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[Keyword] facility location(12hit)

  • Assigning Proximity Facilities for Gatherings

    Shin-ichi NAKANO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E107-D No:3

    In this paper we study a recently proposed variant of the r-gathering problem. An r-gathering of customers C to facilities F is an assignment A of C to open facilities F' ⊂ F such that r or more customers are assigned to each open facility. (Each facility needs enough number of customers to open.) Given an opening cost op(f) for each f∈F, and a connecting cost co(c,f) for each pair of c∈C and f∈F, the cost of an r-gathering A is max{maxc∈C{co(c, A(c))}, maxf∈F'{op(f)}}. The r-gathering problem consists of finding an r-gathering having the minimum cost. Assume that F is a set of locations for emergency shelters, op(f) is the time needed to prepare a shelter f∈F, and co(c,f) is the time needed for a person c∈C to reach assigned shelter f=A(c)∈F. Then an r-gathering corresponds to an evacuation plan such that each open shelter serves r or more people, and the r-gathering problem consists of finding an evacuation plan minimizing the evacuation time span. However in a solution above some person may be assigned to a farther open shelter although it has a closer open shelter. It may be difficult for the person to accept such an assignment for an emergency situation. Therefore, Armon considered the problem with one more additional constraint, that is, each customer should be assigned to a closest open facility, and gave a 9-approximation polynomial-time algorithm for the problem. We have designed a simple 3-approximation algorithm for the problem. The running time is O(r|C||F|).

  • Dispersion on Intervals

    Tetsuya ARAKI  Hiroyuki MIYATA  Shin-ichi NAKANO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:9

    Given a set of n disjoint intervals on a line and an integer k, we want to find k points in the intervals so that the minimum pairwise distance of the k points is maximized. Intuitively, given a set of n disjoint time intervals on a timeline, each of which is a time span we are allowed to check something, and an integer k, which is the number of times we will check something, we plan k checking times so that the checks occur at equal time intervals as much as possible, that is, we want to maximize the minimum time interval between the k checking times. We call the problem the k-dispersion problem on intervals. If we need to choose exactly one point in each interval, so k=n, and the disjoint intervals are given in the sorted order on the line, then two O(n) time algorithms to solve the problem are known. In this paper we give the first O(n) time algorithm to solve the problem for any constant k. Our algorithm works even if the disjoint intervals are given in any (not sorted) order. If the disjoint intervals are given in the sorted order on the line, then, by slightly modifying the algorithm, one can solve the problem in O(log n) time. This is the first sublinear time algorithm to solve the problem. Also we show some results on the k-dispersion problem on disks, including an FPTAS.

  • An O(n2)-Time Algorithm for Computing a Max-Min 3-Dispersion on a Point Set in Convex Position

    Yasuaki KOBAYASHI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  Kei UCHIZAWA  Takeaki UNO  Yutaro YAMAGUCHI  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  


    E105-D No:3

    Given a set P of n points and an integer k, we wish to place k facilities on points in P so that the minimum distance between facilities is maximized. The problem is called the k-dispersion problem, and the set of such k points is called a k-dispersion of P. Note that the 2-dispersion problem corresponds to the computation of the diameter of P. Thus, the k-dispersion problem is a natural generalization of the diameter problem. In this paper, we consider the case of k=3, which is the 3-dispersion problem, when P is in convex position. We present an O(n2)-time algorithm to compute a 3-dispersion of P.

  • Max-Min 3-Dispersion Problems Open Access

    Takashi HORIYAMA  Shin-ichi NAKANO  Toshiki SAITOH  Koki SUETSUGU  Akira SUZUKI  Ryuhei UEHARA  Takeaki UNO  Kunihiro WASA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E104-A No:9

    Given a set P of n points on which facilities can be placed and an integer k, we want to place k facilities on some points so that the minimum distance between facilities is maximized. The problem is called the k-dispersion problem. In this paper, we consider the 3-dispersion problem when P is a set of points on a plane (2-dimensional space). Note that the 2-dispersion problem corresponds to the diameter problem. We give an O(n) time algorithm to solve the 3-dispersion problem in the L∞ metric, and an O(n) time algorithm to solve the 3-dispersion problem in the L1 metric. Also, we give an O(n2 log n) time algorithm to solve the 3-dispersion problem in the L2 metric.

  • Efficient Algorithms for the Partial Sum Dispersion Problem

    Toshihiro AKAGI  Tetsuya ARAKI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E103-A No:10

    The dispersion problem is a variant of the facility location problem. Given a set P of n points and an integer k, we intend to find a subset S of P with |S|=k such that the cost minp∈S{cost(p)} is maximized, where cost(p) is the sum of the distances from p to the nearest c points in S. We call the problem the dispersion problem with partial c sum cost, or the PcS-dispersion problem. In this paper we present two algorithms to solve the P2S-dispersion problem(c=2) if all points of P are on a line. The running times of the algorithms are O(kn2 log n) and O(n log n), respectively. We also present an algorithm to solve the PcS-dispersion problem if all points of P are on a line. The running time of the algorithm is O(knc+1).

  • On r-Gatherings on the Line

    Toshihiro AKAGI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E100-D No:3

    In this paper we study a recently proposed variant of the facility location problem, called the r-gathering problem. Given an integer r, a set C of customers, a set F of facilities, and a connecting cost co(c, f) for each pair of c ∈ C and f ∈ F, an r-gathering of customers C to facilities F is an assignment A of C to open facilities F' ⊆ F such that at least r customers are assigned to each open facility. We give an algorithm to find an r-gathering with the minimum cost, where the cost is maxc ∈ C{co(c, A(c))}, when all C and F are on the real line.

  • Distributed Optimization in Transportation and Logistics Networks Open Access

    K. Y. Michael WONG  David SAAD  Chi Ho YEUNG  


    E99-B No:11

    Many important problems in communication networks, transportation networks, and logistics networks are solved by the minimization of cost functions. In general, these can be complex optimization problems involving many variables. However, physicists noted that in a network, a node variable (such as the amount of resources of the nodes) is connected to a set of link variables (such as the flow connecting the node), and similarly each link variable is connected to a number of (usually two) node variables. This enables one to break the problem into local components, often arriving at distributive algorithms to solve the problems. Compared with centralized algorithms, distributed algorithms have the advantages of lower computational complexity, and lower communication overhead. Since they have a faster response to local changes of the environment, they are especially useful for networks with evolving conditions. This review will cover message-passing algorithms in applications such as resource allocation, transportation networks, facility location, traffic routing, and stability of power grids.

  • Faster Min-Max r-Gatherings

    Toshihiro AKAGI  Ryota ARAI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E99-A No:6

    An r-gathering of customers C to facilities F is an assignment A of C to open facilities F' ⊂ F such that r (≥ 2) or more customers are assigned to each open facility. (Each facility needs enough number of customers for its opening.) Then the r-gathering problem finds an r-gathering minimizing a designated cost. Armon gave a simple 3-approximation algorithm for the r-gathering problem and proved that with assumption P ≠ NP the problem cannot be approximated within a factor of less than 3 for any r ≥ 3. The running time of the 3-approximation algorithm is O(|C||F|+r|C|+|C|log|C|)). In this paper we improve the running time of the algorithm by (1) removing the sort in the algorithm and (2) designing a simple but efficient data structure.

  • Characterizing Output Locations of GSP Mechanisms to Obnoxious Facility Game in Trees

    Morito OOMINE  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  


    E99-D No:3

    In the obnoxious facility game with a set of agents in a space, we wish to design a mechanism, a decision-making procedure that determines a location of an undesirable facility based on locations reported by the agents, where we do not know whether the location reported by an agent is where exactly the agent exists in the space. For a location of the facility, the benefit of each agent is defined to be the distance from the location of the facility to where the agent exists. Given a mechanism, all agents are informed of how the mechanism utilizes locations reported by the agents to determine a location of the facility before they report their locations. Some agent may try to manipulate the decision of the facility location by strategically misreporting her location. As a fair decision-making, mechanisms should be designed so that no particular group of agents can get a larger benefit by misreporting their locations. A mechanism is called group strategy-proof if no subset of agents can form a group such that every member of the group can increase her benefit by misreporting her location jointly with the rest of the group. For a given mechanism, a point in the space is called a candidate if it can be output as the location of the facility by the mechanism for some set of locations reported by agents. In this paper, we consider the case where a given space is a tree metric, and characterize the group strategy-proof mechanisms in terms of distribution of all candidates in the tree metric. We prove that there exists a group strategy-proof mechanism in the tree metric if and only if the tree has a point to which every candidate has the same distance.

  • Approximation Algorithms for Multicast Routings in a Network with Multi-Sources

    Ehab MOSRY  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  


    E90-A No:5

    We consider the capacitated multi-source multicast tree routing problem (CMMTR) in an undirected graph G=(V,E) with a vertex set V, an edge set E and an edge weight w(e) ≥ 0, e ∈ E. We are given a source set S ⊆ V with a weight g(e) ≥ 0, e ∈ S, a terminal set M ⊆ V-S with a demand function q : M → R+, and a real number κ > 0, where g(s) means the cost for opening a vertex s ∈ S as a source in a multicast tree. Then the CMMTR asks to find a subset S′⊆ S, a partition {Z1,Z2,...,Zl} of M, and a set of subtrees T1,T2,...,Tl of G such that, for each i, ∑t∈Ziq(t) ≤ κ and Ti spans Zi∪{s} for some s ∈ S′. The objective is to minimize the sum of the opening cost of S′and the constructing cost of {Ti}, i.e., ∑s∈S′g(s)+w(Ti), where w(Ti) denotes the sum of weights of all edges in Ti. In this paper, we propose a (2ρUFL+ρST)-approximation algorithm to the CMMTR, where ρUFL and ρST are any approximation ratios achievable for the uncapacitated facility location and the Steiner tree problems, respectively. When all terminals have unit demands, we give a ((3/2)ρUFL+(4/3)ρST)-approximation algorithm.

  • An Optimal Material Distribution System Based on Nested Genetic Algorithm

    Chih-Chin LAI  Shing-Hwang DOONG  


    E87-D No:3

    The number and location of the inventory centers play an important role in the material distribution process since residents and inventory centers may be in dispersed regions. In this paper, we view the problem of finding the better locations for the inventory centers as an optimization problem, and propose a nested genetic algorithm (NGA) approach to design an optimal material distribution system. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by numerical experiments.

  • The Development of Software Components for Solving the Vehicle Routing and Facility Location Problems

    Masahiko SHIMOMURA  Mikio KUDO  Hiroaki MOHRI  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Approximate Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems

    E83-D No:3

    The vehicle routing and facility location fields are well-developed areas in management science and operations research application. There is an increasing recognition that effective decision-making in these fields requires the adoption of optimization software that can be embedded into a decision support system. In this paper, we describe the implementation details of our software components for solving the vehicle routing and facility location problems.