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[Keyword] planning(67hit)


  • Extension of Counting LTL and Its Application to a Path Planning Problem for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems Open Access

    Kotaro NAGAE  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E107-A No:5

    We address a path planning problem for heterogeneous multi-robot systems under specifications consisting of temporal constraints and routing tasks such as package delivery services. The robots are partitioned into several groups based on their dynamics and specifications. We introduce a concise description of such tasks, called a work, and extend counting LTL to represent such specifications. We convert the problem into an ILP problem. We show that the number of variables in the ILP problem is fewer than that of the existing method using cLTL+. By simulation, we show that the computation time of the proposed method is faster than that of the existing method.

  • Tourism Application Considering Waiting Time

    Daiki SAITO  Jeyeon KIM  Tetsuya MANABE  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E106-A No:3

    Currently, the proportion of independent travel is increasing in Japan. Therefore, earlier studies supporting itinerary planning have been presented. However, these studies have only insufficiently considered rural tourism. For example, tourist often use public transportation during trips in rural areas, although it is often difficult for a tourist to plan an itinerary for public transportation. Even if an itinerary can be planned, it will entail long waiting times at the station or bus stop. Nevertheless, earlier studies have only insufficiently considered these elements in itinerary planning. On the other hand, navigation is necessary in addition to itinerary creation. Particularly, recent navigation often considers dynamic information. During trips using public transportation, schedule changes are important dynamic information. For example, tourist arrive at bus stop earlier than planned. In such case, the waiting time will be longer than the waiting time included in the itinerary. In contrast, if a person is running behind schedule, a risk arises of missing bus. Nevertheless, earlier studies have only insufficiently considered these schedule changes. In this paper, we construct a tourism application that considers the waiting time to improve the tourism experience in rural areas. We define waiting time using static waiting time and dynamic waiting time. Static waiting time is waiting time that is included in the itinerary. Dynamic waiting time is the waiting time that is created by schedule changes during a trip. With this application, static waiting times is considered in the planning function. The dynamic waiting time is considered in the navigation function. To underscore the effectiveness of this application, experiments of the planning function and experiments of the navigation function is conducted in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. Based on the results, we confirmed that a tourist can readily plan a satisfactory itinerary using the planning function. Additionally, we confirmed that Navigation function can use waiting times effectively by suggesting additional tourist spots.

  • Stochastic Path Optimization to Improve Navigation Safety in Urban Environment

    Byungjae PARK  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:5

    This letter proposes a post-processing method to improve the smoothness and safety of the path for an autonomous vehicle navigating in an urban environment. The proposed method transforms the initial path given by local path planning algorithms using a stochastic approach to improve its smoothness and safety. Using the proposed method, the initial path is efficiently transformed by iteratively updating the position of each waypoint within it. The proposed method also guarantees the feasibility of the transformed path. Experimental results verify that the proposed method can improve the smoothness and safety of the initial path and ensure the feasibility of the transformed path.

  • Exploring the Outer Boundary of a Simple Polygon

    Qi WEI  Xiaolin YAO  Luan LIU  Yan ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:7

    We investigate an online problem of a robot exploring the outer boundary of an unknown simple polygon P. The robot starts from a specified vertex s and walks an exploration tour outside P. It has to see all points of the polygon's outer boundary and to return to the start. We provide lower and upper bounds on the ratio of the distance traveled by the robot in comparison to the length of the shortest path. We consider P in two scenarios: convex polygon and concave polygon. For the first scenario, we prove a lower bound of 5 and propose a 23.78-competitive strategy. For the second scenario, we prove a lower bound of 5.03 and propose a 26.5-competitive strategy.

  • Optimal Planning of Emergency Communication Network Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Open Access

    Changsheng YIN  Ruopeng YANG  Wei ZHU  Xiaofei ZOU  Junda ZHANG  


    E104-B No:1

    Aiming at the problems of traditional algorithms that require high prior knowledge and weak timeliness, this paper proposes an emergency communication network topology planning method based on deep reinforcement learning. Based on the characteristics of the emergency communication network, and drawing on chess, we map the node layout and topology planning problems in the network planning to chess game problems; The two factors of network coverage and connectivity are considered to construct the evaluation criteria for network planning; The method of combining Monte Carlo tree search and self-game is used to realize network planning sample data generation, and the network planning strategy network and value network structure based on residual network are designed. On this basis, the model was constructed and trained based on Tensorflow library. Simulation results show that the proposed planning method can effectively implement intelligent planning of network topology, and has excellent timeliness and feasibility.

  • Simultaneous Realization of Decision, Planning and Control for Lane-Changing Behavior Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

    Hiroyuki OKUDA  Nobuto SUGIE  Tatsuya SUZUKI  Kentaro HARAGUCHI  Zibo KANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:12

    Path planning and motion control are fundamental components to realize safe and reliable autonomous driving. The discrimination of the role of these two components, however, is somewhat obscure because of strong mathematical interaction between these two components. This often results in a redundant computation in the implementation. One of attracting idea to overcome this redundancy is a simultaneous path planning and motion control (SPPMC) based on a model predictive control framework. SPPMC finds the optimal control input considering not only the vehicle dynamics but also the various constraints which reflect the physical limitations, safety constraints and so on to achieve the goal of a given behavior. In driving in the real traffic environment, decision making has also strong interaction with planning and control. This is much more emphasized in the case that several tasks are switched in some context to realize higher-level tasks. This paper presents a basic idea to integrate decision making, path planning and motion control which is able to be executed in realtime. In particular, lane-changing behavior together with the decision of its initiation is selected as the target task. The proposed idea is based on the nonlinear model predictive control and appropriate switching of the cost function and constraints in it. As the result, the decision of the initiation, planning, and control of the lane-changing behavior are achieved by solving a single optimization problem under several constraints such as safety. The validity of the proposed method is tested by using a vehicle simulator.

  • Joint Trajectory and Power Design for Secure UAV-Enabled Multicasting

    Ke WANG  Wei HENG  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E103-A No:6

    This letter studies the physical layer security of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled multicasting system, where a UAV serves as a mobile transmitter to send a common confidential message to a group of legitimate users under the existence of multiple eavesdroppers. The worst situation in which each eavesdropper can wiretap all legitimate users is considered. We seek to maximize the average secrecy rate by jointly optimizing the UAV's transmit power and trajectory over a given flight period. The resulting optimization problem is nonconvex and intractable to solve. To circumvent the nonconvexity, we propose an iterative algorithm to approximate the solution based on the alternating optimization and successive convex approximation methods. Simulation results validate the convergence and effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

  • Personalized Trip Planning Considering User Preferences and Environmental Variables with Uncertainty

    Mingu KIM  Seungwoo HONG  Il Hong SUH  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:11

    Personalized trip planning is a challenging problem given that places of interest should be selected according to user preferences and sequentially arranged while satisfying various constraints. In this study, we aimed to model various uncertain aspects that should be considered during trip planning and efficiently generate personalized plans that maximize user satisfaction based on preferences and constraints. Specifically, we propose a probabilistic itinerary evaluation model based on a hybrid temporal Bayesian network that determines suitable itineraries considering preferences, constraints, and uncertain environmental variables. The model retrieves the sum of time-weighted user satisfaction, and ant colony optimization generates the trip plan that maximizes the objective function. First, the optimization algorithm generates candidate itineraries and evaluates them using the proposed model. Then, we improve candidate itineraries based on the evaluation results of previous itineraries. To validate the proposed trip planning approach, we conducted an extensive user study by asking participants to choose their preferred trip plans from options created by a human planner and our approach. The results show that our approach provides human-like trip plans, as participants selected our generated plans in 57% of the pairs. We also evaluated the efficiency of the employed ant colony optimization algorithm for trip planning by performance comparisons with other optimization methods.

  • Scalable State Space Search with Structural-Bottleneck Heuristics for Declarative IT System Update Automation Open Access

    Takuya KUWAHARA  Takayuki KURODA  Manabu NAKANOYA  Yutaka YAKUWA  Hideyuki SHIMONISHI  


    E102-B No:3

    As IT systems, including network systems using SDN/NFV technologies, become large-scaled and complicated, the cost of system management also increases rapidly. Network operators have to maintain their workflow in constructing and consistently updating such complex systems, and thus these management tasks in generating system update plan are desired to be automated. Declarative system update with state space search is a promising approach to enable this automation, however, the current methods is not enough scalable to practical systems. In this paper, we propose a novel heuristic approach to greatly reduce computation time to solve system update procedure for practical systems. Our heuristics accounts for structural bottleneck of the system update and advance search to resolve bottlenecks of current system states. This paper includes the following contributions: (1) formal definition of a novel heuristic function specialized to system update for A* search algorithm, (2) proofs that our heuristic function is consistent, i.e., A* algorithm with our heuristics returns a correct optimal solution and can omit repeatedly expansion of nodes in search spaces, and (3) results of performance evaluation of our heuristics. We evaluate the proposed algorithm in two cases; upgrading running hypervisor and rolling update of running VMs. The results show that computation time to solve system update plan for a system with 100 VMs does not exceed several minutes, whereas the conventional algorithm is only applicable for a very small system.

  • AUV Based Data-Gathering Protocol for the Lifetime Extension of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

    Heungwoo NAM  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E100-A No:7

    As autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) have been widely used to perform cooperative works with sensor nodes for data-gathering, the need for long-range AUVs has further grown to support the long-duration cooperation with sensor nodes. However, as existing data-gathering protocols for the cooperative works have not considered AUVs' energy consumption, AUVs can deplete their energy more quickly before fulfilling their missions. The objective of this work is to develop an AUV based data-gathering protocol that maximizes the duration for the cooperative works. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol outperforms existing protocols with respect to the long-range AUVs.

  • Competitive Strategies for Evacuating from an Unknown Affected Area

    Qi WEI  Xuehou TAN  Bo JIANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:10

    This article presents efficient strategies for evacuating from an unknown affected area in a plane. Evacuation is the process of movement away from a threat or hazard such as natural disasters. Consider that one or n(n ≥ 3) agents are lost in an unknown convex region P. The agents know neither the boundary information of P nor their positions. We seek competitive strategies that can evacuate the agent from P as quickly as possible. The performance of the strategy is measured by a competitive ratio of the evacuation path over the shortest path. We give a 13.812-competitive spiral strategy for one agent, and prove that it is optimal among all monotone and periodic strategies by showing a matching lower bound. Also, we give a new competitive strategy EES for n(n ≥ 3) agents and adjust it to be more efficient with the analysis of its performance.

  • Multi-Resolution State Roadmap Method for Trajectory Planning

    Yuichi TAZAKI  Jingyu XIANG  Tatsuya SUZUKI  Blaine LEVEDAHL  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E99-A No:5

    This research develops a method for trajectory planning of robotic systems with differential constraints based on hierarchical partitioning of a continuous state space. Unlike conventional roadmaps which is constructed in the configuration space, the proposed state roadmap also includes additional state information, such as velocity and orientation. A bounded domain of the additional state is partitioned into sub-intervals with multiple resolution levels. Each node of a state roadmap consists of a fixed position and an interval of additional state values. A valid transition is defined between a pair of nodes if any combination of additional states, within their respective intervals, produces a trajectory that satisfies a set of safety constraints. In this manner, a trajectory connecting arbitrary start and goal states subject to safety constraints can be obtained by applying a graph search technique on the state roadmap. The hierarchical nature of the state roadmap reduces the computational cost of roadmap construction, the required storage size of computed roadmaps, as well as the computational cost of path planning. The state roadmap method is evaluated in the trajectory planning examples of an omni-directional mobile robot and a car-like robot with collision avoidance and various types of constraints.

  • Dynamic Macro-Based Heuristic Planning through Action Relationship Analysis

    Zhuo JIANG  Junhao WEN  Jun ZENG  Yihao ZHANG  Xibin WANG  Sachio HIROKAWA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:2

    The success of heuristic search in AI planning largely depends on the design of the heuristic. On the other hand, previous experience contains potential domain information that can assist the planning process. In this context, we have studied dynamic macro-based heuristic planning through action relationship analysis. We present an approach for analyzing the action relationship and design an algorithm that learns macros in solved cases. We then propose a dynamic macro-based heuristic that appropriately reuses the macros rather than immediately assigning them to domains. The above ideas are incorporated into a working planning system called Dynamic Macro-based Fast Forward planner. Finally, we evaluate our method in a series of experiments. Our method effectively optimizes planning since it reduces the result length by an average of 10% relative to the FF, in a time-economic manner. The efficiency is especially improved when invoking an action consumes time.

  • Traffic-Aware Network Planning and Green Operation with BS Sleeping and Cell Zooming

    Shan ZHANG  Yiqun WU  Sheng ZHOU  Zhisheng NIU  


    E97-B No:11

    The traffic load of cellular networks varies in both time and spatial domains, causing many base stations (BS) to be under-utilized. Assisted by cell zooming, dynamic BS sleep control is considered as an effective way to improve energy efficiency during low traffic hours. Therefore, how densely the BSs should be deployed with cell zooming and BS sleeping is an important issue. In this paper, we explore the energy-optimal cellular network planning problem with dynamic BS sleeping and cell zooming for the cases in which traffic is uniformly distributed in space but time-varying. To guarantee the quality of multi-class services, an approximation method based on Erlang formula is proposed. Extensive simulations under our predefined scenarios show that about half of energy consumption can be saved through dynamic BS sleeping and power control. Surprisingly, the energy-optimal BS density we obtained is larger than the one without considering BS sleeping. In other words, deploying more BSs may help to save energy if dynamic BS sleeping is executed.

  • Automatic Clutter-Loss Optimization: A Case Study in LTE Networks



    E97-B No:8

    When deploying a new mobile technology such as LTE, it is crucial to identify the factors that affect the radio network in terms of capacity and quality of service. In this context, network coverage is arguably the single most influential factor. This work presents a metaheuristic-optimization approach to automatically adapt the signal losses due to clutter, based on a set of field measurements. The optimization procedure is performed regionally, enabling the calculation of accurate radio-propagation predictions. The evaluation of the proposed approach is carried out on three different regions in Slovenia, where Telekom Slovenije, d.d., provides LTE coverage. The results show radio-propagation predictions of improved quality and the benefits of the presented approach over manual methods, both in terms of problem size and solution accuracy.

  • A Practical and Optimal Path Planning for Autonomous Parking Using Fast Marching Algorithm and Support Vector Machine

    Quoc Huy DO  Seiichi MITA  Keisuke YONEDA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:12

    This paper proposes a novel practical path planning framework for autonomous parking in cluttered environments with narrow passages. The proposed global path planning method is based on an improved Fast Marching algorithm to generate a path while considering the moving forward and backward maneuver. In addition, the Support Vector Machine is utilized to provide the maximum clearance from obstacles considering the vehicle dynamics to provide a safe and feasible path. The algorithm considers the most critical points in the map and the complexity of the algorithm is not affected by the shape of the obstacles. We also propose an autonomous parking scheme for different parking situation. The method is implemented on autonomous vehicle platform and validated in the real environment with narrow passages.

  • Interconnect-Driven Floorplanning with Noise-Aware Buffer Planning

    Katherine Shu-Min LI  Yingchieh HO  Liang-Bi CHEN  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E96-A No:12

    Crosstalk-induced noise has become a key problem in interconnect optimization when technology improves, spacing diminishes, and coupling capacitance/inductance increases. Buffer insertion/sizing is one of the most effective and popular techniques to reduce interconnect delay and decouple coupling effects. It is traditionally applied to post-layout optimization. However, it is obviously infeasible to insert/size hundreds of thousands buffers during the post-layout stage when most routing regions are occupied. Therefore, it is desirable to incorporate buffer planning into floorplanning to ensure timing closure and design convergence. In this paper, we first derive formulae of buffer insertion for timing and noise optimization, and then apply the formulae to compute the feasible regions for inserting buffers to meet both timing and noise constraints. Experimental results show that our approach achieves an average success rate of 80.9% (78.2%) of nets meeting timing constraints alone (both timing and noise constraints) and consumes an average extra area of only 0.49% (0.66%) over the given floorplan, compared with the average success rate of 75.6% of nets meeting timing constraints alone and an extra area of 1.33% by the BBP method proposed previously.

  • Automated Route Planning for Milk-Run Transport Logistics with the NuSMV Model Checker

    Takashi KITAMURA  Keishi OKAMOTO  


    E96-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose and implement an automated route planning framework for milk-run transport logistics by applying model checking techniques. First, we develop a formal specification framework for milk-run transport logistics. The framework adopts LTL (Linear Temporal Logic), a language based on temporal logics, as a specification language for users to be able to flexibly and formally specify complex delivery requirements for trucks. Then by applying the bounded semantics of LTL, the framework then defines the notion of “optimal truck routes”, which mean truck routes on a given route map that satisfy given delivery requirements (specified by LTL) with the minimum cost. We implement the framework as an automated route planner using the NuSMV model checker, a state-of-the-art bounded model checker. The automated route planner, given route map and delivery requirements, automatically finds optimal trucks routes on the route map satisfying the given delivery requirements. The feasibility of the implementation design is investigated by analysing its computational complexity and by showing experimental results.

  • Synthesis of Configuration Change Procedure Using Model Finder

    Shinji KIKUCHI  Satoshi TSUCHIYA  Kunihiko HIRAISHI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E96-D No:8

    Managing the configurations of complex systems consisting of various components requires the combined efforts by multiple domain experts. These experts have extensive knowledge about different components in the system they need to manage but little understanding of the issues outside their individual areas of expertise. As a result, the configuration constraints, changes, and procedures specified by those involved in the management of a complex system are often interrelated with one another without being noticed, and their integration into a coherent procedure for configuration represents a major challenge. The method of synthesizing the configuration procedure introduced in this paper addresses this challenge using a combination of formal specification and model finding techniques. We express the knowledge on system management with this method, which is provided by domain experts as first-order logic formulas in the Alloy specification language, and combine it with system-configuration information and the resulting specification. We then employ the Alloy Analyzer to find a system model that satisfies all the formulas in this specification. The model obtained corresponds to a procedure for system configurations that satisfies all expert-specified constraints. In order to reduce the resources needed in the procedure synthesis, we reduce the length of procedures to be synthesized by defining and using intermediate goal states to divide operation procedures into shorter steps. Finally, we evaluate our method through a case study on a procedure to consolidate virtual machines.

  • Floorplanning and Topology Synthesis for Application-Specific Network-on-Chips

    Wei ZHONG  Song CHEN  Bo HUANG  Takeshi YOSHIMURA  Satoshi GOTO  


    E96-A No:6

    Application-Specific Network-on-Chips (ASNoCs) have been proposed as a more promising solution than regular NoCs to the global communication challenges for particular applications in nanoscale System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. In ASNoC Design, one of the key challenges is to generate the most suitable and power efficient NoC topology under the constraints of the application specification. In this work, we present a two-step floorplanning (TSF) algorithm, integrating topology synthesis into floorplanning phase, to automate the synthesis of such ASNoC topologies. At the first-step floorplanning, during the simulated annealing, we explore the optimal positions and clustering of cores and implement an incremental path allocation algorithm to predictively evaluate the power consumption of the generated NoC topology. At the second-step floorplanning, we explore the optimal positions of switches and network interfaces on the floorplan. A power and timing aware path allocation algorithm is also integrated into this step to determine the connectivity across different switches. Experimental results on a variety of benchmarks show that our algorithm can produce greatly improved solutions over the latest works.
