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[Keyword] SPECT(1024hit)


  • Terahertz Spectroscopic Imaging and Its Application to Drug Detection

    Kodo KAWASE  Yuichi OGAWA  Yuuki WATANABE  


    E87-C No:7

    We have developed a novel basic technology for terahertz (THz) imaging, which allows detection and identification of chemicals by introducing the component spatial pattern analysis. The spatial distributions of the chemicals were obtained from terahertz multispectral transillumination images, using absorption spectra previously measured with a widely tunable THz-wave parametric oscillator. We have also separated the component spatial patterns of frequency-dependent absorptions in chemicals and frequency-independent components such as plastic, paper and measurement noise in THz spectroscopic images. Further we have applied this technique to the detection and identification of illicit drugs concealed in envelopes.

  • Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Texture Classification Using Multichannel Approaches

    Jing-Wein WANG  


    E87-A No:7

    This paper proposes the use of the ratio of wavelet extrema numbers taken from the horizontal and vertical counts respectively as a texture feature, which is called aspect ratio of extrema number (AREN). We formulate the classification problem upon natural and synthesized texture images as an optimization problem and develop a coevolving approach to select both scalar wavelet and multiwavelet feature spaces of greater discriminatory power. Sequential searches and genetic algorithms (GAs) are comparatively investigated. The experiments using wavelet packet decompositions with the innovative packet-tree selection scheme ascertain that the classification accuracy of coevolutionary genetic algorithms (CGAs) is acceptable enough.

  • A Study of Aspect Ratio of the Aperture and the Effect on Antenna Efficiency in Oversized Rectangular Slotted Waveguide Arrays

    Hisahiro KAI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:6

    A post-wall waveguide-fed parallel plate slotted array is an attractive candidate for high efficiency and mass producible planar array antennas for millimeter wave applications. For the slot design of this large sized array, a periodic boundary wall model based on the assumption of infinite array size and a parallel waveguide is used. In fact, the aperture is large but still finite (10-40 wavelength) and the TEM-like wave is perturbed due to the narrow walls at the periphery of the aperture as well as the slot coupling; antenna efficiency is affected by the size and the aspect ratio of the aperture. All these observations imply the unique defects of oversized waveguide arrays. In this paper, the aperture efficiency of post-wall waveguide arrays is assessed as a function of size and aspect ratio of the aperture for the first time, both in theory and measurement. An effective field analysis for an electrically large oversized waveguide array, developed by the author, is utilized for determining the slot excitation coefficients and aperture illumination. It is predicted that the oversized waveguide array has a potential efficiency of 80-90% if the aperture is larger than 18 wavelength on a side and the gain is more than 30 dBi. A transversely wide aperture generally provides higher efficiency than a longitudinally long aperture, provided a perfectly uniform TEM wave would be launched from the feed waveguide.

  • 3D Structure from a Single Calibrated View Using Distance Constraints

    Rubin GONG  Gang XU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E87-D No:6

    We propose a new method to recover scene points from a single calibrated view using a subset of distances among the points. This paper first introduces the problem and its relationship with the perspective n point problem. Then the number of distances required to uniquely recover scene points are explored. The result is then developed into a practical vision algorithm to calculate the initial points' coordinates using distance constraints. Finally SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) is used to optimize the initial estimations. It can minimize a cost function defined as the sum of squared reprojection errors while keeping the specified distance constraints strictly satisfied. Both simulation data and real scene images have been used to test the proposed method, and good results have been obtained.

  • Microphone Array with Minimum Mean-Square Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator for Speech Enhancement

    Hongseok KWON  Jongmok SON  Keunsung BAE  


    E87-A No:6

    This paper describes a new speech enhancement system that employs a microphone array with post-processing based on minimum mean-square error short-time spectral amplitude (MMSE-STSA) estimator. To get more accurate MMSE-STSA estimator in a microphone array, modification and refinement procedure are carried out from each microphone output. Performance of the proposed system is compared with that of other methods using a microphone array. Noise removal experiments for white and pink noises demonstrate the superiority of the proposed speech enhancement system to others with a microphone array in average output SNRs and cepstral distance measures.

  • Design of a Robust LSP Quantizer for a High-Quality 4-kbit/s CELP Speech Coder

    Yusuke HIWASAKI  Kazunori MANO  Kazutoshi YASUNAGA  Toshiyuki MORII  Hiroyuki EHARA  Takao KANEKO  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E87-D No:6

    This paper presents an efficient LSP quantizer implementation for low bit-rate coders. The major feature of the quantizer is that it uses a truncated cepstral distance criterion for the code selection procedure. This approach has generally been considered too computationally costly. We utilized the quantizer with a moving-average predictor, two-stage-split vector quantizer and delayed decision. We have investigated the optimal parameter settings in this case and incorporated the quantizer thus obtained into an ITU-T 4-kbit/s speech coding candidate algorithm with a bit budget of 21 bits. The objective performance is better than that with a conventional weighted mean-square criterion, while the complexity is still kept to a reasonable level. The paper also describes the codebook design and techniques that were employed to achieve robustness in noisy channel conditions.

  • Online SNR and Fading Parameter Estimation for Parallel Combinatorial SS Systems in Nakagami Fading Channels

    Kazuyuki UENAGA  Shigenobu SASAKI  Ken-ichi TAKIZAWA  Jie ZHOU  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  


    E87-A No:6

    This letter discusses the performance of online SNR estimation including fading parameter estimation for parallel combinatorial SS (PC/SS) systems. The PC/SS systems are partial-code-parallel multicode SS systems, which have high-rate data transmission capability. Nakagami-m distribution is assumed as fading channel model to cover a wide range of fading conditions. The SNR and fading parameter estimation considered in this letter is based on only a statistical ratio of correlator outputs at the receiver. Numerical results show that SNR estimation performance with fading parameter estimation is close to the one in the case of perfect fading parameter information, if the number of transmitting PN codes is less than a half of assigned PN codes.

  • VLSI Layout of Trees into Grids of Minimum Width



    E87-A No:5

    In this paper we consider the VLSI layout (i.e., Manhattan layout) of graphs into grids with minimum width (i.e., the length of the shorter side of a grid) as well as with minimum area. The layouts into minimum area and minimum width are equivalent to those with the largest possible aspect ratio of a minimum area layout. Thus such a layout has a merit that, by "folding" the layout, a layout of all possible aspect ratio can be obtained with increase of area within a small constant factor. We show that an N-vertex tree with layout-width k (i.e., the minimum width of a grid into which the tree can be laid out is k) can be laid out into a grid of area O(N) and width O(k). For binary tree layouts, we give a detailed trade-off between area and width: an N-vertex binary tree with layout-width k can be laid out into area and width k + α, where α is an arbitrary integer with 0 α , and the area is existentially optimal for any k 1 and α 0. This implies that α = Ω(k) is essential for a layout of a graph into optimal area. The layouts proposed here can be constructed in polynomial time. We also show that the problem of laying out a given graph G into given area and width, or equivalently, into given length and width is NP-hard even if G is restricted to a binary tree.

  • What are the Essential Cues for Understanding Spoken Language?

    Steven GREENBERG  Takayuki ARAI  


    E87-D No:5

    Classical models of speech recognition assume that a detailed, short-term analysis of the acoustic signal is essential for accurately decoding the speech signal and that this decoding process is rooted in the phonetic segment. This paper presents an alternative view, one in which the time scales required to accurately describe and model spoken language are both shorter and longer than the phonetic segment, and are inherently wedded to the syllable. The syllable reflects a singular property of the acoustic signal -- the modulation spectrum -- which provides a principled, quantitative framework to describe the process by which the listener proceeds from sound to meaning. The ability to understand spoken language (i.e., intelligibility) vitally depends on the integrity of the modulation spectrum within the core range of the syllable (3-10 Hz) and reflects the variation in syllable emphasis associated with the concept of prosodic prominence ("accent"). A model of spoken language is described in which the prosodic properties of the speech signal are embedded in the temporal dynamics associated with the syllable, a unit serving as the organizational interface among the various tiers of linguistic representation.

  • Comparing Reading Techniques for Object-Oriented Design Inspection


    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E87-D No:4

    For more than twenty-five years software inspections have been considered an effective method for defect detection. Inspections have been investigated through controlled experiments in university environment and industry case studies. However, in most cases software inspections have been used for defect detection in documents of conventional structured development process. Therefore, there is a significant lack of information about how inspections should be applied to Object-Oriented artifacts, such as Object-Oriented code and design diagrams. In addition, extensive work is needed to determine whether some inspection techniques can be more beneficial than others. Most inspection experiments include inspection meetings after individual inspection is completed. However, several researchers suggested that inspection meetings may not be necessary since an insignificant number of new defects are found as a result of inspection meeting. Moreover, inspection meetings have been found to suffer from process loss. This paper presents the findings of a controlled experiment that was conducted to investigate the performance of individual inspectors as well as 3-person teams in Object-Oriented design document inspection. Documents were written using the notation of Unified Modelling Language. Two reading techniques, namely Checklist-based reading (CBR) and Perspective-based reading (PBR), were used during experiment. We found that both techniques are similar with respect to defect detection effectiveness during individual inspection as well as during inspection meetings. Investigating the usefulness of inspection meetings, we found out that the teams that used CBR technique exhibited significantly smaller meeting gains (number of new defect first found during team meeting) than meeting losses (number of defects first identified by an individual but never included into defect list by a team); meanwhile the meeting gains were similar to meeting losses of the teams that used PBR technique. Consequently, CBR 3-person team meetings turned out to be less beneficial than PBR 3-person team meetings.

  • Formalization of Binary Sequence Sets with Zero Correlation Zone

    Kenji TAKATSUKASA  Shinya MATSUFUJI  Yoshihiro TANADA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E87-A No:4

    This paper formulates functions generating four kinds of binary sequence sets of length 2n with zero correlation zone, which have been discussed for approximately synchronized CDMA systems without co-channel interference nor influence of multipath. They are logic functions of a binary vector of order n, expressed by EXOR and AND operations.

  • Monte Carlo Distance Spectrum Method for Estimating BER of Turbo Codes

    Shigeo NAKAJIMA  Eiichi SATO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E87-A No:4

    A method for estimating the bit-error rate (BER) of turbo codes called the Monte Carlo distance spectrum method is proposed. Testing this method shows that the estimated BER curves closely approximate the results of a Monte Carlo simulation.

  • Probability Distribution of Time-Series of Speech Spectral Components

    Rajkishore PRASAD  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  

    PAPER-Audio/Speech Coding

    E87-A No:3

    This paper deals with the statistical modeling of a Time-Frequency Series of Speech (TFSS), obtained by Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis of the speech signal picked up by a linear microphone array with two elements. We have attempted to find closer match between the distribution of the TFSS and theoretical distributions like Laplacian Distribution (LD), Gaussian Distribution (GD) and Generalized Gaussian Distribution (GGD) with parameters estimated from the TFSS data. It has been found that GGD provides the best models for real part, imaginary part and polar magnitudes of the time-series of the spectral components. The distribution of the polar magnitude is closer to LD than that of the real and imaginary parts. The distributions of the real and imaginary parts of TFSS correspond to strongly LD. The phase of the TFSS has been found uniformly distributed. The use of GGD based model as PDF in the fixed-point Frequency Domain Independent Component Analysis (FDICA) provides better separation performance and improves convergence speed significantly.

  • Fault Diagnosis for RAMs Using Walsh Spectrum

    Atsumu ISENO  Yukihiro IGUCHI  Tsutomu SASAO  

    PAPER-Memory Testing

    E87-D No:3

    In this paper, we show a method to locate a single stuck-at fault of a random access memory (RAM). From the fail-bitmaps of the RAM, we obtain their Walsh spectrum. For a single stuck-at fault, we show that the fault can be identified and located by using only the 0-th and 1-st coefficients of the spectrum. We also show a circuit to compute these coefficients. The computation time is O(2n), where n is the number of bits in the address of the RAM. The computation time is much shorter than one that uses a logic minimization method.

  • Optimal Temporal Decomposition for Voice Morphing Preserving Δ Cepstrum

    Yoshinao SHIRAKI  

    PAPER-Audio/Speech Coding

    E87-A No:3

    We propose Optimal Temporal Decomposition (OTD) of speech for voice morphing preserving Δ cepstrum. OTD is an optimal modification of the original Temporal Decomposition (TD) by B. Atal. It is theoretically shown that OTD can achieve minimal spectral distortion for the TD-based approximation of time-varying LPC parameters. Moreover, by applying OTD to preserving Δ cepstrum, it is also theoretically shown that Δ cepstrum of a target speaker can be reflected to that of a source speaker. In frequency domain interpolation, the Laplacian Spectral Distortion (LSD) measure is introduced to improve the Inverse Function of Integrated Spectrum (IFIS) based non-uniform frequency warping. Experimental results indicate that Δ cepstrum of the OTD-based morphing spectra of a source speaker is mostly equal to that of a target speaker except for a piecewise constant factor and subjective listening tests show that the speech intelligibility of the proposed morphing method is superior to the conventional method.

  • Extended Metrics to Evaluate Cost Effectiveness of Software Inspections


    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E87-D No:2

    Software inspection is one of the most effective methods to detect defects. However, inspections are not always worthwhile. This letter proposes an inspection cost model to describe inspections-related costs and extended metrics to evaluate the cost effectiveness of software inspections.

  • Analysis of Radiation from Microstrip Line Configurations Using the Spectral-Domain-to-Real-Space Approach

    Naoki KOBAYASHI  Kaoru NARITA  Taras KUSHTA  Hirokazu TOHYA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E87-B No:2

    We have developed an algorithm called the "spectral-domain-to-real-space approach" (SDRSA) to analytically calculate radiation from the two-dimensional current density distribution in microstrip line configurations where the microstrip lines are represented in the form of a three-dimensional inhomogeneous structure. The algorithm is based on the spectral-domain approach used to estimate radiation from microstrip line configurations. Calculation results obtained by using the SDRSA and the current density distribution from a quasi-TEM mode model of microstrip lines agree well with the corresponding estimations obtained by using the equivalent electric current source method and the magnetic current source method, and with the experimental results obtained in the frequency band of up to 1 GHz.

  • Adaptive Frequency Hopping for Non-collaborative WPAN Coexistence

    Young-Hwan YOU  Cheol-Hee PARK  Dae-Ki HONG  Min-Chul JU  Sung-Jin KANG  Jin-Woong CHO  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E87-A No:2

    In this letter, we present an adaptive hopping technique for a wireless personal area network (WPAN) system employing a frequency hop spread spectrum (FH/SS). Analytical results based on the closed-form solutions for the aggregate throughput show that the proposed hopping algorithm using two defined hopping criteria is more friendly towards all kinds of interferers and gives an enhanced throughput with a moderate computational complexity.

  • Precise and Reliable Image Shift Detection by a New Phase-Difference Spectrum Analysis (PSA) Method

    Isamu KOUZUKI  Tomonori KANEKO  Minoru ITO  


    E87-D No:1

    An analysis of the phase difference spectrum between two images allows precise image shift detection. Image shifts are directly evaluated from the phase difference spectrum without Fourier inversion. In the calculation, the weight function containing the frequency and the cross spectrum is used and an unlapping procedure is carried out. In an experiment using synthetic and real images of typical image patterns, accuracy as high as 0.01-0.02 pixel was achieved stably and reliably for most of the image patterns.

  • Detection of Autosymmetry in Logic Functions Using Spectrum Technique

    Ryoji ISHIKAWA  Goro KODA  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Computer System Element

    E86-D No:12

    The discrete nature of data in a functional domain can generally be replaced by the global nature of data in the spectrum domain. In this paper we propose a fast procedure to detect autosymmetric function as an application of the spectrum technique. The autosymmetric function differs from the usual symmetric function and strongly relates with EXOR-based representations. It is known that many practical logical networks are autosymmetric, and this nature allows a useful functional class to realize a compact network with EXOR gates. Our procedure is able to detect autosymmetric functions quickly by using spectral coefficients. In experiments, our technique can detect the autosymmetry of most networks with a small number of checks of the spectrum.
