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  • Competitive Strategies for Evacuating from an Unknown Affected Area

    Qi WEI  Xuehou TAN  Bo JIANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:10

    This article presents efficient strategies for evacuating from an unknown affected area in a plane. Evacuation is the process of movement away from a threat or hazard such as natural disasters. Consider that one or n(n ≥ 3) agents are lost in an unknown convex region P. The agents know neither the boundary information of P nor their positions. We seek competitive strategies that can evacuate the agent from P as quickly as possible. The performance of the strategy is measured by a competitive ratio of the evacuation path over the shortest path. We give a 13.812-competitive spiral strategy for one agent, and prove that it is optimal among all monotone and periodic strategies by showing a matching lower bound. Also, we give a new competitive strategy EES for n(n ≥ 3) agents and adjust it to be more efficient with the analysis of its performance.

  • Latent Attribute Inference of Users in Social Media with Very Small Labeled Dataset

    Ding XIAO  Rui WANG  Lingling WU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E99-D No:10

    With the surge of social media platform, users' profile information become treasure to enhance social network services. However, attributes information of most users are not complete, thus it is important to infer latent attributes of users. Contemporary attribute inference methods have a basic assumption that there are enough labeled data to train a model. However, in social media, it is very expensive and difficult to label a large amount of data. In this paper, we study the latent attribute inference problem with very small labeled data and propose the SRW-COND solution. In order to solve the difficulty of small labeled data, SRW-COND firstly extends labeled data with a simple but effective greedy algorithm. Then SRW-COND employs a supervised random walk process to effectively utilize the known attributes information and link structure of users. Experiments on two real datasets illustrate the effectiveness of SRW-COND.

  • Impact of Interference on 12GHz Band Broadcasting Satellite Services in terms of Increase Rate of Outage Time Caused by Rain Attenuation

    Kazuyoshi SHOGEN  Masashi KAMEI  Susumu NAKAZAWA  Shoji TANAKA  


    E99-B No:10

    The indexes of the degradation of C/N, ΔT/T and I/N, which can be converted from one to another, are used to evaluate the impact of interference on the satellite link. However, it is not suitable to intuitively understand how these parameters degrade the quality of services. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the impact of interference on the performance of BSS (Broadcasting Satellite Services) in terms of the increase rate of the outage time caused by the rain attenuation. Some calculation results are given for the 12GHz band BSS in Japan.

  • Extended S-Parameter Method for Measuring Reflection and Mutual Coupling of Multi-Antennas Open Access

    Takashi YANAGI  Toru FUKASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:10

    In this paper, a measurement method for the impedance and mutual coupling of multi-antennas that we have proposed is summarized. Impedance and mutual coupling characteristics are obtained after reducing the influence of the coaxial cables by synthesizing the measured S-parameters under the condition that unbalanced currents on the outside of the coaxial cables are canceled at feed points. We apply the proposed method to two closely positioned monopole antennas mounted on a small ground plane and demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method by simulation and experiment. The proposed method is significantly better in terms of the accuracy of the mutual coupling data. In the presented case, the errors at the resonant frequency of the antennas are only 0.5dB in amplitude and 1.8° in phase.

  • Simple Weighted Diversity Combining Technique for Cyclostationarity Detection Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

    Daiki CHO  Shusuke NARIEDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:10

    This paper presents a weighted diversity combining technique for the cyclostationarity detection based spectrum sensing of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signals in cognitive radio. In cognitive radio systems, secondary users must detect the desired signal in an extremely low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environment. In such an environment, multiple antenna techniques (space diversity) such as maximum ratio combining are not effective because the energy of the target signal is also extremely weak, and it is difficult to synchronize some received signals. The cyclic autocorrelation function (CAF) is used for traditional cyclostationarity detection based spectrum sensing. In the presented technique, the CAFs of the received signals are combined, while the received signals themselves are combined with general space diversity techniques. In this paper, the value of the CAF at peak and non-peak cyclic frequencies are computed, and we attempt to improve the sensing performance by using different weights for each CAF value. The results were compared with those from conventional methods and showed that the presented technique can improve the spectrum sensing performance.

  • Application of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Scheme for Satellite Downlink in Satellite/Terrestrial Integrated Mobile Communication System with Dual Satellites

    Eiji OKAMOTO  Hiroyuki TSUJI  


    E99-B No:10

    In satellite/terrestrial integrated mobile communication systems (STICSs), a user terminal directly connects both terrestrial and satellite base stations. STICS enables expansion of service areas and provides a robust communication service for large disasters. However, the cell radius of the satellite system is large (approximately 100km), and thus a capacity enhancement of the satellite subsystem for accommodating many users is needed. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an application of two methods — multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission using multi-satellites and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) for STICS — to realize the performance improvement in terms of system capacity and user fairness. Through numerical simulations, we show that system capacity and user fairness are increased by the proposed scheme that applies the two methods.

  • A Broadband Circularly Polarized Waveguide Antenna Design for Low Cross-Polarization

    Ryoji YAMAUCHI  Takeshi FUKUSAKO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:10

    An L-shaped probe with a surrounding aperture such as a waveguide can generate circular polarization (CP) waves. Circular waveguide antennas using an L-shaped probe have broadband characteristics both in axial ratio (AR) and in input impedance, however cross-polarization (XPOL) is easily generated due to its asymmetrical structure resulting in a radiation pattern that has narrow CP azimuth range. In this paper, design techniques to reduce the XPOL generated from a circular waveguide antenna using an L-shaped probe are proposed. As a result, XPOL is reduced by around 10 dB, and CP is radiated over a wide angle range of 120-150° covering frequencies from 7.35 to 9.75GHz.

  • Sensitivity-Characterised Activity Neurogram (SCAN) for Visualising and Understanding the Inner Workings of Deep Neural Network Open Access

    Khe Chai SIM  


    E99-D No:10

    Deep Neural Network (DNN) is a powerful machine learning model that has been successfully applied to a wide range of pattern classification tasks. Due to the great ability of the DNNs in learning complex mapping functions, it has been possible to train and deploy DNNs pretty much as a black box without the need to have an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of the model. However, this often leads to solutions and systems that achieve great performance, but offer very little in terms of how and why they work. This paper introduces Sensitivity-characterised Activity Neorogram (SCAN), a novel approach for understanding the inner workings of a DNN by analysing and visualising the sensitivity patterns of the neuron activities. SCAN constructs a low-dimensional visualisation space for the neurons so that the neuron activities can be visualised in a meaningful and interpretable way. The embedding of the neurons within this visualisation space can be used to compare the neurons, both within the same DNN and across different DNNs trained for the same task. This paper will present the observations from using SCAN to analyse DNN acoustic models for automatic speech recognition.

  • Policy Optimization for Spoken Dialog Management Using Genetic Algorithm

    Hang REN  Qingwei ZHAO  Yonghong YAN  

    PAPER-Spoken dialog system

    E99-D No:10

    The optimization of spoken dialog management policies is a non-trivial task due to the erroneous inputs from speech recognition and language understanding modules. The dialog manager needs to ground uncertain semantic information at times to fully understand the need of human users and successfully complete the required dialog tasks. Approaches based on reinforcement learning are currently mainstream in academia and have been proved to be effective, especially when operating in noisy environments. However, in reinforcement learning the dialog strategy is often represented by complex numeric model and thus is incomprehensible to humans. The trained policies are very difficult for dialog system designers to verify or modify, which largely limits the deployment for commercial applications. In this paper we propose a novel framework for optimizing dialog policies specified in human-readable domain language using genetic algorithm. We present learning algorithms using user simulator and real human-machine dialog corpora. Empirical experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve competitive performance on par with some state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms, while maintaining a comprehensible policy structure.

  • Fast Coding-Mode Selection and CU-Depth Prediction Algorithm Based on Text-Block Recognition for Screen Content Coding

    Mengmeng ZHANG  Ang ZHU  Zhi LIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:10

    As an important extension of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC), screen content coding (SCC) includes various new coding modes, such as Intra Block Copy (IBC), Palette-based coding (Palette), and Adaptive Color Transform (ACT). These new tools have improved screen content encoding performance. This paper proposed a novel and fast algorithm by classifying Code Units (CUs) as text CUs or non-text CUs. For text CUs, the Intra mode was skipped in the compression process, whereas for non-text CUs, the IBC mode was skipped. The current CU depth range was then predicted according to its adjacent left CU depth level. Compared with the reference software HM16.7+SCM5.4, the proposed algorithm reduced encoding time by 23% on average and achieved an approximate 0.44% increase in Bjøntegaard delta bit rate and a negligible peak signal-to-noise ratio loss.

  • Investigation of Using Continuous Representation of Various Linguistic Units in Neural Network Based Text-to-Speech Synthesis

    Xin WANG  Shinji TAKAKI  Junichi YAMAGISHI  

    PAPER-Speech synthesis

    E99-D No:10

    Building high-quality text-to-speech (TTS) systems without expert knowledge of the target language and/or time-consuming manual annotation of speech and text data is an important yet challenging research topic. In this kind of TTS system, it is vital to find representation of the input text that is both effective and easy to acquire. Recently, the continuous representation of raw word inputs, called “word embedding”, has been successfully used in various natural language processing tasks. It has also been used as the additional or alternative linguistic input features to a neural-network-based acoustic model for TTS systems. In this paper, we further investigate the use of this embedding technique to represent phonemes, syllables and phrases for the acoustic model based on the recurrent and feed-forward neural network. Results of the experiments show that most of these continuous representations cannot significantly improve the system's performance when they are fed into the acoustic model either as additional component or as a replacement of the conventional prosodic context. However, subjective evaluation shows that the continuous representation of phrases can achieve significant improvement when it is combined with the prosodic context as input to the acoustic model based on the feed-forward neural network.

  • Neural Network Approaches to Dialog Response Retrieval and Generation

    Lasguido NIO  Sakriani SAKTI  Graham NEUBIG  Koichiro YOSHINO  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Spoken dialog system

    E99-D No:10

    In this work, we propose a new statistical model for building robust dialog systems using neural networks to either retrieve or generate dialog response based on an existing data sources. In the retrieval task, we propose an approach that uses paraphrase identification during the retrieval process. This is done by employing recursive autoencoders and dynamic pooling to determine whether two sentences with arbitrary length have the same meaning. For both the generation and retrieval tasks, we propose a model using long short term memory (LSTM) neural networks that works by first using an LSTM encoder to read in the user's utterance into a continuous vector-space representation, then using an LSTM decoder to generate the most probable word sequence. An evaluation based on objective and subjective metrics shows that the new proposed approaches have the ability to deal with user inputs that are not well covered in the database compared to standard example-based dialog baselines.

  • Detecting Logical Inconsistencies by Clustering Technique in Natural Language Requirements

    Satoshi MASUDA  Tohru MATSUODANI  Kazuhiko TSUDA  


    E99-D No:9

    In the early phases of the system development process, stakeholders exchange ideas and describe requirements in natural language. Requirements described in natural language tend to be vague and include logical inconsistencies, whereas logical consistency is the key to raising the quality and lowering the cost of system development. Hence, it is important to find logical inconsistencies in the whole requirements at this early stage. In verification and validation of the requirements, there are techniques to derive logical formulas from natural language requirements and evaluate their inconsistencies automatically. Users manually chunk the requirements by paragraphs. However, paragraphs do not always represent logical chunks. There can be only one logical chunk over some paragraphs on the other hand some logical chunks in one paragraph. In this paper, we present a practical approach to detecting logical inconsistencies by clustering technique in natural language requirements. Software requirements specifications (SRSs) are the target document type. We use k-means clustering to cluster chunks of requirements and develop semantic role labeling rules to derive “conditions” and “actions” as semantic roles from the requirements by using natural language processing. We also construct an abstraction grammar to transform the conditions and actions into logical formulas. By evaluating the logical formulas with input data patterns, we can find logical inconsistencies. We implemented our approach and conducted experiments on three case studies of requirements written in natural English. The results indicate that our approach can find logical inconsistencies.

  • CCP-Based Plant-Wide Optimization and Application to the Walking-Beam-Type Reheating Furnace

    Yan ZHANG  Hongyan MAO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:9

    In this paper, the integration of dynamic plant-wide optimization and distributed generalized predictive control (DGPC) is presented for serially connected processes. On the top layer, chance-constrained programming (CCP) is employed in the plant-wide optimization with economic and model uncertainties, in which the constraints containing stochastic parameters are guaranteed to be satisfied at a high level of probability. The deterministic equivalents are derived for linear and nonlinear individual chance constraints, and an algorithm is developed to search for the solution to the joint probability constrained problem. On the lower layer, the distributed GPC method based on neighborhood optimization with one-step delay communication is developed for on-line control of the whole system. Simulation studies for furnace temperature set-points optimization problem of the walking-beam-type reheating furnace are illustrated to verify the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed scheme.

  • A Collaborative Intrusion Detection System against DDoS for SDN

    Xiaofan CHEN  Shunzheng YU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E99-D No:9

    DDoS remains a major threat to Software Defined Networks. To keep SDN secure, effective detection techniques for DDoS are indispensable. Most of the newly proposed schemes for detecting such attacks on SDN make the SDN controller act as the IDS or the central server of a collaborative IDS. The controller consequently becomes a target of the attacks and a heavy loaded point of collecting traffic. A collaborative intrusion detection system is proposed in this paper without the need for the controller to play a central role. It is deployed as a modified artificial neural network distributed over the entire substrate of SDN. It disperses its computation power over the network that requires every participating switch to perform like a neuron. The system is robust without individual targets and has a global view on a large-scale distributed attack without aggregating traffic over the network. Emulation results demonstrate its effectiveness.

  • A Virtualization-Based Hybrid Storage System for a Map-Reduce Framework

    Aseffa DEREJE TEKILU  Chin-Hsien WU  

    PAPER-Software System

    E99-D No:9

    A map-reduce framework is popular for big data analysis. In the typical map-reduce framework, both master node and worker nodes can use hard-disk drives (HDDs) as local disks for the map-reduce computation. However, because of the inherit mechanical problems of HDDs, the I/O performance is a bottleneck for the map-reduce framework when I/O-intensive applications (e.g., sorting) are performed. Replacing HDDs with solid-state drives (SSDs) is not economical, although SSDs have better performance than HDDs. In this paper, we propose a virtualization-based hybrid storage system for the map-reduce framework. The objective of the paper is to combine the advantages of the fast access property of SSDs and the low cost of HDDs by realizing an economical design and improving I/O performance of a map-reduce framework in a virtualization environment. We propose three storage combinations: SSD-based, HDD-based, and a hybrid of SSD-based and HDD-based storage systems which balances speed, capacity, and lifetime. According to experiments, the hybrid of SSD-based and HDD-based storage systems offers superior performance and economy.

  • Novel Beam-Scanning Center-Fed Imaging Reflector Antenna with Elliptical Aperture for Wide Area Observation

    Michio TAKIKAWA  Yoshio INASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  Izuru NAITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E99-C No:9

    We investigate a phased array-fed dual reflector antenna applying one-dimensional beam-scanning of the center-fed type, using an elliptical aperture to provide wide area observation. The distinguishing feature of this antenna is its elliptical aperture shape, in which the aperture diameter differs between the forward satellite direction and the cross-section orthogonal to it. The shape in the plane of the forward satellite direction, which does not have a beam-scanning function, is a ring-focus Cassegrain antenna, and the shape in the plane orthogonal to that, which does have a beam-scanning function, is an imaging reflector antenna. This paper describes issues which arose during design of the elliptical aperture shape and how they were solved, and presents design results using elliptical aperture dimensions of 1600 mm × 600 mm, in which the beam width differs by more than two times in the orthogonal cross-section. The effectiveness of the antenna was verified by fabricating a prototype antenna based on the design results. Measurement results confirmed that an aperture efficiency of 50% or more could be achieved, and that a different beam width was obtained in the orthogonal plane in accordance with design values.

  • Analysis over Spectral Efficiency and Power Scaling in Massive MIMO Dual-Hop Systems with Multi-Pair Users

    Yi WANG  Baofeng JI  Yongming HUANG  Chunguo LI  Ying HU  Yewang QIAN  Luxi YANG  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E99-A No:9

    This paper considers a massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) relaying system with multi-pair single-antenna users. The relay node adopts maximum-ratio combining/maximum-ratio transmission (MRC/MRT) stratagem for reception/transmission. We analyze the spectral efficiency (SE) and power scaling laws with respect to the number of relay antennas and other system parameters. First, by using the law of large numbers, we derive the closed-form expression of the SE, based on which, it is shown that the SE per user increases with the number of relay antennas but decreases with the number of user pairs, both logarithmically. It is further discovered that the transmit power at the source users and the relay can be continuously reduced as the number of relay antennas becomes large while the SE can maintains a constant value, which also means that the energy efficiency gain can be obtained simultaneously. Moreover, it is proved that the number of served user pairs can grow proportionally over the number of relay antennas with arbitrary SE requirement and no extra power cost. All the analytical results are verified through the numerical simulations.

  • Theoretical Optimization of Sensing Area Shape for Target Detection, Barrier Coverage, and Path Coverage

    Hiroshi SAITO  


    E99-B No:9

    This paper investigates target detection, barrier coverage, and path coverage with randomly deployed sensors and analyzes the performance of target detection, barrier coverage, and path coverage using integral geometry. Explicit formulas of their performance are derived. The optimal convex sensing area shape with a power consumption constraint is derived from the explicit formulas. Surprisingly, the optimal convex sensing area for target detection in a convex surveillance area can be different from that for barrier coverage. A slender sensing area is optimal for the former, but a disk-shaped sensing area can be optimal for the latter. Similar results are obtained with the Boolean and probabilistic detection models. A slender sensing area is optimal for the Boolean detection model and one of the probabilistic detection models, whereas the disk-shaped sensing area is optimal for another probabilistic detection model. This paper also derives the most difficult path and target to be detected.

  • Inishing: A UI Phishing Attack to Exploit the Vulnerability of Inotify in Android Smartphones

    Woo Hyun AHN  Sanghyeon PARK  Jaewon OH  Seung-Ho LIM  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E99-D No:9

    In Android OS, we discover that a notification service called inotify is a new side-channel allowing malware to identify file accesses associated with the display of a security-relevant UI screen. This paper proposes a phishing attack that detects victim UI screens by their file accesses in applications and steals private information.
