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  • Compact Representation of Green Function Using Discrete Wavelet Concept for Fast Field Analysis

    Hyung-Hoon KIM  Saehoon JU  Seungwon CHOI  Jong-Il PARK  Hyeongdong KIM  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E89-B No:12

    A compact representation of the Green function is proposed by applying the discrete wavelet concept in the k-domain, which can be used for the acceleration of scattered field calculations in integral equation methods. A mathematical expression of the Green function based on the discrete wavelet concept is derived and its characteristics are discussed.

  • Proactive Route Maintenance for Tree-Based Application Layer Multicast and Its Implementations

    Tetsuya KUSUMOTO  Jiro KATTO  Sakae OKUBO  


    E89-D No:12

    The purpose of this study is to maintain efficient backup routes for reconstructing overlay trees quickly. In most conventional methods, after a node leaves the trees, its child nodes start searching for the new parents. In this reactive approach, it takes a lot of time to find a new parent. In this paper, we propose a proactive approach to finding a next parent as the backup route node over the overlay tree before the current parent leaves. A proactive approach allows a node to find its new parent node immediately and switch to the backup route node smoothly. In our proposal, the structure of the overlay tree using a redundant degree can decide a backup route node without so much overhead. Simulations demonstrate our proactive approach can recover from node departures 2 times faster than reactive approaches, and can construct overlay trees with lower overheads than another proactive method. Additionally we carried out experiments over actual networks and their results support the effectiveness of our approach. We confirmed that our proposal achieved better streaming quality than conventional approaches.

  • Soft Counting Poisson Mixture Model-Based Polling Method for Speech/Nonspeech Classification

    Youngjoo SUH  Hoirin KIM  Minsoo HAHN  Yongju LEE  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E89-D No:12

    In this letter, a new segment-level speech/nonspeech classification method based on the Poisson polling technique is proposed. The proposed method makes two modifications from the baseline Poisson polling method to further improve the classification accuracy. One of them is to employ Poisson mixture models to more accurately represent various segmental patterns of the observed frequencies for frame-level input features. The other is the soft counting-based frequency estimation to improve the reliability of the observed frequencies. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by the experimental results showing the maximum error reduction of 39% compared to the segmentally accumulated log-likelihood ratio-based method.

  • Design of Optical Switching Module for Gigabit Ethernet Optical Switched Access Network

    Takumi NOMURA  Hiromi UEDA  Chikashi ITOH  Hiroaki KUROKAWA  Toshinori TSUBOI  Hiroyuki KASAI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E89-B No:11

    This paper introduces the design of an Optical Switching Module (OSM) for our newly proposed Gigabit Ethernet Optical Switched Access Network (GE-OSAN) architecture that uses the Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP), defined in IEEE 802.3ah. We outline the GE-OSAN architecture to clarify OSM's role in the network. We offer an OSM configuration that has the basic functions needed to realize downstream and upstream high-speed data services in GE-OSAN. We clarify the OSM optical switching time that allows GE-OSAN to achieve the same throughput as GE-PON. Our survey of currently available optical switches identifies the optical packet switches that can meet this switching time requirement. We evaluate OSM insertion loss with these switches. We propose an OSM configuration that has a regeneration function as well as the basic ones to realize wider network configurations that can lead to a reduction in overall system costs. In addition, we present OSM configurations that have broadcast and multicast functions as well as the basic ones so that GE-OSAN can support broadcast and multicast video services to equal and exceed GE-PON.

  • Design of Irregular Repeat Accumulate Codes with Joint Degree Distributions

    Kenta KASAI  Shinya MIYAMOTO  Tomoharu SHIBUYA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E89-A No:11

    Irregular Repeat-Accumulate (IRA) codes, introduced by Jin et al., have a linear-time encoding algorithm and their decoding performance is comparable to that of irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. Meanwhile the authors have introduced detailedly represented irregular LDPC code ensembles specified with joint degree distributions between variable nodes and check nodes. In this paper, by using density evolution method [7],[8], we optimize IRA codes specified with joint degree distributions. Resulting codes have higher thresholds than Jin's IRA codes.

  • CMOS Image Sensor Using Negative-Feedback Resetting to Obtain Variably Smoothed Images

    Masayuki IKEBE  Keita SAITO  


    E89-C No:11

    We designed a CMOS image sensor capable of capturing variably smoothed images. This sensor uses a negative-feedback technique to set photodiode (PD) capacitance in the pixel circuit to any intermediate voltage during charge accumulation and it provides a neighboring-pixel operation by using their average value when resetting the PD capacitance. Smoothing-filter coefficients are changed by adjusting timing of the pixel-readout and neighboring-pixels operations. The performance of the proposed sensor was evaluated by SPICE simulation and numerical analysis.

  • Optical Path Protection with Fast Extra Path Preemption

    Shoichiro SENO  Teruko FUJII  Motofumi TANABE  Eiichi HORIUCHI  Yoshimasa BABA  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI  

    PAPER-Switching for Communications

    E89-B No:11

    Emerging GMPLS (Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching)-based photonic networks are expected to realize the dynamic allocation of network resources for a wide range of applications, such as carriers' backbone networks as well as enterprise core networks and GRID computing. To address diverse reliability requirements corresponding to different application needs, photonic networks have to support various optical path recovery schemes. Thus GMPLS standardization bodies have developed failure recovery protocols for 1+1 protection, 1:N protection and restoration, with support of extra traffic and shared use of back-up resources. Whereas the standardization efforts cover a full spectrum of recovery schemes, there have not been many reports on actual implementations of such functionalities, and none of them included extra traffic. This paper introduces an OXC (Optical Cross Connect) implementation of GMPLS's failure recovery functionalities supporting 1+1 protection, M:N protection and extra path. Here extra path is an extension of GMPLS protection's extra traffic which can partially reuse protected paths' back-up resources. Evaluation of the implementation confirms rapid recovery of protected traffic upon a failure, even when preemption of an extra path is involved. It is also shown that its preemption scheme can resolve the issue of the poor scalability of GMPLS-based preemption when multiple extra paths are preempted upon a failure.

  • Switching Control of Feedback Linearizable Systems Using Multi-Diffeomorphism

    Min-Sung KOO  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E89-A No:11

    Since the control input of a feedback linearizable system depends on the diffeomorphism, the transient behavior of the controlled system is different. In this paper, we propose a switching rule for selecting a diffeomorphism so that the transient behavior is improved and the switched system is stable. Specifically, we show the sufficient condition for the exponential stability and the exponential upper bound of the trajectory of the switched system.

  • Security Analysis of Provably Secure Constant Round Dynamic Group Key Agreement

    Joseph Chee Ming TEO  Chik How TAN  Jim Mee NG  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E89-A No:11

    Recently, Dutta and Barua proposed provably secure constant round authenticated group key agreement protocols in dynamic scenario. In this letter, we show that their Leave Protocol does not provide forward secrecy, that is, a leaving user can still obtain the new session key used in subsequent sessions.

  • Hybrid Voice Conversion of Unit Selection and Generation Using Prosody Dependent HMM

    Tadashi OKUBO  Ryo MOCHIZUKI  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E89-D No:11

    We propose a hybrid voice conversion method which employs a combination of techniques using HMM-based unit selection and spectrum generation. In the proposed method, the HMM-based unit selection selects the most likely unit for the required phoneme context from the target speaker's corpus when candidates of the target unit exist in the corpus. Unit selection is performed based on the sequence of the spectral probability distribution obtained from the adapted HMMs. On the other hand, when a target unit does not exist in a corpus, a target waveform is generated from the adapted HMM sequence by maximizing the spectral likelihood. The proposed method also employs the HMM in which the spectral probability distribution is adjusted to the target prosody using the weight defined by the prosodic probability of each distribution. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, sound quality and speaker individuality tests were conducted. The results revealed that the proposed method could produce high-quality speech and individuality of the synthesized sound was more similar to the target speaker compared to conventional methods.

  • A VLSI Spiking Feedback Neural Network with Negative Thresholding and Its Application to Associative Memory

    Kan'ya SASAKI  Takashi MORIE  Atsushi IWATA  


    E89-C No:11

    An integrate-and-fire-type spiking feedback network is discussed in this paper. In our spiking neuron model, analog information expressing processing results is given by the relative relation of spike firing. Therefore, for spiking feedback networks, all neurons should fire (pseudo-)periodically. However, an integrate-and-fire-type neuron generates no spike unless its internal potential exceeds the threshold. To solve this problem, we propose negative thresholding operation. In this paper, this operation is achieved by a global excitatory unit. This unit operates immediately after receiving the first spike input. We have designed a CMOS spiking feedback network VLSI circuit with the global excitatory unit for Hopfield-type associative memory. The circuit simulation results show that the network achieves correct association operation.

  • Complexity and a Heuristic Algorithm of Computing Parallel Degree for Program Nets with SWITCH-Nodes

    Shingo YAMAGUCHI  Tomohiro TAKAI  Tatsuya WATANABE  Qi-Wei GE  Minoru TANAKA  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E89-A No:11

    This paper deals with computation of parallel degree, PARAdeg, for (dataflow) program nets with SWITCH-nodes. Ge et al. have given the definition of PARAdeg and an algorithm of computing PARAdeg for program nets with no SWITCH-nodes. However, for program nets with SWITCH-nodes, any algorithm of computing PARAdeg has not been proposed. We first show that it is intractable to compute PARAdeg for program nets with SWITCH-nodes. To do this, we define a subclass of program nets with SWITCH-nodes, named structured program nets, and then show that the decision problem related to compute PARAdeg for acyclic structured program nets is NP-complete. Next, we give a heuristic algorithm to compute PARAdeg for acyclic structured program nets. Finally, we do experiments to evaluate our heuristic algorithm for 200 acyclic structured program nets. We can say that the heuristic algorithm is reasonable, because its accuracy is more than 96% and the computation time can be greatly reduced.

  • CENSREC-3: An Evaluation Framework for Japanese Speech Recognition in Real Car-Driving Environments

    Masakiyo FUJIMOTO  Kazuya TAKEDA  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E89-D No:11

    This paper introduces a common database, an evaluation framework, and its baseline recognition results for in-car speech recognition, CENSREC-3, as an outcome of the IPSJ-SIG SLP Noisy Speech Recognition Evaluation Working Group. CENSREC-3, which is a sequel to AURORA-2J, has been designed as the evaluation framework of isolated word recognition in real car-driving environments. Speech data were collected using two microphones, a close-talking microphone and a hands-free microphone, under 16 carefully controlled driving conditions, i.e., combinations of three car speeds and six car conditions. CENSREC-3 provides six evaluation environments designed using speech data collected in these conditions.

  • Scheduling of Periodic Tasks on a Dynamically Reconfigurable Device Using Timed Discrete Event Systems

    Kenji ONOGI  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E89-A No:11

    A dynamically reconfigurable device is a device that can change its hardware configuration arbitrarily often in order to achieve the desired performance and functions. Since several tasks are executed on the device concurrently, scheduling of both task execution and reconfiguration is an important problem. In our model, the dynamically reconfigurable device is represented by a two-level hierarchical automaton, and execution of each periodic task is represented by a timed discrete event system. We propose a composition rule to get an automaton, which represents non-preemptive execution of periodic tasks on the dynamically reconfigurable device. We introduce a method to get a feasible execution sequence of tasks by using state feedback control.

  • Performance Comparison of Route Metrics for Wireless Mesh Networks

    Bong Chan KIM  Hwang Soo LEE  


    E89-B No:11

    When designing the route metrics for wireless mesh networks, we can improve network capacity by considering the traffic load, the link loss rate, and the medium contention. In this letter, we propose as the route metrics for wireless mesh networks the number of contention nodes that reflects both the traffic load and the medium contention as well as the aggregated traffic bandwidth that reflects the traffic load. To the best of our knowledge, no studies to date have compared the performances of route metrics with different features in the wireless mesh network. We therefore compared the performances of the proposed route metrics and the existing route metrics of the hop count and the expected transmission count to reflect the link loss rate. Simulation results show that the proposed route metrics perform better than the existing route metrics.

  • Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering: Trends and Issues

    Shuichiro YAMAMOTO  Haruhiko KAIYA  Karl COX  Steven BLEISTEIN  


    E89-D No:11

    Research has been actively proposed into how to specify requirements in the upper stream of software development. For example, the main research issues regarding Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis methodologies include requirements elicitation, modeling, and validation of specifications to give a starting point for software development. At the same time, another area of research has emerged that recognizes the importance of guaranteeing requirements quality by goals. As the impact of IT penetrates to mobile devices, information appliances and automobiles, goal oriented requirements engineering (GORE) approaches for performance and safety in embedded systems have been proposed. Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) such as business strategy, security and privacy, are now being formalized by Requirements Engineering (RE) technologies, because enterprise business is now heavily influenced by IT, for example in e-Business. As IT is fast becoming ubiquitous in society, the importance of Goal Orientation will increase as socio-technology enables visualization of the role of software in social systems. In this paper, we discuss the current states and trends of GORE from the viewpoints of both academia and industry.

  • Secret Key Capacity and Advantage Distillation Capacity

    Jun MURAMATSU  Kazuyuki YOSHIMURA  Peter DAVIS  


    E89-A No:10

    Secret key agreement is a procedure for agreeing on a secret key by exchanging messages over a public channel when a sender, a legitimate receiver (henceforth referred to as a receiver), and an eavesdropper have access to correlated sources. Maurer [6] defined secret key capacity, which is the least upper bound of the key generation rate of the secret key agreement, and presented an upper and a lower bound for the secret key capacity. The advantage distillation capacity is introduced and it is shown that this quantity equals to the secret key capacity. Naive information theoretical expressions of the secret key capacity and the advantage distillation capacity are also presented. An example of correlated sources, for which an analytic expression of the secret key capacity can be obtained, is also presented.

  • Mutual Complementarity between Diffusion-Type Flow Control and TCP

    Chisa TAKANO  Kaori MURANAKA  Keita SUGIYAMA  Masaki AIDA  


    E89-B No:10

    In current IP-based networks, the application of window-based end-to-end flow control, including TCP, to ensure reliable flows is an essential factor. However, since such a flow control is provided by the end hosts, end-to-end control cannot be applied to decision-making in a time-scale shorter than the round-trip delay. We have previously proposed a diffusion-type flow control mechanism to realize the extremely time sensitive flow control that is required for high-speed networks. In this mechanism, each network node manages its own traffic only on the basis of the local information directly available to it, by using predetermined rules. The implementation of decision-making at each node can lead to optimal performance for the whole network. Our previous studies showed that the mechanism works well, by itself, in high-speed networks. However, to apply this mechanism to actual networks, it needs to be able to coexist with other existing protocols. In this paper, we investigate the performance of diffusion-type flow control coexisting with TCP. We show that diffusion-type flow control can coexist with TCP and the two can be complementary. Then, we show that a combination of both controls achieves higher network performance than TCP alone in high-speed networks.

  • Proposal and Evaluation of a Mesh Wireless Local Area Network Architecture with Dual DCF-HCCA Channel Access Scheme in the Vicinity of Gateway Access Points

    Luis LOYOLA  Masakatsu OGAWA  Kengo NAGATA  Satoru AIKAWA  


    E89-B No:10

    The gateway access point (AP) in a wireless mesh network becomes the natural bottleneck node around which all the traffic relayed by APs that is exchanged among the terminals and the Internet tend to concentrate. So far most of the practical deployments of mesh wireless local area networks (WLANs) focused on public safety and public access have taken place in rural or suburban areas where the low density of users and the low data-rate applications in use do not impose stringent traffic conditions, making the conventional single-radio DCF-based system defined by IEEE 802.11 a feasible implementation option. However, under relatively high traffic-load conditions, the large number of packet collisions produced by the accumulation of traffic in the vicinity of gateway APs may greatly reduce the overall network throughput and largely increase the delay, especially in case of packets that traverse several hops, thus affecting real-time applications like voice over IP (VoIP). To cope with this problem a polling mechanism compliant with the IEEE 802.11e hybrid-coordination-function controlled channel access (HCCA) which operates in a single network interface card (NIC) in the vicinity of gateway APs has been proposed in this paper. The polling scheme is complemented with a Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) channel access that also operates in the vicinity of gateway APs in a different NIC and on a different channel. The HCCA NIC allows any gateway AP to exchange data frames with its surrounding APs in a scheduled and bidirectional way while the DCF NIC provides gateway APs a contention-based way to receive data frames from their respective surrounding APs. Computer simulations carried out in OPNET version 10.0 to evaluate the combination of both contention-based and contention-free access schemes in the area surrounding gateway APs show that the proposed mechanism can largely increase the total throughput while providing low transmission delay. As no changes to the IEEE 802.11 related protocols are required, the proposed scheme represents an attractive option to implement a mesh WLAN.

  • High-Speed Drive Waveforms of PDPs with Wall-Charge Elimination, Write-Address Scheme

    Takateru SAWADA  Tomokazu SHIGA  Shigeo MIKOSHIBA  


    E89-C No:10

    A high-speed drive technique is introduced in which addressing is done by eliminating, instead of accumulating, the wall charges. In the proposed scheme, wall charges are accumulated in all the cells in advance, and then the address discharges take place in selected cells to eliminate the wall charges. Sustain discharges are generated in these cells. In order to realize the proposed address scheme, re-designing of a setup waveforms was necessary. The data pulse of 1.33 µs wide and 84 V was realized in a Ne+10%Xe PDP. A contrast of 3,600:1 was obtained by providing one setup period in a TV field.
