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  • New Model of Flaming Phenomena in On-Line Social Networks Caused by Degenerated Oscillation Modes

    Takahiro KUBO  Chisa TAKANO  Masaki AIDA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:8

    The explosive dynamics present in on-line social networks, typically represented by flaming phenomena, can have a serious impact on not only the sustainable operation of information networks but also on activities in the real world. In order to counter the flaming phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the mechanism underlying the generation of the flaming phenomena within an engineering framework. This paper discusses a new model of the generating mechanism of the flaming phenomena. Our previous study has shown that the cause of flaming phenomena can, by reference to an oscillation model on networks, be understood complex eigenvalues of the matrix formed to describe oscillating phenomena. In this paper, we show that the flaming phenomena can occur due to coupling between degenerated oscillation modes even if all the eigenvalues are real numbers. In addition, we investigate the generation process of flaming phenomena with respect to the initial phases of the degenerated oscillation modes.

  • Sparse Random Block-Banded Toeplitz Matrix for Compressive Sensing

    Xiao XUE  Song XIAO  Hongping GAN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:8

    In compressive sensing theory (CS), the restricted isometry property (RIP) is commonly used for the measurement matrix to guarantee the reliable recovery of sparse signals from linear measurements. Although many works have indicated that random matrices with excellent recovery performance satisfy the RIP with high probability, Toeplitz-structured matrices arise naturally in real scenarios, such as applications of linear time-invariant systems. Thus, the corresponding measurement matrix can be modeled as a Toeplitz (partial) structured matrix instead of a completely random matrix. The structure characteristics introduce coherence and cause the performance degradation of the measurement matrix. To enhance the recovery performance of the Toeplitz structured measurement matrix in multichannel convolution source separation, an efficient construction of measurement matrix is presented, referred to as sparse random block-banded Toeplitz matrix (SRBT). The sparse signal is pre-randomized by locally scrambling its sample locations. Then, the signal is subsampled using the sparse random banded matrix. Finally, the mixing measurements are obtained. Based on the analysis of eigenvalues, the theoretical results indicate that the SRBT matrix satisfies the RIP with high probability. Simulation results show that the SRBT matrix almost matches the recovery performance of random matrices. Compared with the existing banded block Toeplitz matrix, SRBT significantly improves the probability of successful recovery. Additionally, SRBT has the advantages of low storage requirements and fast computation in reconstruction.

  • Extended Beamforming by Sum and Difference Composite Co-Array for Real-Valued Signals

    Sho IWAZAKI  Koichi ICHIGE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:7

    We have developed a novel array configuration based on the combination of sum and difference co-arrays. There have been many studies on array antenna configurations that enhance the degree of freedom (DOF) of an array, but the maximum DOF of the difference co-array configuration is often limited. With our proposed array configuration, called “sum and difference composite co-array”, we aim to further enhance the DOF by combining the concept of sum co-array and difference co-array. The performance of the proposed array configuration is evaluated through computer simulated beamforming*.

  • Design of High-Rate Polar-LDGM Codes for Relay Satellite Communications

    Bin DUO  Junsong LUO  Yong FANG  Yong JIA  Xiaoling ZHONG  Haiyan JIN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:6

    A high-rate coding scheme that polar codes are concatenated with low density generator matrix (LDGM) codes is proposed in this paper. The scheme, referred to as polar-LDGM (PLG) codes, can boost the convergence speed of polar codes and eliminate the error floor behavior of LDGM codes significantly, while retaining the low encoding and decoding complexity. With a sensibly designed Gaussian approximation (GA), we can accurately predict the theoretical performance of PLG codes. The numerical results show that PLG codes have the potential to approach the capacity limit and avoid error floors effectively. Moreover, the encoding complexity is lower than the existing LDPC coded system. This motives the application of powerful PLG codes to satellite communications in which message transmission must be extremely reliable. Therefore, an adaptive relaying protocol (ARP) based on PLG codes for the relay satellite system is proposed. In ARP, the relay transmission is selectively switched to match the channel conditions, which are determined by an error detector. If no errors are detected, the relay satellite in cooperation with the source satellite only needs to forward a portion of the decoded message to the destination satellite. It is proved that the proposed scheme can remarkably improve the error probability performance. Simulation results illustrate the advantages of the proposed scheme

  • Density of Pooling Matrices vs. Sparsity of Signals for Group Testing Problems

    Jin-Taek SEONG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:5

    In this paper, we consider a group testing (GT) problem. We derive a lower bound on the probability of error for successful decoding of defected binary signals. To this end, we exploit Fano's inequality theorem in the information theory. We show that the probability of error is bounded as an entropy function, a density of a pooling matrix and a sparsity of a binary signal. We evaluate that for decoding of highly sparse signals, the pooling matrix is required to be dense. Conversely, if dense signals are needed to decode, the sparse pooling matrix should be designed to achieve the small probability of error.

  • 2-D DOA Estimation Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning for L-Shaped Nested Array

    Lu CHEN  Daping BI  Jifei PAN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:5

    In sparsity-based optimization problems for two dimensional (2-D) direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation using L-shaped nested arrays, one of the major issues is computational complexity. A 2-D DOA estimation algorithm is proposed based on reconsitution sparse Bayesian learning (RSBL) and cross covariance matrix decomposition. A single measurement vector (SMV) model is obtained by the difference coarray corresponding to one-dimensional nested array. Through spatial smoothing, the signal measurement vector is transformed into a multiple measurement vector (MMV) matrix. The signal matrix is separated by singular values decomposition (SVD) of the matrix. Using this method, the dimensionality of the sensing matrix and data size can be reduced. The sparse Bayesian learning algorithm is used to estimate one-dimensional angles. By using the one-dimensional angle estimations, the steering vector matrix is reconstructed. The cross covariance matrix of two dimensions is decomposed and transformed. Then the closed expression of the steering vector matrix of another dimension is derived, and the angles are estimated. Automatic pairing can be achieved in two dimensions. Through the proposed algorithm, the 2-D search problem is transformed into a one-dimensional search problem and a matrix transformation problem. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm has better angle estimation accuracy than the traditional two-dimensional direction finding algorithm at low signal-to-noise ratio and few samples.

  • Detecting Communities and Correlated Attribute Clusters on Multi-Attributed Graphs

    Hiroyoshi ITO  Takahiro KOMAMIZU  Toshiyuki AMAGASA  Hiroyuki KITAGAWA  


    E102-D No:4

    Multi-attributed graphs, in which each node is characterized by multiple types of attributes, are ubiquitous in the real world. Detection and characterization of communities of nodes could have a significant impact on various applications. Although previous studies have attempted to tackle this task, it is still challenging due to difficulties in the integration of graph structures with multiple attributes and the presence of noises in the graphs. Therefore, in this study, we have focused on clusters of attribute values and strong correlations between communities and attribute-value clusters. The graph clustering methodology adopted in the proposed study involves Community detection, Attribute-value clustering, and deriving Relationships between communities and attribute-value clusters (CAR for short). Based on these concepts, the proposed multi-attributed graph clustering is modeled as CAR-clustering. To achieve CAR-clustering, a novel algorithm named CARNMF is developed based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) that can detect CAR in a cooperative manner. Results obtained from experiments using real-world datasets show that the CARNMF can detect communities and attribute-value clusters more accurately than existing comparable methods. Furthermore, clustering results obtained using the CARNMF indicate that CARNMF can successfully detect informative communities with meaningful semantic descriptions through correlations between communities and attribute-value clusters.

  • Learning in Two-Player Matrix Games by Policy Gradient Lagging Anchor

    Shiyao DING  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    LETTER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E102-A No:4

    It is known that policy gradient algorithm can not guarantee the convergence to a Nash equilibrium in mixed policies when it is applied in matrix games. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithm called a policy gradient lagging anchor (PGLA) algorithm. And we prove that the agents' policies can converge to a Nash equilibrium in mixed policies by using the PGLA algorithm in two-player two-action matrix games. By simulation, we confirm the convergence and also show that the PGLA algorithm has a better convergence than the LR-I lagging anchor algorithm.

  • Learning of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Models for Inconsistent Resolution Dataset Analysis

    Masahiro KOHJIMA  Tatsushi MATSUBAYASHI  Hiroshi SAWADA  


    E102-D No:4

    Due to the need to protect personal information and the impracticality of exhaustive data collection, there is increasing need to deal with datasets with various levels of granularity, such as user-individual data and user-group data. In this study, we propose a new method for jointly analyzing multiple datasets with different granularity. The proposed method is a probabilistic model based on nonnegative matrix factorization, which is derived by introducing latent variables that indicate the high-resolution data underlying the low-resolution data. Experiments on purchase logs show that the proposed method has a better performance than the existing methods. Furthermore, by deriving an extension of the proposed method, we show that the proposed method is a new fundamental approach for analyzing datasets with different granularity.

  • Network Resonance Method: Estimating Network Structure from the Resonance of Oscillation Dynamics Open Access

    Satoshi FURUTANI  Chisa TAKANO  Masaki AIDA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:4

    Spectral graph theory, based on the adjacency matrix or the Laplacian matrix that represents the network topology and link weights, provides a useful approach for analyzing network structure. However, in large scale and complex social networks, since it is difficult to completely know the network topology and link weights, we cannot determine the components of these matrices directly. To solve this problem, we propose a method for indirectly determining the Laplacian matrix by estimating its eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the resonance of oscillation dynamics on networks.

  • NFRR: A Novel Family Relationship Recognition Algorithm Based on Telecom Social Network Spectrum

    Kun NIU  Haizhen JIAO  Cheng CHENG  Huiyang ZHANG  Xiao XU  


    E102-D No:4

    There are different types of social ties among people, and recognizing specialized types of relationship, such as family or friend, has important significance. It can be applied to personal credit, criminal investigation, anti-terrorism and many other business scenarios. So far, some machine learning algorithms have been used to establish social relationship inferencing models, such as Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayesian and so on. Although these algorithms discover family members in some context, they still suffer from low accuracy, parameter sensitive, and weak robustness. In this work, we develop a Novel Family Relationship Recognition (NFRR) algorithm on telecom dataset for identifying one's family members from its contact list. In telecom dataset, all attributes are divided into three series, temporal, spatial and behavioral. First, we discover the most probable places of residence and workplace by statistical models, then we aggregate data and select the top-ranked contacts as the user's intimate contacts. Next, we establish Relational Spectrum Matrix (RSM) of each user and its intimate contacts to form communication feature. Then we search the user's nearest neighbors in labelled training set and generate its Specialized Family Spectrum (SFS). Finally, we decide family relationship by comparing the similarity between RSM of intimate contacts and the SFS. We conduct complete experiments to exhibit effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and experimental results also show that it has a lower complexity.

  • Information Propagation Analysis of Social Network Using the Universality of Random Matrix

    Yusuke SAKUMOTO  Tsukasa KAMEYAMA  Chisa TAKANO  Masaki AIDA  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E102-B No:2

    Spectral graph theory gives an algebraic approach to the analysis of the dynamics of a network by using the matrix that represents the network structure. However, it is not easy for social networks to apply the spectral graph theory because the matrix elements cannot be given exactly to represent the structure of a social network. The matrix element should be set on the basis of the relationship between persons, but the relationship cannot be quantified accurately from obtainable data (e.g., call history and chat history). To get around this problem, we utilize the universality of random matrices with the feature of social networks. As such a random matrix, we use the normalized Laplacian matrix for a network where link weights are randomly given. In this paper, we first clarify that the universality (i.e., the Wigner semicircle law) of the normalized Laplacian matrix appears in the eigenvalue frequency distribution regardless of the link weight distribution. Then, we analyze the information propagation speed by using the spectral graph theory and the universality of the normalized Laplacian matrix. As a result, we show that the worst-case speed of the information propagation changes up to twice if the structure (i.e., relationship among people) of a social network changes.

  • Independent Low-Rank Matrix Analysis Based on Generalized Kullback-Leibler Divergence Open Access

    Shinichi MOGAMI  Yoshiki MITSUI  Norihiro TAKAMUNE  Daichi KITAMURA  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  Yu TAKAHASHI  Kazunobu KONDO  Hiroaki NAKAJIMA  Hirokazu KAMEOKA  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E102-A No:2

    In this letter, we propose a new blind source separation method, independent low-rank matrix analysis based on generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence. This method assumes a time-frequency-varying complex Poisson distribution as the source generative model, which yields convex optimization in the spectrogram estimation. The experimental evaluation confirms the proposed method's efficacy.

  • On the Separating Redundancy of the Duals of First-Order Generalized Reed-Muller Codes

    Haiyang LIU  Yan LI  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:1

    The separating redundancy is an important property in the analysis of the error-and-erasure decoding of a linear block code. In this work, we investigate the separating redundancy of the duals of first-order generalized Reed-Muller (GRM) codes, a class of nonbinary linear block codes that have nice algebraic properties. The dual of a first-order GRM code can be specified by two positive integers m and q and denoted by R(m,q), where q is the power of a prime number and q≠2. We determine the first separating redundancy value of R(m,q) for any m and q. We also determine the second separating redundancy values of R(m,q) for any q and m=1 and 2. For m≥3, we set up a binary integer linear programming problem, the optimum of which gives a lower bound on the second separating redundancy of R(m,q).

  • Online Antenna-Pulse Selection for STAP by Exploiting Structured Covariance Matrix

    Fengde JIA  Zishu HE  Yikai WANG  Ruiyang LI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose an online antenna-pulse selection method in space time adaptive processing, while maintaining considerable performance and low computational complexity. The proposed method considers the antenna-pulse selection and covariance matrix estimation at the same time by exploiting the structured clutter covariance matrix. Such prior knowledge can enhance the covariance matrix estimation accuracy and thus can provide a better objective function for antenna-pulse selection. Simulations also validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Measuring Lost Packets with Minimum Counters in Traffic Matrix Estimation

    Kohei WATABE  Toru MANO  Takeru INOUE  Kimihiro MIZUTANI  Osamu AKASHI  Kenji NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:1

    Traffic matrix (TM) estimation has been extensively studied for decades. Although conventional estimation techniques assume that traffic volumes are unchanged between origins and destinations, packets are often lost on a path due to traffic burstiness, silent failures, etc. Counting every path at every link, we could easily get the traffic volumes with their change, but this approach significantly increases the measurement cost since counters are usually implemented using expensive memory structures like a SRAM. This paper proposes a mathematical model to estimate TMs including volume changes. The method is established on a Boolean fault localization technique; the technique requires fewer counters as it simply determines whether each link is lossy. This paper extends the Boolean technique so as to deal with traffic volumes with error bounds that requires only a few counters. In our method, the estimation errors can be controlled through parameter settings, while the minimum-cost counter placement is determined with submodular optimization. Numerical experiments are conducted with real network datasets to evaluate our method.

  • Parametric Models for Mutual Kernel Matrix Completion

    Rachelle RIVERO  Tsuyoshi KATO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E101-D No:12

    Recent studies utilize multiple kernel learning to deal with incomplete-data problem. In this study, we introduce new methods that do not only complete multiple incomplete kernel matrices simultaneously, but also allow control of the flexibility of the model by parameterizing the model matrix. By imposing restrictions on the model covariance, overfitting of the data is avoided. A limitation of kernel matrix estimations done via optimization of an objective function is that the positive definiteness of the result is not guaranteed. In view of this limitation, our proposed methods employ the LogDet divergence, which ensures the positive definiteness of the resulting inferred kernel matrix. We empirically show that our proposed restricted covariance models, employed with LogDet divergence, yield significant improvements in the generalization performance of previous completion methods.

  • A Spectrum Sensing Algorithm for OFDM Signal Based on Deep Learning and Covariance Matrix Graph

    Mengbo ZHANG  Lunwen WANG  Yanqing FENG  Haibo YIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:12

    Spectrum sensing is the first task performed by cognitive radio (CR) networks. In this paper we propose a spectrum sensing algorithm for orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) signal based on deep learning and covariance matrix graph. The advantage of deep learning in image processing is applied to the spectrum sensing of OFDM signals. We start by building the spectrum sensing model of OFDM signal, and then analyze structural characteristics of covariance matrix (CM). Once CM has been normalized and transformed into a gray level representation, the gray scale map of covariance matrix (GSM-CM) is established. Then, the convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed based on the LeNet-5 network, which is used to learn the training data to obtain more abstract features hierarchically. Finally, the test data is input into the trained spectrum sensing network model, based on which spectrum sensing of OFDM signals is completed. Simulation results show that this method can complete the spectrum sensing task by taking advantage of the GSM-CM model, which has better spectrum sensing performance for OFDM signals under low SNR than existing methods.

  • Recovery Performance of IHT and HTP Algorithms under General Perturbations

    Xiaobo ZHANG  Wenbo XU  Yupeng CUI  Jiaru LIN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:10

    In compressed sensing, most previous researches have studied the recovery performance of a sparse signal x based on the acquired model y=Φx+n, where n denotes the noise vector. There are also related studies for general perturbation environment, i.e., y=(Φ+E)x+n, where E is the measurement perturbation. IHT and HTP algorithms are the classical algorithms for sparse signal reconstruction in compressed sensing. Under the general perturbations, this paper derive the required sufficient conditions and the error bounds of IHT and HTP algorithms.

  • Designing Coded Aperture Camera Based on PCA and NMF for Light Field Acquisition

    Yusuke YAGI  Keita TAKAHASHI  Toshiaki FUJII  Toshiki SONODA  Hajime NAGAHARA  


    E101-D No:9

    A light field, which is often understood as a set of dense multi-view images, has been utilized in various 2D/3D applications. Efficient light field acquisition using a coded aperture camera is the target problem considered in this paper. Specifically, the entire light field, which consists of many images, should be reconstructed from only a few images that are captured through different aperture patterns. In previous work, this problem has often been discussed from the context of compressed sensing (CS), where sparse representations on a pre-trained dictionary or basis are explored to reconstruct the light field. In contrast, we formulated this problem from the perspective of principal component analysis (PCA) and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), where only a small number of basis vectors are selected in advance based on the analysis of the training dataset. From this formulation, we derived optimal non-negative aperture patterns and a straight-forward reconstruction algorithm. Even though our method is based on conventional techniques, it has proven to be more accurate and much faster than a state-of-the-art CS-based method.
