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[Keyword] SPR(449hit)


  • The Effects of Odd-Correlation and Band-Limitation in Direct-Wave Reception Systems Using Broadband Spread-Spectrum Techniques

    Masanori HAMAMURA  Shin'ichi TACHIKAWA  


    E79-A No:12

    In this paper, we describe effects of oddcorrelation functions and band-limitation filters for direct-wave reception systems using broadband spread-spectrum (B-SS) techniques. The receiver of this system is synchronized to the direct-wave. First, the effects of odd-correlation functions are investigated by using M-sequences and random sequences. The effects of even-correlation functions for those sequences can be easily obtained by using results of effects of odd-correlation functions for random sequences. Here we derive a novel function of odd-correlation variance for M-sequence, which is obtained theoretically. Consequently, we show the advantage of M-sequence which is used as spreading sequence. As a reason, in the odd-correlation function of M-sequence, small values are taken near the synchronous phase where harmful scattered-waves exist, strongly. Next, the effects of both odd-correlation function and band-limitation filter are studied by using several kinds of filters. Here we discuss the difference of characteristics in case that despreading sequence of bandlimited pulse or that of rectangular pulse is used in the correlator of the receiver. The technique despreading by rectangular pulse can be achieved a high speed signal processing and equipment miniaturizing because of utilization of switching circuit. We show the advantage of despreading sequence of rectangular pulse, when the limitation bandwidth of transmitting signal takes a small value. Because the characteristics of the correlation function between transmitting sequence of bandlimited pulse and despreading sequence of rectangular pulse can be kept better than that between the transmitting sequence and despreading sequence of bandlimited pulse. As these results, in severe bandlimited direct-wave reception systems using B-SS techniques, M-sequence of rectangular pulse as despreading sequence is most suitable.

  • Performance of DS/GMSK/PSK Modulation with Four-Phase Correlator and Its Application to Demodulator LSI

    Yasuhiro YANO  Hisao TACHIKA  Tadashi FUJINO  


    E79-A No:12

    In this paper we propose a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) modulation method which employs Gaussian-filtered minimum shift keying (GMSK) and permits simple code acquisition. A transmitter which includes a conventional GMSK modulator and pseudo-noise (PN) code generator can achieve the proposed modulation method. The received signal can be demodulated by four-phase correlator which can obtain the correlation value of received signal even if phase difference exists between the transmitter and the receiver. The modulation method employs phase-shift-keying (PSK) by modulating the phase of transmitted PN code for data transmission. We carried out hardware experiments and the measured bit error performance ensures the validity of this modulation method. Then we designed and developed a demodulator LSI which is applicable to a modulation method such as the DS/GMSK/PSK. The LSI is suitable for demodulation of spreadspectrum signal which can be demodulated by four-phase correlator.

  • 70 GHz Band Positioning System for Unmanned Vehicles

    Hironobu OKAMOTO  Tetsujirou IZUMI  Hiroo KISHI  


    E79-B No:12

    In outdoor fields such as construction, mining and agriculture, there is an increasing demand for autonomous vehicles to reduce labor costs. Also, a positioning system is one key technology required for autonomous vehicle systems. For the purpose of expanding the potential of millimeter-wave applications, we have developed a positioning system in the 77-79 GHz frequency band, using the hyperbolic radio navigation method. This system operates in a restricted area with a radius of about a few hundred meters. A spread spectrum with a PN code is used as the ranging signals. We realized about 0.1 m in positioning accuracy.

  • Synchronization Method Using Several Synchronizing Chips for M-ary/SS Communication System

    Kouji OHUCHI  Hiromasa HABUCHI  


    E79-A No:12

    In this paper, a simple frame synchronization system for M-ary/SS communication systems is proposed, and synchronization performance and the resulting bit error rate performance are analyzed. The frame synchronization system uses racing counters and framing chips which are added to spreading sequences. M-ary/SS communication systems can improve bit error rate performance under the condition in which there is an additive white gaussian noise. Synchronization of M-ary/SS communication systems is difficult, however, because M-ary/SS communication systems have several spreading sequences. The authors proposed the simple frame synchronization system which uses only one chip in the spreading sequence as a framing signal. This system needs a long time for initial acquisition as the frame length is longer. The proposed system in this paper can make initial acquisition time short by increasing the number of framing chips. The proposed system corresponds to the conventional system when the number of framing chips is l. As the result, it is shown that several framing chips contribute to decrease the initial acquisition time. Moreover, the frame synchronization system can be applied to asynchronous M-ary/SSMA system when different framing chip pattern is assigned to each user.

  • Nonlinear Modeling by Radial Basis Function Networks

    Satoshi OGAWA  Tohru IKEGUCHI  Takeshi MATOZAKI  Kazuyuki AIHARA  

    PAPER-Neural Nets and Human Being

    E79-A No:10

    Deterministic nonlinear prediction is applied to both artificial and real time series data in order to investigate orbital-instabilities, short-term predictabilities and long-term unpredictabilities, which are important characteristics of deterministic chaos. As an example of artificial data, bimodal maps of chaotic neuron models are approximated by radial basis function networks, and the approximation abilities are evaluated by applying deterministic nonlinear prediction, estimating Lyapunov exponents and reconstructing bifurcation diagrams of chaotic neuron models. The functional approximation is also applied to squid giant axon response as an example of real data. Two metnods, the standard and smoothing interpolation, are adopted to construct radial basis function networks; while the former is the conventional method that reproduces data points strictly, the latter considers both faithfulness and smoothness of interpolation which is suitable under existence of noise. In order to take a balance between faithfulness and smoothness of interpolation, cross validation is applied to obtain an optimal one. As a result, it is confirmed that by the smoothing interpolation prediction performances are very high and estimated Lyapunov exponents are very similar to actual ones, even though in the case of periodic responses. Moreover, it is confirmed that reconstructed bifurcation diagrams are very similar to the original ones.

  • A Design Principle for Colored-Noise-Tolerant Optimum Despreading-Code Sequences for Spread-Spectrum Systems

    Noriyoshi KUROYANAGI  Kohei OHTAKE  Keiko AKIYAMA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E79-B No:10

    To improve the demodulated signal-to-noise ratio, SNR, for colored noise environments, we present a new direct-sequence spread-spectrum receiver system, whose construction is based on the concept of Shaped M-sequence Demodulation (SMD). This receiver has the function for shaping the local dispreading-code waveform. This method can modify the frequency transfer function from a received input to the damp-integrated output according to the power spectrum of colored noise added in the transmission process. SMD performs the combined function of a whitening filter and a matched filter, which can be used to implement an optimum receiver. For the case when the additive colored-noise power spectrum is known and the transmission channel is non-band-limited, a design theory is derived that provides the maximum SNR by choosing the best dispreading-code sequence corresponding to a given signature spreading-code sequence. The noise power component produced in the receiver damp-integrated-output is anayzed by introducing the auto-correlation matrix of the additive noise. The SNR performance of systems, one using non-optimized codes and the other using optimized codes, is examined and compared for various noise models. It is verified by analysis and computer simulation that, compared to a conventional system using non-optimized codes, remarkable SNR improvements can be achieved due to the whitening effect acquired without producing inter-symbol interference. In contrast, if a transversal whitening filter is front-ended, it produces inter-frame interference, degrading the SNR performance. The band-limiting effect of the transmission channel is also analyzed, and we confirmed that the codes optimized for the non-band-limited channel can be applied to the band-limited channel with little degradation of SNR. SMD is inherently tolerant of fast-changing noise such as fading, due to its frame-by-frame operation. Considering this function as a general demodulation scheme, it may be called "Local Code Filtering."

  • Time Delay Spread in Microcellular Environment for Personal Communication Systems

    Tatsuo FURUNO  Tokio TAGA  

    PAPER-Radio propagation and channel modeling

    E79-B No:9

    Microcellular systems are suitable as personal mobile communication systems because of their high channel re-use efficiency and low transmission power. To implement a microcellular system, the antennas of base stations should be low enough, compared to the buildings around them, to reduce the interference to or from other base stations. In high-speed digital mobile radio communications, the time delay spread caused by multipath propagation is a significant factor in determining the maximum data transmission rate. In the case of a low-antenna-height microcellular system, the propagation characteristics rapidly change when the mobile terminal moves from a line-of-sight (LOS) location to a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) location. In this paper, the time dealy spread characteristics under LOS and NLOS conditions are examined using a geometrical street model which has a reflecting wall at one end of the street on which the base station is located. The RMS delay spreads are calculated using optical ray theory, taking into consideration the wedge diffraction on the street corner. If a reflecting wall exists, the RMS delay spread increases as the mobile terminal moves away from the base station under LOS conditions, or away from the street corner under NLOS conditions. The calculated results agree with the experimental results if measuring equipment noise is taken into consideration.

  • Effects of Multiple Access Interference in a Multi-Rate SSMA System

    Motohiro ICHIBA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-CDMA and multiple access technologies

    E79-B No:9

    In this study, we analyze the system which simultaneously transmits spread-spectrum signals with different processing gains. The main purpose of this study is to give an analytical framework that describes the influence of the interfering signals with different processing gains. For this purpose, we define a crosscorrelation function between the spreading sequences with different code lengths, and discuss the effects of interaction between the signals. As the results, we show that the power of the interference component after despreading procedure, the power ratio of the desired to undesired components, and thus the bit error rate are not constant but vary symbol by symbol.

  • BER Comparison between One-Hop-Per-Bit-Frequency-Hopping and DS SSMA Systems on Indoor Radio Channels

    Jiangzhou WANG  

    PAPER-Indoor Wireless Systems

    E79-B No:9

    This paper is concerned with the study of fast-frequency-hopped spread-spectrum multiple-access (FFH-SSMA) digital systems employing antenna diversity and noncoherent binary frequency-shift-keying (FSK) modulation operating through an indoor radio multipath Rayleigh channel. The diversity technique of equal gain combing (EGC) is considered in our study. It is assumed that the frequency-hopping rate is equal to the bit rate.

  • R-ALOHA Protocol for SS Inter-Vehicle Communication Network Using Head Spacing Information

    Young-an KIM  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-CDMA and multiple access technologies

    E79-B No:9

    Recently, there have been intensive studies on protocol methods and applications of short range inter-vehicle communication network (SR-IVCN) and systems. The purpose of the studies is to improve the safety of road traffic systems and the smooth control of the traffic flow by providing information to vehicles. Spread spectrum (SS) communication systems are able to simultaneously communicate and measure the distance between the terminals, thus it is advantageous to apply the spread spectrum technique to inter-vehicle communications. This paper assumes that the vehicles incidentally close to each other, form and manage a locally autonomous decentralized dynamic network. An R-ALOHA (Reservation-ALOHA) protocol for the spread spectrum inter-vehicle communication network using head spacing information is proposed which improve the conventional slot reservation methods. Since the near-far problem in SS communication is one reason for the degradation of system performance, this proposed scheme is shown to improve the efficiency of communication. The performance of the proposed system in the environment where the vehicles are assumed to run freely on a highway is verified by computer simulation. It is shown that inter-vehicle communication can be smoothly carried out between one vehicle and the surrounding vehicles using the propose method.

  • Serial and Parallel Search with Parallel I-Q Matched Filter for PN Acquisition in PCS

    Chun-Chieh FAN  Zsehong TSAI  

    PAPER-Advanced control techniques and channel assignments

    E79-B No:9

    For direct sequence spread spectrum systems, the performance of PN sequence acquisition can be significantly affected if data modulation is present. However, the data modulation often exists during the reacquisition of a PCS radio channel. This study proposes and analyzes two shemes which are designed to improve acquisition process for PN sequence under data modulation. Both designs are based upon a PN acquisition receiver with parallel I-Q matched filters. The first scheme employs a serial search strategy with verification mode. The second scheme, which is still based upon the same parallel acquisition receiver, employs the parallel search strategy. We show that the second scheme is capable of providing faster acquisition under data modulation than the first serial search scheme using the same number of I-Q matched filter. We believe it should become a very good alternative for the acquisition of data modulated PN sequences in personal communications.

  • Constructing Quasi-Optimum GMW and M-Sequence Subfamilies with Minimized System Bit Error Rate

    Xiao Hua CHEN  Tao LANG  Juhani OKSMAN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E79-B No:7

    Either GMW sequence or m-sequence possesses a 2-valued auto-correlation function which helps to improve the performance of a RAKE receiver. However, their cross-correlation functions are less well controlled. Before they can be applied to a CDMA system, it is necessary to construct their sub-families (taking advantage of their large family size) which offer satisfactory cross-correlation functions. This paper studies several algorithms for constructing those quasi-optimum sub-families in terms of minimized bit error rate under co-channel interference. The study shows that the performance of resultant sub-families is sensitive to sub-family sizes and algorithms. A new criterion based on combined (even and odd) maximum cross-correlation for code selection is introduced, and highest-peak-deleting and most-peak-deleting algorithms are suggested for constructing quasi-optimum sub-families of GMW and m-sequences.

  • GaAs MMIC for 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Applications

    Kazuhiko KOBAYASHI  Toru MANIWA  Yoshio AOKI  

    LETTER-Active Devices

    E79-C No:5

    This paper describes GaAs MMICs used in wireless LANs for spread spectrum communications on the ISM band. Both the transmitter and the receiver are incorporated inside the MMIC. In our experiment using prototypes at a center frequency of 2.45 GHz, the transmitter has a saturation output power of 21.4 dBm and the total current consumption is 131.2 mA. The receiver has a noise figure of3.2 dB and a gain of 12.2 dB.

  • Linear Complexity of Binary Golay Complementary Sequences

    Kari H. A. KARKKAINEN  Pentti A. LEPPANEN  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E79-A No:4

    It is demonstrated with the Berlekamp-Massey shift-register synthesis algorithm that the linear complexity value of binary complementary sequences is at least 3/4 of the sequence length. For some sequence pairs the linear complexity value can be even 0.98 times the sequence length. In the light of these results strongly non-linear complementary sequences are considered suitable for information security applications employing the spread-spectrum (SS) technique.

  • Adaptive Decoding Scheme for Concatenated Codes in Frequency-Hopped Spread-Spectrum Communications with a Pulse-Burst Jamming

    Jeong Gon KIM  Hyung-Myung KIM  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E79-B No:4

    An adaptive decoding scheme for a concatenated code used in the frequency-hopped spread-spectrum communication system in the presence of a pulse-burst jammer is proposed and its performance is analyzed. Concatenated coding schemes employing binary inner-code and Reed-Solomon outer code are investigated and the use of side information is allowed to decode both erasures and errors. The proposed scheme makes the decoder enable to adapt to the jamming level by switching between two decoding modes such that the decoded bit error rate can be reduced. The optimal threshold value for switching in this proposed scheme is derived. It has been shown that the proposed decoding scheme yields a significant performance improvement over a conventional decoding scheme. In addition, performance analysis and its variation of adaptive decoding scheme with the imperfect side information are also presented.

  • Proposed Changes to Radiated RF-Field Immunity Test Method to Better Measure Acoustic Noise in Telephones

    Masamitsu TOKUDA  Ryoichi OKAYASU  Yoshiharu AKIYAMA  Kusuo TAKAGI  Fujio AMEMIYA  


    E79-B No:4

    Based on the test method proposed by Sub-Committee G of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference, most telephone receivers in Japan have insufficient immunity to acoustic noise caused by radio-frequency fields. This is because the modulation depth of the RF signal used is too high to accurately simulate the audio-frequency components of TV video signals. Reducing the modulation depth from 80% to 5% produces a more realistic simulation.

  • Adaptive Transmit Permission Control on Spread-Slotted Aloha Packets Applicable in LEOS Systems

    Abbas JAMALIPOUR  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Access, Network

    E79-B No:3

    A new transmit permission control scheme applicable in multi-cell communication systems is proposed. In this scheme, by prohibiting the transmissions from the users with relatively high propagation loss to their connecting hub stations, level of multiple access interference is decreased, and hence throughput characteristics are improved. Moreover, we continue our discussion to propose two adaptive forms of the transmit permission control scheme, in which the prohibition condition becomes more intelligent by considering the level of the offered traffic loads to hub stations. These methods are utilized in a slotted Aloha random transmission of the spread spectrum packets, and on the uplinks of a low earth orbit satellite communication system as an example of the multi-cell systems. It is shown that the adaptive schemes exhibits significantly improved characteristics at all offered traffic loads in these systems.

  • Simplified Distribution Base Resistance Model in Self-Aligned Bipolar Transistors

    Masamichi TANABE  Hiromi SHIMAMOTO  Takahiro ONAI  Katsuyoshi WASHIO  

    PAPER-Device and Circuit Characterization

    E79-C No:2

    A simplified distribution base resistance model (SDM) is proposed to identify each component of the base resistance and determine the dominant. This model divides the parasitic base resistance into one straight path and two surrounding paths. It is clarified that the link base resistance is dominant in a short emitter and the surrounding polysilicon base electrode resistance is dominant in a long emitter. In the SDM, the distance of the link base is reduced to half; with metal silicide as the extrinsic base electrode, the base resistance will be reduced to 75%.

  • A short-Span Optical Feeder for Wireless Personal Communication Systems Using Multimode Fibers

    Yasuhiko MATSUNAGA  Makoto SHIBUTANI  

    PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    In this paper, we propose to use graded-index multimode fibers (GI-MMFs) with Fabry-Perot laser diodes (FP-LDs) for short-span and low-cost feeders. The multimode fiber feeders can be applied to wireless personal communication systems where the required feeder length is within several hundred meters, such as distributed antenna networks for microcellular systems or wireless LANs. The use of multimode fibers makes fiber coupling and connection easier, and has the potential to greatly reduce total system cost. Three types of GI-MMFs are considered as transmission media, (1) silica-based glass optical fiber (GI-GOF),(2) silica-core plastic-clad fiber (GI-PCF), and (3) all-plastic optical fiber (GI-POF). It is shown that GI-GOF and GI-PCF are suitable for use as feeders in the microcells of CDMA cellular and wireless LAN systems within 300m in length. GI-POF is estimated to be suitable for use as feeders in wireless LANs within 100m in length. A multimode fiber feeder with FP-LDs and GI-PCF of 300 m is developed in order to demonstrate its applicability to a wireless LAN system operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM band.

  • Throughput Analysis of Spread-Slotted ALOHA in LEO Satellite Communication Systems with Nonuniform Traffic Distribution

    Abbas JAMALIPOUR  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E78-B No:12

    An analytical framework to study the nonuniformity in geographical distribution of the traffic load in low earth orbit satellite communication systems is presented. The model is then used to evaluate the throughput performance of the system with direct-sequence packet spread-slotted ALOHA multiple-access technique. As the result, it is shown that nonuniformity in traffic makes the characteristics of the system significantly different from the results of uniform traffic case and that the performance of each user varies according to its location. Moreover, the interference reached from users of adjacent satellites is shown to be one of the main factors that limit the performance of system.
