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[Keyword] EDR(34hit)


  • Estimation of Azimuth and Elevation DOA Using Microphones Located at Apices of Regular Tetrahedron

    Yusuke HIOKA  Nozomu HAMADA  

    LETTER-Speech/Acoustic Signal Processing

    E87-A No:8

    The proposed DOA (Direction Of Arrival) estimation method by integrating the frequency array data generated from microphone pairs in an equilateral-triangular microphone array is extended here. The method uses four microphones located at the apices of regular tetrahedron to enable to estimate the elevation angle from the array plane as well. Furthermore, we introduce an idea for separate estimation of azimuth and elevation to reduce the computational loads.

  • Fundamental Properties of M-Convex and L-Convex Functions in Continuous Variables

    Kazuo MUROTA  Akiyoshi SHIOURA  


    E87-A No:5

    The concepts of M-convexity and L-convexity, introduced by Murota (1996, 1998) for functions on the integer lattice, extract combinatorial structures in well-solved nonlinear combinatorial optimization problems. These concepts are extended to polyhedral convex functions and quadratic functions on the real space by Murota-Shioura (2000, 2001). In this paper, we consider a further extension to general convex functions. The main aim of this paper is to provide rigorous proofs for fundamental properties of general M-convex and L-convex functions.

  • Polyhedral Description of Panoramic Range Data by Stable Plane Extraction

    Caihua WANG  Hideki TANAHASHI  Hidekazu HIRAYU  Yoshinori NIWA  Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E85-D No:9

    In this paper, we describe a novel technique to extract a polyhedral description from panoramic range data of a scene taken by a panoramic laser range finder. First, we introduce a reasonable noise model of the range data acquired with a laser radar range finder, and derive a simple and efficient approximate solution of the optimal fitting of a local plane in the range data under the assumed noise model. Then, we compute the local surface normals using the proposed method and extract stable planar regions from the range data by using both the distribution information of local surface normals and their spatial information in the range image. Finally, we describe a method which builds a polyhedral description of the scene using the extracted stable planar regions of the panoramic range data with 360 field of view in a polar coordinate system. Experimental results on complex real range data show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Embedded DRAM (eDRAM) Power-Energy Estimation Using Signal Swing-Based Analytical Model

    Yong-Ha PARK  Jeonghoon KOOK  Hoi-Jun YOO  

    LETTER-Integrated Electronics

    E85-C No:8

    Embedded-DRAM (eDRAM) power-energy estimation model is proposed for system-on-a-chip (SOC) applications. The main feature is the signal swing based analytic (SSBA) model, which improves the accuracy of the conventional SRAM power-energy models. The power-energy estimation using SSBA model shows 95% accuracy compared with the transistor level power simulation for three fabricated eDRAMs. The SSBA model combined with the high-level simulator provides fast and accurate system level power-energy estimation of eDRAM.

  • A Linear Relaxation for Hub Network Design Problems

    Hiro-o SAITO  Shiro MATUURA  Tomomi MATSUI  


    E85-A No:5

    In this paper, we consider a network design problem with hub-and-spoke structure. We propose a relaxation technique for the problem where the location of hub nodes is given and decides the allocation of non-hub nodes to one of the hub nodes. We linearize the non-convex quadratic objective function of the original problem, introducing Hitchcock transportation problems defined for each pair of non-hub nodes. We provide two linear relaxation problems, one based on the Hitchcock transportation problems and the other on the dual Hitchcock transportation problems. We show the tightness of the lower bounds obtained by our formulations by computational experiences.

  • A Probabilistic Approach to Plane Extraction and Polyhedral Approximation of Range Data

    Caihua WANG  Hideki TANAHASHI  Hidekazu HIRAYU  Yoshinori NIWA  Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E85-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach to derive an approximate polyhedral description from range data. We first compare several least-squares-based methods for estimation of local normal vectors and select the most robust one based on a reasonable noise model of the range data. Second, we extract the stable planar regions from the range data by examining the distributions of the local normal vectors together with their spatial information in the 2D range image. Instead of segmenting the range data completely, we use only the geometries of the extracted stable planar regions to derive a polyhedral description of the range data. The curved surfaces in the range data are approximated by their extracted plane patches. With a probabilistic approach, the proposed method can be expected to be robust against the noise. Experimental results on real range data from different sources show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Level Set Characterization of M-convex Functions

    Akiyoshi SHIOURA  


    E83-A No:4

    This note investigates the characterizing properties of the level sets of an M-convex function introduced by Murota.

  • Structures of Triangulations of Points

    Keiko IMAI  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Algorithms for Geometric Problems

    E83-D No:3

    Triangulations have been one of main research topics in computational geometry and have many applications in computer graphics, finite element methods, mesh generation, etc. This paper surveys properties of triangulations in the two- or higher-dimensional spaces. For triangulations of the planar point set, we have a good triangulation, called the Delaunay triangulation, which satisfies several optimality criteria. Based on Delaunay triangulations, many properties of planar triangulations can be shown, and a graph structure can be constructed for all planar triangulations. On the other hand, triangulations in higher dimensions are much more complicated than in planar cases. However, there does exist a subclass of triangulations, called regular triangulations, with nice structure, which is also touched upon.

  • Mesh Generation for Application in Technology CAD

    Peter FLEISCHMANN  Wolfgang PYKA  Siegfried SELBERHERR  


    E82-C No:6

    After a brief discussion of the demands in meshing for semiconductor process and device simulation, we present a three-dimensional Delaunay refinement technique combined with a modified advancing front algorithm.

  • Efficient Evaluation of Aperture Field Integration Method for Polyhedron Surfaces and Equivalence to Physical Optics

    Suomin CUI  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:12

    The equivalence between Aperture Field Integration Method (AFIM) and Physical Optical (PO) is discussed for polyhedron surfaces in this paper. The necessary conditions for the equivalence are summarized which demand complete equivalent surface currents and complete apertures. The importance of the exact expressions for both incident and reflected fields in constructing equivalent surface currents is emphasized and demonstrated numerically. The fields from reflected components on additional surface which lies on the Geometrical Optics (GO) reflection boundary are evaluated asymptotically. The analytical expression enhances the computational efficiency of the complete AFIM. The equivalent edge currents (EECs) for AFIM (AFIMEECs) are used to extract the mechanism of this equivalence between AFIM and PO.

  • Unique Shape Reconstruction Using Interreflections

    Jun YANG  Dili ZHANG  Noboru OHNISHI  Noboru SUGIE  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:3

    We discuss the uniqueness of 3-D shape reconstruction of a polyhedron from a single shading image. First, we analytically show that multiple convex (and concave) shape solutions usually exist for a simple polyhedron if interreflections are not considered. Then we propose a new approach to uniquely determine the concave shape solution using interreflections as a constraint. An example, in which two convex and two concave shapes were obtained from a single shaded image for a trihedral corner, has been given by Horn. However, how many solutions exist for a general polyhedron wasn't described. We analytically show that multiple convex (and concave) shape solutions usually exist for a pyramid using a reflectance map, if interreflection distribution is not considered. However, if interreflection distribution is used as a constraint that limits the shape solution for a concave polyhedron, the polyhedral shape can be uniquely determined. Interreflections, which were considered to be deleterious in conventional approaches, are used as a constraint to determine the shape solution in our approach.

  • Shape and Reflectance of a Polyhedron from Interreflections by Two-Image Photometric Stereo

    Jun YANG  Noboru OHNISHI  Noboru SUGIE  


    E77-D No:9

    In this paper, we extend two-image photometric stereo method to treat a concave polyhedron, and present an iterative algorithm to remove the influence of interreflections. By the method we can obtain the shape and reflectance of a concave polyhedron with perfectly diffuse (Lambertian) and unknown constant reflectance. Both simulation and experiment show the feasibility and accuracy of the method.

  • A System for 3D Simulation of Complex Si and Heterostructure Devices

    Paolo CONTI  Masaaki TOMIZAWA  Akira YOSHII  


    E77-C No:2

    A software package has been developed for simulating complex silicon and heterostructure devices in 3D. Device geometries are input with a mouse-driven geometric modeler, thus simplifying the definition of complex 3D shapes. Single components of the device are assembled through boolean operations. Tetrahedra are used for grid generation, since any plane-faced geometry can be tessellated with tetrahedra, and point densities can be adapted locally. The use of a novel octree-like data structure leads to oriented grids where desirable. Bad angles that prevent the convergence of the control volume integration scheme are eliminated mostly through topological transformations, thus avoiding the insertion of many redundant grid points. The discretized drift-diffusion equations are solved with an iterative method, using either a decoupled (or Gummel) scheme, or a fully coupled Newton scheme. Alternatively, generated grids can be submitted to a Laplace solver in order to calculate wire capacitances and resistances. Several examples of results illustrate the flexibility and effectiveness of this approach.

  • Load-Oriented Tutoring to Enhance Student's Explanation Understanding--An Explanation Planner and a Self-explanation Envitonment--

    Akihiro KASHIHARA  Koichi MATSUMURA  Tsukasa HIRASHIMA  Jun'ichi TOYODA  


    E77-D No:1

    This paper discusses the design of an ITS to realize a load-oriented tutoring to enhance the student's explanation understanding. In the explanation understanding, it is to be hoped that a student not only memorizes the new information from an explanation, but also relates the acquired information with his/her own knowledge to recognize what it means. This relating process can be viewed as the one in which the student structures his/her knowledge with the explanation. In our ITS, we regard the knowledge-structuring activities as the explanation understanding. In this paper, we propose an explanation, called a load-oriented explanation, with the intention of applying a load to the student's knowledge-structuring activities purposefully. If the proper load is applied, the explanation can induce the student to think by himself/herself. Therefore he/she will have a chance of gaining the deeper understanding. The important point toward the load-oriented explanation generation is to control the load heaviness appropriately, which a student will bear in understanding the explanation. This requires to estimate how an explanation promotes the understanding activities and how much the load is applied to the activities. In order to provide ITS with the estimation, we have built an Explanation Effect Model, EEM for short. Our ITS consists of an explanation planner and a self-explanation environment. The planner generates the load-oriented explanation based on EEM. The system also makes a student explain the explanation understanding process to himself/herself. Such self-explanation is useful to let the student be conscious of the necessity of structuring his/her knowledge with the explanation. The self-explanation environment supports the student's self-explanation. Furthermore, if the student reaches an impasse in self-explaining, the planner can generate the supporting explanation for the impasse.
