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  • Cooperative Distributed STBC Transmission Scheme for Multi-Hop V2V Communications

    Cong-Hoang DIEM  Koya SATO  Takeo FUJII  


    E99-A No:1

    This paper proposes a novel cooperative scheme combining distributed space-time block code (STBC) at physical layer, multiple access protocol at medium access control (MAC) layer and opportunistic routing without complicated routing algorithm for achieving high reliability for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. The proposed scheme can reduce interference and collision, and achieve reducing redundant broadcast of safety-related messages for multi-hop vehicular communications on highway. In particular, we propose a novel algorithm of relay selection based-on position, speed and direction of movement to select intermediate vehicle stations (VS) with high contribution according to the transmission direction. Furthermore, in order to reduce interference and collision, we install a new timer to select a master relay vehicle station (MVS) which manages a packet transmission of whole network to trigger and synchronize transmitting timing of relay VSs (RVSs) in each hop. From the results of simulations, we can confirm that the proposed method can achieve reducing the redundant broadcast safety-related messages with keeping the packet loss probability by limiting the retransmission at each VS.

  • Minimizing Re-Transmissions (MRT) for Broadcast Traffic in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

    Nguyen Xuan TIEN  Jong Myung RHEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E99-B No:1

    Broadcasting is the process of sending a message from one node to all the other nodes in a network. Simple flooding is the simplest form of broadcasting in ad hoc wireless networks. Simple flooding provides important control, route discovery, and network information update functionality for unicast and multicast protocols. However, simple flooding generates too many broadcast message duplications in ad hoc wireless networks. Minimum spanning tree (MST)-based flooding has traditionally been used in networks to reduce the broadcast duplications by determining broadcast trees using global topology information. However, MST-based flooding still generates a lot of broadcast traffic duplications. In this paper, we propose an efficient type of flooding, called “minimizing re-transmissions” (MRT), to significantly reduce the broadcast duplications. The purpose of MRT is to minimize the number of retransmitting nodes in an ad hoc wireless network based on the network's link state information. This advantage of minimizing the number of retransmitting nodes significantly reduces broadcast message duplications in ad hoc wireless networks. The performance of MRT is analyzed, evaluated, and compared to that of the simple flooding and the MST-based flooding. Simulations are conducted using the OMNet++ Simulator in order to validate the traffic performance analysis. For our sample network, analytical and simulation results show that MRT reduces broadcast message duplications by about 80% compared to simple flooding and by about 68% compared to MST-based flooding, thus saving a significant amount of network bandwidth and energy. MRT can be used in static or mobile ad hoc wireless networks and in wired networks to implement scalable broadcast communications.

  • Estimating the Number of Nodes in WLANs to Improve Throughput and QoS

    Takumi SANADA  Xuejun TIAN  Takashi OKUDA  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI  


    E99-D No:1

    WLANs have become increasingly popular and widely deployed. The MAC protocol is one of the important technology of the WLAN and affects communication efficiency directly. In this paper, focusing on MAC protocol, we propose a novel protocol that network nodes dynamically optimize their backoff process to achieve high throughput while supporting satisfied QoS. A distributed MAC protocol has an advantage that no infrastructure such as access point is necessary. On the other hand, total throughput decreases heavily and cannot guarantee QoS under high traffic load, which needs to be improved. Through theoretical analysis, we find that the average idle interval can represent current network traffic load and can be used together with estimated number of nodes for setting optimal CW. Since necessary indexes can be obtained directly through observing channel, our scheme based on those indexes will not increase any added load to networks, which makes our schemes simpler and more effective. Through simulation comparison with conventional method, we show that our scheme can greatly enhance the throughput and the QoS no matter the network is in saturated or non-saturated case, while maintaining good fairness.

  • Independent Spanning Trees of 2-Chordal Rings

    Yukihiro HAMADA  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E99-A No:1

    Two spanning trees T1,T2 of a graph G = (V,E) are independent if they are rooted at the same vertex, say r, and for each vertex v ∈ V, the path from r to v in T1 and the path from r to v in T2 have no common vertices and no common edges except for r and v. In general, spanning trees T1,T2,…,Tk of a graph G = (V,E) are independent if they are pairwise independent. A graph G = (V,E) is called a 2-chordal ring and denoted by CR(N,d1,d2), if V = {0,1,…,N-1} and E = {(u,v)|[v-u]N = 1 or [v-u]N = d1 or [v-u]N = d2, 2 ≤ d1 < d2 ≤ N/2}. CR(N,d1,N/2) is 5-connected if N ≥ 8 is even and d1 ≠ N/2-1. We give an algorithm to construct 5 independent spanning trees of CR(N,d1,N/2),N ≥ 8 is even and 2 ≤ d1 ≤ ⌈N/4⌉.

  • Contact Duration-Aware Epidemic Broadcasting in Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks Open Access

    Kohei WATABE  Hiroyuki OHSAKI  


    E98-B No:12

    DTNs (Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks) composed of mobile nodes in low node-density environments have attracted considerable attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a CD-BCAST (Contact Duration BroadCAST) mechanism that can reduce the number of message forwardings while maintaining short message delivery delays in DTNs composed of mobile nodes. The key idea behind CD-BCAST is to increase the probability of simultaneous forwarding by intentionally delaying message forwarding based on the contact duration distribution measured by each node. Through simulations, we show that CD-BCAST needs substantially less message forwardings than conventional mechanisms and it does not require parameter tuning under varieties of communication ranges and node densities.

  • A Survey on the Audible Quality of Outdoor Public Address Speakers for the Disaster Reduction Broadcasting System in the Central Area of Ishinomaki City

    Shosuke SATO  Masaharu NAKAGAWA  Masahiro IWASAKI  Fumihiko IMAMURA  


    E98-A No:8

    In the case of a disaster such as an earthquake or a tsunami, the city, town, and village administration usually issues an evacuation advisory and other information through the Outdoor Public Address Speakers for the disaster reduction broadcasting system covering its area of jurisdiction. However, in areas those have previous experience of a disaster, people frequently voice the lack of audibility of the disaster reduction broadcast. In this research, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the residents in the central area of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, who are the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, on the audible quality of outdoor public address (PA) speakers of the disaster reduction broadcasting system so as to understand the current state of such broadcasts and to propose ideal methods of sending and receiving information at the time of a future disaster.

  • Performance Analysis of Distributed Broadcasting in IEEE 802.11p MAC Protocol

    Daein JEONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose an analysis of broadcasting in the IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol. We consider multi-channel operation which is specifically designed for VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) applications. This protocol supports channel switching; the device alternates between the CCH (Control Channel) and the SCH (Service Channel) during the fixed synchronization interval. It helps vehicles with a single transceiver to access the CCH periodically during which time they acquire or broadcast safety-related messages. Confining the broadcasting opportunity to the deterministic CCH interval entails a non-typical approach to the analysis. Our analysis is carried out considering 1) the time dependency of the system behavior caused by the channel switching, 2) the mutual influence among the vehicles using a multi-dimensional stochastic process, and 3) the generation of messages distributed over the CCH interval. The proposed analysis enables the prediction of the successful delivery ratio and the delay of the broadcast messages. Furthermore, we propose a refinement of the analysis to take account of the effects of hidden nodes on the system performance. The simulation results show that the proposed analysis is quite accurate in describing both the delivery ratio and delay, as well as in reflecting the hidden node effects. The benefits derived from the distributed generation of traffic are also evidenced by the results of experiments.

  • A Robust Wireless Image Transmission for ITS Broadcast Environment Using Compressed Sensing

    Masaki TAKANASHI  Satoshi MAKIDO  

    LETTER-Intelligent Transport System

    E98-A No:2

    Providing images captured by an on-board camera to surrounding vehicles is an effective method to achieve smooth road traffic and to avoid traffic accidents. We consider providing images using WiFi technology based on the IEEE802.11p standard for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication media. We want to compress images to suppress communication traffic, because the communication capacity of the V2V system is strictly limited. However, there are difficulties in image compression and transmission using wireless communication especially in a vehicular broadcast environment, due to transmission errors caused by fading, packet collision, etc. In this letter, we propose an image transmission technique based on compressed sensing. Through computer simulations, we show that our proposed technique can achieve stable image reconstruction despite frequent packet error.

  • Full Plaintext Recovery Attacks on RC4 Using Multiple Biases

    Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Takanori ISOBE  Yuhei WATANABE  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Based Cryptography

    E98-A No:1

    RC4 is a widely-used stream cipher, adopted in many standard protocols, such as WEP, WPA and SSL/TLS, as a standard encryption algorithm. Isobe et al. proposed a plaintext recovery attack on RC4 in the broadcast setting, where the same plaintext is encrypted with different secret keys. Their attack is able to recover the first 257bytes by exploiting the biases of the initial bytes of a keystream. In this paper, we propose two types of full plaintext recovery attacks that are able to recover all the bytes, even after the 258th byte, of a plaintext, unlike Isobe et al.'s attack. To achieve this, we combine the use of multiple keystream biases appropriately. The first attack utilizes the initial byte biases and Mantin's long-term bias. This attack can recover the first 1000 terabytes of a plaintext from 234 ciphertexts with a probability of almost one. The second attack is based on two long-term biases. Since this attack does not rely on the biases of the initial bytes of the RC4 keystream, it can recover any byte of a plaintext, even if the initial bytes are disregarded. Given 235 ciphertexts encrypted by different keys, any byte of a target plaintext can be recovered with a probability close to one.

  • A Two-Tier Spatial Index for Non-flat Spatial Data Broadcasting on Air

    SeokJin IM  HeeJoung HWANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E97-B No:12

    To support the processing of spatial window queries efficiently in a non-flat wireless data broadcasting system, we propose a Two-Tier Spatial Index (TTSI) that uses a two tier data space to distinguish hot and regular data items. Unlike an existing index which repeats regular data items located near hot items at the same time as the hot data items during the broadcast cycle, TTSI makes it possible to repeat only hot data items during a cycle. Simulations show that the proposed TTSI outperforms the existing scheme with respect to access time and energy consumption.

  • Multi-Service MIMO Broadcasting with Different Receive Antennas

    Ruifeng MA  Zhaocheng WANG  Zhixing YANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E97-A No:9

    The next generation wireless broadcasting systems combining with MIMO technology has drawn much attention recently. Considering the coexistence of receivers equipped with different numbers of antennas in these systems, there exists the special requirement to maximize the transmission rate for receivers having more antennas, while guaranteeing the normal rate for receivers having less antennas. In this letter, superposition coding is proposed to fulfill this requirement and the concept of broadcast cluster is introduced, wherein the optimized power allocation parameters are derived. The BER simulations for multiple services are provided to verify the significant SNR performance gap between receivers with various numbers of receive antennas.

  • Efficient Multi-Service Allocation for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems

    Bo HAO  Jun WANG  Zhaocheng WANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E97-B No:9

    This paper presents an efficient multi-service allocation scheme for the digital television terrestrial broadcasting systems in which the fixed service is modulated by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and quadrature amplitude modulation (OFDM/QAM) with larger FFT size and the added mobile service is modulated by OFDM and offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) with smaller FFT size. The two different types of services share one 8MHz broadcasting channel. The isotropic orthogonal transform algorithm (IOTA) is chosen as the shaping filter for OQAM because of its isotropic convergence in time and frequency domain and the proper FFT size is selected to maximum the transmission capacity under mobile environment. The corresponding transceiver architecture is also proposed and analyzed. Simulations show that the newly added mobile service generates much less out-of-band interference to the fixed service and has a better performance under fast fading wireless channels.

  • ACK-CAST: ACK-Based Broadcast Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

    Ajmal KHAN  Jae-Choong NAM  You-Ze CHO  


    E97-B No:5

    In vehicular ad hoc networks, the efficient and reliable dissemination of emergency messages in a highly mobile environment under dense or sparse network is a significant challenge. This paper proposes a new vehicular broadcast protocol, called ACK-CAST, that can operate effectively in both dense and sparse network scenarios. ACK-CAST relies on acknowledgment messages from one-hop neighbors to select the next rebroadcasting vehicle. Simulation results show that ACK-CAST outperforms the SERVUS protocol in terms of the end-to-end delay, message delivery ratio and network overhead.

  • Magnetic Field Homogeneity of Birdcage Coil for 4T MRI System with No Lumped Circuit Elements

    Ryotaro SUGA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E97-B No:4

    In recent years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems that operate up to under 3T are being used in clinical practice in Japan. In order to achieve the requirements of higher image quality and shorter imaging times, devices that utilize high magnetic fields (> 3T) and high power electromagnetic (EM) wave pulses have been developed. The rise of the static magnetic field is proportional to the increase of the EM wave frequency which raises the issue of variation in capacitance used in the radio frequency (RF) coil for MRI system. In addition, increasing power causes problems of withstanding voltage and these approaches leads to generation of non-uniform magnetic field inside the RF coil. Therefore, we proposed a birdcage coil without the use of lumped circuit elements for MRI systems in previous study. However, it is difficult to fabricate this birdcage coil. Hence, simply-structured birdcage coil with no lumped circuit elements is desired. In this paper, we propose a simply-structured birdcage coil with no lumped circuit elements for a 4T MRI system. In addition, the authors investigated the input impedance and magnetic field distribution of the proposed coil by FDTD calculations and measurements. The results confirm that the proposed birdcage coil matches the performance of the conventional birdcage coil which includes several capacitors.

  • Rapid Acquisition Assisted by Navigation Data for Inter-Satellite Links of Navigation Constellation

    Xian-Bin LI  Yue-Ke WANG  Jian-Yun CHEN  Shi-ce NI  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E97-B No:4

    Introducing inter-satellite ranging and communication links in a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) can improve its performance. In view of the highly dynamic characteristics and the rapid but reliable acquisition requirement of inter-satellite link (ISL) signal of navigation constellation, we utilize navigation data, which is the special resource of navigation satellites, to assist signal acquisition. In this paper, we introduce a method that uses the navigation data for signal acquisition from three aspects: search space, search algorithm, and detector structure. First, an iteration method to calculate the search space is presented. Then the most efficient algorithm is selected by comparing the computation complexity of different search algorithms. Finally, with the navigation data, we also propose a method to guarantee the detecting probability constant by adjusting the non-coherent times. An analysis shows that with the assistance of navigation data, we can reduce the computing cost of ISL signal acquisition significantly, as well effectively enhancing acquisition speed and stabling the detection probability.

  • Broadcast Control of Multi-Agent Systems with Quantized Measurements

    Yosuke TANAKA  Shun-ichi AZUMA  Toshiharu SUGIE  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E97-A No:3

    This paper addresses a broadcast control problem of multi-agent systems with quantized measurements, where each agent moves based on the common broadcasted signal and tries to minimize a given quadratic performance index. The problem is solved by introducing dither type random movements to the agents' action which reduce the degradation caused by quantized measurements. A broadcast controller is derived and it is proven that the controller approximately achieves given tasks with probability 1. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated by numerical simulation.

  • Comprehensive Analysis of Initial Keystream Biases of RC4

    Takanori ISOBE  Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Yuhei WATANABE  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    After the disclosure of the RC4 algorithm in 1994, a number of keystream biases of RC4 were reported, e.g., Mantin and Shamir showed that the second byte of the keystream is biased to 0, Sepehrdad et al. found that the l-th byte of the keystream is biased to -l, and Maitra et al. showed that 3rd to 255th bytes of the keystream are also biased to 0, where l is the keylength in byte. However, it is unknown that which bias is strongest in each byte of initial bytes. This paper comprehensively analyzes initial keystream biases of RC4. In particular, we introduce several new biases in the initial (1st to 257th) bytes of the RC4 keystream, which are substantially stronger than known biases. Combining the new biases with the known ones, a complete list of strongest single-byte biases in the first 257bytes of the RC4 keystream is constructed for the first time. Then, we show that our set of these biases are applicable to plaintext recovery attacks, key recovery attacks and distinguishing attacks.

  • An Interference-Aware Clustering Based on Genetic Algorithm for Cell Broadcasting Service

    Kyungho JUN  Sekchin CHANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E96-A No:12

    In this letter, we present a novel interference-aware clustering scheme for cell broadcasting service. The proposed approach is based on a genetic algorithm for re-clustering. Using the genetic algorithm, the suggested method efficiently re-clusters the user nodes when the relays fail in receiving the cell broadcasting message from the base station. The simulation results exhibit that the proposed clustering scheme can maintain much higher capacity than the conventional clustering scheme in the cases of relay outage. The re-clustering method based on genetic algorithm also shows lower complexity than the re-clustering approach based on exhaustive search.

  • IEEE 802.11ah Based M2M Networks Employing Virtual Grouping and Power Saving Methods

    Kohei OGAWA  Masahiro MORIKURA  Koji YAMAMOTO  Tomoyuki SUGIHARA  


    E96-B No:12

    As a promising wireless access standard for machine-to-machine (M2M) networks, the IEEE 802.11 task group ah has been discussing a new standard which is based on the wireless local area network (WLAN) standard. This new standard will support an enormous number of stations (STAs) such as 6,000 STAs. To mitigate degradation of the throughput and delay performance in WLANs that employ a carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol, this paper proposes a virtual grouping method which exploits the random arbitration interframe space number scheme. This method complies with the CSMA/CA protocol, which employs distributed medium access control. Moreover, power saving is another important issue for M2M networks, where most STAs are operated by primary or secondary batteries. This paper proposes a new power saving method for the IEEE 802.11ah based M2M network employing the proposed virtual grouping method. With the proposed virtual grouping and power saving methods, the STAs can save their power by as much as 90% and maintain good throughput and delay performance.

  • Cooperative Message Broadcasting in Multichannel Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

    Zaw HTIKE  Choong Seon HONG  Sungwon LEE  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E96-A No:11

    Broadcasting is an essential function in almost all wireless networks. Because of the dynamic nature of environment, broadcasting in cognitive radio ad hoc networks is a great challenge. Cognitive radio network technology has been well studied for more than a decade as a new way to improve the spectral efficiency of wireless networks and numerous precious works have been proposed. However, very few existing works consider how to broadcast messages in cognitive radio networks that operate in multichannel environments and none of these provides a full broadcast mechanism. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a broadcasting mechanism for multichannel cognitive radio ad hoc networks. Then, we analyze the mechanism regarding the speed of message dissemination, number of transmissions, fraction of the users that receive the broadcast message and so forth.
