributed, asynchronous protocol which provides the SP service for entities.
