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  • Effect of Imperfect Channel Estimation on the Performance of Pilot Channel-Aided Coherent DS-CDMA System over Rayleigh-Fading Multipath Channel

    Seokjun KO  Hyungjin CHOI  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E83-B No:3

    This paper presents the bit-error rate (BER) performance of the RAKE receiver over a multipath Rayleigh fading channel. The closed-form BER in the downlink single-cell environment is obtained through the analysis of the imperfect channel estimation. We compute the BER as a function of energy-to-noise ratio per bit including the effect of multiple access interference and multipath interference, with channel and system parameters: number of diversity channels L = 1, 3, 6, 12; Doppler frequency shift with fD T = 0.008333, 0.0167, 0.025; residual carrier frequency offset Δ f = -600 600 Hz; averaging length of the channel estimator Np = 128-1536 chips. This analysis allows predicting the system's performance and helps to optimize the parameter setting for the channel estimation process. We show that even if the optimal system parameters are used, the BER performance results in a minimal 4dB degradation in comparison to the perfect channel estimation. Finally, the theoretical results are verified by using the Monte-Carlo computer simulations.

  • Traversing Graphs in Small Space

    Seinosuke TODA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E83-D No:3

    We sketch two algorithms that solve the undirected st-connectivity problem in a small amount of space. One is due to Nisan, Szemeredy and Wigderson, and takes space O(log3/2n), where n denotes the number of nodes in a give undirected graph. This is the first algorithm that overcame the Savitch barrier on the space complexity of the problem. The other is due to Tarui and this author, and takes space O(sw(G)2 log2 n), where sw(G) denotes the separation-width of a given graph G. Their result implies that the st-connectivity problem can be solved in logarithmic space for any class of graphs with separation-width bounded above by a predetermined constant. This class is one of few nontrivial classes for which the st-connectivity problem can be solved in logarithmic space.

  • Polarimetric Current Sensor Using an In-Line Faraday Rotator

    Fabien BRIFFOD  Luc THEVENAZ  Pierre-Alain NICATI  Alain KUNG  Philippe A. ROBERT  

    PAPER-Sensors for Electromagnetic Phenomena

    E83-C No:3

    A novel polarimetric fiber optics current sensor configuration using an in-line 22.5 degree Faraday rotator is proposed on this paper. The introduction of the 22.5 degree Faraday rotator allows to obtain a sensor configuration that does not require adjustment on most optical elements, resulting in an accuracy immune to manufacturing issues. Two prototypes are presented in this paper that are designed to measure AC current, yielding in an excellent accuracy over more than 3 decades.

  • Structures of Triangulations of Points

    Keiko IMAI  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Algorithms for Geometric Problems

    E83-D No:3

    Triangulations have been one of main research topics in computational geometry and have many applications in computer graphics, finite element methods, mesh generation, etc. This paper surveys properties of triangulations in the two- or higher-dimensional spaces. For triangulations of the planar point set, we have a good triangulation, called the Delaunay triangulation, which satisfies several optimality criteria. Based on Delaunay triangulations, many properties of planar triangulations can be shown, and a graph structure can be constructed for all planar triangulations. On the other hand, triangulations in higher dimensions are much more complicated than in planar cases. However, there does exist a subclass of triangulations, called regular triangulations, with nice structure, which is also touched upon.

  • Algorithms in Discrete Convex Analysis

    Kazuo MUROTA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Algorithms for Matroids and Related Discrete Systems

    E83-D No:3

    This is a survey of algorithmic results in the theory of "discrete convex analysis" for integer-valued functions defined on integer lattice points. The theory parallels the ordinary convex analysis, covering discrete analogues of the fundamental concepts such as conjugacy, the Fenchel min-max duality, and separation theorems. The technical development is based on matroid-theoretic concepts, in particular, submodular functions and exchange axioms.

  • Bandwidth Allocation for Virtual Paths in ATM Networks with Dynamic Routing

    Eric W. M. WONG  Andy K. M. CHAN  Sammy CHAN  King-Tim KO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E83-B No:3

    The Virtual Path (VP) concept in ATM networks simplifies network structure, traffic control and resource management. For VP formulation, a VP can carry traffic of the same type (the separate scheme) or of different types (the unified scheme). For VP adjustment, a certain amount of bandwidth can be dynamically assigned (reserved) to VPs, where the amount (the bandwidth incremental/decremental size) is a predetermined system parameter. In this paper, we study Least Loaded Path-based dynamic routing schemes with various residual bandwidth definitions under different bandwidth allocation (VP formulation and adjustment) schemes. In particular, we evaluate the call blocking probability and VP set-up processing load with varying (bandwidth) incremental sizes. Also, We investigate numerically how the use of VP trades the blocking probability with the processing load. It is found that the unified scheme could outperform the separate scheme in certain incremental sizes. Moreover, we propose two ways to reduce the processing load without increasing the blocking probability. Using these methods, the separate scheme always outperforms the unified scheme.

  • FDTD Analysis of Dosimetry in Human Head Model for a Helical Antenna Portable Telephone

    Jianqing WANG  Osamu FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-EMC Simulation

    E83-B No:3

    This paper presents a dosimetric analysis in an anatomically realistic human head model for a helical antenna portable telephone by using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The head model, developed from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of a Japanese adult head, consists of 530 thousand voxels, of 2 mm dimensions, segmented into 15 tissue types. The helical antenna was modeled as a stack of dipoles and loops with an adequate relative weight, whose validity was confirmed by comparing the calculated near magnetic fields with published measured data. SARs are given both for the spatial peak value in the whole head and the averages in various major organs.

  • On the Unwanted Radiated Fields due to the Sliding Contacts in a Traction System

    Sonia LEVA  Adriano Paolo MORANDO  Riccardo Enrico ZICH  

    PAPER-EMC Evaluation

    E83-B No:3

    The pantograph current collector-catenary contact has been recognized as an established cause of permanent electromagnetic perturbation in a railway environment. In this paper the problems due to pantograph-catenary crawling are addressed. Introducing a suitable model for the radiating contacts, results in agreement with classical fields theory and with experimental measurements may be deduced.

  • Common-Mode-Current Generation Caused by Difference of Unbalance of Transmission Lines on a Printed Circuit Board with Narrow Ground Pattern

    Tetsushi WATANABE  Osami WADA  Takuya MIYASHITA  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-EMC Design of PCB

    E83-B No:3

    This paper explains a mechanism of common-mode generation on a printed circuit board with a narrow ground pattern. A transmission line has its value of degree of unbalance. At a connection point of two transmission lines having different degrees of unbalance, common mode voltage is generated proportional to the difference, and it drives common mode current. The authors propose a method to evaluate common mode current distribution and verify it by measurement. Although calculated common mode current is larger than measured one by a few dBs, both of them are proportional to the degree of unbalance. An EMI reduction technique, 'unbalance matching,' is also proposed.

  • The Legal Firing Sequence Problem of Petri Nets

    Toshimasa WATANABE  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E83-D No:3

    The subject of the paper is to give an overview and latest results on the Legal Firing Sequence Problem of Petri nets (LFS for short). LFS is very fundamental in the sense that it appears as a subproblem or a simpler form of various basic problems in Petri net theory, such as the well-known marking reachability problem, the minimum initial resource allocation problem, the liveness (of level 4) problem, the scheduling problem and so on. However, solving LFS generally is not easy: it is NP -hard even for Petri nets having very simple structures. This intractability of LFS may have been preventing us from producing efficient algorithms for those problems. So research on LFS from computational complexity point of view seems to be rewarding.

  • Diagnosability of Networks Represented by the Cartesian Product

    Toru ARAKI  Yukio SHIBATA  


    E83-A No:3

    System level diagnosis that can identify the faulty units in the system was introduced by Preparata, Metze, and Chien. In this area, the fundamental problem is to decide the diagnosability of given networks. We study the diagnosability of networks represented by the cartesian product. Our result is the optimal one with respect to the restriction of degrees of vertices of graphs that represent the networks.

  • Least Fixpoint and Greatest Fixpoint in a Process Algebra with Conjunction and Disjunction

    Yoshinao ISOBE  Yutaka SATO  Kazuhito OHMAKI  


    E83-A No:3

    We have already proposed a process algebra µLOTOS as a mathematical framework to synthesize a process from a number of (incomplete) specifications, in which requirements for the process do not have to be completely determined. It is guaranteed that the synthesized process satisfies all the given specifications, if they are consistent. For example, µLOTOS is useful for incremental design. The advantage of µLOTOS is that liveness properties can be expressed by least fixpoints and disjunctions . In this paper, we present µLOTOSR, which is a refined µLOTOS. The improvement is that µLOTOSR has a conjunction operator . Therefore, the consistency between a number of specifications S1,,S2 can be checked by the satisfiability of the conjunction specification S1 S2. µLOTOSR does not need the complex consistency check used in µLOTOS.

  • Low Frequency Radiated Immunity Test Using Three-Dimensional Helmholtz-Coil Set

    Kimitoshi MURANO  Yoshio KAMI  

    PAPER-EMC Measurement and Test

    E83-B No:3

    A radiated immunity test method using fields in a three-dimensional Helmholtz-coil set is described. The incident field to equipment under test (EUT) is generated by an orthogonally structured three sets of Helmholtz coil. Using this structure, the resultant field can be generated with arbitrary amplitude and direction. Therefore, the three dimensional immunity characteristics of an EUT can be cleared. The resultant field is calculated numerically and it is established that the field distribution is uniform inside the three dimensional Helmholtz-coil set. This is also confirmed through comparison with measured results. As an example, the immunity test of a cathode ray tube (CRT) display is made and the immunity map of CRT is obtained without reseting placement of EUT. Such map makes us understand the physical meaning and weak points.

  • Calculation of Temperature Rises in the Human Eye Exposed to EM Waves in the ISM Frequency Bands

    Akimasa HIRATA  Gou USHIO  Toshiyuki SHIOZAWA  

    PAPER-EMC Simulation

    E83-B No:3

    The interaction between the human eye and electromagnetic (EM) waves in the ISM (industrial, scientific, and medical) frequency bands is investigated with the use of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. In order to assess possible health hazards, the specific absorption rates (SARs) are calculated and compared with the recommended safety standards. In particular, we calculate temperature rises in the human eye to assess the possibility of microwave-induced cataract formation. The results show that the maximum values of averaged SARs are less than the standard levels. In addition, we observed what is called the 'hot spot' in the region of eye humor at 2.4 GHz but not at 900 MHz and 5.8 GHz. Furthermore, the maximum temperature rise due to the incident EM power density of 5.0 mW/cm2, which is the MPE (maximum permissible exposure) limit for controlled environments, has been found to be at most 0.26 at 5.8 GHz, which is small compared with the threshold temperature rise 3.0 for cataract formation.

  • Resonance Frequency Variation with a Nearby Floated Metal Plate

    Akihisa SAKURAI  Hiroyuki TOMINAGA  Takeshi ASANO  

    PAPER-EMC Design of PCB

    E83-B No:3

    It is not rare case that a floated metal plate exists nearby high speed circuit traces. Heatsink placed on a IC chip nearby circuit traces, metal enclosure or circuit traces in a compact designed product may be a good example. It may be also seen such structure for a shield box and circuit traces confined. It is generally known that such metal plate as placing nearby circuit trace may change circuit trace parameters and then resonance frequency associated with the circuit trace. In this study, we clarified resonance frequency variation with comprehensive observation of input impedance of microstrip line that is an essential model of circuit traces on a printed circuit board. Since such structure is created in various cases in product designs, we believe that the results shown in this study may be useful for EMC design as well as signal integrity. For computation, method of moment was used.

  • Experimental Investigation of Noise Immunity Diagnosis for Battery Drived Circuit by Bulk Current Injection Test

    Kohji SASABE  Kazuhisa YOSHIDA  Osamu FUJIWARA  


    E83-B No:3

    A simple method for diagnosing noise immunity of printed circuit boards (PCBs) by the bulk current injection (BCI) test was proposed, which can contribute to the PCB trace designs for common-mode noise. A grading index, which is defined as the ratio of the stray capacitances with and without critical IC of malfunction, was introduced to distinguish the PCB susceptible to the common-mode noise. This proposed method was validated experimentally using four PCBs with the same circuit but different trace design. It was observed that the noise immunity of PCBs had a good correlation with the values of these grading indices.

  • Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating Hydrophone


    PAPER-Physical and Mechanical Sensors

    E83-C No:3

    Characteristics of an FBG hydrophone are described under various conditions. The developed FBG hydrophone detects an acoustic field in water with good performances: linear response,high sensitivity,high stability,wide dynamic range as large as 90 dB and wide operation frequency range from a few kHz to a few MHz. A WDM FBG hydrophone consisting of two FBGs in serial connection can detect simultaneously amplitudes and phases of acoustic fields at different points,which in turn allows a directive measurement of an acoustic field in water.

  • Flexible Fiber Faraday Effect Current Sensor Using Flint Glass Fiber and Reflection Scheme

    Kiyoshi KUROSAWA  Kazunori YAMASHITA  Tomohiro SOWA  Yasuhisa YAMADA  

    PAPER-Sensors for Electromagnetic Phenomena

    E83-C No:3

    In this paper, design and experimental results are described about a newly developed highly flexible fiber Faraday effect current sensor using the flint glass fiber as the sensor element. In the new type, a mirror is coated at an end of the flint glass fiber, and light takes round trip transmission in it. By the round trip transmission, the effect of rotation of polarization plane due to the torsion of the fiber is automatically canceled. Because of the low photo-elastic constant of the flint glass fiber, and the automatic canceling of the rotation, the polarization state of light passed through the fiber is stable. Therefore, in the new reflection type, it is not necessary to support the flint glass fiber with a durable circular frame to maintain accuracy. And so, the sensor head is small, light, and can be easily installed to existing power apparatus by winding the flint glass fiber around the current conductor without pulling out or cutting it. Experiments were done to verify the stable characteristics using the developed sensor model. In the experiments, relation between the final output signal of the sensor and shape of the curve of the flint glass fiber were examined. From the experiments, it became clear that the final output is almost perfectly independent on shape of the curve of the fiber. It was also confirmed that accuracy of the sensor conform to the standard of conventional current transducers for protection of power systems in Japan.

  • Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Probe for Magnetic Field Sensing Using Improved Common-Mode Noise Reduction Scheme

    Radu G. CUCU  Adrian Gh. PODOLEANU  David A. JACKSON  

    PAPER-Sensors for Electromagnetic Phenomena

    E83-C No:3

    An optical magnetic field measuring system using diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) probes is presented. The attractive features of DMS for building current/ magnetic field sensors are outlined. The system configuration includes a common-mode noise rejection scheme (CMR) to eliminate optic intensity noise induced in the fibre links by environmental vibrations. The CMR scheme relies on a pulse delay method based on the creation of two relatively delayed replicas of the photodetector output signal and their subsequent subtraction (division). Theoretical and experimental analyses of the system operation are developed and noise rejection methods using subtraction and division are presented and compared. Although CMR by division seems to be more appealing from the theoretical viewpoint (due to the rejection of intensity noise caused both by environmental vibrations and laser source output power fluctuations), in practical terms the subtraction is more reliable and easier to implement. The noise rejection figure measured experimentally is about 17 dBV for CMR both by subtraction and by division. A system calibration curve is presented. The minimum magnetic flux density detected with the system is 0.06 mT rms.

  • Optical Fiber Humidity Sensor with a Fast Response Time Using the Ionic Self-Assembly Method

    Francisco J. ARREGUI  Kristie L. COOPER  Yanjing LIU  Ignacio R. MATIAS  Richard O. CLAUS  

    PAPER-Chemical, Environmental, Biochemical and Medical Sensors

    E83-C No:3

    An optical fiber humidity sensor was fabricated forming a nanometer-scale Fabry-Perot interferometer by using the Ionic Self-Assembly Monolayer (ISAM) method. The materials used were Poly R-478 and poly(diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride). Taking advantage of the precision that the ISAM method can achieve in controlling the length of the nano cavity, the length was fit to obtain a maximum variation of 8.7 dB of reflected optical power between 11.3% and 85% RH. The sensor exhibited a fast response time and was able to monitor the human breathing.
