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[Keyword] RIN(2923hit)


  • Feasibility of Ultra-Thin Films for Gate Insulator by Limited Reaction Sputtering Process

    Kimihiro SASAKI  Kentaro KAWAI  Tatsuhiro HASU  Makoto YABUUCHI  Tomonobu HATA  


    E87-C No:2

    A new sputtering technique named "itshape limited reaction sputtering" is proposed and the feasibility toward an ultra-thin gate insulator is investigated. 5-10 nm thick ZrO2 films were prepared on Si(100) substrates and analyzed by XPS, HR-RBS and RHEED. Significant Zr diffusion into the Si substrate and interface oxidation were not observed. An optimum film was obtained at growth temperature of 300, oxygen flow rate of 4.2% and 500-10 sec RTA. The equivalent oxide thickness of 2 nm was realized with leakage current of 10-7 A/cm2 at 1.5 MV/cm.

  • A New Similarity Measure to Understand Visitor Behavior in a Web Site

    Juan D. VELASQUEZ  Hiroshi YASUDA  Terumasa AOKI  Richard WEBER  


    E87-D No:2

    The behavior of visitors browsing in a web site offers a lot of information about their requirements and the way they use the respective site. Analyzing such behavior can provide the necessary information in order to improve the web site's structure. The literature contains already several suggestions on how to characterize web site usage and to identify the respective visitor requirements based on clustering of visitor sessions. Here we propose to combine visitor behavior with the content of the respective web pages and the similarity between different page sequences in order to define a similarity measure between different visits. This similarity serves as input for clustering of visitor sessions. The application of our approach to a bank's web site and its visitor sessions shows its potential for internet-based businesses.

  • Fabrication of La-Doped YBCO and SrTiO3-Buffered LSAT Thin Films for Ramp-Edge Josephson Junctions on Superconducting Ground Plane

    Seiji ADACHI  Hironori WAKANA  Yoshihiro ISHIMARU  Masahiro HORIBE  Yoshinobu TARUTANI  Keiichi TANABE  


    E87-C No:2

    The deposition conditions of Y0.9Ba1.9La0.2Cu3Oy (La-YBCO) and (LaAlO3)0.3-(SrAl0.5Ta0.5O3)0.7 (LSAT) thin films were studied with the aim of fabricating ramp-edge Josephson junctions on a superconducting ground plane. These films were deposited by a magnetron sputtering method and utilized as a base electrode and an insulating layer under the electrode, respectively. YBa2Cu3Oy thick films grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE-YBCO) were used for a ground plane. Insertion of a SrTiO3 buffer layer between LSAT and LPE-YBCO significantly improved the flatness of the film surface. La-YBCO films with a flat surface and Tc (zero) of 87K were reproducibly obtained by DC sputtering. We have fabricated ramp-edge Josephson junctions using these films. Resistively and capacitively shunted junction (RCSJ)-like characteristics were observed in them. An Ic spread of 10.2% (at 4.2K, average Ic = 0.5 mA) was obtained for a 1000-junction series-array.

  • Cost Total Colorings of Trees

    Shuji ISOBE  Xiao ZHOU  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E87-D No:2

    A total coloring of a graph G is to color all vertices and edges of G so that no two adjacent or incident elements receive the same color. Let C be a set of colors, and let ω be a cost function which assigns to each color c in C a real number ω(c) as a cost of c. A total coloring f of G is called an optimal total coloring if the sum of costs ω(f(x)) of colors f(x) assigned to all vertices and edges x is as small as possible. In this paper, we give an algorithm to find an optimal total coloring of any tree T in time O(nΔ3) where n is the number of vertices in T and Δ is the maximum degree of T.

  • Higher-Order Path Orders Based on Computability

    Keiichirou KUSAKARI  


    E87-D No:2

    Simply-typed term rewriting systems (STRSs) are an extension of term rewriting systems. STRSs can be naturally handle higher order functions, which are widely used in existing functional programming languages. In this paper we design recursive and lexicographic path orders, which can efficiently prove the termination of STRSs. Moreover we discuss an application to the dependency pair and the argument filtering methods, which are very effective and efficient support methods for proving termination.

  • A Structural Numbering Scheme for Processing Queries by Structure and Keyword on XML Data

    Dao Dinh KHA  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  Shunsuke UEMURA  


    E87-D No:2

    Generating the identifiers of XML nodes is a crucial task in XML applications. On the other hand, the structural information of XML data is essential to evaluate the XML queries. Several numbering schemes have been proposed so far to express the structural information using the identifiers of XML nodes. In this paper, we introduce a new numbering scheme called recursive UID (rUID) that has been designed to be robust in structural update and applicable to arbitrarily large XML documents. We investigate the applications of rUID to XML query processing in a system called SKEYRUS, which enables the integrated structure-keyword searches on XML data. Experimental results of the performance of SKEYRUS are also reported.

  • 1-out-of-n Signatures from a Variety of Keys

    Masayuki ABE  Miyako OHKUBO  Koutarou SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    This paper addresses how to use public-keys of several different signature schemes to generate 1-out-of-n signatures. Previously known constructions are for either RSA-type keys only or DL-type keys only. We present a widely applicable method to construct a 1-out-of-n signature scheme that allows mixture use of different flavors of keys at the same time. The resulting scheme is more efficient than previous schemes even if it is used only with a single type of keys. With all DL-type keys, it yields shorter signatures than the ones of the previously known scheme based on the witness indistinguishable proofs by Cramer, et al. With all RSA-type keys, it reduces both computational and storage costs compared to that of the Ring signatures by Rivest, et al.

  • A Note on the Lattice Factoring Method

    Tetsuya IZU  


    E87-A No:1

    In 1999, Boneh et al. proposed the Lattice Factoring Method (LFM) for the integer factoring problem for a composite of the form N = prq by employing the LLL-algorithm. Time complexity of LFM is measured by the number of calls of the LLL-algorithm. In the worst case, the number is 2log p for a certain constant c. In 2001, Uchiyama and Kanayama introduced a novel criterion and provided an improved algorithm which runs (2k-p)/|p-Nr+1| times faster (for certain constants k, Nr+1). In this letter, we note another practical improvement applicable to the original and the improved LFM, which enables to provide about 2 times speed-up.

  • Calibration of Real Scenes for the Reconstruction of Dynamic Light Fields

    Ingo SCHOLZ  Joachim DENZLER  Heinrich NIEMANN  

    PAPER-Background Estimation

    E87-D No:1

    The classic light field and lumigraph are two well-known approaches to image-based rendering, and subsequently many new rendering techniques and representations have been proposed based on them. Nevertheless the main limitation remains that in almost all of them only static scenes are considered. In this contribution we describe a method for calibrating a scene which includes moving or deforming objects from multiple image sequences taken with a hand-held camera. For each image sequence the scene is assumed to be static, which allows the reconstruction of a conventional static light field. The dynamic light field is thus composed of multiple static light fields, each of which describes the state of the scene at a certain point in time. This allows not only the modeling of rigid moving objects, but any kind of motion including deformations. In order to facilitate the automatic calibration, some assumptions are made for the scene and input data, such as that the image sequences for each respective time step share one common camera pose and that only the minor part of the scene is actually in motion.

  • Characterization of AlON Thin Films Formed by ECR Plasma Oxidation of AlN/Si(100)

    Shun-ichiro OHMI  Go YAMANAKA  Tetsushi SAKAI  


    E87-C No:1

    Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma oxidation of AlN thin films was studied to form the AlON high-κ gate insulator. The leakage current was found to be decreased, and also the surface roughness was improved with the ECR plasma oxidation of AlN thin films. The leakage current was further decreased after 1000 RTA in N2 with little increase of equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) because of the high quality interfacial layer formation.

  • A Fast RSA-Type Public-Key Primitive Modulo pkq Using Hensel Lifting

    Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    We propose a public-key primitive modulo pkq based on the RSA primitive. The decryption process of the proposed scheme is faster than those of two variants of PKCS #1 version 2.1, namely the RSA cryptosystem using Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) and the Multi-Prime RSA. The message M of the proposed scheme is decrypted from M mod pk and M mod q using the CRT, where we apply the Hensel lifting to calculate M mod pk from M mod p that requires only quadratic complexity ((log2p)2). Moreover, we propose a trick that avoids modular inversions used for the Hensel lifting, and thus the proposed algorithm can be computed without modular inversion. We implemented in software both the proposed scheme with 1024-bit modulus p2q and the 1024-bit Multi-Prime RSA for modulus p1p2p3, where p,q,p1,p2,p3 are 342 bits. The improvements of the proposed scheme over the Multi-Prime RSA are as follows: The key generation is about 49% faster, the decryption time is about 42% faster, and the total secret key size is 33% smaller.

  • A Digital Image Watermarking Method Based on Labeled Bisecting Clustering Algorithm

    Shu-Chuan CHU  John F. RODDICK  Zhe-Ming LU  Jeng-Shyang PAN  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E87-A No:1

    This paper presents a novel digital image watermarking algorithm based on the labeled bisecting clustering technique. Each cluster is labeled either '0' or '1' based on the labeling key. Each input image block is then assigned to the nearest codeword or cluster centre whose label is equal to the watermark bit. The watermark extraction can be performed blindly. The proposed method is robust to JPEG compression and some spatial-domain processing operations. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Scattering of an Electromagnetic Plane Wave by a Plane with Local Change of Surface Impedance

    Michinari SHIMODA  Ryuichi IWAKI  Masazumi MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E87-C No:1

    The electromagnetic scattering of a plane wave by an inhomogeneous plane whose surface impedance changes locally on the plane is treated. A boundary-value problem is formulated to describe the scattering phenomenon, in which the boundary condition depends on the surface impedance of the plane. Application of the Fourier transform derives an integral equation, which is approximately solved by the method of least-squares. From the solution of the equation, the scattered field is obtained by the inverse Fourier transform. By the use of the incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integral for the computation of the field, numerical examples are given and the scattering phenomenon is discussed.

  • Capacity Dimensioning of VPN Access Links for Elastic Traffic in the Hose Model

    Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Mika ISHIZUKA  Masaki AIDA  Shin-ichi KURIBAYASHI  


    E87-B No:1

    This paper discusses research into the capacity dimensioning of Virtual Private Network (VPN) access links for elastic traffic, such as the Web or ftp. Assuming that the core-VPN network is provisioned with a sufficiently large capacity, managing the capacity of the VPN access link comes to sharing the bandwidth for the elastic traffic of the two bottlenecks, the ingress and egress access links. In the case of a single bottleneck with a limited capacity for access links, the processor-sharing model provides a simple formula for mean transfer time, but here, the value may be less than the actual transfer time because multiple flow may compete the bandwidth of both ingress and egress links. In contrast, max-min fair sharing provides an accurate sharing model which is similar to the TCP, but it is difficult to obtain a closed form for performance statistics. We propose a closed form approximation for a max-min fair sharing model, within a specific but realistic topology, through an investigation into the difference between the max-min and the processor sharing model. Using approximation, we calculate the capacity dimensioning of VPN access links.

  • Application of Millimeter-Wave Heating to Materials Processing

    Shoji MIYAKE  Yukio MAKINO  


    E86-C No:12

    Recently, millimeter-wave energy has attracted much attention as a new and novel energy source for materials processing. In the present paper, several unique features of millimeter-wave heating in materials processing are reviewed briefly and development of materials processing machines by mm-wave radiation is also described. In the application of mm-wave heating, sintering of high quality alumina ceramics having a high bending strength of about 800 MPa are first demonstrated and followed by preparation of aluminum nitride with a high thermal conductivity over 200 W/(mK) at a sintering temperature lower by 473-573 K than the conventional method, by which this processing can be expected to be one of the environment-conscious energy saving processes. A newly developed post-annealing process with mm-wave radiation is described, in which crystallization of amorphous perovskite oxide films prepared by plasma sputtering was attained at temperatures lower than that by the conventional heating and the dielectric constant of post-annealed SrTiO3 (STO) films by mm-wave radiation were drastically improved.

  • Effects of Various Rare Earth Sesquioxide Additives on Grain Growth in Millimeter-Wave Sintered Silicon Nitride Ceramics

    Masayuki HIROTA  Maria-Cecilia VALECILLOS  Manuel E. BRITO  Kiyoshi HIRAO  Motohiro TORIYAMA  

    PAPER-Millimeter-Wave Heating

    E86-C No:12

    Using various rare earth sesquioxides as additives, silicon nitride (Si3N4) samples were sintered at 1700 for 4 h by millimeter-wave heating performed in an applicator fed by a 28 GHz Gyrotron source under a nitrogen pressure of 0.1 MPa. A comparative study of densification, grain growth behavior and mechanical properties of silicon nitride fabricated by millimeter-wave and conventional sintering was carried out. Bulk densities were measured by Archimedes' technique. Except for the Eu2O3 containing sample, all samples were densified to relative densities of above 97.0%. Microstructure of the specimens was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To investigate quantitatively the effect of millimeter-wave heating on grain growth, image analysis was carried out for grains in the specimens. Fracture toughness was determined by the indentation-fracture method (IF method) in accordance with Japan Industrial Standards (JIS). Fully dense millimeter-wave sintered silicon nitride presenting a bimodal microstructure exhibited higher values of fracture toughness than materials processed by conventional heating techniques. Results indicate that millimeter-wave sintering is more effective in enhancing the grain growth and in producing the bimodal microstructure than conventional heating. It was also confirmed that localized runaway in temperature, depending upon the sintering additives, can occur under millimeter-wave heating.

  • Adaptability Check during Software Installation in Software Defined Radio

    Yasuo SUZUKI  Hiroshi HARADA  Kazuhiro UEHARA  Teruya FUJII  Yukio YOKOYAMA  Koji ODA  Ryoichi HIDAKA  


    E86-B No:12

    This paper presents the summarized achievements of "Study Group on Software Technology for Radio Equipment" held at TELEC from April 2000 to March 2003. The Study Group specified the essential issues on Software Defined Radio (SDR), and discussed desirable methods to evaluate conformity to technical regulations in radios that can change RF characteristics only by changing software. The biggest objective in SDR is to build the architecture to allow users to install software exclusively in the combination of hardware and software that have passed the certification test. The Study Group has reached a solution by introducing the idea of "tally." This paper explains the concept of tally, and proposes two types of systems to use tallies in checking adaptability in combinations of hardware and software.

  • Constructing c-Secure CRT Codes Using Polynomials over Finite Fields

    Mira KIM  Junji SHIKATA  Hirofumi MURATANI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E86-A No:12

    In this paper, we deal with c-secure codes in a fingerprinting scheme, which encode user ID to be embedded into the contents. If a pirate copy appears, c-secure codes allow the owner of the contents to trace the source of the illegal redistribution under collusion attacks. However, when dealing in practical applications, most past proposed codes are failed to obtain a good efficiency, i.e. their codeword length are too large to be embedded into digital contents. In this paper, we propose a construction method of c-secure CRT codes based on polynomials over finite fields and it is shown that the codeword length in our construction is shorter than that of Muratani's scheme. We compare the codeword length of our construction and that of Muratani's scheme by numerical experiments and present some theoretical results which supports the results obtained by numerical experiments. As a result, we show that our construction is especially efficient in respect to a large size of any coalition c. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of the random error on the traceability and formally define the Weak IDs in respect to our construction.

  • Detoxification of Chlorinated Aromatics Adsorbed on Fly Ash under Microwave Irradiation

    Takamasa KISHIMA  Tsuyoshi KOIZUMI  Yoshio IIO  Sumio TUJII  Yuji WADA  Tetsushi YAMAMOTO  Hengbo YIN  Takayuki KITAMURA  Shozo YANAGIDA  

    PAPER-Chemical Application

    E86-C No:12

    We succeeded in detoxification of hexachloro-benzene adsorbed on artificially produced fly ash in air by irradiating microwave (2.45 GHz) in the presence of activated carbon powder. Hexachlorobenzene was decomposed by 50-90% at 200-300 by MW irradiation of 1-1.5 min when the ash contained activated carbon by 12 wt% and water by 10 wt%. Chlorinated benzene derivatives are dechlorinated through substitution of chloride anion with hydroxylation produced by basic CaO in the co-presence of activated carbon effectively heated by MW. This method using microwave irradiation enables us to treat the contaminated fly ash in a shorter time and decompose hexachlorobenzene more efficiently than the conventional heating.

  • Color Transfer between Images Based on Basic Color Category

    Youngha CHANG  Suguru SAITO  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E86-D No:12

    Usually, paintings are more appealing than photographic images. This is because paintings can incorporate styles based on the artist's subjective view of motif. This style can be distinguished by looking at elements such as motif, color, shape deformation and brush texture. In our work, we focus on the effect of "color" element and devise a method for transforming the color of an input photograph according to a reference painting. To do this, we consider basic color category concepts in the color transformation process. We assume that color transformations from one basic color category to another may cause peculiar feelings. Therefore, we restrict each color transformation within the same basic color category. For this, our algorithm first categorizes each pixel color of a photograph into one of eleven basic color categories. Next, for every pixel color of the photograph, the algorithm finds its corresponding color in the same category of a reference painting. Finally, the algorithm substitutes the pixel color with its corresponding color. In this way, we achieve large but natural color transformations of an image.
