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  • RNS Montgomery Multiplication Algorithm for Duplicate Processing of Base Transformations

    Hanae NOZAKI  Atsushi SHIMBO  Shinichi KAWAMURA  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Ciphers

    E86-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new algorithm to achieve about two-times speedup of modular exponentiation which is implemented by Montgomery multiplication based on Residue Number Systems (RNS). In RNS Montgomery multiplication, its performance is determined by two base transformations dominantly. For the purpose of realizing parallel processing of these base transformations, i. e. "duplicate processing," we present two procedures of RNS Montgomery multiplication, in which RNS bases a and b are interchanged, and perform them alternately in modular exponentiation iteration. In an investigation of implementation, 1.87-times speedup has been obtained for 1024-bit modular multiplication. The proposed RNS Montgomery multiplication algorithm has an advantage in achieving the performance corresponding to that the upper limit of the number of parallel processing units is doubled.

  • Efficient Predictive Bandwidth Allocation for Real Time Videos

    Hong ZHAO  Nirwan ANSARI  Yun Q. SHI  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems

    E86-B No:1

    The Quality of Service (QoS) requirements such as delay and cell loss ratio (CLR) are very stringent for video transmission. These constraints are difficult to meet if high network utilization is desired. Dynamic bandwidth allocation in which video traffic prediction can play an important role is thus needed. In this paper, we suggest to predict the variation of I frames instead of the actual size of I frames, and propose an algorithm that can achieve fast convergence and small prediction error, thus imposing QoS and attaining high network utilization. The performance of the scheme is studied using the renegotiated constant bit rate (RCBR) service model. The overall dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme based on our fast convergent algorithm is shown to be promising, and practically feasible for efficient transmission of real time videos.

  • Multi-Channel SQUID Systems for Biomagnetic Measurement

    Gen UEHARA  Yoshiaki ADACHI  Jun KAWAI  Masahiro SHIMOGAWARA  Masanori HIGUCHI  Yasuhiro HARUTA  Hisanao OGATA  Hisashi KADO  


    E86-C No:1

    This paper describes multi-channel SQUID systems for biomagnetic measurement developed at KIT and Yokogawa. They are MEG systems, 24-ch systems for peripheral nerve measurement and 9-ch high spatial resolution system. A concept of calibration of the SQUID sensor array is introduced and discussed. Also discussed are noise performance of the system and crosstalk between sensors. Some examples of biomagnetic measurement are introduced using these systems, and their usefulness in the future is discussed.

  • Algorithms for Matrix Multiplication and the FFT on a Processor Array with Separable Buses

    Takashi MAEBA  Mitsuyoshi SUGAYA  Shoji TATSUMI  Ken'ichi ABE  


    E86-D No:1

    This letter presents parallel algorithms for matrix multiplication and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) that are significant problems arising in engineering and scientific applications. The proposed algorithms are designed on a 3-dimensional processor array with separable buses (PASb). We show that a PASb consisting of N N h processors can compute matrix multiplication of size N N and the FFT of size N in O(N/h+log N) time, respectively. In order to examine ease of hardware implementation, we also evaluate the VLSI complexity of the algorithms. A result obtained achieves an optimal bound on area-time complexity when h=O(N/log N).

  • On the Church-Rosser Property of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems

    Michio OYAMAGUCHI  Yoshikatsu OHTA  

    LETTER-Theory/Models of Computation

    E86-D No:1

    G. Huet (1980) showed that a left-linear term-rewriting system (TRS) is Church-Rosser (CR) if P Q for every critical pair < P, Q > where P Q is a parallel reduction from P to Q. This paper shows that Huet's result can be generalized under the assumption that a subsystem K of TRS R (i.e., KR) is CR. That is, we show that R is CR if P K Q for every < P, Q > CP(K,R-K) and P R-K *K*K Q for every < P, Q > CP(R-K,R). Here, CP(R1,R2) is the set of critical pairs obtained from some rule of R1 and one of R2.

  • Collaborative Constraint Functional Logic Programming System in an Open Environment

    Norio KOBAYASHI  Mircea MARIN  Tetsuo IDA  

    PAPER-Cooperation in Distributed Systems and Agents

    E86-D No:1

    In this paper we describe collaborative constraint functional logic programming and the system called Open CFLP that supports this programming paradigm. The system solves equations by collaboration of various equational constraint solvers. The solvers include higher-order lazy narrowing calculi that serve as the interpreter of higher-order functional logic programming, and specialized solvers for solving equations over specific domains, such as a polynomial solver and a differential equation solver. The constraint solvers are distributed in an open environment such as the Internet. They act as providers of constraint solving services. The collaboration between solvers is programmed in a coordination language embedded in a host language. In Open CFLP the user can solve equations in a higher-order functional logic programming style and yet exploit solving resources in the Internet without giving low-level programs of distributions of resources or specifying details of solvers deployed in the Internet.

  • Conversation Robot Participating in Group Conversation

    Yosuke MATSUSAKA  Tsuyoshi TOJO  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI  


    E86-D No:1

    We developed a conversation system which can participate in a group conversation. Group conversation is a form of conversation in which three or more participants talk to each other about a topic on an equal footing. Conventional conversation systems have been designed under the assumption that each system merely talked with only one person. Group conversation is different from these conventional systems in the following points. It is necessary for the system to understand the conversational situation such as who is speaking, to whom he is speaking, and also to whom the other participants pay attention. It is also necessary for the system itself to try to affect the situation appropriately. In this study, we realized the function of recognizing the conversational situation, by combining image processing and acoustic processing, and the function of working on the conversational situation utilizing facial and body actions of the robot. Thus, a robot that can join in the group conversation was realized.

  • Field Experiments on Pilot Symbol-Assisted Coherent Multistage Interference Canceller in DS-CDMA Reverse Link

    Kenichi HIGUCHI  Koichi OKAWA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper presents the results of field experiments on the pilot symbol assisted (PSA) coherent multistage interference canceller (COMSIC) receiver in the direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) reverse link. The implemented COMSIC receiver comprising three cancellation stages employs PSA channel estimation and replica generation of multiple access interference (MAI) of other users. The experimental results demonstrate that the COMSIC receiver associated with antenna diversity reception and fast transmission power control (TPC) exhibits effectiveness in suppressing severe MAI in actual multipath fading channels. The transmission power of a mobile station (MS) when the COMSIC receiver is employed at a base station (BS) is reduced by approximately 2.0 and 4.0 dB compared to that with the matched filter (MF)-based Rake receiver when the ratios of the target signal energy per bit-to-interference power spectrum density ratio (Eb/I0) of the desired user to the target user are Δtarget= -6 and -9 dB, respectively. Furthermore, for the COMSIC receiver, the transmission power of a MS at the average bit error rate (BER) of 10-3 with antenna diversity is decreased by approximately 7.5 and 11 dB compared to that without antenna diversity when the Δtarget values are -6 and -9 dB, respectively.

  • Simultaneous Subtitling System for Broadcast News Programs with a Speech Recognizer

    Akio ANDO  Toru IMAI  Akio KOBAYASHI  Shinich HOMMA  Jun GOTO  Nobumasa SEIYAMA  Takeshi MISHIMA  Takeshi KOBAYAKAWA  Shoei SATO  Kazuo ONOE  Hiroyuki SEGI  Atsushi IMAI  Atsushi MATSUI  Akira NAKAMURA  Hideki TANAKA  Tohru TAKAGI  Eiichi MIYASAKA  Haruo ISONO  


    E86-D No:1

    There is a strong demand to expand captioned broadcasting for TV news programs in Japan. However, keyboard entry of captioned manuscripts for news program cannot keep pace with the speed of speech, because in the case of Japanese it takes time to select the correct characters from among homonyms. In order to implement simultaneous subtitled broadcasting for Japanese news programs, a simultaneous subtitling system by speech recognition has been developed. This system consists of a real-time speech recognition system to handle broadcast news transcription and a recognition-error correction system that manually corrects mistakes in the recognition result with short delay time. NHK started simultaneous subtitled broadcasting for the news program "News 7" on the evening of March 27, 2000.

  • Simulation of Bluetooth Wireless Communication for ITS

    Candra DERMAWAN  Akihiko SUGIURA  


    E86-B No:1

    At present, in the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) field, research continues In-The-Vehicle Communication (ITVC), Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC), Road-to-Vehicle Communication (RVC), etc. All information communications technology, especially radio-communications technology, was applied. For example, wireless 1394 is used in ITVC, millimeter-wave communication is used in IVC, and Radio on Fiber (ROF) communication technology is used in RVC. However, it is actually very difficult to design for and accommodate all of these systems. This research, to simplify a design, equipment, structure, etc. of ITCV, IVC, and RVC, utilizes a wireless Bluetooth technology system which is the global radio-communications standard which is capturing the spotlight from various fields. In recent years, demand for a radio-communications service which can be used anywhere is increasing. Furthermore, demand for information service by the Internet is also increasing. This paper proposes simulation of Bluetooth wireless communication for ITS field such as ITVC, IVC and RVC system combined to the global Internet connection. Of course, there are many aspects should be thought carefully when the simulation system will be applied to the ITS infrastructures later. On this paper we have been designing the whole system and the evaluation of the simulation have been testing carefully.

  • Matching Oblivious Transfer: How to Exchange Valuable Data

    Shin'ichiro MATSUO  Wakaha OGATA  


    E86-A No:1

    When people want to exchange digital money and digital data over the Internet like a market, privacy for the participant's behavior, security against malicious users and fairness for matching must be assured. We propose a new concept "Matching Oblivious Transfer," which can match valuable digital data with hiding the price suggested by participant and securely deliver the digital data to the matched participant. Then we propose a protocol for some general matching rules in which once a participant sends an order to the market, no interaction between each participant and the market is needed.

  • Analysis of the Operation Modes of an RF-Field-Driven DC-SQUID

    Yoshinao MIZUGAKI  Keiji SUGI  


    E86-C No:1

    Analysis of the operation modes of an RF-Field-Driven DC-SQUID (RFDS) is presented. We numerically calculate the current-voltage characteristics (IVC) of the RFDS, where the RF signal is coupled to the SQUID loop magnetically. Under no DC offset flux, the IVC exhibit the enhancement of the even-order steps. We first evaluate the dependence of the maximum 2nd step height of the RFDS upon frequency. Contrary to the results for a single junction, the RFDS maintains its step height at a certain value in the low frequency region. The maintained values of the maximum step height are dependent on βL. The smaller βL is, the larger the maximum step height becomes. Next, we evaluate the dependence of the current positions of the 2nd step upon the amplitude of the RF signal. Under the low frequency condition, the current positions agree with the interference patterns of the SQUID, which means that the operation of the RFDS is based on the quantum transitions in the SQUID loop. Under the high frequency condition, on the other hand, the current positions agree with the results for the single junction, which means that the quantum transitions does not follow the RF signal and that the RFDS behaves like a single junction.

  • Circuit Simulation Study for Characterization of High-Temperature Superconducting Sigma-Delta Modulator with 100 GHz Sampling

    Kazuo SAITOH  Futoshi FURUTA  Yoshihisa SOUTOME  Tokuumi FUKAZAWA  Kazumasa TAKAGI  

    INVITED PAPER-HTS Digital Applications

    E86-C No:1

    The capability of a high-temperature superconducting sigma-delta modulator was studied by means of circuit simulation and FFT analysis. Parameters for the circuit simulation were extracted from experimental measurements. The present circuit simulation includes thermal-noise effect. Successive FFT analyses were made to evaluate the dynamic range of the sigma-delta modulator. As a result, the dynamic range was evaluated as 60.1 dB at temperature of 20 K and 56.9 dB at temperature of 77 K.

  • Variable Optical Filter Using Dynamic Grating in Er Doped Fiber Controlled by Synthesis of Optical Coherence Function: Proposal and Experimental Verification

    Bing ZHU  Takashi SAIDA  Kazuo HOTATE  


    E86-C No:1

    Due to saturable nature of gain or absorption of Er doped fiber, a dynamic grating is formed by standing wave produced by interference between two laser beams traveling in opposite directions in the fiber. In this letter, we propose a variable optical filter using the dynamic grating in Er doped fiber controlled by synthesis of optical coherence function. Simulations and experimental verifications are also shown.

  • Approximate Maximum Likelihood Source Separation Using the Natural Gradient

    Seungjin CHOI  Andrzej CICHOCKI  Liqing ZHANG  Shun-ichi AMARI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E86-A No:1

    This paper addresses a maximum likelihood method for source separation in the case of overdetermined mixtures corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise. We consider an approximate likelihood which is based on the Laplace approximation and develop a natural gradient adaptation algorithm to find a local maximum of the corresponding approximate likelihood. We present a detailed mathematical derivation of the algorithm using the Lie group invariance. Useful behavior of the algorithm is verified by numerical experiments.

  • Multipath Interference Canceller Employing Multipath Interference Replica Generation with Previously Transmitted Packet Combining for Incremental Redundancy in HSDPA

    Nobuhiko MIKI  Sadayuki ABETA  Hiroyuki ATARASHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper proposes a multipath interference canceller (MPIC) employing multipath interference (MPI) replica generation (MIG) utilizing previously transmitted packet combining (PTPC), which is well-suited to incremental redundancy, in order to achieve a peak throughput of nearly 8 Mbps in a multipath fading environment in high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA). In our scheme, more accurate MPI replica generation is possible by generating MPI replicas utilizing the soft-decision symbol sequence of the previously transmitted packets in addition to that of the latest transmitted packet. Computer simulation results elucidate that the achievable throughput of the MPIC employing MIG-PTPC is increased by approximately 100 kbps and 200 kbps and the required average received signal energy per symbol-to-background noise power spectrum density ratio (Es/N0) per antenna at the throughput of 0.8 normalized by the maximum throughput is improved by about 0.3 and 0.7 dB compared to that of the MPIC using the soft-decision symbol sequence after Rake combining of the last transmitted packet both in 2- and 3-path Rayleigh fading channels for QPSK and 16QAM data modulations, respectively. Furthermore, we clarify that the maximum peak throughput using the proposed MPIC with MIG-PTPC coupled with incremental redundancy achieves approximately 7 Mbps and 8 Mbps with 16QAM and 64QAM data modulations in a 2-path Rayleigh fading channel, respectively, within a 5-MHz bandwidth.

  • Proposal of Grouping Adaptive Modulation Method for Burst Mode OFDM Transmission System

    Yuanrun TENG  Tomotaka NAGAOSA  Kazuo MORI  Hideo KOBAYASHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper proposes an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system with Grouping Adaptive Modulation method (GAM-OFDM). The salient feature of the proposed system is to enable the reduction of required transmission bits for adaptive modulation information (AMI) that is required in the demodulation process at the receiver. This paper also proposes an efficient AMI transmission method for the GAM-OFDM system to enable the efficient transmission of AMI bits by using only two preamble symbols, and the Multi-Carrier Spectrum Spreading (MC-SS) technique to achieve the excellent performance of AMI transmission even under severe multi-path fading environments. This paper presents the various computer simulation results to verify the performance of proposed GAM-OFDM system.

  • Experiments on Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity Receiver Based on Antenna-Weight Generation Common to Paths in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Hidekazu TAOKA  Shinya TANAKA  Taisuke IHARA  Kenichi HIGUCHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper presents laboratory and field experimental results of the coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver employing receiver antenna-weight generation common to all Rake-combined paths (hereafter path-common weight generation method) in the W-CDMA reverse link, in order to elucidate the suitability of the path-common weight generation method in high-elevation antenna environments such as cellular systems with a macrocell configuration. Laboratory experiments using multipath fading simulators and RF phase shifters elucidate that even when the ratio of the target Eb/I0 of the desired to interfering users is Δ Eb/I0=-12 dB, the increase in the average transmit Eb/N0 employing the CAAAD receiver coupled with fast transmission power control (TPC) using outer-loop control from that for Δ Eb/I0=0 dB is within only 1.0 dB owing to the accurate beam and null steering associated with fast TPC. Furthermore, field experiments demonstrate that the required transmission power at the average block error rate (BLER) of 10-2 employing the CAAAD receiver with four antennas is reduced by more than 2 dB compared to that using a four-branch space diversity receiver using maximum ratio combining (MRC) with the fading correlation between antennas of 0 when Δ Eb/I0=-15 dB and that the loss in the required transmission power of the CAAAD receiver in the same situation as that in a single-user environment is approximately 1 dB. The field experimental results in an actual propagation environment suggest that the CAAAD receiver is effective in suppressing multiple access interference, thus decreasing the required transmission power when the gap in the direction of arrival between the desired user and interfering users is greater than approximately 20 degrees.

  • Multi-Stage Partial Parallel Interference Cancellation Receivers for Multi-Rate DS-CDMA System

    Seung Hee HAN  Jae Hong LEE  


    E86-B No:1

    In this paper, two types of multi-stage partial parallel interference cancellation (PIC) receivers are considered for multi-rate DS-CDMA system: multi-stage PIC receiver with partial cancellation factors and multi-stage PIC receiver with decision thresholds. Bit error rate (BER) of the multi-stage partial PIC receivers is obtained by simulation in a Rayleigh fading channel. It is shown that the multi-stage partial PIC receivers achieve smaller BER than the matched filter (MF) receiver, multi-stage PIC receiver, group-wise successive interference cancellation (GSIC) receiver, and extended GSIC receiver (EGSIC) for the multi-rate DS-CDMA system in a Rayleigh fading channel.

  • Finite Field Wavelet Spread Signature CDMA in a Multipath Fading Channel

    Jiann-Horng CHEN  Kuen-Tsair LAY  


    E86-B No:1

    We propose a new multiple access communication system based on finite field wavelet spread signature (FFWSS). In addition to the function of frequency diversity and multiple access, which are typically provided by traditional spreading codes, the FFWSS spreads data symbols in time, resulting in robustness against frequency selective slow fading. Using the FFWSS to spread a data symbol so that it is overlapped with neighboring symbols, a FFWSS-CDMA system is developed. It is observed that the ratio of the maximum nontrivial value of periodic correlation function to the code length of FFWSS is the same as that of a Sidelnikov sequence. Using RAKE-based receivers, simulation results show that the proposed FFWSS-CDMA system yields lower bit error rate (BER) than conventional DS-CDMA and MT-CDMA systems in multipath fading channels.
