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  • Unsupervised Learning of Continuous Density HMM for Variable-Length Spoken Unit Discovery

    Meng SUN  Hugo VAN HAMME  Yimin WANG  Xiongwei ZHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:1

    Unsupervised spoken unit discovery or zero-source speech recognition is an emerging research topic which is important for spoken document analysis of languages or dialects with little human annotation. In this paper, we extend our earlier joint training framework for unsupervised learning of discrete density HMM to continuous density HMM (CDHMM) and apply it to spoken unit discovery. In the proposed recipe, we first cluster a group of Gaussians which then act as initializations to the joint training framework of nonnegative matrix factorization and semi-continuous density HMM (SCDHMM). In SCDHMM, all the hidden states share the same group of Gaussians but with different mixture weights. A CDHMM is subsequently constructed by tying the top-N activated Gaussians to each hidden state. Baum-Welch training is finally conducted to update the parameters of the Gaussians, mixture weights and HMM transition probabilities. Experiments were conducted on word discovery from TIDIGITS and phone discovery from TIMIT. For TIDIGITS, units were modeled by 10 states which turn out to be strongly related to words; while for TIMIT, units were modeled by 3 states which are likely to be phonemes.

  • A Novel Directional Coupler Loaded with Feedback Capacitances and Its Applications

    Motomi ABE  Yukihiro TAHARA  Tetsu OWADA  Naofumi YONEDA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E99-C No:1

    A novel directional coupler loaded with feedback capacitances on the coupled lines is presented. Its effect of enhancing the coupling is qualitatively shown by deriving an equation for the coupling. Besides, a method to compensate for the phase difference between the even and odd modes of the coupler is presented. To demonstrate, a novel tandem 3-dB coupler consisting of the proposed coupled lines is designed and described. In addition, a waveguide (rectangular coaxial line) 8×8 HYB matrix using planar double-layer structure that is composed of the proposed tandem 3-dB couplers and branch-line couplers, which is operated in S-band, is designed and fabricated showing excellent performance.

  • The Depth Spectra of Linear Codes over F2+uF2+u2F2

    Ting YAO  Minjia SHI  Ya CHEN  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E99-A No:1

    In this article, we investigate the depth distribution and the depth spectra of linear codes over the ring R=F2+uF2+u2F2, where u3=1. By using homomorphism of abelian groups from R to F2 and the generator matrices of linear codes over R, the depth spectra of linear codes of type 8k14k22k3 are obtained. We also give the depth distribution of a linear code C over R. Finally, some examples are presented to illustrate our obtained results.

  • Improved Semi-Supervised NMF Based Real-Time Capable Speech Enhancement

    Yonggang HU  Xiongwei ZHANG  Xia ZOU  Meng SUN  Gang MIN  Yinan LI  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-A No:1

    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is one of the most popular tools for speech enhancement. In this letter, we present an improved semi-supervised NMF (ISNMF)-based speech enhancement algorithm combining techniques of noise estimation and Incremental NMF (INMF). In this approach, fixed speech bases are obtained from training samples offline in advance while noise bases are trained on-the-fly whenever new noisy frame arrives. The INMF algorithm is adopted for noise bases learning because it can overcome the difficulties that conventional NMF confronts in online processing. The proposed algorithm is real-time capable in the sense that it processes the time frames of the noisy speech one by one and the computational complexity is feasible. Four different objective evaluation measures at various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over traditional semi-supervised NMF (SNMF) and well-known robust principal component analysis (RPCA) algorithm.

  • On Recursive Representation of Optimum Projection Matrix

    Norisato SUGA  Toshihiro FURUKAWA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:1

    In this letter, we show the recursive representation of the optimum projection matrix. The recursive representation of the orthogonal projection and oblique projection have been done in past references. These projections are optimum when the noise is only characterized by the white noise or the structured noise. However, in some practical applications, a desired signal is deteriorated by both the white noise and structured noise. In this situation, the optimum projection matrix has been given by Behrens. For this projection matrix, the recursive representation has not been done. Therefore, in this letter, we propose the recursive representation of this projection matrix.

  • Speech Enhancement Combining NMF Weighted by Speech Presence Probability and Statistical Model

    Yonggang HU  Xiongwei ZHANG  Xia ZOU  Gang MIN  Meng SUN  Yunfei ZHENG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-A No:12

    The conventional non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)-based speech enhancement is accomplished by updating iteratively with the prior knowledge of the clean speech and noise spectra bases. With the probabilistic estimation of whether the speech is present or not in a certain frame, this letter proposes a speech enhancement algorithm incorporating the speech presence probability (SPP) obtained via noise estimation to the NMF process. To take advantage of both the NMF-based and statistical model-based approaches, the final enhanced speech is achieved by applying a statistical model-based filter to the output of the SPP weighted NMF. Objective evaluations using perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) on TIMIT with 20 noise types at various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the conventional NMF and statistical model-based baselines.

  • A Cloud-Friendly Communication-Optimal Implementation for Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

    Jie ZHOU  Feng YU  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E98-D No:11

    Due to its on-demand and pay-as-you-go properties, cloud computing has become an attractive alternative for HPC applications. However, communication-intensive applications with complex communication patterns still cannot be performed efficiently on cloud platforms, which are equipped with MapReduce technologies, such as Hadoop and Spark. In particular, one major obstacle is that MapReduce's simple programming model cannot explicitly manipulate data transfers between compute nodes. Another obstacle is cloud's relatively poor network performance compared with traditional HPC platforms. The traditional Strassen's algorithm of square matrix multiplication has a recursive and complex pattern on the HPC platform. Therefore, it cannot be directly applied to the cloud platform. In this paper, we demonstrate how to make Strassen's algorithm with complex communication patterns “cloud-friendly”. By reorganizing Strassen's algorithm in an iterative pattern, we completely separate its computations and communications, making it fit to MapReduce programming model. By adopting a novel data/task parallel strategy, we solve Strassen's data dependency problems, making it well balanced. This is the first instance of Strassen's algorithm in MapReduce-style systems, which also matches Strassen's communication lower bound. Further experimental results show that it achieves a speedup ranging from 1.03× to 2.50× over the classical Θ(n3) algorithm. We believe the principle can be applied to many other complex scientific applications.

  • Low Complexity Multiplier Based on Dickson Basis Using Efficient Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product

    Sun-Mi PARK  Ku-Young CHANG  Dowon HONG  Changho SEO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E98-A No:11

    A field multiplication in the extended binary field is often expressed using Toeplitz matrix-vector products (TMVPs), whose matrices have special properties such as symmetric or triangular. We show that such TMVPs can be efficiently implemented by taking advantage of some properties of matrices. This yields an efficient multiplier when a field multiplication involves such TMVPs. For example, we propose an efficient multiplier based on the Dickson basis which requires the reduced number of XOR gates by an average of 34% compared with previously known results.

  • Target Source Separation Based on Discriminative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Incorporating Cross-Reconstruction Error

    Kisoo KWON  Jong Won SHIN  Nam Soo KIM  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:11

    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is an unsupervised technique to represent nonnegative data as linear combinations of nonnegative bases, which has shown impressive performance for source separation. However, its source separation performance degrades when one signal can also be described well with the bases for the interfering source signals. In this paper, we propose a discriminative NMF (DNMF) algorithm which exploits the reconstruction error for the interfering signals as well as the target signal based on target bases. The objective function for training the bases is constructed so as to yield high reconstruction error for the interfering source signals while guaranteeing low reconstruction error for the target source signals. Experiments show that the proposed method outperformed the standard NMF and another DNMF method in terms of both the perceptual evaluation of speech quality score and signal-to-distortion ratio in various noisy environments.

  • Improvement of Colorization-Based Coding Using Optimization by Novel Colorization Matrix Construction and Adaptive Color Conversion

    Kazu MISHIBA  Takeshi YOSHITOME  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:11

    This study improves the compression efficiency of Lee's colorization-based coding framework by introducing a novel colorization matrix construction and an adaptive color conversion. Colorization-based coding methods reconstruct color components in the decoder by colorization, which adds color to a base component (a grayscale image) using scant color information. The colorization process can be expressed as a linear combination of a few column vectors of a colorization matrix. Thus it is important for colorization-based coding to make a colorization matrix whose column vectors effectively approximate color components. To make a colorization matrix, Lee's colorization-based coding framework first obtains a base and color components by RGB-YCbCr color conversion, and then performs a segmentation method on the base component. Finally, the entries of a colorization matrix are created using the segmentation results. To improve compression efficiency on this framework, we construct a colorization matrix based on a correlation of base-color components. Furthermore, we embed an edge-preserving smoothing filtering process into the colorization matrix to reduce artifacts. To achieve more improvement, our method uses adaptive color conversion instead of RGB-YCbCr color conversion. Our proposed color conversion maximizes the sum of the local variance of a base component, which resulted in increment of the difference of intensities at region boundaries. Since segmentation methods partition images based on the difference, our adaptive color conversion leads to better segmentation results. Experiments showed that our method has higher compression efficiency compared with the conventional method.

  • Matrix Approach for the Seasonal Infectious Disease Spread Prediction

    Hideo HIROSE  Masakazu TOKUNAGA  Takenori SAKUMURA  Junaida SULAIMAN  Herdianti DARWIS  


    E98-A No:10

    Prediction of seasonal infectious disease spread is traditionally dealt with as a function of time. Typical methods are time series analysis such as ARIMA (autoregressive, integrated, and moving average) or ANN (artificial neural networks). However, if we regard the time series data as the matrix form, e.g., consisting of yearly magnitude in row and weekly trend in column, we may expect to use a different method (matrix approach) to predict the disease spread when seasonality is dominant. The MD (matrix decomposition) method is the one method which is used in recommendation systems. The other is the IRT (item response theory) used in ability evaluation systems. In this paper, we apply these two methods to predict the disease spread in the case of infectious gastroenteritis caused by norovirus in Japan, and compare the results obtained by using two conventional methods in forecasting, ARIMA and ANN. We have found that the matrix approach is simple and useful in prediction for the seasonal infectious disease spread.

  • Mass Spectra Separation for Explosives Detection by Using an Attenuation Model

    Yohei KAWAGUCHI  Masahito TOGAMI  Hisashi NAGANO  Yuichiro HASHIMOTO  Masuyuki SUGIYAMA  Yasuaki TAKADA  


    E98-A No:9

    A new algorithm for separating mass spectra into individual substances is proposed for explosives detection. The conventional algorithm based on probabilistic latent component analysis (PLCA) is effective in many cases because it makes use of the fact that non-negativity and sparsity hold for mass spectra in explosives detection. The algorithm, however, fails to separate mass spectra in some cases because uncertainty can not be resolved only by non-negativity and sparsity constraints. To resolve the uncertainty, an algorithm based on shift-invariant PLCA (SIPLCA) utilizing temporal correlation of mass spectra is proposed in this paper. In addition, to prevent overfitting, the temporal correlation is modeled with a function representing attenuation by focusing on the fact that the amount of a substance is attenuated continuously and slowly with time. Results of an experimental evaluation of the algorithm with data obtained in a real railway station demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the PLCA-based conventional algorithm and the simple SIPLCA-based one. The main novelty of this paper is that an evaluation of the detection performance of explosives detection is demonstrated. Results of the evaluation indicate that the proposed separation algorithm can improve the detection performance.

  • Separation of Mass Spectra Based on Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis for Explosives Detection

    Yohei KAWAGUCHI  Masahito TOGAMI  Hisashi NAGANO  Yuichiro HASHIMOTO  Masuyuki SUGIYAMA  Yasuaki TAKADA  


    E98-A No:9

    A new algorithm for separating mass spectra into individual substances for explosives detection is proposed. In the field of mass spectrometry, separation methods, such as principal-component analysis (PCA) and independent-component analysis (ICA), are widely used. All components, however, have no negative values, and the orthogonality condition imposed on components also does not necessarily hold in the case of mass spectra. Because these methods allow negative values and PCA imposes an orthogonality condition, they are not suitable for separation of mass spectra. The proposed algorithm is based on probabilistic latent-component analysis (PLCA). PLCA is a statistical formulation of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) using KL divergence. Because PLCA imposes the constraint of non-negativity but not orthogonality, the algorithm is effective for separating components of mass spectra. In addition, to estimate the components more accurately, a sparsity constraint is applied to PLCA for explosives detection. The main contribution is industrial application of the algorithm into an explosives-detection system. Results of an experimental evaluation of the algorithm with data obtained in a real railway station demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms PCA and ICA. Also, results of calculation time demonstrate that the algorithm can work in real time.

  • A Simple Dispersion Matrix Design Method for Generalized Space-Time Shift Keying

    Cheng CHEN  Lei WANG  ZhiGang CHEN  GuoMei ZHANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E98-A No:8

    In this letter, a simple dispersion matrix design method for generalized space-time shift keying is presented, in which the dispersion matrices are systematically constructed with cyclic identity matrix, without the need of computer search. The proposed scheme is suitable for any number of transmit antennas greater than two, and can achieve the transmit diversity order of two except two special cases. Simulation results are presented to verify our theoretical analysis and the performance of the proposed scheme.

  • A Robust Interference Covariance Matrix Reconstruction Algorithm against Arbitrary Interference Steering Vector Mismatch

    Xiao Lei YUAN  Lu GAN  Hong Shu LIAO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:7

    We address a robust algorithm for the interference-plus-noise covariance matrix reconstruction (RA-INCMR) against random arbitrary steering vector mismatches (RASVMs) of the interferences, which lead to substantial degradation of the original INCMR beamformer performance. Firstly, using the worst-case performance optimization (WCPO) criteria, we model these RASVMs as uncertainty sets and then propose the RA-INCMR to obtain the robust INCM (RINCM) based on the Robust Capon Beamforming (RCB) algorithm. Finally, we substitute the RINCM back into the original WCPO beamformer problem for the sample covariance matrix to formulate the new RA-INCM-WCPO beamformer problem. Simulation results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed beamformer is much better than the original INCMR beamformer when there exist RASVMs, especially at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

  • Face Verification Based on the Age Progression Rules

    Kai FANG  Shuoyan LIU  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:5

    Appearance changes conform to certain rules for a same person,while for different individuals the changes are uncontrolled. Hence, this paper studies the age progression rules to tackle face verification task. The age progression rules are discovered in the difference space of facial image pairs. For this, we first represent an image pair as a matrix whose elements are the difference of a set of visual words. Thereafter, the age progression rules are trained using Support Vector Machine (SVM) based on this matrix representation. Finally, we use these rules to accomplish the face verification tasks. The proposed approach is tested on the FGnet dataset and a collection of real-world images from identification card. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for verification of identity.

  • A New Content-Oriented Traffic Engineering for Content Distribution: CAR (Content Aware Routing)


    PAPER-Network System

    E98-B No:4

    Large-scale content transfer, especially video transfer, is now a dominant traffic component in the Internet. Originally, content transfer had a content-oriented feature, i.e., “Users do not care where content is retrieved. Users only take care of what content they obtain.” Conventional traffic engineering (TE) aims to obtain optimal routes for traffic between ingress and egress router pairs, i.e., TE has focused on a location-oriented approach that takes care of where to connect. With increased demand for content-oriented features for content traffic, TE needs to focus on content-oriented routing design. In this study, we therefore propose a novel approach to content-oriented TE, called content aware routing (CAR). In CAR, routes are designed for content and egress router pairs, i.e., content traffic toward a receiver-side router. Content demand can be flexibly distributed to multiple servers (i.e., repositories) providing the same content, meaning that content can be obtained from anywhere. CAR solves the optimization problem of minimizing maximum link utilization. If there are multiple optimal solutions, CAR selects a solution in which resource usage is minimized. Using numerical examples formulated by the linear programming problem, we evaluated CAR by comparing it with combinations of conventional content delivery networks and TE, i.e., location-oriented designs. Our numerical results showed that CAR improved maximum link utilization by up to 15%, with only a 5% increase of network resource usage.

  • Spatial Channel Mapping Matrix Design in Single-Relay System

    ChaoYi ZHANG  YanDong ZHAO  DongYang WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:3

    Multi-antenna relay transport protocols are analysed, the transmitting matrix of relay node can split into a forward and a backward filters, and these two filters are cascade connection. Based on the zero-forcing relaying protocol, a spatial channel mapping matrix is added between these two filters, and a unified framework of spatial channel mapping matrix is proposed. Then, various linear system designs are summarized, the spatial channel mapping matrix is used to reduce destination noise, so that the relaying noise is suppressed in destination node, and the transmitting power of relay is efficiently utilized. Meanwhile, source node preprocessing operation and destination node equalizer are considered. Simulation results show that the spatial channel mapping matrix has an advantage in terms of system outage probability and capacity performance, and the result is consistent with theoretical analysis.

  • Recommender System Using Implicit Social Information

    Yusheng LI  Meina SONG  Haihong E  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E98-D No:2

    Social recommendation systems that make use of the user's social information have recently attracted considerable attention. These recommendation approaches partly solve cold-start and data sparsity problems and significantly improve the performance of recommendation systems. The essence of social recommendation methods is to utilize the user's explicit social connections to improve recommendation results. However, this information is not always available in real-world recommender systems. In this paper, a solution to this problem of explicit social information unavailability is proposed. The existing user-item rating matrix is used to compute implicit social information, and then an ISRec (implicit social recommendation algorithm) which integrates this implicit social information and the user-item rating matrix for social recommendation is introduced. Experimental results show that our method performs much better than state-of-the-art approaches; moreover, complexity analysis indicates that our approach can be applied to very large datasets because it scales linearly with respect to the number of observations in the matrices.

  • Improved Iterative Receiver for Co-channel Interference Suppression in MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Zhiting YAN  Guanghui HE  Weifeng HE  Zhigang MAO  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:2

    Co-channel interference (CCI) is becoming a challenging factor that causes performance degradation in modern communication systems. The receiver equipped with multiple antennas can suppress such interference by exploiting spatial correlation. However, it is difficult to estimate the spatial covariance matrix (SCM) of CCI accurately with limited number of known symbols. To address this problem, this paper first proposes an improved SCM estimation method by shrinking the variance of eigenvalues. In addition, based on breadth-first tree search schemes and improved channel updating, a low complexity iterative detector is presented with channel preprocessing, which not only considers the existence of CCI but also reduces the computational complexity in terms of visited nodes in a search tree. Furthermore, by scaling the extrinsic soft information which is fed back to the input of detector, the detection performance loss due to max-log approximation is compensated. Simulation results show that the proposed iterative receiver provides improved signal to interference ratio (SIR) gain with low complexity, which demonstrate the proposed scheme is attractive in practical implementation.
