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[Author] Takashi HIRAYAMA(9hit)

  • A Lower Bound on the Gate Count of Toffoli-Based Reversible Logic Circuits

    Takashi HIRAYAMA  Hayato SUGAWARA  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Yasuaki NISHITANI  

    PAPER-Reversible/Quantum Computing

    E97-D No:9

    We present a new lower bound on the number of gates in reversible logic circuits that represent a given reversible logic function, in which the circuits are assumed to consist of general Toffoli gates and have no redundant input/output lines. We make a theoretical comparison of lower bounds, and prove that the proposed bound is better than the previous one. Moreover, experimental results for lower bounds on randomly-generated reversible logic functions and reversible benchmarks are given. The results also demonstrate that the proposed lower bound is better than the former one.

  • Function Design for Minimum Multiple-Control Toffoli Circuits of Reversible Adder/Subtractor Blocks and Arithmetic Logic Units

    Md Belayet ALI  Takashi HIRAYAMA  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Yasuaki NISHITANI  


    E101-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a design of reversible adder/subtractor blocks and arithmetic logic units (ALUs). The main concept of our approach is different from that of the existing related studies; we emphasize the function design. Our approach of investigating the reversible functions includes (a) the embedding of irreversible functions into incompletely-specified reversible functions, (b) the operation assignment, and (c) the permutation of function outputs. We give some extensions of these techniques for further improvements in the design of reversible functions. The resulting reversible circuits are smaller than that of the existing design in terms of the number of multiple-control Toffoli gates. To evaluate the quantum cost of the obtained circuits, we convert the circuits to reduced quantum circuits for experiments. The results also show the superiority of our realization of adder/subtractor blocks and ALUs in quantum cost.

  • Exact Exponential Algorithm for Distance-3 Independent Set Problem

    Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Shogo KAWARAGI  Takashi HIRAYAMA  


    E102-D No:3

    Let G=(V,E) be an unweighted simple graph. A distance-d independent set is a subset I ⊆ V such that dist(u, v) ≥ d for any two vertices u, v in I, where dist(u, v) is the distance between u and v. Then, Maximum Distance-d Independent Set problem requires to compute the size of a distance-d independent set with the maximum number of vertices. Even for a fixed integer d ≥ 3, this problem is NP-hard. In this paper, we design an exact exponential algorithm that calculates the size of a maximum distance-3 independent set in O(1.4143n) time.

  • A Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Enumerating 2-Edge-Connected Induced Subgraphs

    Taishu ITO  Yusuke SANO  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Takashi HIRAYAMA  


    E105-D No:3

    The problem of enumerating connected induced subgraphs of a given graph is classical and studied well. It is known that connected induced subgraphs can be enumerated in constant time for each subgraph. In this paper, we focus on highly connected induced subgraphs. The most major concept of connectivity on graphs is vertex connectivity. For vertex connectivity, some enumeration problem settings and enumeration algorithms have been proposed, such as k-vertex connected spanning subgraphs. In this paper, we focus on another major concept of graph connectivity, edge-connectivity. This is motivated by the problem of finding evacuation routes in road networks. In evacuation routes, edge-connectivity is important, since highly edge-connected subgraphs ensure multiple routes between two vertices. In this paper, we consider the problem of enumerating 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs of a given graph. We present an algorithm that enumerates 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs of an input graph G with n vertices and m edges. Our algorithm enumerates all the 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs in O(n3m|SG|) time, where SG is the set of the 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs of G. Moreover, by slightly modifying the algorithm, we have a O(n3m)-delay enumeration algorithm for 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs.

  • Enumerating Empty and Surrounding Polygons

    Shunta TERUI  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Takashi HIRAYAMA  Takashi HORIYAMA  Kazuhiro KURITA  Takeaki UNO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E106-A No:9

    We are given a set S of n points in the Euclidean plane. We assume that S is in general position. A simple polygon P is an empty polygon of S if each vertex of P is a point in S and every point in S is either outside P or a vertex of P. In this paper, we consider the problem of enumerating all the empty polygons of a given point set. To design an efficient enumeration algorithm, we use a reverse search by Avis and Fukuda with child lists. We propose an algorithm that enumerates all the empty polygons of S in O(n2|ε(S)|)-time, where ε(S) is the set of empty polygons of S. Moreover, by applying the same idea to the problem of enumerating surrounding polygons of a given point set S, we propose an enumeration algorithm that enumerates them in O(n2)-delay, while the known algorithm enumerates in O(n2 log n)-delay, where a surroundingpolygon of S is a polygon such that each vertex of the polygon is a point in S and every point in S is either inside the polygon or a vertex of the polygon.

  • Easily Testable Realization Based on Single-Rail-Input OR-AND-EXOR Expressions

    Takashi HIRAYAMA  Goro KODA  Yasuaki NISHITANI  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E82-D No:9

    It is known that AND-EXOR two-level networks obtained by AND-EXOR expressions with positive literals are easily testable. They are based on the single-rail-input logic, and require (n+4) tests to detect their single stuck-at faults, where n is the number of the input variables. We present three-level networks obtained from single-rail-input OR-AND-EXOR expressions and propose a more easily testable realization than the AND-EXOR networks. The realization is an OR-AND-EXOR network which limits the fan-in of the AND and OR gates to n/r and r respectively, where r is a constant (1 r n). We show that only (r+n/r) tests are required to detect the single stuck-at faults by adding r extra variables to the network.

  • New Three-Level Boolean Expression Based on EXOR Gates

    Ryoji ISHIKAWA  Takashi HIRAYAMA  Goro KODA  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Computer Components

    E87-D No:5

    The utilization of EXOR gates often decreases the number of gates needed for realizing practical logical networks, and enhances the testability of networks. Therefore, logic synthesis with EXOR gates has been studied. In this paper we propose a new logic representation: an ESPP (EXOR-Sum-of-Pseudoproducts) form based on pseudoproducts. This form provides a new three-level network with EXOR gates. Some functional classes in ESPP forms can be realized with shorter expressions than in conventional forms such as the Sum-of-Products. Since many practical functions have the properties of such classes, the ESPP form is useful for making a compact form. We propose a heuristic minimization algorithm for ESPP, and we demonstrate the compactness of ESPPs by showing our experimental results. We apply our technique to some logic function classes and MCNC benchmark networks. The experimental results show that most ESPP forms have fewer literals than conventional forms.

  • Minimization of AND-EXOR Expressions for Symmetric Functions

    Takashi HIRAYAMA  Yasuaki NISHITANI  Kensuke SHIMIZU  


    E80-A No:3

    This paper deals with minimization of ESOPs (exclusive-or sum-of-products) which represent symmetric functions. Se propose an efficient simplification algorithm for symmetric functions, which guarantees the minimality for some subclass of symmetric functions, and present the minimum ESOPs for all 6-variable symmetric functions.

  • A Faster Algorithm of Minimizing AND-EXOR Expressions

    Takashi HIRAYAMA  Yasuaki NISHITANI  Toru SATO  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E85-A No:12

    It has been considered difficult to obtain the minimum AND-EXOR expression of a given function with six variables in a practical computing time. In this paper, a faster algorithm of minimizing AND-EXOR expressions is proposed. We believe that our algorithm can compute the minimum AND-EXOR expressions of any six-variable and some seven-variable functions practically. In this paper, we first present a naive algorithm that searches the space of expansions of a given n-variable function f for a minimum expression of f. The space of expansions are generated by using all combinations of (n-1)-variable product terms. Then, how to prune the branches in the search process and how to restrict the search space to obtain the minimum solutions are discussed as the key point of reduction of the computing time. Finally a faster algorithm is constructed by using the methods discussed. Experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods are also presented.