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[Keyword] Back-propagation(14hit)

  • Supervised Denoising Pre-Training for Robust ASR with DNN-HMM

    Shin Jae KANG  Kang Hyun LEE  Nam Soo KIM  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:12

    In this letter, we propose a novel supervised pre-training technique for deep neural network (DNN)-hidden Markov model systems to achieve robust speech recognition in adverse environments. In the proposed approach, our aim is to initialize the DNN parameters such that they yield abstract features robust to acoustic environment variations. In order to achieve this, we first derive the abstract features from an early fine-tuned DNN model which is trained based on a clean speech database. By using the derived abstract features as the target values, the standard error back-propagation algorithm with the stochastic gradient descent method is performed to estimate the initial parameters of the DNN. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated on Aurora-4 DB, and better results were observed compared to a number of conventional pre-training methods.

  • Hardware Neural Network for a Visual Inspection System

    Seungwoo CHUN  Yoshihiro HAYAKAWA  Koji NAKAJIMA  


    E91-A No:4

    The visual inspection of defects in products is heavily dependent on human experience and instinct. In this situation, it is difficult to reduce the production costs and to shorten the inspection time and hence the total process time. Consequently people involved in this area desire an automatic inspection system. In this paper, we propose a hardware neural network, which is expected to provide high-speed operation for automatic inspection of products. Since neural networks can learn, this is a suitable method for self-adjustment of criteria for classification. To achieve high-speed operation, we use parallel and pipelining techniques. Furthermore, we use a piecewise linear function instead of a conventional activation function in order to save hardware resources. Consequently, our proposed hardware neural network achieved 6GCPS and 2GCUPS, which in our test sample proved to be sufficiently fast.

  • A Local Search Based Learning Method for Multiple-Valued Logic Networks

    Qi-Ping CAO  Zheng TANG  Rong-Long WANG   Xu-Gang WANG  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E86-A No:7

    This paper describes a new learning method for Multiple-Value Logic (MVL) networks using the local search method. It is a "non-back-propagation" learning method which constructs a layered MVL network based on canonical realization of MVL functions, defines an error measure between the actual output value and teacher's value and updates a randomly selected parameter of the MVL network if and only if the updating results in a decrease of the error measure. The learning capability of the MVL network is confirmed by simulations on a large number of 2-variable 4-valued problems and 2-variable 16-valued problems. The simulation results show that the method performs satisfactorily and exhibits good properties for those relatively small problems.

  • Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Cirrhosis Based on Preprocessing Using DCT

    Akira KOBAYASHI  Shunpei WATABE  Masaaki EBARA  Jianming LU  Takashi YAHAGI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E86-A No:4

    We have classified parenchymal echo patterns of cirrhotic liver into four types, according to the size of hypo echoic nodular lesions. The NN (neural network) technique has been applied to the characterization of hepatic parenchymal diseases in ultrasonic B-scan texture. We employed a multilayer feedforward NN utilizing the back-propagation algorithm. We extracted 1616 pixels in the two-dimensional regions. However, when a large area is used, input data becomes large and much time is needed for diagnosis. In this report, we used DCT (discrete cosine transform) for the feature extraction of input data, and compression. As a result, DCT was found to be suitable for compressing ultrasonographic images.

  • A Training Algorithm for Multilayer Neural Networks of Hard-Limiting Units with Random Bias

    Hongbing ZHU  Kei EGUCHI  Toru TABATA  


    E83-A No:6

    The conventional back-propagation algorithm cannot be applied to networks of units having hard-limiting output functions, because these functions cannot be differentiated. In this paper, a gradient descent algorithm suitable for training multilayer feedforward networks of units having hard-limiting output functions, is presented. In order to get a differentiable output function for a hard-limiting unit, we utilized that if the bias of a unit in such a network is a random variable with smooth distribution function, the probability of the unit's output being in a particular state is a continuously differentiable function of the unit's inputs. Three simulation results are given, which show that the performance of this algorithm is similar to that of the conventional back-propagation.

  • Introduction of Orthonormal Transform into Neural Filter for Accelerating Convergence Speed

    Isao NAKANISHI  Yoshio ITOH  Yutaka FUKUI  


    E83-A No:2

    As the nonlinear adaptive filter, the neural filter is utilized to process the nonlinear signal and/or system. However, the neural filter requires large number of iterations for convergence. This letter presents a new structure of the multi-layer neural filter where the orthonormal transform is introduced into all inter-layers to accelerate the convergence speed. The proposed structure is called the transform domain neural filter (TDNF) for convenience. The weights are basically updated by the Back-Propagation (BP) algorithm but it must be modified since the error back-propagates through the orthogonal transform. Moreover, the variable step size which is normalized by the transformed signal power is introduced into the BP algorithm to realize the orthonormal transform. Through the computer simulation, it is confirmed that the introduction of the orthonormal transform is effective for speedup of convergence in the neural filter.

  • Multilayer Neural Network with Threshold Neurons

    Hiroomi HIKAWA  Kazuo SATO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E81-A No:6

    In this paper, a new architecture of Multilayer Neural Network (MNN) with on-chip learning for effective hardware implementation is proposed. To reduce the circuit size, threshold function is used as neuron's activating function and simplified back-propagation algorithm is employed to provide on-chip learning capability. The derivative of the activating function is modified to improve the rate of successful learning. The learning performance of the proposed architecture is tested by system-level simulations. Simulation results show that the modified derivative function improves the rate of successful learning and that the proposed MNN has a good generalization capability. Furthermore, the proposed architecture is implemented on field programmable gate array (FPGA). Logic-level simulation and preliminary experiment are conducted to test the on-chip learning mechanism.

  • Analysis of Momentum Term in Back-Propagation

    Masafumi HAGIWARA  Akira SATO  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E78-D No:8

    The back-propagation algorithm has been applied to many fields, and has shown large capability of neural networks. Many people use the back-propagation algorithm together with a momentum term to accelerate its convergence. However, in spite of the importance for theoretical studies, theoretical background of a momentum term has been unknown so far. First, this paper explains clearly the theoretical origin of a momentum term in the back-propagation algorithm for both a batch mode learning and a pattern-by-pattern learning. We will prove that the back-propagation algorithm having a momentum term can be derived through the following two assumptions: 1) The cost function is Enαn-µEµ, where Eµ is the summation of squared error at the output layer at the µth learning time and a is the momentum coefficient. 2) The latest weights are assumed in calculating the cost function En. Next, we derive a simple relationship between momentum, learning rate, and learning speed and then further discussion is made with computer simulation.

  • Neural Network Multiprocessors Applied with Dynamically Reconfigurable Pipeline Architecture

    Takayuki MORISHITA  Iwao TERAMOTO  


    E77-C No:12

    Processing elements (PEs) with a dynamically reconfigurable pipeline architecture allow the high-speed calculation of widely used neural model which is multi-layer perceptrons with the backpropagation (BP) learning rule. Its architecture that was proposed for a single chip is extended to multiprocessors' structure. Each PE holds an element of the synaptic weight matrix and the input vector. Multi-local buses, a swapping mechanism of the weight matrix and the input vector, and transfer commands between processor elements allow the implementation of neural networks larger than the physical PE array. Estimated peak performance by the measurement of single processor element is 21.2 MCPS in the evaluation phase and 8.0 MCUPS during the learning phase at a clock frequency of 50 MHz. In the model, multi-layer perceptrons with 768 neurons and 131072 synapses are trained by a BP learning rule. It corresponds to 1357 MCPS and 512 MCUPS with 64 processor elements and 32 neurons in each PE.

  • Fast Convergent Genetic-Type Search for Multi-Layered Network

    Shu-Hung LEUNG  Andrew LUK  Sin-Chun NG  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:9

    The classical supervised learning algorithms for optimizing multi-layered feedforward neural networks, such at the original back-propagation algorithm, suffer from several weaknesses. First, they have the possibility of being trapped at local minima during learning, which may lead to failure in finding the global optimal solution. Second, the convergence rate is typically too slow even if the learning can be achieved. This paper introduces a new learning algorithm which employs a genetic-type search during the learning phase of back-propagation algorithm so that the above problems can be overcome. The basic idea is to evolve the network weights in a controlled manner so as to jump to the regions of smaller mean squared error whenever the back-propagation stops at a local minimum. By this, the local minima can always be escaped and a much faster learning with global optimal solution can be achieved. A mathematical framework on the weight evolution of the new algorithm in also presented in this paper, which gives a careful analysis on the requirements of weight evolution (or perturbation) during learning in order to achieve a better error performance in the weights between different hidden layers. Simulation results on three typical problems including XOR, 3-bit parity and the counting problem are described to illustrate the fast learning behaviour and the global search capability of the new algorithm in improving the performance of back-propagated network.

  • Evaluation of Robustness in a Leaning Algorithm that Minimizes Output Variation for Handprinted Kanji Pattern Recognition

    Yoshimasa KIMURA  


    E77-D No:4

    This paper uses both network analysis and experiments to confirm that the neural network learning algorithm that minimizes output variation (BPV) provides much more robustness than back-propagation (BP) or BP with noise-modified training samples (BPN). Network analysis clarifies the relationship between sample displacement and what and how the network learns. Sample displacement generates variation in the output of the output units in the output layer. The output variation model introduces two types of deformation error, both of which modify the mean square error. We propose a new error which combines the two types of deformation error. The network analysis using this new error considers that BPV learns two types of training samples where the modification is either towards or away from the category mean, which is defined as the center of sample distribution. The magnitude of modification depends on the position of the training sample in the sample distribution and the degree of leaning completion. The conclusions is that BPV learns samples modified towards to the category mean more stronger than those modified away from the category mean, namely it achieves nonuniform learning. Another conclusion is that BPN learns from uniformly modified samples. The conjecture that BPV is much more robust than the other two algorithms is made. Experiments that evaluate robustness are performed from two kinds of viewpoints: overall robustness and specific robustness. Benchmark studies using distorted handprinted Kanji character patterns examine overall robustness and two specifically modified samples (noise-modified samples and directionally-modified samples) examine specific robustness. Both sets of studies confirm the superiority of BPV and the accuracy of the conjecture.

  • Neural Networks with Interval Weights for Nonlinear Mappings of Interval Vectors

    Kitaek KWON  Hisao ISHIBUCHI  Hideo TANAKA  


    E77-D No:4

    This paper proposes an approach for approximately realizing nonlinear mappings of interval vectors by interval neural networks. Interval neural networks in this paper are characterized by interval weights and interval biases. This means that the weights and biases are given by intervals instead of real numbers. First, an architecture of interval neural networks is proposed for dealing with interval input vectors. Interval neural networks with the proposed architecture map interval input vectors to interval output vectors by interval arithmetic. Some characteristic features of the nonlinear mappings realized by the interval neural networks are described. Next, a learning algorithm is derived. In the derived learning algorithm, training data are the pairs of interval input vectors and interval target vectors. Last, using a numerical example, the proposed approach is illustrated and compared with other approaches based on the standard back-propagation neural networks with real number weights.

  • Invariant Object Recognition by Artificial Neural Network Using Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm

    Kazuki ITO  Masanori HAMAMOTO  Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:7

    A new neural network system for object recognition is proposed which is invariant to translation, scaling and rotation. The system consists of two parts. The first is a preprocessor which obtains projection from the input image plane such that the projection features are translation and scale invariant, and then adopts the Rapid Transform which makes the transformed outputs rotation invariant. The second part is a neural net classifier which receives the outputs of preprocessing part as the input signals. The most attractive feature of this system is that, by using only a simple shift invariant transformation (Rapid transformation) in conjunction with the projection of the input image plane, invariancy is achieved and the system is of reasonably small size. Experiments with six geometrical objects with different degrees of scaling and rotation shows that the proposed system performs excellent when the neural net classifier is trained by the Cascade-correlation learning algorithm proposed by Fahlman and Lebiere.

  • A VLSI Processor Architecture for a Back-Propagation Accelerator

    Yoshio HIROSE  Hideaki ANBUTSU  Koichi YAMASHITA  Gensuke GOTO  

    PAPER-Application Specific Processors

    E75-C No:10

    This paper describes a VLSI processor architecture designed for a back-propagation accelerator. Three techniques are used to accelerate the simulation. The first is a multi-processor approach where a neural network simulation is suitable for parallel processing. By constructing a ring network using several processors, the simulation speed is multiplied by the number of the processors. The second technique is internal parallel processing. Each processor contains 4 multipliers and 4 ALUs that all work in parallel. The third technique is pipelining. The connections of eight functional units change according to the current stage of the back-propagation algorithm. Intermediate data is sent from one functional unit to another without being stored in extra registers and data is processed in a pipeline manner. The data is in 24-bit floating point format (18-bit mantissa and 6-bit oxponent). The chip has about 88,000 gates, including microcode ROM for processor control, the processor is designed using 0.8-µm CMOS gate arrays, and the estimated performance at 40 MHz is 20 million connection updates per second (MCUPS). For a ring network with 4 processors, performance can be enhanced up to 90 MCUPS.