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  • Discriminative Approach to Build Hybrid Vocabulary for Conversational Telephone Speech Recognition of Agglutinative Languages

    Xin LI  Jielin PAN  Qingwei ZHAO  Yonghong YAN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E96-D No:11

    Morphemes, which are obtained from morphological parsing, and statistical sub-words, which are derived from data-driven splitting, are commonly used as the recognition units for speech recognition of agglutinative languages. In this letter, we propose a discriminative approach to select the splitting result, which is more likely to improve the recognizer's performance, for each distinct word type. An objective function which involves the unigram language model (LM) probability and the count of misrecognized phones on the acoustic training data is defined and minimized. After determining the splitting result for each word in the text corpus, we select the frequent units to build a hybrid vocabulary including morphemes and statistical sub-words. Compared to a statistical sub-word based system, the hybrid system achieves 0.8% letter error rates (LERs) reduction on the test set.

  • Weighted Averages and Double Exponential Algorithms Open Access

    Juan R. MOSIG  


    E96-B No:10

    This paper reviews two simple numerical algorithms particularly useful in Computational ElectroMagnetics (CEM): the Weighted Averages (WA) algorithm and the Double Exponential (DE) quadrature. After a short historical introduction and an elementary description of the mathematical procedures underlying both techniques, they are applied to the evaluation of Sommerfeld integrals, where WA and DE combine together to provide a numerical tool of unprecedented quality. It is also shown that both algorithms have a much wider range of applications. A generalization of the WA algorithm, able to cope with integrands including products of Bessel and similar oscillatory functions, is described. Similarly, the original DE algorithm is adapted with exceptional results to the evaluation of the multidimensional singular integrals arising in the discretization of Integral-Equation based CEM formulations. The new possibilities of WA and DE algorithms are demonstrated through several practical numerical examples.

  • Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Perceptual Shape Decomposition with a Kinect Camera

    Chun WANG  Zhongyuan LAI  Hongyuan WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E96-D No:9

    In this paper, we propose the Perceptual Shape Decomposition (PSD) to detect fingers for a Kinect-based hand gesture recognition system. The PSD is formulated as a discrete optimization problem by removing all negative minima with minimum cost. Experiments show that our PSD is perceptually relevant and robust against distortion and hand variations, and thus improves the recognition system performance.

  • Stepping-Random Code: A Rateless Erasure Code for Short-Length Messages

    Zan-Kai CHONG  Bok-Min GOI  Hiroyuki OHSAKI  Bryan Cheng-Kuan NG  Hong-Tat EWE  


    E96-B No:7

    Rateless erasure code is an error correction code that is able to encode a message of k uncoded symbols into an infinite number of coded symbols. One may reconstruct the original message from any k(1+ε) coded symbols, where ε denotes the decoding inefficiency. This paper proposes a hybrid code that combines the stepping code and random code and name it as Stepping-Random (SR) code. The Part I (first k) coded symbols of SR code are generated with stepping code. The rest of the coded symbols are generated with random code and denoted as Part II coded symbols. The numerical results show that the new hybrid code is able to achieve a complete decoding with no extra coded symbol (ε=0) if all the Part I coded symbols are received without loss. However, if only a portion of Part I coded symbols are received, a high probability of complete decoding is still achievable with k+10 coded symbols from the combination of Part I and II. SR code has a decoding complexity of O(k) in the former and O((βk)3) in the latter, where β ∈ R for 0 ≤ β ≤ 1, is the fraction of uncoded symbols that fails to be reconstructed from Part I coded symbols.

  • IBShare: A Novel InfiniBand Network Bandwidth Allocation for Cloud Datacenter

    Ziwen ZHANG  Zhigang SUN  Baokang ZHAO  Jiangchuan LIU  Xicheng LU  

    PAPER-Network System

    E96-B No:6

    In cloud computing, multiple users coexist in one datacenter infrastructure and the network is always shared using VMs. Network bandwidth allocation is necessary for security and performance guarantees in the datacenter. InfiniBand (IB) is more widely applied in the construction of datacenter cluster and attracts more interest from the academic field. In this paper, we propose an IB dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanism IBShare to achieve different Weight-proportional and Min-guarantee requirements of allocation entities. The differentiated IB Congestion Control (CC) configuration is proven to offer the proportional throughput characteristic at the flow level. IBShare leverages distributed congestion detection, global congestion computation and configuration to dynamically provide predictable bandwidth division. The real IB experiment results showed IBShare can promptly adapt to the congestion variation and achieve the above two allocation demands through CC reconfiguration. IBShare improved the network utilization than reservation and its computation/configuration overhead was low.

  • Anisotropic Lp Poisson Disk Sampling for NPR Image with Adaptively Shaped Pieces

    Tao WANG  Zhongying HU  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E96-D No:6

    A non-photorealistic rendering technique is presented for generating images such as stippling images and paper mosaic images with various shapes of paper pieces. Paper pieces are spatially arranged by using an anisotropic Lp poisson disk sampling. The shape of paper pieces is adaptively varied by changing the value of p. We demonstrate with experiments that edges and details in an input image are preserved by the pieces according to the anisotropy of their shape.

  • An Image Trading System Using Amplitude-Only Images for Privacy- and Copyright-Protection

    Shenchuan LIU  Masaaki FUJIYOSHI  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E96-A No:6

    This paper introduces amplitude-only images to image trading systems in which not only the copyright of images but also the privacy of consumers are protected. In the latest framework for image trading systems, an image is divided into an unrecognizable piece and a recognizable but distorted piece to simultaneously protect the privacy of a consumer and the copyright of the image. The proposed scheme uses amplitude-only images which are completely unrecognizable as the former piece, whereas the conventional schemes leave recognizable parts to the piece which degrades privacy protection performance. Moreover, the proposed scheme improves the robustness against copyright violation regardless of the used digital fingerprinting technique, because an amplitude-only image is larger than the piece in the conventional scheme. In addition, phase-only image is used as the second piece in the proposed scheme, the consumer can confirm what he/she bought. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

  • Self-Similarities in Difference Images: A New Cue for Single-Person Oriented Action Recognition

    Guoliang LU  Mineichi KUDO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:5

    Temporal Self-Similarity Matrix (SSM) based action recognition is one of the important approaches of single-person oriented action analysis in computer vision. In this study, we propose a new kind of SSM and a fast computation method. The computation method does not require time-consuming pre-processing to find bounding boxes of the human body, instead it processes difference images to obtain action patterns which can be done very quickly. The proposed SSM is experimentally confirmed to have high power/capacity to achieve a better classification performance than four typical kinds of SSMs.

  • Segmentation of Liver in Low-Contrast Images Using K-Means Clustering and Geodesic Active Contour Algorithms Open Access

    Amir H. FORUZAN  Yen-Wei CHEN  Reza A. ZOROOFI  Akira FURUKAWA  Yoshinobu SATO  Masatoshi HORI  Noriyuki TOMIYAMA  

    PAPER-Medical Image Processing

    E96-D No:4

    In this paper, we present an algorithm to segment the liver in low-contrast CT images. As the first step of our algorithm, we define a search range for the liver boundary. Then, the EM algorithm is utilized to estimate parameters of a 'Gaussian Mixture' model that conforms to the intensity distribution of the liver. Using the statistical parameters of the intensity distribution, we introduce a new thresholding technique to classify image pixels. We assign a distance feature vectors to each pixel and segment the liver by a K-means clustering scheme. This initial boundary of the liver is conditioned by the Fourier transform. Then, a Geodesic Active Contour algorithm uses the boundaries to find the final surface. The novelty in our method is the proper selection and combination of sub-algorithms so as to find the border of an object in a low-contrast image. The number of parameters in the proposed method is low and the parameters have a low range of variations. We applied our method to 30 datasets including normal and abnormal cases of low-contrast/high-contrast images and it was extensively evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. Minimum of Dice similarity measures of the results is 0.89. Assessment of the results proves the potential of the proposed method for segmentation in low-contrast images.

  • Model-Based Approach to Recognize the Rectus Abdominis Muscle in CT Images Open Access

    Naoki KAMIYA  Xiangrong ZHOU  Huayue CHEN  Chisako MURAMATSU  Takeshi HARA  Hiroshi FUJITA  

    LETTER-Medical Image Processing

    E96-D No:4

    Our purpose in this study is to develop a scheme to segment the rectus abdominis muscle region in X-ray CT images. We propose a new muscle recognition method based on the shape model. In this method, three steps are included in the segmentation process. The first is to generate a shape model for representing the rectus abdominis muscle. The second is to recognize anatomical feature points corresponding to the origin and insertion of the muscle, and the third is to segment the rectus abdominis muscles using the shape model. We generated the shape model from 20 CT cases and tested the model to recognize the muscle in 10 other CT cases. The average value of the Jaccard similarity coefficient (JSC) between the manually and automatically segmented regions was 0.843. The results suggest the validity of the model-based segmentation for the rectus abdominis muscle.

  • Transmission-Efficient Broadcast Encryption Scheme with Personalized Messages

    Jin Ho HAN  Jong Hwan PARK  Dong Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:4

    Broadcast encryption scheme with personalized messages (BEPM) is a new primitive that allows a broadcaster to encrypt both a common message and individual messages. BEPM is necessary in applications where individual messages include information related to user's privacy. Recently, Fujii et al. suggested a BEPM that is extended from a public key broadcast encryption (PKBE) scheme by Boneh, Gentry, and Waters. In this paper, we point out that 1) Conditional Access System using Fujii et al.'s BEPM should be revised in a way that decryption algorithm takes as input public key as well, and 2) performance analysis of Fujii et al.'s BEPM should be done depending on whether the public key is transmitted along with ciphertext or stored into user's device. Finally, we propose a new BEPM that is transmission-efficient, while preserving O(1) user storage cost. Our construction is based on a PKBE scheme suggested by Park, Kim, Sung, and Lee, which is also considered as being one of the best PKBE schemes.

  • Path-Moose: A Scalable All-Path Bridging Protocol


    PAPER-Network System

    E96-B No:3

    This paper describes Path-Moose, a scalable tree-based shortest path bridging protocol. Both ARP-Path and Path-Moose protocols belong to a new category of bridges that we name All-path, because all paths of the network are explored simultaneously with a broadcast frame distributed over all network links to find a path or set a multicast tree. Path-Moose employs the ARP-based low latency routing mechanism of the ARP-Path protocol on a bridge basis instead of a per-single-host basis. This increases scalability by reducing forwarding table entries at core bridges by a factor of fifteen times for big data center networks and achieves a faster reconfiguration by an approximate factor of ten. Reconfiguration time is significantly shorter than ARP-Path (zero in many cases) because, due to the sharing of network paths by the hosts connected to same edge bridges, when a host needs the path it has already been recovered by another user of the path. Evaluation through simulations shows protocol correctness and confirms the theoretical evaluation results.

  • VHF Radio Wave Observations by Maido-1 Satellite and Evaluation of Its Relationship with Lightning Discharges

    Hiroshi KIKUCHI  Satoru YOSHIDA  Takeshi MORIMOTO  Tomoo USHIO  Zenichiro KAWASAKI  


    E96-B No:3

    We examine the relationship between 116 VHF sensor events recorded by the VHF sensor on the Maido-1 satellite and lightning strokes detected by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) to show that most of the VHF sensor events were caused by lightning discharges. For each VHF sensor event, the WWLLN events within 1400 km from the subsatellite point and within 1 sec, 30 sec, and 300 sec of the VHF sensor trigger time are analyzed. We find that the coincidence rates in the North and South American continents, and in Southeast/East Asia and the Australian continent are greater than 0.90. Those in the African and European continents, and in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are less than 0.61. These high enough coincidence rates indicate that the VHF sensor events were emitted from lightning, although the coincidence rates in the other regions are quite low because of the low detection efficiency of the WWLLN in the regions. We also focus on 6 coincident events measured by both the VHF sensor and the WWLLN. The incidence angles of the EM waves for the VHF sensor are estimated from the group delay characteristics of the recorded EM waveforms. Compared with the WWLLN lightning locations, the two incidence angles are temporally and spatially coincident. These results indicate that a large fraction of the VHF sensor events are emitted by lightning discharges.

  • Global Asymptotic Stability of FAST TCP in the Presence of Time-Varying Network Delay and Cross Traffic

    Joon-Young CHOI  Hongju KIM  Soonman KWON  


    E96-B No:3

    We address the global asymptotic stability of FAST TCP, especially considering cross traffics, time-varying network feedback delay, and queuing delay dynamics at link. Exploiting the inherent dynamic property of FAST TCP, we construct two sequences that represent the lower and upper bound variations of the congestion window in time. By showing that the sequences converge to the equilibrium point of the congestion window, we establish that FAST TCP in itself is globally asymptotically stable without any specific conditions on the tuning parameter α or the update gain γ.

  • Joint Rate Adaption, Power Control, and Spectrum Allocation in OFDMA-Based Multi-Hop CRNs

    Mui Van NGUYEN  Sungwon LEE  Choong Seon HONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:1

    The overall performance of multi-hop cognitive radio networks (MHCRNs) can be improved significantly by employing the diversity of orthogonal licensed channels in underlay fashion. However, the mutual interference between secondary links and primary links and the congestion due to the contention among traffic flows traversing the shared link become obstacles to this realizing technique. How to control congestion efficiently in coordination with power and spectrum allocation optimally in order to obtain a high end-to-end throughput is motivating cross-layer designs for MHCRNs. In this paper, by taking into account the problem of joint rate adaption, power control, and spectrum allocation (JRPS), we propose a new cross-layer optimization framework for MHCRNs using orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). Specifically, the JRPS formulation is shown to be a mix-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem, which is NP-Hard in general. To solve the problem, we first develop a partially distributed algorithm, which is shown to converge to the global optimum within a reasonable time interval. We next propose a suboptimal solution which addresses the shortcomings of the first. Using numerical results, we finally demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.

  • Improvement of Flow Fairness in Quantized Congestion Notification for Data Center Networks

    Yuki HAYASHI  Hayato ITSUMI  Miki YAMAMOTO  


    E96-B No:1

    In large-scale data centers, two types of network are implemented: local area networks (LANs) and storage area networks (SANs). To achieve simple network management, integration of these two networks by Ethernet technology is of great interest. A SAN requires a significantly low frame loss rate. To integrate LANs and SANs, a multi-hop Ethernet configuration is generally used, and congestion may occur in traffic hot spots. Therefore, layer-2 congestion control that prevents frame loss in multi-hop Ethernet, Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN), is now discussed in IEEE 802.1Qau. In this paper, we evaluate QCN's throughput performance and reveal a technical problem with fairness among active flows. We also propose Adaptive BC_LIMIT for QCN where BC_LIMIT is adaptively decided according to current transmission rate of flows. Simulation results show that our proposed method significantly improves fairness among QCN flows.

  • A Simple but Effective Congestion Control Scheme for Safety-Related Events in VANET

    Chen CHEN  Qingqi PEI  Xiaoji LI  Rong SUN  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E95-D No:10

    In this letter, a Simple but Effective Congestion Control scheme (SECC) in VANET has been proposed to guarantee the successful transmissions for safety-related nodes. The strategy derive a Maximum Beacon Load Activity Indicator (MBLAI) to restrain the neighboring general periodical beacon load for the investigated safety-related “observation nodes”, i.e., the nodes associated with some emergent events. This mechanism actually reserves some bandwidth for the safety-related nodes to make them have higher priorities than periodical beacons to access channel. Different from the static congestion control scheme in IEEE802.11p, this strategy could provide dynamic control strength for congestion according to tolerant packets drop ratio for different applications.

  • Online Continuous Scale Estimation of Hand Gestures

    Woosuk KIM  Hideaki KUZUOKA  Kenji SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E95-D No:10

    The style of a gesture provides significant information for communication, and thus understanding the style is of great importance in improving gestural interfaces using hand gestures. We present a novel method to estimate temporal and spatial scale—which are considered principal elements of the style—of hand gestures. Gesture synchronization is proposed for matching progression between spatio-temporally varying gestures, and scales are estimated based on the progression matching. For comparing gestures of various sizes and speeds, gesture representation is defined by adopting turning angle representation. Also, LCSS is used as a similarity measure for reliability and robustness to noise and outliers. Performance of our algorithm is evaluated with synthesized data to show the accuracy and robustness to noise and experiments are carried out using recorded hand gestures to analyze applicability under real-world situations.

  • The Achievable Rate-Distortion Region for Distributed Source Coding with One Distortion Criterion and Correlated Messages

    Suhan CHOI  Hichan MOON  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E95-B No:9

    In this letter, distributed source coding with one distortion criterion and correlated messages is considered. This problem can be regarded as “Berger-Yeung problem with correlated messages”. It corresponds to the source coding part of the graph-based framework for transmission of a pair of correlated sources over the multiple-access channel where one is lossless and the other is lossy. As a result, the achievable rate-distortion region for this problem is provided. A rigorous proof of both achievability and converse part is also given.

  • Towards Dynamic and Scalable High-Speed IP Address Lookup Based on B+ Tree

    Gang WANG  Yaping LIN  Rui LI  Jinguo LI  Xin YAO  Peng LIU  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E95-D No:9

    High-speed IP address lookup with fast prefix update is essential for designing wire-speed packet forwarding routers. The developments of optical fiber and 100 Gbps interface technologies have placed IP address lookup as the major bottleneck of high performance networks. In this paper, we propose a novel structure named Compressed Multi-way Prefix Tree (CMPT) based on B+ tree to perform dynamic and scalable high-speed IP address lookup. Our contributions are to design a practical structure for high-speed IP address lookup suitable for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and to develop efficient algorithms for dynamic prefix insertion and deletion. By investigating the relationships among routing prefixes, we arrange independent prefixes as the search indexes on internal nodes of CMPT, and by leveraging a nested prefix compression technique, we encode all the routing prefixes on the leaf nodes. For any IP address, the longest prefix matching can be made at leaf nodes without backtracking. For a forwarding table with u independent prefixes, CMPT requires O(logmu) search time and O(mlogmu) dynamic insert and delete time. Performance evaluations using real life IPv4 forwarding tables show promising gains in lookup and dynamic update speeds compared with the existing B-tree structures.
