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  • Maximum Throughput Analysis of a Datagram Switch for Broadband Networks

    Paolo GIACOMAZZI  

    PAPER-Control and performance

    E81-B No:2

    This paper evaluates the throughput performance of a switch architecture for broadband networks that is capable of switching variable-length packets. The structure is connectionless, so that no bandwidth reservation takes place before the user packet, or datagram, is transferred. The interconnection network is assumed to be internally non-blocking and provided with input queues. A previous approximated throughput analysis of the proposed system has been carried out under the hypothesis that the length of the offered packets is uniformly distributed. In this work we perform an exact throughput analysis and we show how the actual throughput of the system can be expressed analytically with a simple closed form. Moreover, we consider a more general case of packet length distributed as a truncated exponential. In this way it is possible to account for cases in which short packets are more frequent than long packets or, conversely, long packets are more frequent than short ones. The minimum throughput of the system is obtained when packets are uniformly distributed; a better performance is obtained when short (long) packets are more frequent than long (short) ones.

  • Consideration on the Optimum Interpolation and Design of Linear Phase Filterbanks with High Attenuation in Stop Bands

    Takuro KIDA  Yuichi KIDA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:2

    In the literatures [5] and [10], a systematic discussion is presented with respect to the optimum interpolation of multi-dimensional signals. However, the measures of error in these literatures are defined only in each limited block separately. Further, in these literatures, most of the discussion is limited to theoretical treatment and, for example, realization of higher order linear phase FIR filter bank is not considered. In this paper, we will present the optimum interpolation functions minimizing various measures of approximation error simultaneously. Firstly, we outline necessary formulation for the time-limited interpolation functions ψm(t) (m=0,1,. . . ,M-1) realizing the optimum approximation in each limited block separately, where m are the index numbers for analysis filters. Secondly, under some assumptions, we will present analytic or piece-wise analytic interpolation functions φm(t) minimizing various measures of approximation error defined at discrete time samples n=0, 1, 2,. . . . In this discussion, φm(n) are equal to ψm(n) n=0, 1, 2,. . . . Since ψm(t) are time-limited, φm(n) vanish outside of finite set of n. Hence, in designing discrete filter bank, one can use FIR filters if one wants to realize discrete synthesis filters which impulse responses are φm(n). Finally, we will present one-dimensional linear phase M channel FIR filter bank with high attenuation characteristic in each stop band. In this design, we adopt the cosine-sine modulation initially, and then, use the iterative approximation based on the reciprocal property.

  • Perceptual Contributions of Static and Dynamic Features of Vocal Tract Characteristics to Talker Individuality

    Weizhong ZHU  Hideki KASUYA  


    E81-A No:2

    Experiments were performed to investigate perceptual contributions of static and dynamic features of vocal tract characteristics to talker individuality. An ARX (Auto-regressive with exogenous input) speech production model was used to extract separately voice source and vocal tract parameters from a Japanese sentence, /aoiueoie/ ("Say blue top" in English) uttered by three males. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) was applied to resolve formant trajectories of the speech signal into static and dynamic components. The perceptual contributions were quantitatively studied by systematically replacing the corresponding formant components of the sentences between the three talkers. Results of the experiments show that the static (average) feature of the vocal tract is a primary cue to talker individuality.

  • Tuning of a Fuzzy Classifier Derived from Data by Solving Inequalities

    Ruck THAWONMAS  Shigeo ABE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E81-D No:2

    In this paper, we develop a novel method for tuning parameters known as the sensitivity parameters of membership functions used in a fuzzy classifier. The proposed method performs tuning by solving a set of inequalities. Each inequality represents a range of the ratio of the sensitivity parameters between the corresponding pair of classes. The range ensures the maximum classification rate for data of the two corresponding classes used for tuning. First, we discuss how such a set of inequalities is derived. We then propose an algorithm to solve the derived set of inequalities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tuning method using two classification problems, namely, classification of commonly used iris data, and recognition of vehicle licence plates. The results are compared with those obtained by using the existing tuning method and with those by neural networks.

  • New Formulas on Orthogonal Functionals of Stochastic Binary Sequence with Unequal Probability

    Lan GAO  Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E81-A No:2

    This paper deals with an orthogonal functional expansion of a non-linear stochastic functional of a stationary binary sequence taking 1 with unequal probability. Several mathematical formulas, such as multivariate orthogonal polynomials, recurrence formula and generating function, are given in explicit form. A formula of an orthogonal functional expansion for a stochastic functional is presented; the completeness of expansion is discussed in Appendix.

  • A Comparative Study of Eight Learning Algorithms for Artificial Neural Networks Based on a Real Application

    Yadira SOLANO  Hiroaki IKEDA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E81-A No:2

    The aim of this study is to offer additional experimental evaluation on learning algorithms for artificial neural networks by testing and comparing the normalized backpropagation algorithm (NBP), previously proposed by the authors, and six other alternatives based on a particular application to financial forecasting. The algorithms are the original backpropagation (OBP), the NBP, backpropagation with momentum (two versions), the delta-bar-delta, the superSAB, the rprop and the quickprop algorithm.

  • A Simulation Scheme for Estimating Deadline of Real-Time Task Modeled in Timed Petri Net

    Won-Ho CHUNG  Hyunsoo YOON  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:2

    Estimating the deadline of a real-time task is a necessary prerequisite to the applications that have strict timing constraints, such as real-time systems design. This paper shows how Monte-Carlo simulation can be used as a space-efficient way of analyzing Timed Petri nets to predict whether the system specified can satisfy its real-time deadlines. For the purpose, Extended Timed Petri Net (XTPN), an extension of conventional Timed Petri net, and its execution rule, using Monte-Carlo technique, are newly defined. A simple simulation scheme with less memory space is presented as a way of estimating the deadline of a real-time task modeled in XTPN. And the comparison between the analytical and simulation results is given. The problem addressed here is to find the probabilities of meeting given deadlines.

  • Passively Mode-Locked Micromechanically-Tunable Semiconductor Lasers

    Yoshitada KATAGIRI  Atsushi TAKADA  Shigendo NISHI  Hiroshi ABE  Yuji UENISHI  Shinji NAGAOKA  


    E81-C No:2

    We propose a mechanically tunable passively mode-locked semiconductor laser with a high repetition rate using a simple configuration with a moving mirror located very close to a laser facet. This scheme is demonstrated for the first time by a novel micromechanical laser consisting of an InGaAsP/InP multisegment laser with a monolithic moving micro-mirror driven by an electrostatic comb structure. The main advantage of this laser is the capability of generating high-quality mode-locked pulses stabilized by a phase-locked loop (PLL) with low residual phase noise in a wide repetition-rate tuning range. This paper describes the basic concept and tuning performances utilizing the micromechanical passively mode-locked laser in 22-GHz fundamental mode-locking and in its second-harmonic mode-locking.

  • Comparative Evaluation of Photonic ATM Switch Architectures

    Yoshihiro NAKAHIRA  Hideki SUNAHARA  Yuji OIE  

    PAPER-Advanced technologies for ATM system

    E81-B No:2

    In this paper, we discuss configurations of photonic ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) switches and their advantages in terms of the number of optical switching devices to be implemented on the system, the number of wavelengths, throughput, broadcast function etc. In particular, we focus on photonic ATM switch architectures which can be built in the near future; that is, with presently available optical and electrical devices. For example, we assume the optical devices such as optical gate switches with 40 dB on/off ratio. In this context, we evaluate 17 types of photonic ATM switches; they are 6 types of input buffer type switches, 6 types of output buffer type switches, 4 types of shared buffer switches, and 1 proposed type. From our evaluation, for cell switching, wavelength division switching technologies are desirable compared with space division switching technologies in the sense that the former enables us to build a photonic ATM switch with the less number of optical gate switches. Furthermore, we propose a switch architecture equipped with optical delay line buffers on outputs and electric buffers on inputs. We show that our switch architecture is superior in the number of required optical gate switch elements under the given conditions.

  • A 2-GHz 60-dB Dynamic-Range Si Logarithmic/Limiting Amplifier with Low Phase Deviations

    Tsuneo TSUKAHARA  Masayuki ISHIKAWA  


    E81-A No:2

    A 2-GHz monolithic Si-bipolar logarithmic/ limiting amplifier is described. It features a waveform-dependent current phase shifter that compensates for the intrinsic dependence of unit-amplifier phase shifts on input signal amplitudes and layout techniques that minimize crosstalk in Si substrate. The amplifier dissipates 250 mW at a 3-V supply, which is less than 1/4 of that of previously reported ICs. The dynamic range of a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is 60 dB and the limited-output phase deviation is less than 7 deg. at 2 GHz. Therefore, this amplifier is quite suitable for single-conversion transceivers for broadband wireless access systems.

  • On Analysis of Acceptable Region of a Statistical Multiplexer Based on Fractional Brownian Traffic Models

    Suhono HARSO SUPANGKAT  Shuji KAWASAKI  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:2

    We consider statistical multiplexing for various types of input data with different statistics in an integrated multimedia system such as ATM networks. The system is assumed to have a constant service rate and a finite buffer. The bit-rate of each data input is variable and is modeled by a fractional Brownian motion process. Under a criterion of quality of service, we obtain an acceptable region of statistical multiplexing. We introduce a new method of investigating the acceptable region of a statistical multiplexer. The results show that transmitting multitype input processes will increase the multiplexing gain.

  • Current-Mode Active RC Filters Using Current Followers

    Mitsuo OKINE  Noriaki KATSUHARA  


    E81-A No:2

    In this letter, a realization of current-mode active filter using current followers as active element is described. We show the constructions of second-order lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters. The high-order filters can be realized by a cascade connection of these second filters. As examples, the second-order lowpass and highpass filters are designed for frequency of 5 MHz. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through SPICE simulation.

  • Simulation & Measurement of TCP/IP over ATM Wide Area Networks

    Georgios Y. LAZAROU  Victor S. FROST  Joseph B. EVANS  Douglas NIEHAUS  

    PAPER-ATM switch interworking

    E81-B No:2

    Predicting the performance of high speed wide area ATM networks (WANs) is a difficult task. Evaluating the performance of these systems by means of mathematical models is not yet feasible. As a result, the creation of simulation models is usually the only means of predicting and evaluating the performance of such systems. In this paper, we use measurements to validate simulation models of TCP/IP over high speed ATM wide area networks. Validation of simulations with measurements is not common; however, it is needed so that simulation models can be used with confidence to accurately characterize the performance of ATM WANs. In addition, the appropriate level of complexity of the simulation models needs to be determined. The results show that under appropriate conditions simulation models can accurately predict the performance of complex high speed ATM wide area networks. This work also shows that the user perceived performance is dependent on host processing demands.

  • Realization of Earliest-Due-Date Scheduling Discipline for ATM Switches

    Shih T. LIANG  Maria C. YUANG  

    PAPER-Control and performance

    E81-B No:2

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks are expected to support a diverse mix of traffic sources requiring different Quality Of Service (QOS) guarantees. This paper initially examines several existing scheduling disciplines which offer delay guarantees in ATM switches. Among them, the Earliest-Due-Date (EDD) discipline has been regarded as one of the most promising scheduling disciplines. The EDD discipline schedules the departure of a cell belonging to a call based on the delay priority assigned for that call during the call set-up. Supporting n delay-based service classes through the use of n respective urgency numbers D0 to Dn-1 (D0D1 Dn-1), EDD allows a class-i cell to precede any class-j (j>i) cell arriving not prior to (Dj-Di)-slot time. The main goal of the paper is to determine the urgency numbers (Dis), based on an in-depth queueing analysis, in an attempt to offer ninety-nine percentile delay guarantees for higher priority calls under various traffic loads. In the analysis, we derive system-time distributions for both high- and low-priority cells based on a discrete-time, single-server queueing model assuming renewal and non-renewal arrival processes. The validity of the analysis is justified via simulation. With the urgency numbers (Dis) determined, we further propose a feasible efficient VLSI implementation architecture for the EDD scheduling discipline, furnishing the realization of QOS guarantees in ATM switches.

  • Merging Electronics and Photonics towards the Terabit/s ATM Switching

    Bruno BOSTICA  Luigi LICCIARDI  

    PAPER-Advanced technologies for ATM system

    E81-B No:2

    The paper is focused on the architectural and technological solutions that will allow the transition from small to huge capacity ATM Switching Systems. This path starts from the industrial nodes available today and will arrive at the photonic switching architecture. The progressive introduction of photonics has already started with the use of optical interconnections in ATM nodes of hundreds of Gbit/s. A balanced use of microelectronics and photonics is the correct answer to the Terabit/s switching system challenge. After presenting a modular ATM Switching System, some technological solutions like Multichip Modules and Optical Interconnections are presented in order to explain how node capacity can be expanded. Some results of the research activity on photonic Switching are finally shown in order to exploit the great attitude of this technique to obtain very high throughput nodes.

  • On the Effective Traffic Control of ABR Services in ATM Networks

    Yaw-Chung CHEN  Chia-Tai CHAN  Shao-Cheng HU  

    PAPER-Control and performance

    E81-B No:2

    Although ATM networks support various traffic requirements, but many data applications are unable to precisely specify traffic parameters such as bit rate. These applications generally require a dynamic share of the available bandwidth among all active connections, they are called available-bit-rate (ABR) service. Due to bursty and unpredictable pattern of an ABR data stream, its traffic control is more challenging than other services. In this paper, we present an improved ABR traffic control approach, called Offset Proportional Rate Control Algorithm (OPRCA). The proposed approach achieves high link utilization, low delay and weighted fair sharing among contenting sources according to the predefined OPR. The implementation is much simpler than that of existing schemes. OPRCA combines an end-to-end rate control with link-by-link feedback control, and employs a buffering scheme that avoids Head-of-Line (HOL) blocking. It can dynamically regulate the transmission rate of source traffic and maintain the real fairness among all active connections. Simulation results have shown the effectiveness of OPRCA in several performance aspects.

  • Tree Automaton with Tree Memory

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Izumi HAYAKAWA  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E81-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose an extension of finite state tree automaton, called tree automaton with tree memory (TTA), and also define structure composing TTA (SC-TTA) and backward deterministic TTA (BD-TTA) as subclasses of TTA. We show that the classes of yield languages accepted by TTAs, SC-TTAs and BD-TTAs are equal to the class of recursively enumerable languages, the class of languages generated by tree-to-string finite state translation systems (TSFSTSs) and the class of languages generated by deterministic TSFSTSs, respectively. As a corollary, it is shown that the yield language accepted by an SC-TTA (resp. a BD-TTA) is linear space (resp. polynomial time) recognizable.

  • Refinement and Validation of Software Requirements Using Incremental Simulation

    Kyo-Chul KANG  Kwan W. LEE  Ji-young LEE  Jounghyun (Gerard) KIM  Hye-jung KIM  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E81-D No:2

    Requirements engineering refers to activities of gathering and organizing customer requirements and system specifications, making explicit representations of them, and making sure that they are valid and accounted for during the course of the design lifecycle of software. One very popular software development practice is the incremental development practice. The incremental development refers to practices that allow a program, or similarly specifications, to be developed, validated, and delivered in stages. The incremental practice is characterized by its depth-first process where focuses are given to small parts of the system in sequence to fair amounts of detail. In this paper, we present a development and validation of specifications in such an incremental style using a tool called ASADAL, a comprehensive CASE tool for real-time systems. ASADAL supports incremental and hierarchical refinements of specifications using multiple representational constructs and the evolving incomplete specifications can be formally tested with respect to critical real time properties or be simulated to determine whether the specifications capture the intended system behavior. In particular, we highlight features of ASADAL's specification simulator, called ASADAL/SIM, that plays a critical role in the incremental validation and helps users gain insights into the validity of evolving specifications. Such features include the multiple and mixed level simulation, real-value simulation, presentation and analysis of simulation data, and variety of flexible simulation control schemes. We illustrate the overall process using an example of an incremental specification development of an elevator control system.

  • FD-TD Method with PMLs ABC Based on the Principles of Multidimensional Wave Digital Filters for Discrete-Time Modelling of Maxwell's Equations

    Yoshihiro NAKA  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Akira YATA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:2

    We present a finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method with the perfectly matched layers (PMLs) absorbing boundary condition (ABC) based on the multidimensional wave digital filters (MD-WDFs) for discrete-time modelling of Maxwell's equations and show its effectiveness. First we propose modified forms of the Maxwell's equations in the PMLs and its MD-WDFs' representation by using the current-controlled voltage sources. In order to estimate the lower bound of numerical errors which come from the discretization of the Maxwell's equations, we examine the numerical dispersion relation and show the advantage of the FD-TD method based on the MD-WDFs over the Yee algorithm. Simultaneously, we estimate numerical errors in practical problems as a function of grid cell size and show that the MD-WDFs can obtain highly accurate numerical solutions in comparison with the Yee algorithm. Then we analyze several typical dielectric optical waveguide problems such as the tapered waveguide and the grating filter, and confirm that the FD-TD method based on the MD-WDFs can also treat radiation and reflection phenomena, which commonly done using the Yee algorithm.

  • Nonlinear Chirped Pulse in a Dispersion Compensated System

    Yuji KODAMA  

    PAPER-Soliton Transmission

    E81-C No:2

    We study nonlinear pulse propagation in an optical transmission system with dispersion compensation. This is particularly important for designing an ultra-fast long-haul communication system in the next generation. There exists a quasi-stationary pulse solution in such a system whose width and chirp are rapidly oscillating with the period of dispersion compensation. This pulse also has several new features such as enhanced power when compared with the soliton case with a uniform dispersion and a deformation from the sech-shape of soliton. We use the averaging method, and the averaged equation to describe the core of the pulse solution is shown to be the nonlinear Schrodinger equation having a nontrapping quadratic potential. Because of this potential, a pulse propagating in such a system eventually decays into dispersive waves in a way similar to the tunneling effect. However in a practical situation, the tunneling effect is estimated to be small, and the decay may be neglected.
