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[Keyword] EE(4073hit)


  • Prosodic Control to Express Emotions for Man-Machine Speech Interaction

    Yoshinori KITAHARA  Yoh'ichi TOHKURA  


    E75-A No:2

    In speech output expected as an ideal man-machine interface, there exists an important issue on emotion production in order to not only improve its naturalness but also achieve more sophisticated speech interaction between man and machine. Speech has two aspects, which are prosodic information and phonetic feature. For the purpose of application to natural and high quality speech synthesis, the role of prosody in speech perception has been studied. In this paper, prosodic components, which contribute to the expression of emotions and their intensity, are clarified by analyzing emotional speech and by conducting listening tests of synthetic speech. The analysis is performed by substituting the components of neutral speech (i.e., one with no particular emotion) with those of emotional speech preserving the temporal correspondence by means of DTW. It has been confirmed that prosodic components, which are composed of pitch structure, temporal structure and amplitude structure, contribute to the expression of emotions more than the spectral structure of speech. The results of listening tests using prosodic substituted speech show that temporal structure is the most important for the expression of anger, while all of three components are much more important for the intensity of anger. Pitch structure also plays a significant role in the expression of joy and sadness and their intensity. These results make it possible to convert neutral utterances into utterances expressing various emotions. The results can also be applied to controlling the emotional characteristics of speech in synthesis by rule.

  • Unified MOSFET Model for All Channel Lengths down to Quarter Micron



    E75-C No:2

    This work describes a new analytical MOSFET model for analog circuit simulation based on the charge-sheet model. The current equation consists of diffusion and drift components, therefore Ids is a smooth function of the applied voltages. Since the original charge-sheet model is valid only for long-channel transistors, it has been further developed to describe quarter-micron MOSFETs by introducing the lateral electric field Ey into the theory. The new model includes these field contributions self-consistently, and describes the drain current of MOSFETs from long to quarter-micron channel lengths with a single model parameter set without discontinuities in derivatives of the drain current Ids. The mobility reduction due to Ey is described by an empirical equation with physical parameter values taken from literature. Only two fitting parameters, the impurity scattering and the surface roughness scattering in the mobility equation, are added to the physical parameters. The subdiffusion lengths are also taken as fitting parameters. Though the new model reduces the number of fitting parameters totally to four, it reproduces measured Ids excellently for MOSFETs with all channel lengths. The model has been included in the parameter extraction program JANUS, which extracts model parameters automatically. The algorithm for parameter extraction is summarized.

  • Speech Coding and Recognition: A Review

    Andreas S. SPANIAS  Frank H. WU  


    E75-A No:2

    The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the recent developments in the area of speech processing and in particular in the fields of speech coding and speech recognition. The speech coding review covers DPCM coders, model-based vocoders, waveform coders, and hybrid coders. The hybrid coders are described in some detail since they are the subject of current research. Our treatment of speech recognition techniques concentrates on the methodologies for voice recognition and the progress made in speaker independent recognition. In addition, we describe the efforts towards commercial deployment of this technology.

  • An RNC Algorithm for Finding a Largest Common Subtree of Two Trees

    Tatsuya AKUTSU  


    E75-D No:1

    It is known that the problem of finding a largest common subgraph is NP-hard for general graphs even if the number of input graphs is two. It is also known that the problem can be solved in polynomial time if the input is restricted to two trees. In this paper, a randomized parallel (an RNC) algorithm for finding a largest common subtree of two trees is presented. The dynamic tree contraction technique and the RNC minimum weight perfect matching algorithm are used to obtain the RNC algorithm. Moreover, an efficient NC algorithm is presented in the case where input trees are of bounded vertex degree. It works in O(log(n1)log(n2)) time using O(n1n2) processors on a CREW PRAM, where n1 and n2 denote the numbers of vertices of input trees. It is also proved that the problem is NP-hard if the number of input trees is more than two. The three dimensional matching problem, a well known NP-complete problem, is reduced to the problem of finding a largest common subtree of three trees.

  • Optical Solitons for Signal Processing

    Stephen R. FRIBERG  


    E75-A No:1

    We consider applications of optical solitons to signal processing. Soliton switching devices promise ultrafast operation and compatibility with communications systems using optical pulses. Quantum soliton effects include broadband squeezing and quantum nondemolition measurements, and can reduce noise and increase sensitivities of optical measurements. We report the demonstration of two-color soliton switching and describe progress towards implementation of quantum nondemolition measurement of photon number using soliton collisions.

  • The Universal Recognition Problems for Multiple Context-Free Grammars and for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems

    Yuichi KAJI  Ryuichi NAKANISI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  


    E75-D No:1

    Multiple context-free grammars (mcfg's) are a subclass of generalized context-free grammars introduced by Pollard in order to describe the syntax of natural languages. First, this paper shows that the universal recognition problem for mcfg's is EXP-POLY time-complete, where the universal recognition problem is the one to decide whether G generates w for a given grammar G and string w. Next, it is shown that the problem for linear context-free rewriting systems introduced by Vijay-Shanker et al., which is a proper subclass of mcfg's, is PSPACE-complete.

  • Future Perspective of Automatic Telephone Interpretation

    Akira KUREMATSU  


    E75-B No:1

    This paper describes the future perspective of automatic telephone interpretation using a multimedia intelligent communication network. The need for language interpretation over a telecommunication system creates a strong drive toward integrating information modalities for voice, image, data, computation and conferencing into modern systems using the capability of language interpretation. An automatic telephone interpretation system will solve the problems of language differences in international human-to-human communication. The future prospective of advanced multimedia language communication will be stated as the versatile application of an integrated intelligent network.

  • Leaf Reduction Theorem on Time- and Leaf-Bounded Alternating Turing Machines

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E75-D No:1

    There have been several studies related to a reduction of the amount of computational resources used by Turing machines. As consequences, Linear speed-up theorem", tape compression theorem" and reversal reduction theorem" have been obtained. In this paper, we discuss a leaf reduction theorem on alternating Turing machines. Recently, the result that one can reduce the number of leaves by a constant factor without increasing the space complexity was shown for space- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines. We show that for time- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines, the number of leaves can be reduced by a constant factor without increasing time used by the machine. Therefore, our result says that a constant factor on the leaf complexity does not affect the power of time- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines.

  • Optical Solitons for Signal Processing

    Stephen R. FRIBERG  


    E75-C No:1

    We consider applications of optical solitons to signal processing. Soliton switching devices promise ultrafast operation and compatibility with communications systems using optical pulses. Quantum soliton effects include broadband squeezing and quantum nondemolition measurements, and can reduce noise and increase sensitivities of optical measurements. We report the demonstration of two-color soliton switching and describe progress towards implementation of quantum nondemolition measurement of photon number using soliton collisions.

  • A Study of Line Spectrum Pair Frequency Representation for Speech Recognition

    Fikret S. GURGEN  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  Sadaoki FURUI  


    E75-A No:1

    This paper investigates the performance of the line spectrum pair (LSP) frequency parameter representation for speech recognition. Transitional parameters of LSP frequencies are defined using first-order regression coefficients. The transitional and the instantaneous frequency parameters are linearly combined to generate a single feature vector used for recognition. The performance of the single vector is compared with that of the cepstral coefficients (CC) representation using a minimumdistance classifier in speaker-independent isolated word recognition experiments. In the speech recognition experiments, the transitional and the instantaneous coefficients are also combined in the distance domain. Also, inverse variance weighted Euclidean measures are defined using LSP frequencies to achieve Mel-scale-like warping and the new warped-frequencies are used in recognition experiments. The performance of the single feature vector defined with transitional and instantaneous LSP frequencies is found to be the best among the measures used in the experiments.

  • Parallel Algorithms for the Maximal Tree Cover Problems

    Zhi-Zhong CHEN  Takumi KASAI  


    E75-D No:1

    A maximal l-diameter tree cover of a graph G(V,E) is a spanning subgraph C(V,EC) of G such that each connected component of C is a tree, C contains no path with more than l edges, and adding any edge in EEC to C yields either a path of length l1 or a cycle. For every function f from positive integers to positive integers, the maximal f-diameter tree cover prolem (MDTC(f) problem for short) is to find a maximal f(n)-diameter tree cover of G, given an n-node graph G. In this paper, we give two parallel algorithms for the MDTC(f) problem. The first algorithm can be implemented in time O(TMSP(n,f(n))log2n) using polynomial number of processors on an EREW PRAM, where TMSP(n,f(n) is the time needed to find a maximal set of vertex disjoint paths of length f(n) in a given n-node graph using polynomial number of processors on an EREW PRAM. We then show that if suitable restrictions are imposed on the input graph and/or on the magnitude of f, then TMSP(n,f(n))O(logkn) for some constant k and thus, for such cases, we obtain an NC algorithm for the MDTC(f) problem. The second algorithm runs in time O(n log2n/{f(n)1}) using polynomial number of processors on an EREW PRAM. Thus if f(n)Ω(n/logkn) for some kO, we obtain an NC algorithm for the MDTC(f) problem.

  • Future Trends in Telecommunication Education

    Subbarayan PASUPATHY  


    E75-B No:1

    This article briefly looks at the future of telecommunication education in the universities as it evolves from present concerns and trends. Five year bachelor's programs and top-down curricular design will be common. Textbooks supplemented by advance organizers, instruction and testing according to individual learning styles and global integration of education using multi-media services and broadband technology will be some of the other features. Finally, the importance of industry-university partnership in all aspects of engineering education is emphasized.

  • Transient Electromagnetic Fields on a Conducting Sphere Excited by a Pulsed Plane Wave

    Akira ITOH  Toshio HOSONO  Yuuiti HIRAO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:1

    We studied transient fields on a perfectly conducting sphere excited by a half sine pulse wave and examined the Poynting vectors, the energy densities and the energy velocities of the creeping waves. We used FILT (Fast Inversion of Laplace Transform) method for transient analysis. We compared the amplitudes of the creeping wave with that of steady state high frequency approximation obtained by the Watson transformation. The main results are: (1) We confirmed in the transient response that the pulse propagates clockwise and counterclockwise along the geodesic circumference. (2) In the transient electromagnetic field observed in the E-plane we can recognize creeping waves clearly. (3) The existence of creeping waves is not clear in the H-plane. (4) The pulse wave propagation on the sphere is seen more clearly from the Poynting vectors and the energy densities than the field components. (5) The energy velocity of the wave front is equal to the light velocity as should be. The energy velocity of the wave body becomes smaller with the passage of time. (6) The amplitude of the creeping wave for a beat pulse and the amplitude obtained by the Watson transform for mono spectrum agree in the order of relative error below 25%.
