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  • MEG Analysis with Spatial Filtered Reconstruction

    Shinpei OKAWA  Satoshi HONDA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:5

    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a method to measure a magnetic field generated by electrical neural activity in a brain, and it plays increasingly important role in clinical diagnoses and neurophysiological studies. However, in MEG analysis, the estimation of the brain activity, of the electric current density distribution in a brain which is represented by current dipoles, is problematic. A spatial filter and subsequent reconstruction of the current density distribution estimated by the spatial filter (spatial filtered reconstruction: SFR) are proposed. The spatial filter is designed to be used without prior or temporal information. The proposed spatial filter ensures that it concentrates the current distribution around the activated sources in the conductor. The current distribution estimated by the spatial filter is reconstructed by multiple linear regression. Redundant current dipoles are eliminated, and the current distribution is optimized in the sense of the Mallows Cp statistic. Numerical studies are demonstrated and show successful estimation by SFR in multiple-dipole cases. In single-dipole cases with SNRs of 101 and more, the location of the true dipole was successfully estimated for about 80% of the simulations. The reconstruction with multiple linear regression corrected the location of the maximum current density estimated by the proposed spatial filtering. The dipole on the correct position contributes to more than 70% of the total dipoles in the estimated current distribution in those cases. These results show that the current distribution is effectively localized by SFR. We also investigate the differences among SFR, the LCMV (linearly constrained minimum variance) beamformer and the SAM (synthetic aperture magnetometry), the representatives of spatial filters in MEG analyses. It is indicated that spatial resolution is improved by avoiding dependence on temporal information.

  • A Probe-Fed U-Shaped Cross-Sectional Antenna with Tuning Stubs on a U-Shaped Ground Plane


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E89-B No:5

    A probe-fed U-shaped cross-sectional antenna with tuning stubs on a U-shaped ground plane is proposed for wideband applications. The bottom of the antenna is etched to form tuning stubs for impedance matching. The simulated results of return loss, co- and cross-polarized patterns are presented and compared with the measured ones. Characteristics of a constructed antenna prototype at the operating frequency show that the antenna has an impedance bandwidth (2:1 VSWR) of 37.44% and average gain level of 8.5 dBi. Good radiation characteristics of the proposed antenna have been obtained that is the cross-polarization level and front-to-back ratio in both E- and H-planes across the large bandwidth are better than 22 dB and 12 dB, respectively.

  • An Energy Efficient Leader Election Protocol for Radio Network with a Single Transceiver

    Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Yasuaki ITO  Koji NAKANO  


    E89-A No:5

    In this work we present an energy efficient leader election protocol for anonymous radio network populated with n mobile stations. Previously, Nakano and Olariu have presented a leader election protocol that terminates, with probability exceeding 1- (f ≥ 1), in log log n+o(log log n)+O(log f) time slots [14]. As the above protocol works under the assumption that every station has the ability to transmit and monitor the channel at the same time, it requires every station to be equipped with two transceivers. This assumption, however, is unrealistic for most mobile stations due to constraints in cost, size, and energy dissipation. Our main contribution is to show that it is possible to elect a leader in an anonymous radio network where each station is equipped with a single transceiver. Quite surprisingly, although every station has only one transceiver, our leader election protocol still runs, with probability exceeding 1- (f ≥ 1), in log log n+o(log log n)+O(log f) time slots. Moreover, our leader election protocol needs only expected O(n) total awake time slots, while Nakano and Olariu's protocol needs expected O(nlog log n) total awake time slots. Since every leader election protocol needs at least Ω(n) awake time slots, our leader election protocol is optimal in terms of the expected awake time slots.

  • A Weil Descent Attack against Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over Quartic Extension Fields

    Seigo ARITA  Kazuto MATSUO  Koh-ichi NAGAO  Mahoro SHIMURA  


    E89-A No:5

    This paper proposes a Weil descent attack against elliptic curve cryptosystems over quartic extension fields. The scenario of the attack is as follows: First, one reduces a DLP on a Weierstrass form over the quartic extention of a finite field k to a DLP on a special form, called Scholten form, over the same field. Second, one reduces the DLP on the Scholten form to a DLP on a genus two hyperelliptic curve over the quadratic extension of k. Then, one reduces the DLP on the hyperelliptic curve to one on a Cab model over k. Finally, one obtains the discrete-log of original DLP by applying the Gaudry method to the DLP on the Cab model. In order to carry out the scenario, this paper shows that many of elliptic curve discrete-log problems over quartic extension fields of odd characteristics are reduced to genus two hyperelliptic curve discrete-log problems over quadratic extension fields, and that almost all of the genus two hyperelliptic curve discrete-log problems over quadratic extension fields of odd characteristics come under Weil descent attack. This means that many of elliptic curve cryptosystems over quartic extension fields of odd characteristics can be attacked uniformly.

  • Performance Analysis of Combined Vehicular Communication

    Hiroshi SAITO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E89-B No:5

    The performance of the vehicular communication links used for Intelligent Transport Systems is investigated. Intervehicle communication (IVC) and combined vehicular communication implemented by IVC and additional communication media are studied and their performance is explicitly described. Through numerical studies, it is shown that performance varies according to parameter values such as the mean space headway, the speed of the vehicles, and the penetration ratio of the IVC device. To achieve a given level of performance, I propose (i) a design of the information delivery delay of additional communication media and (ii) a method determining the appropriate delay.

  • Bounds on the Client-Server Incremental Computing

    Cho-chin LIN  Da-wei WANG  Tsan-sheng HSU  


    E89-A No:5

    We discuss the problem of finding a dominant sequence for sending input data items from a low-end client to a server for computational intensive tasks under the realistic assumption of unpredictable communication behavior. Under this assumption, the client has to send the input data items using a specified sequence to maximize the number of computations performed by the server at any time. The sequence-finding problem is NP-hard for the general case. In this paper, we address three fundamental and useful applications: the product of two polynomials, matrices multiplication and Fast Fourier Transform. We show that the sequence-finding problems of the three applications can be solved optimally in linear time. However, we also show counter examples to rule out any possibility of finding a dominant sequence for sparse cases of the three applications. Finally, a simulation is conducted to show the usefulness of our method.

  • A Growth Model for Root Systems of Virtual Plants with Soil and Moisture Control

    Jijoon KIM  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E89-D No:5

    A realistic computer graphics (CG) model of root growth that accounts for the effects of soil obstruction and moisture variations is proposed. While the exposed parts of plants have been modeled extensively in CG, realistic root models have received little attention, and the potential effects of root characteristics on the growth of foliage has yet to be considered in detail. The proposed model represents roots as series of bend points and link points and defines the root systems as a layered structure formed by roots connected via link points. This approach allows for two general types of root systems based on branching probabilities of lateral and adventitious roots: main root systems consisting of a thick main root and thinner lateral roots, and fibrous root systems consisting of adventitious roots of relatively uniform diameter. The model also expresses the behavior of root growth in terms of hydrotropism, gravitropism, flexion and growth inhibition by assigning gravity, moisture and consistency parameters to underground voxels. The model is shown through simulations of various growth conditions to generate individualized root systems that reflect the growth environment and characteristics of the plant.

  • Novel Structures for a 2-Bit per Cell of Nonvolatile Memory Using an Asymmetric Double Gate

    Kuk-Hwan KIM  Hyunjin LEE  Yang-Kyu CHOI  

    PAPER-Si Devices and Processes

    E89-C No:5

    A 2-bit operational metal/silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (MONOS/SONOS) nonvolatile memory using an asymmetric double-gate (ASDG) MOSFET was studied to double flash memory density. The 2-bit programming and erasing was performed by Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling in a NAND array architecture using individually controlled gates. A threshold voltage shift of programmed states for the 2-bit operation was investigated with the aid of a SILVACO® simulator in both sides of the gate by changing gate workfunctions and tunneling oxide thicknesses. In this paper, the scalability of the device down to 30 nm was demonstrated by numerical simulation. Additionally, guidelines of the 2-bit ASDG nonvolatile memory (NVM) structure and operational conditions were proposed for "program," "read," and "erase."

  • Fuzzy Inference System for Multiuser Detection in CDMA Systems

    Yalcn IIK  Necmi TAPINAR  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:5

    In this letter, multi user detection process in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is performed by fuzzy inference system (FIS) and the bit error rate (BER) performance was compared with the single user bound, the matched filter receiver and neural network receiver. The BER performance of the matched filter receiver degrades as the number of the active users and the power level differences among the users increase. The neural network receiver needs the training process. Optimal receiver that has the best BER performance is too complex for practical application. The BER performance near the optimal case was obtained with the proposed receiver. The proposed receiver uses the FIS without training process and it has lower time complexity than the optimal receiver.

  • Construction of Classifiers by Iterative Compositions of Features with Partial Knowledge

    Kazuya HARAGUCHI  Toshihide IBARAKI  


    E89-A No:5

    We consider the classification problem to construct a classifier c:{0,1}n{0,1} from a given set of examples (training set), which (approximately) realizes the hidden oracle y:{0,1}n{0,1} describing the phenomenon under consideration. For this problem, a number of approaches are already known in computational learning theory; e.g., decision trees, support vector machines (SVM), and iteratively composed features (ICF). The last one, ICF, was proposed in our previous work (Haraguchi et al., (2004)). A feature, composed of a nonempty subset S of other features (including the original data attributes), is a Boolean function fS:{0,1}S{0,1} and is constructed according to the proposed rule. The ICF algorithm iterates generation and selection processes of features, and finally adopts one of the generated features as the classifier, where the generation process may be considered as embodying the idea of boosting, since new features are generated from the available features. In this paper, we generalize a feature to an extended Boolean function fS:{0,1,*}S{0,1,*} to allow partial knowledge, where * denotes the state of uncertainty. We then propose the algorithm ICF* to generate such generalized features. The selection process of ICF* is also different from that of ICF, in that features are selected so as to cover the entire training set. Our computational experiments indicate that ICF* is better than ICF in terms of both classification performance and computation time. Also, it is competitive with other representative learning algorithms such as decision trees and SVM.

  • Perfect Tracking Control of Nonminimum Phase Systems in Magnetic Levitation System

    Feng LI  Jianming LU  Xueqin ZHAO  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E89-A No:5

    In this paper, we study the problem of perfect tracking control of nonminimum phase systems in magnetic levitation system. Generally, perfect tracking control schemes cannot be applied to nonminimum phase plants because of unstable pole-zero cancellations. Although the method of state matching using multirate feedforward control to realize perfect tracking control have been proposed, the oscillation restraint and the feasibility in nonminimum phase system cannot be satisfied at same time. We propose a method using the difference of state variables to generate a smooth desired state variable trajectory in the discrete-time systems. The techniques we proposed are applicable to nonminimum phase discrete-time systems and the oscillations between the sampling points are well restrained. We will show that the structure of the proposed perfect tracking controller is very simple and clear. Finally, computer simulations and experiment results based on magnetic levitation apparatus are presented.

  • Robust Blind Equalization Algorithms Based on the Constrained Maximization of a Fourth-Order Cumulant Function

    Kiyotaka KOHNO  Mitsuru KAWAMOTO  Asoke K. NANDI  Yujiro INOUYE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:5

    The present letter deals with the blind equalization problem of a single-input single-output infinite impulse response (SISO-IIR) channel with additive Gaussian noise. To solve the problem, we propose a new criterion for maximizing constrainedly a fourth-order cumulant. The algorithms derived from the criterion have such a novel property that even if Gaussian noise is added to the output of the channel, an effective zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer can be obtained with as little influence of Gaussian noise as possible. To show the validity of the proposed criterion, some simulation results are presented.

  • Non-saturated Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks

    Changchun XU  Zongkai YANG  


    E89-D No:5

    This letter presents a simple but accurate analytical model to evaluate the throughput of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function in non-saturated conditions. The influence of offered load on the throughput of both basic and RTS/CTS access mechanisms are analyzed and compared. It's shown that basic access scheme can achieve the same maximal throughput as that of RTS/CTS mechanism in non-saturated conditions while the latter is robust to the number of contending stations compared to basic mechanism. The analytical results are validated by extensive simulations.

  • Control Performance of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems Improved by Neural Networks

    Chien-Hsing SU  Cheng-Sea HUANG  Kuang-Yow LIAN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E89-A No:5

    A new control scheme is proposed to improve the system performance for discrete-time fuzzy systems by tuning control grade functions using neural networks. According to a systematic method of constructing the exact Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model, the system uncertainty is considered to affect the membership functions. Then, the grade functions, resulting from the membership functions of the control rules, are tuned by a back-propagation network. On the other hand, the feedback gains of the control rules are determined by solving a set of LMIs which satisfy sufficient conditions of the closed-loop stability. As a result, both stability guarantee and better performance are concluded. The scheme applied to a truck-trailer system is verified by satisfactory simulation results.

  • Multi-Route Coding in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks

    Hiraku OKADA  Nobuyuki NAKAGAWA  Tadahiro WADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E89-B No:5

    Wireless multi-hop networks have drawn much attention for the future generation mobile communication systems. These networks can establish multiple routes from a source node to a destination node because of flexible construction of network topology. Transmissions by multiple routes have enough capability to achieve reliable communication because we can expect to obtain diversity gain by multiple routes. In this paper, we propose the multi-route coding scheme. At first, we discuss a channel model in multi-hop networks employing regenerative relay, which we named the virtual channel model. By using the virtual channel model, a packet is encoded on multiple routes as follows; a bit sequence of a packet is encoded and divided into subpackets, and each subpacket is transmitted on each route. We evaluate its packet error rate performance, and clarify effectiveness of the proposed scheme. In general, we should face degradation of a route condition such as the case when a subpacket does not reach a destination node. Hence, we have to consider the influence of subpacket loss. We also investigate it, and show tolerance of the proposed scheme over that.

  • An Enhanced Time-Domain Circuit Simulation Technique Based on LIM

    Hidemasa KUBOTA  Yuichi TANJI  Takayuki WATANABE  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E89-A No:5

    In this paper, we show the generalized method of the time-domain circuit simulation based on LIM. Our method is applicable to any structure of circuits by combination with the SPICE-like method. In order to show the validity and efficiency of our method, an example circuit is simulated and the proposed method is compared with the conventional ones.

  • Dimensioning Models of Shared Resources for Optical Packet Switching in Unbalanced Input/Output Traffic Scenarios

    Vincenzo ERAMO  Marco LISTANTI  Luca Silvio BOVO  

    PAPER-Switching for Communications

    E89-B No:5

    This paper compares selected Optical Packet Switching architectures that use the wavelength conversion technique to solve the packet contention problem. The architectures in question share wavelength converters, which are needed to wavelength translate arriving packets. This paper focuses on two architectures: the Shared Per Output Line (SPOL) and the Shared Per Input Line (SPIL) architectures, in which the wavelength converters are shared per output and input fiber respectively. The performance of the proposed architectures is evaluated for all the balance/unbalance combinations of input/output traffic. Packet loss probability is expressed as a function of the number of wavelength converters used, by means of analytical models validated by simulations. The results obtained show that the SPIL architecture, when compared to the SPOL architecture, allows for greater economies in terms of number of wavelength converters needed. While the performance of the two architectures tends to have similar values in a scenario with unbalanced input traffic and balanced output traffic, in unbalanced output traffic scenarios the SPIL architecture requires about 50% less wavelength converters than the SPOL architecture does, for a given packet loss probability.

  • A Novel (Re)Association Control Scheme for Inter-AP Security Transition in Mobile Wireless LAN

    Byungho CHUNG  Sangha KIM  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E89-B No:5

    Recently with the high expectation of voice over WLAN service, to support fast inter-AP security transition in WLAN Access Point (AP) is one of the most actively investigating issues. It is also very important problem to minimize inter-AP security transition (IAPST) latency, while maintaining constantly the secure association from old AP when a station transits to new AP. With this background, this paper presents a novel association control mechanism whose objective pursues to minimize IAPST latency time and to take countermeasures against attacks of rogue transition station. Experiment shows that the proposed scheme outperforms the legacy AP over 70% with regard to the transition latency.

  • Implementation of the Perfect Matched Layer to the CIP Method

    Yoshiaki ANDO  Masashi HAYAKAWA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E89-C No:5

    The perfect matched layer (PML) is formulated for the use in the constrained interpolation profile (CIP) method. Numerical results are presented to examine the performance of the proposed formulation of the PML in the case of two-dimensional TM wave. The results show that the proposed methods suppress the reflection effectively in comparison with the natural absorbing boundary condition of the CIP method. We have two methods to formulate the PML, and it is shown that the both methods have equal characteristics.

  • Mobility-Awareness: An Efficient Approach to Improve Energy Efficiency in Location-Aware Computing

    MoonBae SONG  KwangJin PARK  Ki-Sik KONG  


    E89-D No:5

    There are two principal aspects of "mobility" in location-aware computing: (1) how to support mobility and (2) how to exploit it. This paper considers the latter, while many existing works only concentrate on the former. This work is trying to prove that the performance of location-aware systems will be greatly improved by understanding the user's movement. In this paper, we propose a novel location update protocol called state-based location update protocol (SLUP), which significantly minimizes the energy consumption of mobile client by exploiting a syntactic information of a user's movement. This concept is called mobility-awareness which is a kind of context-awareness. Moreover, there are three variations of the proposed protocol in terms of how to choose the optimal state: SLUP/BS, SLUP/UITR, and SLUP/IUT. Experimental results show that the proposed protocol outperforms the well-known existing protocols such as dead-reckoning and distance-based protocol, and that the SLUP/IUT approach can achieve different performance tradeoffs between energy efficiency and location accuracy by fine-tuning its algorithmic parameter Tiut.
