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[Keyword] magnet(669hit)


  • Approximate Formulas for Shielding Effectiveness of an Infinite Planar Shield for Dipole Fields

    Yoshifumi AMEMIYA  Takashi YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E81-B No:11

    This paper presents a relationship between the near-field shielding effectiveness (SE) and the far-field SE of an infinite planar shield for dipole fields. The penetration fields through the shield and the near-field SE are deduced analytically from an explicit integral expression based on certain assumptions. They further give us approximate formulas for the near-field SE. The near-field SE depends on not only wavelength and material used, but also on the distance r from a source to an observation point through the shield, the source type (magnetic dipole or electric dipole) and the orientation (vertical or horizontal to the shield face) in general. The results we obtained are as follows. The near-field SE for magnetic dipole fields vertical to the shield face is the same as that horizontal to the shield face, and their absolute values equal that of the far-field SE multiplied by k0r/3 (k0 is the wave number). The near-field SE for electric dipole fields vertical to the shield face doubles that horizontal to the shield face, and the absolute value of the latter equals that of the far-fields SE divided by k0r. The validity of the assumptions used to obtain the approximate formulas are examined. The range of r (an application range), over which the difference between the approximate value and the true value is under 1 dB, is determined, where the former value is calculated by the approximate formula of the SE and the latter value is etsimated by direct integration of the related integral expression. For instance, an application range of the approximate formula for magnetic dipole fields vertical to the shield face is from larger one of 50δ and 33µrδ to 0. 11λ0, where µr is specific permeability, δ is skin depth of the shielding material used and λ0 is wavelength in the free space.

  • Error Rate Performance of Trellis Coded PR4ML System for Digital Magnetic Recording Channel with Partial Erasure

    Hidetoshi SAITO  Masaichi TAKAI  Yoshihiro OKAMOTO  Hisashi OSAWA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks/Signal Processing/Information Storage

    E81-A No:10

    In general, the performance of partial response maximum-likelihood (PRML) system is degraded by nonlinear distortion and high frequency noise in high-density digital magnetic recording. Conventional PRML system for single-track recording improves the performance when high order PRML systems and high rate codes are adopted. But, in general it is difficult to realize LSI circuits for high order PRML system and high rate code. In this paper, a trellis coded class four partial response maximum-likelihood (TC-PR4ML) system for high density two-track digital magnetic recording is proposed. Our two-track recording method can increase the coding rate over 1, which contributes to a decrease in both degradation effects from partial erasure, one of nonlinear distortions, and high frequency noise in high density recording. The error rate performance of the proposed system is obtained by computer simulation taking account of the partial erasure and it is compared with that of a conventional NRZ coded class four partial response maximum-likelihood (NRZ-PR4ML) system. The results show that the proposed system is hardly affected by partial erasure and keeps good performance in high density recording.

  • An Efficient Finite Element-Integral Equation Method for Electromagnetic Scattering from Metallic Cylinders with Arbitrary Cross Sections

    Fengchao XIAO  Hatsuo YABE  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:10

    An efficient finite element-integral equation method is presented for calculating scattered fields from conducting objects. By combining the integral equation solution with the finite element method, this formulation allows a finite element computational domain terminated very closely to the scatterer and thus results in the decrease of the resultant matrix size. Furthermore, we employ a new integral approach to establish the boundary condition on the finite element terminating surface. The expansion of the fields on the integration contour is not related to the fields on the terminating surface, hence we obtain an explicit expression of the boundary condition on the terminating surface. Using this explicit boundary condition with the finite element solution, our method substantially improves the computational efficiency and relaxes the computer memory requirements. Only one matrix inversion is needed through our formulation and the generation and storing of a full matrix is not necessary as compared with the conventional hybrid finite element methods. The validity and accuracy of the formulation are checked by some numerical solutions of scattering from two-dimensional metallic cylinders, which are compared with the results of other methods and/or measured data.

  • Generation of the Standard EM Fields with Arbitrary Wave Impedance at the Center of a TEM Cell

    Jae-Hoon YUN  Hyuck-Jae LEE  Jung-Ki KIM  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E81-B No:6

    A technique for generating the standard EM fields with arbitrary wave impedance at the center of a TEM cell is proposed in this letter. We can realize the experimental system and obtain the measured results to agree well with the calculated results. This technique is useful for the EMS test and the calibration of EM probe because the wave impedance can be easily adjusted only with step attenuator.

  • Magnetic Tape Deformation due to Wear Debris and Its Influence on Spacing Loss

    Takashi YOSHIZAWA  


    E81-C No:3

    The tape deformation due to such particles as wear debris and dust in the head/tape contact region is one of the main causes of the signal quality deterioration in magnetic tape devices. Thus it is significant to make clear the tape deformation due to a particle for realizing higher recording densities. This paper investigates the tape deformation profile generated by a particle through an interferometric experiment and a simulation using a point loaded tape model. A rather good agreement between them is obtained, thereby the simulation is verified appropriate to estimate the tape deformation due to a particle. This paper also describes the relationship between the spacing loss and the particle height, considering the tape deformation profile obtained from the simulation. In addition, the influence of the particle height on the width of the tape deformed area is estimated, which can make a basis of the design of error correction code.

  • Lubricant Design for Contact Recording Systems

    Masahiro YANAGISAWA  Akinobu SATO  Ken AJIKI  


    E81-C No:3

    Contact recording systems have been studied for future magnetic recording disks with a high recording density. Tribological key technologies for ultra-low spacing and high wear performance are required for the contact systems. Particularly, a liquid lubrication system plays an important roll for reducing a mechanical spacing and improving wear performances. However, a lubrication design concept for contact recording systems is not established. In this study, molecular design of lubricants for contact systems will be discussed from a viewpoint of bouncing and wear behaviors. As a result, a minimum bouncing height of 3 nm and a high wear performance were obtained for ion-etched contact sliders by the optimization of design parameters, i. e. pad design and lubricant material.

  • On the Hilberts Technique for Use in Diffraction Problems Described in Terms of Bicomplex Mathematics

    Masahiro HASHIMOTO  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:2

    It is shown from the Hilberts theory that if the real function Π(θ) has no zeros over the interval [0, 2π], it can be factorized into a product of the factor π+(θ) and its complex conjugate π-(θ)(=). This factorization is tested to decompose a real far-zone field pattern having zeros. To this end, the factorized factors are described in terms of bicomplex mathematics. In our bicomplex mathematics, the temporal imaginary unit "j" is newly defined to distinguish from the spatial imaginary unit i, both of which satisfy i2=-1 and j2=-1.

  • H-Polarized Diffraction by a Wedge Consisting of Perfect Conductor and Lossless Dielectric

    Se-Yun KIM  


    E80-C No:11

    The H-polarized diffraction by a wedge consisting of perfect conductor and lossless dielectric is investigated by employing the dual integral equations. Its physical optics diffraction coefficients are expressed in a finite series of cotangent functions weighted by the Fresnel reflection coefficients. A correction rule is extracted from the difference between the diffraction coefficients of the physical optics field and those of the exact solution to a perfectly conducting wedge. The angular period of the cotangent functions is changed to satisfy the edge condition at the tip of the wedge, and the poles of the cotangent functions are relocated to cancel out the incident field in the artificially complementary region. Numerical results assure that the presented correction is highly effective for reducing the error posed in the physical optics solution.

  • Analysis of Electromagnetic Field inside Equipment Housing with an Aperture

    Hiroaki KOGURE  Hideki NAKANO  Kohji KOSHIJI  Eimei SHU  


    E80-B No:11

    This paper presents a method of analyzing the electromagnetic field inside an equipment housing. The electromagnetic field is assumed to be coming from outside and coupled into the housing through an aperture on the housing surface. The analysis is based on the transmission-line modeling method. Results of the analysis show a good agreement with the results of measurement. Also, it is found that the coupling through the aperture shows peaks at some frequencies that depend almost only on the structure of the housing and aperture and, therefore, can be estimated at the time of equipment design.

  • Time-Frequency Analysis of Scattering Data Using the Wavelet Transform

    Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  


    E80-C No:11

    Scattering data from radar targets are analyzed in the time-frequency domain by using wavelet transform, and the scattering mechanisms are investigated. The wavelet transform used here is a powerful tool for the analysis of scattering data, because it can provide better insights into scattering mechanisms that are not immediately apparent in either the time or frequency domain. First, two types of wavelet transforms that are applied to the time domain data and to the frequency domain data are defined, and the multi-resolution characteristics of them are discussed. Next, the scattering data from a conducting cylinder, two parallel conducting cylinders, a parallel-plate waveguide cavity, and a rectangular cavity in the underground are analyzed by using these wavelet transforms to reveal the scattering mechanisms. In the resulting time-frequency displays, the scattering mechanisms including specular reflection, creeping wave, resonance, and dispersion are clearly observed and identified.

  • Integral Kernel Expansion Method on Scattering of Magnetostatic Forward Volume Waves by Metal Strip Array

    Ning GUAN  Ken'ichiro YASHIRO  Sumio OHKAWA  


    E80-C No:11

    The integral kernel expansion method is applied to an analysis of scattering of magnetostatic forward volume waves (MSFVWs) by an array with any number of metal strips. In this method, first the integral kernel of the Fourier integral is expanded in terms of orthogonal polynomials to obtain moment equations. Then a system of algebraic equations is derived by applying the Galerkin's method. In the process, interaction between strips is naturally taken into account and real current distributions on the strips are determined such that boundary conditions are satisfied. Calculus confirmation through the energy conservation principle shows that numerical results are quite satisfactory. A comparison shows that theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental ones except the vicinity of lower and upper limits of the MSFVW band. It is shown that an infinite number of propagation modes is excited even if a wave of single mode is incident. Dependence of the scattering on dimension of arrays and on frequency and mode of an incident wave is obtained.

  • Evaluation of High-Tc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device with Alternating Current Bias DOIT and Additional Positive Feedback

    Akira ADACHI  


    E80-C No:10

    This study shows the results of evaluating the flux noises at low frequency when the alternating current(AC) bias direct offset integrated technique(DOIT) with additional positive feedback (APF) is used in a high-Tc dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The AC-bias DOIT can reduce low-frequency noise without increasing the level of white noise because each operating point in the two voltage-flux characteristics with AC bias can always be optimum on the magnetometer in the high-Tc dc-SQUID. APF can improve the effective flux-to-voltage transfer function so that it can reduce the equivalent flux noise due to the voltage noise of the preamplifier in the magnetometer. The use of APF combined with the AC-bias DOIT reduced the noise of the magnetometer by factors of 1.5 (33µΦ0/Hz vs. 50 µΦ0/Hz) at100 Hz, 3.5 (43 µΦ0/Hz vs. 150 µΦ0/Hz) at 10 Hz, and 5.2 (67 µΦ0/Hz vs. 351 µΦ0/Hz) at 1 Hz as compared with the noise levels that were obtained with the static-current-bias DOIT. The contribution of the factors at 1 Hz is about 2 by APF and 2.6 by AC bias. The performance of improving the flux noise in the AC -bias DOIT with APF is almost equal to that of the flux locked loop (FLL) circuits in which the flux modulation uses a coupling system with a transformer and with the AC bias.

  • GMR and Characterization of Microstructures in Ion-Beam Cosputtered CoAg Granular Films

    Hai SANG  Gang NI  ShuiYuan ZHANG  YouWei DU  SaiPeng WONG  Ning KE  WingYiu CHEUNG  


    E80-C No:9

    A series of CoxAg1-x (0x100at.%) granular films were prepared using the ion-beam cosputtering technique at different substrate temperatures. Systematic investigations have been carried out on the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect and characterization of microstructures of these samples. The magnetoresistance ratio depends strongly on cobalt concentration, substrate temperature, and annealing treatment. The optimal value of GMR was observed in Co22Ag78 sample prepared at the temperature of 300 K. Microstructures of as-deposited and annealed samples were characterized by structural analyses. For Co22Ag78 sample, real-time in situ observation by TEM together with FMR spectra indicates that the size and shape of cobalt granules evolve primarily along the film plane during annealing. The results of FMR also provide that the cobalt granules remain single-domain particles after annealing at temperatures up to 700 K.

  • A Study on Key Technologies to Realize Magneto-Optical Storage of Over 7 GBytes in CD Sized Disk

    Kenji TORAZAWA  Satoshi SUMI  Seiji YONEZAWA  Naomi SUZUKI  Yasuhito TANAKA  Akira TAKAHASHI  Yoshiteru MURAKAMI  Norio OHTA  


    E80-C No:9

    Recently, many types of high-density recording technologies for future MO (Magneto-Optical) storage have been reported. MSR (Magnetically Induced Super Resolution) technology is one of the most promising candidates, and over ten types of MSR technologies have been already proposed. However, they are not well-discussed from the viewpoint of total recording technology which would include the recording and readout methods, the pick-up technology and the signal processing technology. Key technologies for realizing MO storage of over 7 GBytes in a CD-sized disk using a red laser are proposed, and the experimental results pertaining to each key technology are described. The write/read characteristics were examined for the CAD (Center Aperture Detection)-MSR disk. From the characteristics of the CAD-MSR disk combined with laser pumped magnetic field modulation recording, it was shown that land/groove (0.7 µm width) recording with the linear density of 0.27 µm/bit and track pitch below 0.7 µm can be realized. It was also shown that CAD-MSR disk is well combined with an OSR (Optical Super Resolution) pick up, laser pumped read-out and PRML (Partial Response Maximum Likelihood) technologies which are very useful to achieve a high density MO disk. Using CAD-MSR disk combined with above technologies together, high density write/read with a bit length of 0.2 µm and a track pitch of 0.6 µm should be realized with using the laser of 635 nm wavelength. Applying the CAD-MSR disks to a CD sized MO disk, the capacity becomes over 7 GBytes (Format efficiency: 80%), which is 20 times higher than 5.25 inches MO disk and 1.5 times than DVD-ROM.

  • Experimental Study of Nonlinear Transition Shift in Perpendicular Magnetic Recording with Single-Pole Head

    Hiroaki MURAOKA  Yoshihisa NAKAMURA  


    E80-C No:9

    Nonlinear phenomena in perpendicular magnetic recording employing a single-pole head and a double-layered medium were investigated. First, measurement of linear superposition in the time domain indicated than the amount of nonlinear transition shift (NLTS) was less than 10 nm. It was concluded that the nonlinearity was caused by transition shift, not by waveform distortion. By interpreting the results, we proved that the NLTS was strongly related with head field gradient and interference field from recorded magnetization. Dependence on head parameter was examined by experiments. Based on the results, a single-pole head with which transition shift can be reduced was proposed. Pseudo-random sequence analysis revealed that NLTS was several percent even at 318 kFRPI, or at a bit interval of 80 nm, which agreed with the result of measurement of linear superposition in the time domain analysis. Experiments showed that NLTS increases the shortest bit length, in contrast with the case of longitudinal recording.

  • SNR Evaluation of Punctured Convolutional Coded PR4ML System in Digital Magnetic Recording with Partial Erasure Effect

    Yoshihiro OKAMOTO  Minoru SOUMA  Shin TOMIMOTO  Hidetoshi SAITO  Hisashi OSAWA  


    E80-C No:9

    A punctured convolutional coded PR4ML system for digital magnetic recording, which applies a punctured coding method to the convolutional code and records the punctured code sequences on two tracks, is proposed. In this study, the bit error rate performance of the proposed system is obtained by computer simulation taking account of partial erasure, which is one of the nonlinear distortions at high densities, and it is compared with those of a conventional 8/9 coded PR4ML system and an I-NRZI coded PR4ML system. The results show that the proposed system is hardly affected by partial erasure and exhibits good performance in high-density recording. A bit error rate of 10-4 can be achieved with SNR's of approximately 13.2 dB and 9.1 dB less than those of the conventional 8/9 coded and I-NRZI coded PR4ML systems, respectively, at a normalized linear density of 3.

  • Time Dependence of Magnetic Properties in Perpendicular Recording Media

    Naoki HONDA  Kazuhiro OUCHI  


    E80-C No:9

    Time decay of magnetic properties in perpendicular magnetic recording media was studied. It was suggested that magnetization in media with a low energy ratio, KV/kT, of 50 is thermally stable in the absence of a demagnetizing field while coercivity exhibits a large time dependence. Magnetization in perpendicular recording media exhibited an appreciable time decay even for films with a large energy ratio of 300. The decay is attributed to the small perpendicular squareness due to a large perpendicular demagnetizing field acting in the media. The recording density dependence of the time decay in the output was explained in terms of the change in the demagnetizing field with the density. It is concluded that the use of media with large squareness as well as large energy ratio effectively reduces time decay in the output.

  • Novel Electronic Properties on Ferroelectric/ferromagnetic Heterostructures

    Hitoshi TABATA  Tomoji KAWAI  

    PAPER-Novel Concept Devices

    E80-C No:7

    We have constructed a new concept device with combination of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials by a laser ablation technique. An ideal hetero-epitaxy can be obtained owing to the similar crystal structure of perovskite type ferroelectric Pb (Zr, Ti) O3; (so called PZT) and ferromagnetic (La, Sr) MnO3. The ferromagnetic (La, Sr) MnO3 compounds are well known for their colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) properties. The CMR effect is strongly affected by the lattice stress. The PZT, on the other hand, is famous for its large piezoelectrics. We can introduce the lattice stress easily by applying voltage for the piezoelectric compounds. In the heterostructured ferromagnetic/ferroelectric devices, there are remarkable interesting phenomena. Electric properties of the ferromagnetic material can be controlled by piezoelectric effect via distortion of crystal structure.

  • A Uniform Asymptotic Expression for the Function Arising in the Wedge Scattering Problem

    Masao KODAMA  Hideomi TAKAHASHI  Kengo TAIRA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E80-C No:6

    Scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave by a conducting wedge will be discussed. The former solution can not be applicable to all the transition regions when its parameter is constant. This study shows a new solution which consists of only one expression applicable to the shadow region, the illuminated region and the transition regions, and which has no parameter.

  • Switching Converter Using Thin-Film Microtransformer with Monolithically Integrated Rectifier Diodes

    Masato MINO  Toshiaki YACHI  Keiichi YANAGISAWA  Akio TAGO  Kazuhiko SAKAKIBARA  


    E80-C No:6

    Our compact switching converter using a thin-film microtransformer mono-lithically integrated with rectifier diodes represents the first step in developing a monolithic micro-switching converter that can be integrated with semiconductor devices and magnetic components. This converter is a single-ended forward converter with resonant reset and operates successfully at 15 MHz. The maximum output power is 0.5 W.
