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[Keyword] backbone network(11hit)

  • A Nationwide 400-Gbps Backbone Network for Research and Education in Japan Open Access



    E106-B No:12

    This paper describes the architectural design, services, and operation and monitoring functions of Science Information NETwork 6 (SINET6), a 400-Gigabit Ethernet-based academic backbone network launched on a nationwide scale in April 2022. In response to the requirements from universities and research institutions, SINET upgraded its world-class network speed, improved its accessibility, enhanced services and security, incorporated 5G mobile functions, and strengthened international connectivity. With fully-meshed connectivity and fast rerouting, it attains nationwide high performance and high reliability. The evaluation results of network performance are also reported.

  • Automatic Planning Algorithms for 300GHz Wireless Backhaul Links Open Access

    Bo Kum JUNG  Thomas KÜRNER  


    E105-B No:6

    With the increasing densification of 5G and future 6G networks high-capacity backhaul links to connect the numerous base stations become an issue. Since not all base stations can be connected via fibre links for either technical or economic reasons wireless connections at 300GHz, which may provide data rates comparable to fibre links, are an alternative. This paper deals with the planning of 300GHz backhaul links and describes two novel automatic planning approaches for backhaul links arranged in ring and star topology. The two planning approaches are applied to various scenarios and the corresponding planning results are evaluated by comparing signal to interference plus noise ratio under various simulation conditions including weather impacts showing the feasibility of wireless backhaul links.

  • Network Congestion Minimization Models Based on Robust Optimization

    Bimal CHANDRA DAS  Satoshi TAKAHASHI  Eiji OKI  Masakazu MURAMATSU  


    E101-B No:3

    This paper introduces robust optimization models for minimization of the network congestion ratio that can handle the fluctuation in traffic demands between nodes. The simplest and widely used model to minimize the congestion ratio, called the pipe model, is based on precisely specified traffic demands. However, in practice, network operators are often unable to estimate exact traffic demands as they can fluctuate due to unpredictable factors. To overcome this weakness, we apply robust optimization to the problem of minimizing the network congestion ratio. First, we review existing models as robust counterparts of certain uncertainty sets. Then we consider robust optimization assuming ellipsoidal uncertainty sets, and derive a tractable optimization problem in the form of second-order cone programming (SOCP). Furthermore, we take uncertainty sets to be the intersection of ellipsoid and polyhedral sets, and considering the mirror subproblems inherent in the models, obtain tractable optimization problems, again in SOCP form. Compared to the previous model that assumes an error interval on each coordinate, our models have the advantage of being able to cope with the total amount of errors by setting a parameter that determines the volume of the ellipsoid. We perform numerical experiments to compare our SOCP models with the existing models which are formulated as linear programming problems. The results demonstrate the relevance of our models in terms of congestion ratio and computation time.

  • Congestion Avoid Movement Aware Routing Protocol in Interplanetary Backbone Networks

    Haoliang SUN  Xiaohui HU  Lixiang LIU  


    E95-B No:7

    The existing routing protocols for the interplanetary backbone network did not consider future link connection and link congestion. A novel routing protocol named CAMARP for the interplanetary backbone network is proposed in this letter. We use wait delay to consider future link connection and make the best next hop selection. A load balancing mechanism is used to avoid congestion. The proposed method leads to a better and more efficient distribution of traffic, and also leads to lower packet drop rates and higher throughput. CAMARP demonstrates good performance in the experiment.

  • Network Design Methods for Minimizing Number of Links Added to a Network to Alleviate Performance Degradation Following a Link Failure

    Nozomu KATAYAMA  Takeshi FUJIMURA  Hiroyoshi MIWA  Noriaki KAMIYAMA  Haruhisa HASEGAWA  Hideaki YOSHINO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:6

    When a link or node fails in a network, the affected flows are automatically rerouted. This increases the hop counts of the flows, which can drastically degrade network performance. Keeping the hop lengths as stable as possible, i.e., minimizing the difference in hop length between the original flow and the rerouted flow is important for network reliability. Therefore, network service providers need a method for designing networks that stabilizes the flow hop length and maintains connectivity during a link or node failure with limited investment cost. First, we formulate the network design problem used for determining the set of links to be added that satisfies the required constraints on flow hop length stability, connectivity, and node degree. Next, we prove that this problem is NP-complete and present two approximation algorithms for the optimization problem so as to minimize the number of links added. Evaluation of the performance of these algorithms by using 39 backbone networks of commercial ISPs and networks generated by two well-known models showed that the proposed algorithms provide effective solutions in sufficiently short computation time.

  • PMD Design for High-Speed WDM Backbone Network Systems Based on Field PMD Measurements

    Toshiya MATSUDA  Takeshi KAWASAKI  Tomoyoshi KATAOKA  Akira NAKA  Kazuhiro ODA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E94-B No:5

    We propose a polarization mode dispersion (PMD) design for high-speed wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) backbone network systems based on field PMD measurements on installed optical fibers for long-term commercial use. Implementing a high-speed network system on an installed fiber requires measuring PMD, because the PMD characteristics of most installed fibers are unknown. For enhanced practicality, we must be able to precisely evaluate PMD characteristics precisely with just one measurement. To understand the statistical properties of measured PMD values, we use the Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis (JME) method to conduct long-term (12 months) PMD measurements on installed fibers. We statistically analyze the measurement results and confirm that the measured values match the theory that considers the accuracy of the measurement instrument. This enables a PMD design of desired outage probability based on PMD measurements of installed fibers. We also carry out a 43-Gb/s return-to-zero differential quadrature phase shift keying (RZ-DQPSK) signal transmission with high PMD fibers in order to confirm the effectiveness of our PMD design. The PMD values of the in-line amplifier transmission line are settled so as to meet the worst value of the design. We confirm that 43-Gb/s RZ-DQPSK signals are stably transmitted at the design value.

  • Implementation and Experiments of Path Computation Element Based Backbone Network Architecture

    Tomonori TAKEDA  Eiji OKI  Ichiro INOUE  Kohei SHIOMOTO  Kazuhiro FUJIHARA  Shin-Ichi KATO  

    LETTER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E91-B No:8

    This paper proposes the Path Computation Element (PCE)-based backbone network architecture and verifies its feasibility through implementation and experiments. PCE communication Protocol (PCEP) is implemented for communication between the PCE and the management system to control and manage Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)-based backbone networks.

  • Wireless ATM Backbone Network Design Problem

    Der-Rong DIN  


    E88-A No:7

    Personal Communication Network (PCN) is an emerging wireless network that promises many new services for the telecommunication industry. The high speed backbone network (ATM or WDM) is one possible approach to provide broadband wireless transmission with PCN's using the ATM switching networks for interconnection of PCN cells. The wireless ATM backbone network design problem is that of allocating backbone links among ATM switches to reduce the effects of terminal mobility on the performance of ATM-based PCN's. In this paper, the wireless ATM backbone network design (WABND) problem is formulated and studied. The goal of the WABND is to minimize the location update cost under constraints. Since WABND is NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm and a genetic algorithm are proposed to solve it. These algorithms are used to find the close-to-optimal solution. Simulated results show that the proposed algorithms are able to achieve good performance.

  • Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation System Using English Auction

    Eiji TAKAHASHI  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E85-B No:2

    In leased line services used by ISPs (Internet Service Providers) the bandwidth is fixed, but the traffic changes dynamically. Therefore, there is a necessity for ISPs to accommodate extra capacity to meet peak usage demands; many resources are not used in off-peak hours. To address this, we propose an auction method for the dynamic allocation of bandwidth to ISPs sharing backbone networks. By this method, backbone networks can be used effectively as each ISP is able to secure bandwidth according to its own policy. The Internet users can also be expected to receive good services, as it enables them to obtain information about all ISPs, such as the access fee and QoS (quality of service) provided, and to select congenial ISPs from among all ISPs according to this information. In this study, we compare a dynamic bandwidth allocation service with a leased line service (fixed allocation of bandwidth to ISPs) by using the users' utility to estimate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Optical Communications Technology Roadmap

    Keijiro HIRAHARA  Toshio FUJII  Koji ISHIDA  Satoshi ISHIHARA  

    SURVEY PAPER-Technology Roadmap

    E81-C No:8

    An optical communications technology roadmap leading up to the second decade of the 21st century has been investigated to provide a future vision of the optoelectronic technology in 15 to 20 years. The process whereby technology may progress toward the realization of the vision is indicated. A transmission rate of 100 Mbps for homes and a rate of 5 Tbps for the backbone network will be required in the first decade of the 21 century. Two technology roadmaps for public and business communications networks are discussed. It is concluded both WDM and TDM technology will be required to realize such an ultra-high capacity transmission. Technical tasks for various optical devices are investigated in detail.

  • Performance Study of the Multi-Cell Transfer Scheme in the Optical Backbone Network

    Youngbok CHOI  Hideki TODE  Miki YAMAMOTO  Hiromi OKADA  Hiromasa IKEDA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E78-B No:5

    The optical ATM transport networks are the key technology for B-ISDN which integrates wide variety of communication services. In a photonic ATM switch, electronically operated switching control drastically limits the total throughput. With this bottleneck of the control speed of the switch compared to the cell transmission speed, if the unit of switching operation can be made longer, the system throughput will be improved. This paper proposes the optical backbone network configuration to obtain traffic concentrating effect to construct a large switching unit called a multi-cell. In the backbone network applied the concept of virtual path set (VPS), a multi-cell is constructed by cells from all of ATM switches in a regional network connected with each own's cross connect. The multi-cell format in the case of two different network models is investigated in this paper. The average delay and average idle cells per multi-cell in the multi-cell MUX of an optical cross connect are evaluated by computer simulation as the performance of the multi-cell transfer scheme in the backbone network. Simulation results show that the multi-cell transfer scheme can be operated efficiently with traffic load of more than 0.5. This paper also proposes the configuration of multiplexing and demultiplexing module to assemble and disassemble the multi-cell.