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[Keyword] Scientific(17hit)

  • Consumption Pricing Mechanism of Scientific and Technological Resources Based on Multi-Agent Game Theory: An Interactive Analytical Model and Experimental Validation

    Fanying ZHENG  Fu GU  Yangjian JI  Jianfeng GUO  Xinjian GU  Jin ZHANG  


    E104-D No:8

    In the context of Web 2.0, the interaction between users and resources is more and more frequent in the process of resource sharing and consumption. However, the current research on resource pricing mainly focuses on the attributes of the resource itself, and does not weigh the interests of the resource sharing participants. In order to deal with these problems, the pricing mechanism of resource-user interaction evaluation based on multi-agent game theory is established in this paper. Moreover, the user similarity, the evaluation bias based on link analysis and punishment of academic group cheating are also included in the model. Based on the data of 181 scholars and 509 articles from the Wanfang database, this paper conducts 5483 pricing experiments for 13 months, and the results show that this model is more effective than other pricing models - the pricing accuracy of resource resources is 94.2%, and the accuracy of user value evaluation is 96.4%. Besides, this model can intuitively show the relationship within users and within resources. The case study also exhibits that the user's knowledge level is not positively correlated with his or her authority. Discovering and punishing academic group cheating is conducive to objectively evaluating researchers and resources. The pricing mechanism of scientific and technological resources and the users proposed in this paper is the premise of fair trade of scientific and technological resources.

  • Optimization and Combination of Scientific and Technological Resource Services Based on Multi-Community Collaborative Search

    Yida HONG  Yanlei YIN  Cheng GUO  Xiaobao LIU  


    E104-D No:8

    Many scientific and technological resources (STR) cannot meet the needs of real demand-based industrial services. To address this issue, the characteristics of scientific and technological resource services (STRS) are analyzed, and a method of the optimal combination of demand-based STR based on multi-community collaborative search is then put forward. An optimal combined evaluative system that includes various indexes, namely response time, innovation, composability, and correlation, is developed for multi-services of STR, and a hybrid optimal combined model for STR is constructed. An evaluative algorithm of multi-community collaborative search is used to study the interactions between general communities and model communities, thereby improving the adaptive ability of the algorithm to random dynamic resource services. The average convergence value CMCCSA=0.00274 is obtained by the convergence measurement function, which exceeds other comparison algorithms. The findings of this study indicate that the proposed methods can preferably reach the maximum efficiency of demand-based STR, and new ideas and methods for implementing demand-based real industrial services for STR are provided.

  • Matrix Factorization Based Recommendation Algorithm for Sharing Patent Resource

    Xueqing ZHANG  Xiaoxia LIU  Jun GUO  Wenlei BAI  Daguang GAN  


    E104-D No:8

    As scientific and technological resources are experiencing information overload, it is quite expensive to find resources that users are interested in exactly. The personalized recommendation system is a good candidate to solve this problem, but data sparseness and the cold starting problem still prevent the application of the recommendation system. Sparse data affects the quality of the similarity measurement and consequently the quality of the recommender system. In this paper, we propose a matrix factorization recommendation algorithm based on similarity calculation(SCMF), which introduces potential similarity relationships to solve the problem of data sparseness. A penalty factor is adopted in the latent item similarity matrix calculation to capture more real relationships furthermore. We compared our approach with other 6 recommendation algorithms and conducted experiments on 5 public data sets. According to the experimental results, the recommendation precision can improve by 2% to 9% versus the traditional best algorithm. As for sparse data sets, the prediction accuracy can also improve by 0.17% to 18%. Besides, our approach was applied to patent resource exploitation provided by the wanfang patents retrieval system. Experimental results show that our method performs better than commonly used algorithms, especially under the cold starting condition.

  • Patent One-Stop Service Business Model Based on Scientific and Technological Resource Bundle

    Fanying ZHENG  Yangjian JI  Fu GU  Xinjian GU  Jin ZHANG  


    E104-D No:8

    To address slow response and scattered resources in patent service, this paper proposes a one-stop service business model based on scientific and technological resource bundle. The proposed one-step model is composed of a project model, a resource bundle model and a service product model through Web Service integration. This paper describes the patent resource bundle model from the aspects of content and context, and designs the configuration of patent service products and patent resource bundle. The model is then applied to the patent service of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China, and the monthly agent volume increased by 38.8%, and the average response time decreased by 14.3%. Besides, it is conducive to improve user satisfaction and resource sharing efficiency of urban agglomeration.

  • Scientific and Technological Resource Sharing Model Based on Few-Shot Relational Learning

    Yangshengyan LIU  Fu GU  Yangjian JI  Yijie WU  Jianfeng GUO  Xinjian GU  Jin ZHANG  


    E104-D No:8

    Resource sharing is to ensure required resources available for their demanders. However, due to the lack of proper sharing model, the current sharing rate of the scientific and technological resources is low, impeding technological innovation and value chain development. Here we propose a novel method to share scientific and technological resources by storing resources as nodes and correlations as links to form a complex network. We present a few-shot relational learning model to solve the cold-start and long-tail problems that are induced by newly added resources. Experimentally, using NELL-One and Wiki-One datasets, our one-shot results outperform the baseline framework - metaR by 40.2% and 4.1% on MRR in Pre-Train setting. We also show two practical applications, a resource graph and a resource map, to demonstrate how the complex network helps resource sharing.

  • Study on Scalability in Scientific Research Data Transfer Networks: Energy Consumption Perspectives

    Chankyun LEE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E104-B No:5

    Scalable networking for scientific research data transfer is a vital factor in the progress of data-intensive research, such as collaborative research on observation of black hole. In this paper, investigations of the nature of practical research traffic allow us to introduce optical flow switching (OFS) and contents delivery network (CDN) technologies into a wide area network (WAN) to realize highly scalable networking. To measure the scalability of networks, energy consumption in the WAN is evaluated by considering the practical networking equipment as well as reasonable assumptions on scientific research data transfer networks. In this study, we explore the energy consumption performance of diverse Japan and US topologies and reveal that the energy consumption of a routing and wavelength assignment algorithm in an OFS scheduler becomes the major hurdle when the number of nodes is high, for example, as high as that of the United States of America layer 1 topology. To provide computational scalability of a network dimensioning algorithm for the CDN based WAN, a simple heuristic algorithm for a surrogate location problem is proposed and compared with an optimal algorithm. This paper provides intuitions and design rules for highly scalable research data transfer networks, and thus, it can accelerate technology advancements against the encountering big-science problems.

  • Leveraging Unannotated Texts for Scientific Relation Extraction

    Qin DAI  Naoya INOUE  Paul REISERT  Kentaro INUI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:12

    A tremendous amount of knowledge is present in the ever-growing scientific literature. In order to efficiently grasp such knowledge, various computational tasks are proposed that train machines to read and analyze scientific documents. One of these tasks, Scientific Relation Extraction, aims at automatically capturing scientific semantic relationships among entities in scientific documents. Conventionally, only a limited number of commonly used knowledge bases, such as Wikipedia, are used as a source of background knowledge for relation extraction. In this work, we hypothesize that unannotated scientific papers could also be utilized as a source of external background information for relation extraction. Based on our hypothesis, we propose a model that is capable of extracting background information from unannotated scientific papers. Our experiments on the RANIS corpus [1] prove the effectiveness of the proposed model on relation extraction from scientific articles.

  • Implementing Adaptive Decisions in Stochastic Simulations via AOP

    Pilsung KANG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E101-D No:7

    We present a modular way of implementing adaptive decisions in performing scientific simulations. The proposed method employs modern software engineering mechanisms to allow for better software management in scientific computing, where software adaptation has often been implemented manually by the programmer or by using in-house tools, which complicates software management over time. By applying the aspect-oriented programming (AOP) paradigm, we consider software adaptation as a separate concern and, using popular AOP constructs, implement adaptive decision separately from the original code base, thereby improving software management. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with applications to stochastic simulation software.

  • SimCS: An Effective Method to Compute Similarity of Scientific Papers Based on Contribution Scores

    Masoud REYHANI HAMEDANI  Sang-Wook KIM  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E98-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose SimCS (similarity based on contribution scores) to compute the similarity of scientific papers. For similarity computation, we exploit a notion of a contribution score that indicates how much a paper contributes to another paper citing it. Also, we consider the author dominance of papers in computing contribution scores. We perform extensive experiments with a real-world dataset to show the superiority of SimCS. In comparison with SimCC, the-state-of-the-art method, SimCS not only requires no extra parameter tuning but also shows higher accuracy in similarity computation.

  • Reconfigurable Out-of-Order System for Fluid Dynamics Computation Using Unstructured Mesh

    Takayuki AKAMINE  Mohamad Sofian ABU TALIP  Yasunori OSANA  Naoyuki FUJITA  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E97-D No:5

    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is an important tool for designing aircraft components. FaSTAR (Fast Aerodynamics Routines) is one of the most recent CFD packages and has various subroutines. However, its irregular and complicated data structure makes it difficult to execute FaSTAR on parallel machines due to memory access problem. The use of a reconfigurable platform based on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is a promising approach to accelerating memory-bottlenecked applications like FaSTAR. However, even with hardware execution, a large number of pipeline stalls can occur due to read-after-write (RAW) data hazards. Moreover, it is difficult to predict when such stalls will occur because of the unstructured mesh used in FaSTAR. To eliminate this problem, we developed an out-of-order mechanism for permuting the data order so as to prevent RAW hazards. It uses an execution monitor and a wait buffer. The former identifies the state of the computation units, and the latter temporarily stores data to be processed in the computation units. This out-of-order mechanism can be applied to various types of computations with data dependency by changing the number of execution monitors and wait buffers in accordance with the equations used in the target computation. An out-of-order system can be reconfigured by automatic changing of the parameters. Application of the proposed mechanism to five subroutines in FaSTAR showed that its use reduces the number of stalls to less than 1% compared to without the mechanism. In-order execution was speeded up 2.6-fold and software execution was speeded up 2.9-fold using an Intel Core 2 Duo processor with a reasonable amount of overhead.

  • A Wideband Zeroth-Order Resonance Antenna for Wireless Body Area Network Applications Open Access

    Jisoo BAEK  Youngki LEE  Jaehoon CHOI  


    E96-B No:10

    A wideband on-body antenna for a wireless body area network for an Industrial, Scientific, and Medical band is proposed. A wideband characteristic is achieved by combining two zeroth-order resonance (ZOR) modes at adjacent frequencies by controlling the value of the shunt capacitance. The size of the proposed antenna is 0.072λ0 × 0.33λ0, and the measured 10-dB return loss bandwidth is 340MHz (14.3%). In addition, the resonance frequencies operating in the ZOR mode are insensitive to the effects of the human body by virtue of the ZOR characteristic.

  • Small Multi-Band Antenna with Tuning Function for Body-Centric Wireless Communications

    Chia-Hsien LIN  Zhengyi LI  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  


    E95-B No:10

    The research on body-centric wireless communications (BCWCs) is becoming very hot because of numerous applications, especially the application of E-health systems. Therefore, a small multi-band and low-profile planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) with tuning function is presented for BCWCs in this paper. In order to achieve multi-band operation, there are two branches in the antenna: the longer branch low frequency band (950–956 MHz), and the shorter branch with a varactor diode embedded for high frequency bands. By supplying different DC voltages, the capacitance of the varactor diode varies, so the resonant frequency can be tuned without changing the dimension of the antenna. While the bias is set at 6 V and 14 V, WiMAX and ISM bands can be covered, respectively. From the radiation patterns, at 950 MHz, the proposed antenna is suitable for on-body communications, and in WiMAX and ISM bands, they are suitable for both on-body and off-body communications.

  • Partial Reconfiguration of Flux Limiter Functions in MUSCL Scheme Using FPGA

    Mohamad Sofian ABU TALIP  Takayuki AKAMINE  Yasunori OSANA  Naoyuki FUJITA  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E95-D No:10

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used as a common design tool in the aerospace industry. UPACS, a package for CFD, is convenient for users, since a customized simulator can be built just by selecting desired functions. The problem is its computation speed, which is difficult to enhance by using the clusters due to its complex memory access patterns. As an economical solution, accelerators using FPGAs are hopeful candidate. However, the total scale of UPACS is too large to be implemented on small numbers of FPGAs. For cost efficient implementation, partial reconfiguration which dynamically loads only required functions is proposed in this paper. Here, the MUSCL scheme, which is used frequently in UPACS, is selected as a target. Partial reconfiguration is applied to the flux limiter functions (FLF) in MUSCL. Four FLFs are implemented for Turbulence MUSCL (TMUSCL) and eight FLFs are for Convection MUSCL (CMUSCL). All FLFs are developed independently and separated from the top MUSCL module. At start-up, only required FLFs are selected and deployed in the system without interfering the other modules. This implementation has successfully reduced the resource utilization by 44% to 63%. Total power consumption also reduced by 33%. Configuration speed is improved by 34-times faster as compared to full reconfiguration method. All implemented functions achieved at least 17 times speed-up performance compared with the software implementation.

  • Efficient Loop Partitioning for Parallel Codes of Irregular Scientific Computations

    Minyi GUO  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E86-D No:9

    In most cases of distributed memory computations, node programs are executed on processors according to the owner computes rule. However, owner computes rule is not best suited for irregular application codes. In irregular application codes, use of indirection in accessing left hand side array makes it difficult to partition the loop iterations, and because of use of indirection in accessing right hand side elements, we may reduce total communication by using heuristics other than owner computes rule. In this paper, we propose a communication cost reduction computes rule for irregular loop partitioning, called least communication computes rule. We partition a loop iteration to a processor on which the minimal communication cost is ensured when executing that iteration. Then, after all iterations are partitioned into various processors, we give global vs. local data transformation rule, indirection arrays remapping and communication optimization methods. The experimental results show that, in most cases, our approaches achieved better performance than other loop partitioning rules.

  • Discovery of Laws

    Hiroshi MOTODA  Takashi WASHIO  


    E83-D No:1

    Methods to discover laws are reviewed from among both statistical approach and artificial intelligence approach with more emphasis placed on the latter. Dimensions discussed are variable dependency checking, passive or active data gathering, single or multiple laws discovery, static (equilibrium) or dynamic (transient) behavior, quantitative (numeric) or qualitative or structural law discovery, and use of domain-general knowledge. Some of the representative discovery systems are also briefly discussed in conjunction with the methods used in the above dimensions.

  • Design Aspects of Discovery Systems

    Osamu MARUYAMA  Satoru MIYANO  


    E83-D No:1

    This paper reviews design aspects of computational discovery systems through the analysis of some successful discovery systems. We first review the concept of viewscope/view on data which provides an interpretation of raw data in a specific domain. Then we relate this concept to the KDD process described by Fayyad et al. (1996) and the developer's role in computational discovery due to Langley (1998). We emphasize that integration of human experts and discovery systems is a crucial problem in designing discovery systems and claim together with the analysis of discovery systems that the concept of viewscope/view gives a way for approaching this problem.

  • A Highly Parallel Systolic Tridiagonal Solver

    Takashi NARITOMI  Hirotomo ASO  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E79-D No:9

    Many numerical simulation problems of natural phenomena are formulated by large tridiagonal and block tridiagonal linear systems. In this paper, an efficient parallel algorithm to solve a tridiagonal linear system is proposed. The algorithm named bi-recurrence algorithm has an inherent parallelism which is suitable for parallel processing. Its time complexity is 8N - 4 for a tridiagonal linear system of order N. The complexity is little more than the Gaussian elimination algorithm. For parallel implementation with two processors, the time complexity is 4N - 1. Based on the bi-recurrence algorithm, a VLSI oriented tridiagonal solver is designed, which has an architecture of 1-D linear systolic array with three processing cells. The systolic tridiagonal solver completes finding the solution of a tridiagonal linear system in 3N + 6 units of time. A highly parallel systolic tridiagonal solver is also presented. The solver is characterized by highly parallel computability which originates in the divide-and-conquer strategy and high cost performance which originates in the systolic architecture. This solver completes finding the solution in 10(N/p) + 6p + 23 time units, where p is the number of partitions of the system.