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[Keyword] Ada(1871hit)


  • Access Control Management for SCADA Systems

    Seng-Phil HONG  Gail-Joon AHN  Wenjuan XU  

    PAPER-Application Information Security

    E91-D No:10

    The information technology revolution has transformed all aspects of our society including critical infrastructures and led a significant shift from their old and disparate business models based on proprietary and legacy environments to more open and consolidated ones. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems have been widely used not only for industrial processes but also for some experimental facilities. Due to the nature of open environments, managing SCADA systems should meet various security requirements since system administrators need to deal with a large number of entities and functions involved in critical infrastructures. In this paper, we identify necessary access control requirements in SCADA systems and articulate access control policies for the simulated SCADA systems. We also attempt to analyze and realize those requirements and policies in the context of role-based access control that is suitable for simplifying administrative tasks in large scale enterprises.

  • Standard Deviation and Intra Prediction Mode Based Adaptive Spatial Error Concealment (SEC) in H.264/AVC

    Jun WANG  Lei WANG  Takeshi IKENAGA  Satoshi GOTO  

    PAPER-Video Coding

    E91-A No:10

    Transmission of compressed video over error prone channels may result in packet losses or errors, which can significantly degrade the image quality. Therefore an error concealment scheme is applied at the video receiver side to mask the damaged video. Considering there are 3 types of MBs (Macro Blocks) in natural video frame, i.e., Textural MB, Edged MB, and Smooth MB, this paper proposes an adaptive spatial error concealment which can choose 3 different methods for these 3 different MBs. For criteria of choosing appropriate method, 2 factors are taken into consideration. Firstly, standard deviation of our proposed edge statistical model is exploited. Secondly, some new features of latest video compression standard H.264/AVC, i.e., intra prediction mode is also considered for criterion formulation. Compared with previous works, which are only based on deterministic measurement, proposed method achieves the best image recovery. Subjective and objective image quality evaluations in experiments confirmed this.

  • An Opportunistic Forwarding Scheme Exploiting both Long Progress and Adaptive Rate in Wireless Networks

    Suhua TANG  Mehdad N. SHIRAZI  Oyunchimeg SHAGDAR  Ryutaro SUZUKI  Sadao OBANA  


    E91-B No:10

    In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) geographic routing is characterized by local forwarding decision. Links with a long progress are preferred under the greedy forwarding rule. However in a real system long links tend to have a high packet loss rate due to multipath fading. A sub-optimal solution may separately exploit path diversity or rate adaptation. In this paper we study channel efficiency of multi-hop forwarding and try to jointly optimize rate adaptation and forwarder selection in geographic routing by the tradeoff between progress and instantaneous rate. We define a new metric -- Bit Transfer Speed (BTS) -- as the ratio of the progress made towards the destination to the equivalent time taken to transfer a payload bit. This metric takes overhead, rate and progress into account. Then we propose a packet forwarding scheme that Opportunistically exploits both long Progress and Adaptive Rate (OPAR) by a cross-layer design of routing and MAC. In OPAR each node selects for a packet the forwarder with the highest BTS. The forwarder changes as local topology (progress), packet size (overhead ratio) or channel state (data rate) varies. Simulation results show that compared with the normalized advance (NADV) [7] scheme and contention-based forwarding (CBF) [17] scheme, OPAR has lower packet loss and can effectively reduce channel occupation time by over 30% in the scenario with moderate mobility speeds.

  • Adaptive Interference Avoidance with Pre-RAKE Diversity Combining for High-Data-Rate UWB Systems

    Xuewen LIAO  Shihua ZHU  Erlin ZENG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:10

    Multipath energy capture and inter-symbol interference (ISI) are two intractable problems in high-data-rate Ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. To tackle the problems and simplify the receiver, we propose an adaptive interference avoidance scheme based on Pre-RAKE combining technique. The symbol repetition period (SRP) is regarded a changeable parameter in an ordered set to avoid severe interference paths and guarantee high data-rate. The set is known to both the transmitter and receiver. The index of the selected SRP is then sent to the receiver to coordinate the transmitter and receiver. The SRP can be updated adaptively according to the variations of the channels. Both theoretical analysis and simulations show that the ISI is mitigated and the transmission rate is improved simultaneously compared to the constant SRP transmission scheme.

  • Adaptive Forgetting Factor Subarray RLS Beamforming for Multipath Environments

    Ann-Chen CHANG  Chun HSU  Ing-Jiunn SU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:10

    This letter presents an efficient adaptive beamformer to deal with the multipath environments created by signal source scatterings. To improve the performance possible with the fixed forgetting factor, the regular adaptive forgetting factor algorithm is derived and applied to the subarray recursive least squares (RLS) beamforming. Simulations confirm that the proposed scheme has better performance than not only the conventional RLS algorithm but also the subarray RLS and adaptive forgetting factor RLS algorithms.

  • Robust Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Parameters and Its Application to Chua's Circuit


    PAPER-Control and Optimization

    E91-A No:9

    The problem of designing a robust adaptive control for nonlinear systems with uncertain time-varying parameters is addressed. The upper bound of uncertain parameters, considered even in control coefficients, are not required to be known. An adaptive tracking controller is presented and, using the Lyapunov theory, the closed-loop stability and tracking error convergence is shown. In order to improve the performance of the method, a robust mechanism is incorporated into the adaptive controller yielding a robust adaptive algorithm. The proposed controller guarantees the boundedness of all closed-loop signals and robust convergence of tracking error in spite of time-varying parameter uncertainties with unknown bounds. The parametric uncertain systems under consideration describes a wide class of nonlinear circuits and systems. As an application, a novel parametric model is derived for nonlinear Chua's circuit and then, the proposed method is used for its control. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by some simulation results.

  • Realization of Multi-Delay Filter Using Fermat Number Transforms

    Hamzé Haidar ALAEDDINE  El Houssaïn BAGHIOUS  Guillaume MADRE  Gilles BUREL  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:9

    This paper is about an efficient implementation of adaptive filtering for echo cancelers. The first objective of this paper is to propose a simplified method of the flexible block Multi-Delay Filter (MDF) algorithm in the time-domain. Then, we will derive a new method for the step-size adaptation coefficient. The second objective is about the realization of a Block Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Squares (BPNLMS++) with the simplified MDF (SMDF) implementation. Using the new step-size method and the smaller block dimension proposed by SMDF, we achieve a faster convergence of the adaptive process with a limited computational cost. Then, an efficient implementation of the new procedure (SMDF-BPNLMS++) block filtering is proposed using Fermat Number Transform, which can significantly reduce the computation complexity of filter implantation on Digital Signal Processor.

  • Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation for an Outdoor RCS Range

    Yoshio INASAWA  Shinji KURODA  Ken-ichi KAKIZAKI  Hitoshi NISHIKAWA  Naofumi YONEDA  Shigeru MAKINO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E91-C No:9

    This paper presents the near-field to far-field transformation for an outdoor radar cross section (RCS) range. Direct measurement of the large actual target requires quite a long measurement range. The near-field to far-field RCS transformation method achieves the reduction of measurement range. However the non-uniformity of the incident electric field distribution on the target causes some errors in RCS prediction. We propose a novel near-field to far-field RCS transformation method that can be applied to an outdoor RCS measurement. The non-uniformity of the incident electric field distribution is successfully resolved by introducing the correction term of the ground bounce. We investigate the validity of the proposed method by the simulation and measurement.

  • Adaptive Flocking of Robot Swarms: Algorithms and Properties

    Geunho LEE  Nak Young CHONG  


    E91-B No:9

    This paper presents a distributed approach for adaptive flocking of swarms of mobile robots that enables to navigate autonomously in complex environments populated with obstacles. Based on the observation of the swimming behavior of a school of fish, we propose an integrated algorithm that allows a swarm of robots to navigate in a coordinated manner, split into multiple swarms, or merge with other swarms according to the environment conditions. We prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm using Lyapunov stability theory. We also verify the effectiveness of the algorithm through extensive simulations, where a swarm of robots repeats the process of splitting and merging while passing around multiple stationary and moving obstacles. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is scalable, and robust to variations in the sensing capability of individual robots.

  • Global Asymptotic Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Growth Rate by Adaptive Controller

    Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E91-A No:9

    We consider a problem of global asymptotic stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems that have the unknown linear growth rate. While the existing results only deal with one specified form of nonlinear systems, our proposed method includes both forms of triangular and feedforward nonlinear systems in a unified framework. The proposed controller has a dynamic gain mechanism which is selectively engaged based on the given nonlinear form. Then, the dynamic gain is adaptively tuned depending on the unknown linear growth rate.

  • Adaptive Selection and Rearrangement of Wavelet Packets for Quad-Tree Image Coding

    Hsi-Chin HSIN  Tze-Yun SUNG  


    E91-A No:9

    Embedded zero-tree image coding in wavelet domain has drawn a lot of attention. Among noteworthy algorithms is the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT). Typically, most of images' energy is concentrated in low frequency subbands. For an image with textures, however many middle-high frequency wavelet coefficients are likely to become significant in the early passes of SPIHT; thus the coding results are often insufficient. Middle and high frequency subbands of images may demand further decompositions using adaptive basis functions. As wavelet packet transform offers a great diversity of basis functions, we propose a quad-tree based adaptive wavelet packet transform to construct adaptive wavelet packet trees for zero-tree image coding. Experimental results show that coding performances can be significantly improved especially for fingerprints images.

  • Forward Interference Avoidance in Ad Hoc Communications Using Adaptive Array Antennas

    Tomofumi SAKAGUCHI  Yukihiro KAMIYA  Takeo FUJII  Yasuo SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E91-B No:9

    Wireless ad hoc communications such as ad hoc networks have been attracting researchers' attention. They are expected to become a key technology for "ubiquitous" networking because of the ability to configure wireless links by nodes autonomously, without any centralized control facilities. Adaptive array antennas (AAA) have been expected to improve the network efficiency by taking advantage of its adaptive beamforming capability. However, it should be noted that AAA is not almighty. Its interference cancellation capability is limited by the degree-of-freedom (DOF) and the angular resolution as a function of the number of element antennas. Application of AAA without attending to these problems can degrade the efficiency of the network. Let us consider wireless ad hoc communication as a target application for AAA, taking advantage of AAA's interference cancellation capability. The low DOF and insufficient resolution will be crucial problems compared to other wireless systems, since there is no centralized facility to control the nodes to avoid interferences in such systems. A number of interferences might impinge on a node from any direction of arrival (DOA) without any timing control. In this paper, focusing on such limitations of AAA applied in ad hoc communications, we propose a new scheme, Forward Interference Avoidance (FIA), using AAA for ad hoc communications in order to avoid problems caused by the limitation of the AAA capability. It enables nodes to avoid interfering with other nodes so that it increases the number of co-existent wireless links. The performance improvement of ad hoc communications in terms of the number of co-existent links is investigated through computer simulations.

  • Outage Performance and Average Symbol Error Rate of M-QAM for Maximum Ratio Combining with Multiple Interferers

    Kyung Seung AHN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E91-A No:8

    In this paper, we investigate the performance of maximum ratio combining (MRC) in the presence of multiple cochannel interferences over a flat Rayleigh fading channel. Closed-form expressions of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), outage probability, and average symbol error rate (SER) of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with M-ary signaling are obtained for unequal-power interference-to-noise ratio (INR). We also provide an upper-bound for the average SER using moment generating function (MGF) of the SINR. Moreover, we quantify the array gain loss between pure MRC (MRC system in the absence of CCI) and MRC system in the presence of CCI. Finally, we verify our analytical results by numerical simulations.

  • Power Control for Adaptive Rate Wireless Networks

    Jui Teng WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:8

    In this paper, we study the power control for the adaptive rate system that adapts the data rate to the channel and interference condition by adjusting the SINR requirement. The power control technique aims to decrease the interference to obtain the satisfactory throughput. We first find the optimal CINR that allows as many users as possible to transmit their data with the satisfied throughput requirements. Then we use the optimal CINR as the target CINR in the proposed distributed power control algorithm. During the operation of this algorithm, we let each user adjust the transmit power for several iterations to obtain the satisfactory CINR, which in turn leads to the satisfactory throughput. We show that the user can meet its throughput requirement by increasing the number of iterations, and once the user meets its throughput requirement, this condition will hold from then on. Furthermore, it is proven that the throughput can converge to the throughput requirement for each user.

  • A Deep Monotone Approximation Operator Based on the Best Quadratic Lower Bound of Convex Functions

    Masao YAMAGISHI  Isao YAMADA  


    E91-A No:8

    This paper presents a closed form solution to a problem of constructing the best lower bound of a convex function under certain conditions. The function is assumed (I) bounded below by -ρ, and (II) differentiable and its derivative is Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant L. To construct the lower bound, it is also assumed that we can use the values ρ and L together with the values of the function and its derivative at one specified point. By using the proposed lower bound, we derive a computationally efficient deep monotone approximation operator to the level set of the function. This operator realizes better approximation than subgradient projection which has been utilized, as a monotone approximation operator to level sets of differentiable convex functions as well as nonsmooth convex functions. Therefore, by using the proposed operator, we can improve many signal processing algorithms essentially based on the subgradient projection.

  • Fast and Accurate 3-D Imaging Algorithm with Linear Array Antennas for UWB Pulse Radars

    Shouhei KIDERA  Yusuke KANI  Takuya SAKAMOTO  Toru SATO  


    E91-B No:8

    Pulse radars with UWB signals are promising as a high-resolution imaging technique that can be used for the non-destructive measurement of surface details in industrial products such as antennas and aircraft. We have already proposed a fast 3-D imaging algorithm, SEABED, that utilizes a reversible transform between the time delay and the target boundary. However, data acquisition is time-consuming when obtaining an accurate image because it assumes a mono-static radar with 2-D scanning of an antenna. In this paper, we utilize linear array antennas and propose a fast and accurate imaging algorithm. We extend the reversible transform for mono-static radars to apply to bi-static radars to reduce the data acquisition time. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified with numerical simulations and experiments.

  • An Energy-Efficient Mobility-Supporting MAC Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks

    Sung-Chan CHOI  Jang-Won LEE  


    E91-B No:8

    In this paper, we design an adaptive mobility-supporting MAC (AM-MAC) protocol for mobile sensor networks. In our protocol, as in S-MAC [1], each virtual cluster that consists of a subset of sensor nodes has its own listen-sleep schedule. Hence, when a mobile sensor node moves into a new virtual cluster, it needs to adapt to the listen-sleep schedule of the corresponding virtual cluster in a timely and energy efficient manner. To this end, in our protocol, we utilize schedule information on border nodes between virtual clusters. This allows us to implement fast and energy efficient listen-sleep schedule adaptation for mobile nodes, which consists of two main functions: energy efficient secondary listen period and smart scheduling adaptation. Simulation results show that our protocol can provide fast schedule adaptation while achieving energy efficiency.

  • A New Blind Adaptive Array Antenna Based on CMA Criteria for M-Ary/SS Signals Suitable for Software Defined Radio Architecture

    Miho KOZUMA  Atsushi SASAKI  Yukihiro KAMIYA  Takeo FUJII  Kenta UMEBAYASHI  Yasuo SUZUKI  


    E91-A No:8

    M-ary/SS is a version of Direct Sequence/Spread Spectrum (DS/SS) aiming to improve the spectral efficiency employing orthogonal codes. However, due to the auto-correlation property of the orthogonal codes, it is impossible to detect the symbol timing by observing correlator outputs. Therefore, conventionally, a preamble has been inserted in M-ary/SS signals. In this paper, we propose a new blind adaptive array antenna for M-ary/SS systems that combines signals over the space axis without any preambles. It is surely an innovative approach for M-ary/SS. The performance is investigated through computer simulations.

  • Adaptive Chirp Beamforming for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Wideband Chirp Signals in Sensor Arrays

    Jeong-Soo KIM  Byung-Woong CHOI  Eun-Hyon BAE  Kyun-Kyung LEE  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E91-B No:8

    An adaptive chirp beamforming method is proposed to solve the bias problem in the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of wideband chirp signals that have identical time-frequency parameters yet emanate from different directions. The proposed method, based on the steered minimum variance (STMV) method, exploits the time-frequency structure of a chirp signal to improve the DOA estimation performance by effectively suppressing the wideband chirp interferences causing the bias. Simulations are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Cooperative Control Technology with ITP Method for SCADA Systems

    Juichi KOSAKAYA  Hideyuki TADOKORO  Yasuhiro INAZUMI  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents

    E91-D No:8

    Introducing multi-agent (MA) technology into a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system can improve the serviceability and enhance maintenance-free operation with the inter-terminal parameter (ITP) method. In addition, the system's distributed intelligent field terminals (IFTs) use a common algorithm that is unaffected by any changes to the system specifications. As a result of these innovations, the proposed system has much better serviceability because it is much easier to make modifications compared to that of conventional systems. This system has been implemented for practical purposes at over 60 sites.
