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  • Experience with Restoration of Asia Pacific Network Failures from Taiwan Earthquake

    Yasuichi KITAMURA  Youngseok LEE  Ryo SAKIYAMA  Koji OKAMURA  


    E90-B No:11

    We explain how network failures were caused by a natural disaster, describe the restoration steps that were taken, and present lessons learned from the recovery. At 21:26 on December 26th (UTC+9), 2006, there was a serious undersea earthquake off the coast of Taiwan, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. This earthquake caused significant damage to submarine cable systems. The resulting fiber cable failures shut down communications in several countries in the Asia Pacific networks. In the first post-earthquake recovery step, BGP routers detoured traffic along redundant backup paths, which provided poor quality connection. Subsequently, operators engineered traffic to improve the quality of recovered communication. To avoid filling narrow-bandwidth links with detoured traffic, the operators had to change the BGP routing policy. Despite the routing-level first aid, a few institutions could not be directly connected to the R&E network community because they had only a single link to the network. For these single-link networks, the commodity link was temporarily used for connectivity. Then, cable connection configurations at the switches were changed to provide high bandwidth and next-generation Internet service. From the whole restoration procedure, we learned that redundant BGP routing information is useful for recovering connectivity but not for providing available bandwidth for the re-routed traffic load and that collaboration between operators is valuable in solving traffic engineering issues such as poor-quality re-routing and lost connections of single-link networks.

  • On the Construction of an Antidictionary with Linear Complexity Using the Suffix Tree

    Takahiro OTA  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E90-A No:11

    The antidictionary of a string is the set of all words of minimal length that never appear in this string. Antidictionaries are in particular useful for source coding. We present a fast and memory-efficient algorithm to construct an antidictionary using a suffix tree. It is proved that the complexity of this algorithm is linear in space and time, and its effectiveness is demonstrated by simulation results.

  • Speech Enhancement Based on Perceptually Comfortable Residual Noise

    Jong Won SHIN  Joon-Hyuk CHANG  Nam Soo KIM  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E90-B No:11

    In this letter, we propose a novel approach to speech enhancement, which incorporates a new criterion based on residual noise shaping. In the proposed approach, our goal is to make the residual noise perceptually comfortable instead of making it less audible. A predetermined `comfort noise' is provided as a target for the spectral shaping. Based on some assumptions, the resulting spectral gain function turns out to be a slight modification of the Wiener filter while requiring very low computational complexity. Subjective listening test shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional spectral enhancement technique based on soft decision and the noise suppression implemented in IS-893 Selectable Mode Vocoder.

  • Automatic Prosody Labeling Using Multiple Models for Japanese

    Ryuki TACHIBANA  Tohru NAGANO  Gakuto KURATA  Masafumi NISHIMURA  Noboru BABAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E90-D No:11

    Automatic prosody labeling is the task of automatically annotating prosodic labels such as syllable stresses or break indices into speech corpora. Prosody-labeled corpora are important for speech synthesis and automatic speech understanding. However, the subtleness of physical features makes accurate labeling difficult. Since errors in the prosodic labels can lead to incorrect prosody estimation and unnatural synthetic sound, the accuracy of the labels is a key factor for text-to-speech (TTS) systems. In particular, mora accent labels relevant to pitch are very important for Japanese, since Japanese is a pitch-accent language and Japanese people have a particularly keen sense of pitch accents. However, the determination of the mora accents of Japanese is a more difficult task than English stress detection in a way. This is because the context of words changes the mora accents within the word, which is different from English stress where the stress is normally put at the lexical primary stress of a word. In this paper, we propose a method that can accurately determine the prosodic labels of Japanese using both acoustic and linguistic models. A speaker-independent linguistic model provides mora-level knowledge about the possible correct accentuations in Japanese, and contributes to reduction of the required size of the speaker-dependent speech corpus for training the other stochastic models. Our experiments show the effectiveness of the combination of models.

  • An Optimal Share Transfer Problem on Secret Sharing Storage Systems

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  


    E90-A No:11

    We have been developing a secure and reliable distributed storage system, which uses a secret sharing scheme. In order to efficiently store data in the system, this paper introduces an optimal share transfer problem, and proves it to be, generally, NP-hard. It is also shown that the problem can be resolved into a Steiner tree problem. Finally, through computational experiments we perform the comparison of heuristic algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.

  • On Robust Approximate Feedback Linearization with Triangular and Feedforward Forms

    Ho-Lim CHOI  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E90-A No:11

    In this letter, we consider a class of approximately feedback linearized systems that contain both triangular and feedforward forms. With a utilization of the transformation scaling factor, we analytically show that the considered system can be globally exponentially stabilized, globally bounded, or locally stabilized depending on the shapes of triangular and feedforward forms. Our new method broadens a class of nonlinear systems under consideration over the existing results.

  • Future Direction and Roadmap of Concurrent System Technology

    Naoshi UCHIHIRA  


    E90-A No:11

    Recently, technology roadmaps have been actively constructed by various organizations such as governments, industry segments, academic societies and companies [1]. While the common basic purpose of these roadmaps is sharing common recognition of the technology among stakeholders, there exists a specific role for each organization. One of the important roles of academic societies is to show the directions in which society is moving. The IEICE technical group on Concurrent System Technology (CST) established in 1993 stands at a turning point and needs to move forward in new directions after more than a decade of activities and contributions. However, neither top-down (market-pull/requirements-pull) nor bottom-up (technology-push) roadmapping is suitable for CST because CST is a kind of systems engineering. This paper proposes a new technology roadmapping methodology (middle-up-down technology roadmapping) for systems engineering and shows three future directions of CST and one roadmap for service systems that integrate CST and services science.

  • Experimental Studies on a Decision-Feedback Channel Tracking Scheme Implemented in FPGA for MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Yusuke ASAI  Wenjie JIANG  Takeshi ONIZAWA  


    E90-A No:11

    This paper describes the experimental evaluation of a testbed with a simple decision-feedback channel tracking scheme for MIMO-OFDM systems. The channel tracking scheme periodically estimates the channel state matrix for each subcarrier from received signals and replicas of the transmitted signal. The estimated channel state matrices, which are obtained at mutually different timings, are combined based on maximum ratio combining and used for MIMO signal detection. The testbed was implemented on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) of 1/5 scale, which confirms the implementation feasibility of the channel tracking scheme. The packet error rate (PER) and mobility performance of the testbed were measured. The testbed employed a 22 MIMO channel, zero-forcing algorithm for MIMO signal detection, 16QAM for the subcarrier modulation scheme, and coding rate of 1/2. The proposed scheme suppressed the increase in the required SNR for PER of 10-2 to less than 1 dB when the relative velocity between the transmitter and the receiver was less than 45 km/h assuming 5 GHz band operation. In addition, the proposed scheme offers 6.3% better throughput than the conventional scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that the channel tracking scheme implemented in the testbed effectively tracks the fluctuation of a MIMO channel.

  • A Partition Decoding for Reed-Solomon Codes Based on Partial Bit Reliability

    Ta-Hsiang HU  Ming-Hua CHANG  Ing-Jiunn SU  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E90-B No:10

    This study presents a partition decoding algorithm for an (mN, mK) binary image of an (N, K) Reed Solomon code over GF(2m). A proposed partition decoding algorithm includes several steps. Firstly we compute m's segmental reliability values of a received subvector of length N and determine which one with the least segmental reliability value. A permutation is performed on a binary generator matrix of an RS code and a received vector, which are then partitioned into two submatrices and two subvectors. The first subvector of length N(m-1) associate with the first submatrix and the second subvector with the least segmental reliability value relates to the second submatrix. Secondly, an MLD algorithm based on the first submatrix is employed to decode the first subvector. Thirdly, an MLD algorithm based on a BCH generator matrix is employed to decode the second subvector. A codeword is finally outputted after performing the inverse permutation on a concatenation of code vectors decoded from these two decoding. The error coefficient and minimum Hamming distance of the code sequences generated in the first submatrix are fewer than those of a corresponding binary image. Simulation results show that at low and medium SNRs, the effect of error coefficient becomes more significant than that of minimum Hamming distance. Minimum Hamming distances and error coefficients of code sequences generated in the first submatrices and their corresponding binary images have been explored in this work. For (60,36,7)RS(b), (155,125,7)RS(b), (155,105,11)RS(b) and (889, 847,7))RS(b) being binary images of (15,9,7)RS, (31,25,7)RS, (31,21,11)RS and (127,121,7)RS codes respectively, with BPSK signaling over AWGN channels, the decoding performances of proposed partition decoding algorithm are a little poorer than those of MLD [10] by 1.0 to 1.4 dB at BER 10-5, but better than those of GMD decoding by [1] 0.8 to 1.1 dB. For SNR of 5 dB, proposed partition decoding algorithm only takes 50% to 60% amount of bit operations of an MLD [10]. Under a constraint of decoding complexity, proposed partition decoding algorithm may be a solution to decode binary images of long RS codes, which provides superior performance to GMD decoding with much lower complexity than an MLD.

  • Mill: A Geographical Location Oriented Overlay Network Managing Data of Ubiquitous Sensors

    Satoshi MATSUURA  Kazutoshi FUJIKAWA  Hideki SUNAHARA  


    E90-B No:10

    With the rapid rise in the demand for location related service, communication devices such as PDAs or cellar phones must be able to search and manage information related to the geographical location. To leverage location-related information is useful to get an in-depth perspective on environmental circumstances, such as traffic conditions or weather information. To handle the large number of information and queries communication devices generate in the current ubiquitous environment, some scalable mechanism must be required. DHTs and some overlay networks supporting range search are proposed. However, these overlay networks can not process queries of geographical region search. In this paper, we propose a overlay network called "Mill" which can efficiently manage information related to the geographical location. In DHT based overlay networks, each node has responsibility to manage a part of the whole hash table. DHTs provide scalable systems and support fast search. However, DHTs are not good at solving geographical search (range search), because hash function only supports exact match. In the Mill network, each node manages a part of ID-space calculated by "Z-ordering," which represents squire surface of the earth. This structure of ID-space enables to process region queries easily and fast. And Mill supports any scale of region search. We evaluate proposed system by using traffic infomation generator called "HAKONIWA." Simulation results show that the performance of Mill is good as well as other DHT systems. In addtion, Mill provedes more efficient region search than other overlay networks supporting range search.

  • A Voltage Scalable Advanced DFM RAM with Accelerated Screening for Low Power SoC Platform

    Hiroki SHIMANO  Fukashi MORISHITA  Katsumi DOSAKA  Kazutami ARIMOTO  

    PAPER-Next-Generation Memory for SoC

    E90-C No:10

    The advanced-DFM (Design For Manufacturability) RAM provides the solution for the limitation of SRAM voltage scaling down and the countermeasure of the process fluctuations. The characteristics of this RAM are the voltage scalability (@0.6 V operation) with wide operating margin and the reliability of long data retention time. The memory cell consists of 2 Cell/bit with the complementary dynamic memory operation and has the 1 Cell/bit test mode for the accelerated screening against the marginal cells. The GND bitline pre-charge sensing scheme and SSW (Sense Synchronized Write) peripheral circuit technologies are also adopted for the low voltage and DFV (Dynamic Frequency and Voltage) controllable SoC which will be strongly required from the many kinds of applications. This RAM supports the DFM functions with both good cell/bit for advanced process technologies and the voltage scalable SoC memory platform.

  • A Model-Based Learning Process for Modeling Coarticulation of Human Speech

    Jianguo WEI  Xugang LU  Jianwu DANG  


    E90-D No:10

    Machine learning techniques have long been applied in many fields and have gained a lot of success. The purpose of learning processes is generally to obtain a set of parameters based on a given data set by minimizing a certain objective function which can explain the data set in a maximum likelihood or minimum estimation error sense. However, most of the learned parameters are highly data dependent and rarely reflect the true physical mechanism that is involved in the observation data. In order to obtain the inherent knowledge involved in the observed data, it is necessary to combine physical models with learning process rather than only fitting the observations with a black box model. To reveal underlying properties of human speech production, we proposed a learning process based on a physiological articulatory model and a coarticulation model, where both of the models are derived from human mechanisms. A two-layer learning framework was designed to learn the parameters concerned with physiological level using the physiological articulatory model and the parameters in the motor planning level using the coarticulation model. The learning process was carried out on an articulatory database of human speech production. The learned parameters were evaluated by numerical experiments and listening tests. The phonetic targets obtained in the planning stage provided an evidence for understanding the virtual targets of human speech production. As a result, the model based learning process reveals the inherent mechanism of the human speech via the learned parameters with certain physical meaning.

  • A Model of Discourse Segmentation and Segment Title Assignment for Lecture Speech Indexing

    Kazuhiro TAKEUCHI  Yukie NAKAO  Hitoshi ISAHARA  


    E90-D No:10

    Dividing a lecture speech into segments and providing those segments as learning objects are quite general and convenient way to construct e-learning resources. However it is difficult to assign an appropriate title to each object that reflects its content. Since there are various aspects of analyzing discourse segments, it is inevitable that researchers will face the diversity when describing the "meanings" of discourse segments. In this paper, we propose the assignment of discourse segment titles from the representation of their "meanings." In this assigning procedure, we focus on the speaker's evaluation for the event or the speech object. To verify the effectiveness of our idea, we examined identification of the segment boundaries from the titles that were described in our procedure. We confirmed that the result of the identification was more accurate than that of intuitive identification.

  • Improving Employee Performance Appraisal Method through Web-Based Appraisal Support System: System Development from the Study on Thai Companies



    E90-D No:10

    Employee performance appraisal is an effective way to determine the performance of the employees in an organization. A study conducted on companies in Thailand revealed that majority of the companies do not use computer-based employee appraisal system. In the traditional appraisal system, the paper-based appraisal system causes a lot of manual work, is time-consuming, not secure, not flexible, difficult to analyze the performance and see the trend of performance improvement of the employee. We have developed a web-based performance appraisal system, which provides a secure and easy way to perform the appraisal. In our system, the competencies are flexible and can be customized according to the specific job responsibility. Our system is goal-orientated as it calculates the objective scores. The system is connected to the database which is easily accessible. The first stage of our system is the 'Selection Stage' in which the managers and employees can select the competencies and objectives that they want to evaluate for performance appraisal according to the job positions. The second stage is the 'Appraisal/Evaluation Stage' where managers can rate the employees according to different priority levels of competencies and objectives. Moreover, at this stage, employees can perform self-evaluation and 360-degree evaluation for their colleagues, subordinates and managers. The final stage is the 'Development Planning Stage' where the managers and employees can compare their appraisal results, discuss and plan for future training or further steps for reaching the objectives and improving employee's competencies. From user testing, the system was found to be more efficient compared to the traditional appraisal system in the issues like: help evaluate the true abilities of employees, help employees understand organizational goals, and provide fast and effective feedback. The users found the system easy to understand and use and were more satisfied with the overall effectiveness of the system.

  • Applicability of Camera Works to Free Viewpoint Videos with Annotation and Planning



    E90-D No:10

    This paper shows the effectiveness of a cinematographic camera for controlling 3D video by measuring its effects on viewers with several typical camera works. 3D free-viewpoint video allows us to set its virtual camera on arbitrary positions and postures in 3D space. However, there have been neither investigations on adaptability nor on dependencies between the camera parameters of the virtual camera (i.e., positions, postures, and transitions) nor the impressions of viewers. Although camera works on 3D video based on expertise seems important for making intuitively understandable video, it has not yet been considered. When applying camera works to 3D video using the planning techniques proposed in previous research, generating ideal output video is difficult because it may include defects due to image resolution limitation, calculation errors, or occlusions as well as others caused by positioning errors of the virtual camera in the planning process. Therefore, we conducted an experiment with 29 subjects with camera-worked 3D videos created using simple annotation and planning techniques to determine the virtual camera parameters. The first point of the experiment examines the effects of defects on viewer impressions. To measure such impressions, we conducted a semantic differential (SD) test. Comparisons between ground truth and 3D videos with planned camera works show that the present defects of camera work do not significantly affect viewers. The experiment's second point examines whether the cameras controlled by planning and annotations affected the subjects with intentional direction. For this purpose, we conducted a factor analysis for the SD test answers whose results indicate that the proposed virtual camera control, which exploits annotation and planning techniques, allows us to realize camera working direction on 3D video.

  • Maximal-Period Sequences Generated by Feedback-Limited Nonlinear Shift Registers

    Akio TSUNEDA  Kunihiko KUDO  Daisaburo YOSHIOKA  Takahiro INOUE  

    PAPER-Communications and Sequences

    E90-A No:10

    We propose feedback-limited NFSRs (nonlinear feedback shift registers) which can generate periodic sequences of period 2k-1, where k is the length of the register. We investigate some characteristics of such periodic sequences. It is also shown that the scale of such NFSRs can be reduced by the feedback limitation. Some simulation and experimental results are shown including comparison with LFSRs (linear feedback shift registers) for conventional M-sequences and Gold sequences.

  • Avoidance of the Permanent Oscillating State in the Inverse Function Delayed Neural Network

    Akari SATO  Yoshihiro HAYAKAWA  Koji NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Neuron and Neural Networks

    E90-A No:10

    Many researchers have attempted to solve the combinatorial optimization problems, that are NP-hard or NP-complete problems, by using neural networks. Though the method used in a neural network has some advantages, the local minimum problem is not solved yet. It has been shown that the Inverse Function Delayed (ID) model, which is a neuron model with a negative resistance on its dynamics and can destabilize an intended region, can be used as the powerful tool to avoid the local minima. In our previous paper, we have shown that the ID network can separate local minimum states from global minimum states in case that the energy function of the embed problem is zero. It can achieve 100% success rate in the N-Queen problem with the certain parameter region. However, for a wider parameter region, the ID network cannot reach a global minimum state while all of local minimum states are unstable. In this paper, we show that the ID network falls into a particular permanent oscillating state in this situation. Several neurons in the network keep spiking in the particular permanent oscillating state, and hence the state transition never proceed for global minima. However, we can also clarify that the oscillating state is controlled by the parameter α which affects the negative resistance region and the hysteresis property of the ID model. In consequence, there is a parameter region where combinatorial optimization problems are solved at the 100% success rate.

  • A New Three-Level Tree Data Structure for Representing TSP Tours in the Lin-Kernighan Heuristic

    Hung Dinh NGUYEN  Ikuo YOSHIHARA  Kunihito YAMAMORI  Moritoshi YASUNAGA  


    E90-A No:10

    Lin-Kernighan (LK) is the most powerful local search for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The choice of data structure for tour representation plays a vital role in LK's performance. Binary trees are asymptotically the best tour representation but they perform empirically best only for TSPs with one million or more cities due to a large overhead. Arrays and two-level trees are used for smaller TSPs. This paper proposes a new three-level tree data structure for tour representation. Although this structure is asymptotically not better than the binary tree structure, it performs empirically better than the conventional structures for TSPs having from a thousand to three million cities.

  • Packet Error Rate Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 under Saturated IEEE 802.11b Network Interference

    Soo Young SHIN  Hong Seong PARK  Wook Hyun KWON  


    E90-B No:10

    In this paper, the packet error rate (PER) of IEEE 802.15.4 under the interference of a saturated IEEE 802.11b network is evaluated using an analytic model when IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11b coexist. The PER is obtained from the bit error rate (BER) and the collision time, where the BER is obtained from the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio. The analytic results are validated using simulations.

  • An Energy Management Circuit for Self-Powered Ubiquitous Sensor Modules Using Vibration-Based Energy

    Jun PAN  Yasuaki INOUE  Zheng LIANG  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits

    E90-A No:10

    An energy management circuit is proposed for self-powered ubiquitous sensor modules using vibration-based energy. With the proposed circuit, the sensor modules work with low duty cycle operation. Moreover, a two-tank circuit as a part of the energy management circuit is utilized to solve the problem that the average power density of ambient energy always varies with time while the power consumption of the sensor modules is constant and larger than it. In addition, the long start-up time problem is also avoided with the timing control of the proposed energy management circuit. The CMOS implementation and silicon verification results of the proposed circuit are also presented. Its validity is further confirmed with a vibration-based energy generation. The sensor module is used to supervise the vibration of machines and transfer the vibration signal discontinuously. A piezoelectric element acts as the vibration-to-electricity converter to realize battery-free operation.
