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  • Weight Distribution for Non-binary Cluster LDPC Code Ensemble

    Takayuki NOZAKI  Masaki MAEHARA  Kenta KASAI  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E96-A No:12

    This paper derives the average symbol and bit weight distributions for the irregular non-binary cluster low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles. Moreover, we give the exponential growth rates of the average weight distributions in the limit of large code length. We show the condition that the typical minimum distances linearly grow with the code length.

  • Network Designs for Cycle-Attack-Free Logical-Tree Topologies in Optical CDM Networks

    Tatsuya FUKUDA  Ken-ichi BABA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E96-B No:12

    Optical Code Division Multiplexing (OCDM) is a multiplexing technology for constructing future all-optical networks. Compared with other multiplexing technologies, it can be easily controlled and can establish lightpaths of smaller granularity. However, previous research has revealed that OCDM networks are vulnerable to cycle attacks. Cycle attacks are caused by multi-access interference (MAI), which is crosstalk noise on the same wavelength in OCDM networks. If cycle attacks occur, they disrupt all network services immediately. Previous research has proposed a logical topology design that is free of cycle attacks. However, this design assumes that path assignment is centrally controlled. It also does not consider the delay between each node and the centralized controller. In this paper, we propose novel logical topology designs that are free of cycle attacks and methods of establishing paths. The basic concepts underlying our methods are to autonomously construct a cycle-attack-free logical topology and to establish lightpaths by using a distributed controller. Our methods can construct a logical network and establish lightpaths more easily than the previous method can. In addition, they have network scalability because of their distributed control. Simulation results show that our methods have lower loss probabilities than the previous method and better mean hop counts than the centralized control approach.

  • Random-Coding Exponential Error Bounds for Channels with Action-Dependent States

    Tetsunao MATSUTA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Shannon Theory

    E96-A No:12

    Weissman introduced a coding problem for channels with action-dependent states. In this coding problem, there are two encoders and a decoder. An encoder outputs an action that affects the state of the channel. Then, the other encoder outputs a codeword of the message into the channel by using the channel state. The decoder receives a noisy observation of the codeword, and reconstructs the message. In this paper, we show an exponential error bound for channels with action-dependent states based on the random coding argument.

  • On the Dependence of Error Performance of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes on Their Design Parameters

    Hiroyuki IHARA  Tomoharu SHIBUYA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E96-A No:12

    Spatially coupled (SC) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are defined by bipartite graphs that are obtained by assembling prototype graphs. The combination and connection of prototype graphs are designated by specifying some parameters, and Kudekar et al. showed that BP threshold of the ensemble of SC LDPC codes agrees with MAP threshold of the ensemble of regular LDPC codes when those parameters are grown up so that the code length tends to infinity. When we design SC LDPC codes with practical code length, however, it is not clear how to set those parameters to enhance the performance of SC LDPC codes. In this paper, we provide the result of numerical experiments that suggest the dependence of error performance of SC LDPC codes over BEC on their design parameters.

  • Efficient Proofs for CNF Formulas on Attributes in Pairing-Based Anonymous Credential System

    Nasima BEGUM  Toru NAKANISHI  Nobuo FUNABIKI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E96-A No:12

    To enhance user privacy, anonymous credential systems allow the user to convince a verifier of the possession of a certificate issued by the issuing authority anonymously. In the systems, the user can prove relations on his/her attributes embedded into the certificate. Previously, a pairing-based anonymous credential system with constant-size proofs in the number of attributes of the user was proposed. This system supports the proofs of the inner product relations on attributes, and thus can handle the complex logical relations on attributes as the CNF and DNF formulas. However this system suffers from the computational cost: The proof generation needs exponentiations depending on the number of the literals in OR relations. In this paper, we propose a pairing-based anonymous credential system with the constant-size proofs for CNF formulas and the more efficient proof generation. In the proposed system, the proof generation needs only multiplications depending on the number of literals, and thus it is more efficient than the previously proposed system. The key of our construction is to use an extended accumulator, by which we can verify that multiple attributes are included in multiple sets, all at once. This leads to the verification of CNF formulas on attributes. Since the accumulator is mainly calculated by multiplications, we achieve the better computational costs.

  • Construction of High Rate Punctured Convolutional Codes by Exhaustive Search and Partial Search

    Sen MORIYA  Hiroshi SASANO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E96-A No:12

    We consider two methods for constructing high rate punctured convolutional codes. First, we present the best high rate R=(n-1)/n punctured convolutional codes, for n=5,6,…,16, which are obtained by exhaustive searches. To obtain the best code, we use a regular convolutional code whose weight spectrum is equivalent to that of each punctured convolutional code. We search these equivalent codes for the best one. Next, we present a method that searches for good punctured convolutional codes by partial searches. This method searches the codes that are derived from rate 1/2 original codes obtained in the first method. By this method, we obtain some good punctured convolutional codes relatively faster than the case in which we search for the best codes.

  • A Study on Signal Processing for Barium Ferrite Particulate Tape Systems

    Atsushi MUSHA  Osamu SHIMIZU  


    E96-C No:12

    The optimum generalized partial response (GPR) target for barium ferrite (BaFe) tape systems was studied. The shift in perpendicular magnetic recording technology in HDDs to systems employing single-pole-type (SPT) recording heads and media with a soft under layer (SUL) has been accompanied by a change in the read channel design, whereas current magnetic tape recording systems utilize a combination of a ring-type recording head with a single magnetic layer structured medium. Therefore, the read channel performance of current oriented BaFe particulate tape systems needs to be studied to best exploit the potential of this medium. Toward this end, DC-free, DC-full, and DC-suppressed targets were compared. The results show that assuming a GPRML detector with 16 or more states, a traditional DC-free target exhibits the best bit error rate performance for both longitudinally and perpendicularly oriented BaFe media, suggesting that the current read channel designed for longitudinally oriented media can also be utilized for BaFe particulate tape systems.

  • Multilane Hashing Mode Suitable for Parallel Processing

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Shoichi HIROSE  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E96-A No:12

    A hash function is an important primitive for cryptographic protocols. Since algorithms of well-known hash functions are almost serial, it seems difficult to take full advantage of recent multi-core processors. This paper proposes a multilane hashing (MLH) mode that achieves both of high parallelism and high security. The MLH mode is designed in such a way that the processing speed is almost linear in the number of processors. Since the MLH mode exploits an existing hash function as a black box, it is applicable to any hash function. The bound on the indifferentiability of the MLH mode from a random oracle is beyond the birthday bound on the output length of an underlying primitive.

  • Pre-Equalization Based Initial Ranging Scheme for TDD-OFDMA Systems in Frequency Selective Channel

    Qiwei WANG  Guangliang REN  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E96-B No:12

    To mitigate the impact of the frequency selectivity of the wireless channel on the initial ranging (IR) process in 802.16 based WiMax systems, several well known pre-equalization techniques applied in the IR are first analyzed in detail, and the optimal pre-equalization scheme is further improved for the IR by overcoming its weaknesses. A numerical simulation shows that the proposed pre-equalization scheme significantly improves the performance of multiuser detection and parameter estimation in the IR process.

  • Lower-Energy Structure Optimization of (C60)N Clusters Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm

    Guifang SHAO  Wupeng HONG  Tingna WANG  Yuhua WEN  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E96-D No:12

    An improved genetic algorithm is employed to optimize the structure of (C60)N (N≤25) fullerene clusters with the lowest energy. First, crossover with variable precision, realized by introducing the hamming distance, is developed to provide a faster search mechanism. Second, the bit string mutation and feedback mutation are incorporated to maintain the diversity in the population. The interaction between C60 molecules is described by the Pacheco and Ramalho potential derived from first-principles calculations. We compare the performance of the Improved GA (IGA) with that of the Standard GA (SGA). The numerical and graphical results verify that the proposed approach is faster and more robust than the SGA. The second finite differential of the total energy shows that the (C60)N clusters with N=7, 13, 22 are particularly stable. Performance with the lowest energy is achieved in this work.

  • Bitstream Protection in Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration Systems Using Authenticated Encryption

    Yohei HORI  Toshihiro KATASHITA  Hirofumi SAKANE  Kenji TODA  Akashi SATOH  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E96-D No:11

    Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of a configuration bitstream is essential for the dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This is because erroneous or falsified bitstreams can cause fatal damage to FPGAs. In this paper, we present a high-speed and area-efficient bitstream protection scheme for DPR systems using the Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM), which is an authenticated encryption algorithm. Unlike many previous studies, our bitstream protection scheme also provides a mechanism for error recovery and tamper resistance against configuration block deletion, insertion, and disorder. The implementation and evaluation results show that our DPR scheme achieves a higher performance, in terms of speed and area, than previous methods.

  • Training Multiple Support Vector Machines for Personalized Web Content Filters

    Dung Duc NGUYEN  Maike ERDMANN  Tomoya TAKEYOSHI  Gen HATTORI  Kazunori MATSUMOTO  Chihiro ONO  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:11

    The abundance of information published on the Internet makes filtering of hazardous Web pages a difficult yet important task. Supervised learning methods such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) can be used to identify hazardous Web content. However, scalability is a big challenge, especially if we have to train multiple classifiers, since different policies exist on what kind of information is hazardous. We therefore propose two different strategies to train multiple SVMs for personalized Web content filters. The first strategy identifies common data clusters and then performs optimization on these clusters in order to obtain good initial solutions for individual problems. This initialization shortens the path to the optimal solutions and reduces the training time on individual training sets. The second approach is to train all SVMs simultaneously. We introduce an SMO-based kernel-biased heuristic that balances the reduction rate of individual objective functions and the computational cost of kernel matrix. The heuristic primarily relies on the optimality conditions of all optimization problems and secondly on the pre-calculated part of the whole kernel matrix. This strategy increases the amount of information sharing among learning tasks, thus reduces the number of kernel calculation and training time. In our experiments on inconsistently labeled training examples, both strategies were able to predict hazardous Web pages accurately (> 91%) with a training time of only 26% and 18% compared to that of the normal sequential training.

  • Hardware Implementation of a Real-Time MEMS IMU/GNSS Deeply-Coupled System

    Tisheng ZHANG  Hongping ZHANG  Yalong BAN  Kunlun YAN  Xiaoji NIU  Jingnan LIU  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E96-B No:11

    A deeply-coupled system can feed the INS information into a GNSS receiver, and the signal tracking precision can be improved under dynamic conditions by reducing tracking loop bandwidth without losing tracking reliability. In contrast to the vector-based deep integration, the scalar-based GNSS/INS deep integration is a relatively simple and practical architecture, in which all individual DLL and PLL are still exist. Since the implementation of a deeply-couple system needs to modify the firmware of a commercial hardware GNSS receiver, very few studies are reported on deep integration based on hardware platform, especially from academic institutions. This implementation-complexity issue has impeded the development of the deeply-coupled GNSS receivers. This paper introduces a scalar-based MEMS IMU/GNSS deeply-coupled system based on an integrated embedded hardware platform for real-time implementation. The design of the deeply-coupled technologies is described including the system architecture, the model of the inertial-aided tracking loop, and the relevant tracking errors analysis. The implementation issues, which include platform structure, real-time optimization, and generation of aiding information, are discussed as well. The performance of the inertial aided tracking loop and the final navigation solution of the developed deeply-coupled system are tested through the dynamic road test scenarios created by a hardware GNSS/INS simulator with GPS L1 C/A signals and low-level MEMS IMU analog signals outputs. The dynamic tests show that the inertial-aided PLL enables a much narrow tracking loop bandwidth (e.g. 3Hz) under dynamic scenarios; while the non-aided loop would lose lock with such narrow loop bandwidth once maneuvering commences. The dynamic zero-baseline tests show that the Doppler observation errors can be reduced by more than 50% with inertial aided tracking loop. The corresponding navigation results also show that the deep integration improved the velocity precision significantly.

  • Low-Complexity Hybrid-Domain H.264/SVC to H.264/AVC Spatial Transcoding with Drift Compensation for Videoconferencing

    Lei SUN  Zhenyu LIU  Takeshi IKENAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E96-A No:11

    As an extension of H.264/AVC, Scalable Video Coding (SVC) provides the ability to adapt to heterogeneous networks and user-end requirements, which offers great scalability in multi-point applications such as videoconferencing. However, transcoding between SVC and AVC becomes necessary due to the existence of legacy AVC-based systems. The straightforward full re-encoding method requires great computational cost, and the fast SVC-to-AVC spatial transcoding techniques have not been thoroughly investigated yet. This paper proposes a low-complexity hybrid-domain SVC-to-AVC spatial transcoder with drift compensation, which provides even better coding efficiency than the full re-encoding method. The macroblocks (MBs) of input SVC bitstream are divided into two types, and each type is suitable for pixel- or transform-domain processing respectively. In the pixel-domain transcoding, a fast re-encoding method is proposed based on mode mapping and motion vector (MV) refinement. In the transform-domain transcoding, the quantized transform coefficients together with other motion data are reused directly to avoid re-quantization loss. The drift problem caused by proposed transcoder is solved by compensation techniques for I frame and P frame respectively. Simulation results show that proposed transcoder achieves averagely 96.4% time reduction compared with the full re-encoding method, and outperforms the reference methods in coding efficiency.

  • Realization of Secure Ambient Wireless Network System Based on Spatially Distributed Ciphering Function

    Masashi OKADA  Masahide HATANAKA  Keiichiro KAGAWA  Shinichi MIYAMOTO  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E96-A No:11

    This paper proposes a secure wireless network system required for an ambient information society; it forms a privacy zone wherein terminals can securely communicate secret information using an arbitrary general radio channel. For this system, we introduce a scheme using a side-information from a special node. The information is used as an encryption key so that the detectable region of the key defines a privacy zone. We implement the scheme on the basis of IEEE 802.15.4 and realize the world's first ambient network platform with the above functionality. An experiment and demonstration show the effectiveness of the proposed system.

  • Fourier-Domain Modal Delay Measurements for Multimode Fibers Optimized for the 850-nm Band in a Local Area Network

    Chan-Young KIM  Tae-Jung AHN  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E96-B No:11

    We present transmission- and reflection-type measurement methods for the differential mode delay (DMD) of a multimode optical fiber (MMF) optimized for high-speed local area networks (LANs) for the 850-nm band. Compared with a previously reported transmission-type measurement method for the 1550-nm wavelength band, we demonstrate here high-resolution DMD measurement methods for MMFs in the 850-nm band. As the method is based on a Fourier-domain intermodal interference technique, the measurement sensitivity is ∼60-dB, and it requires a fiber only a few meters in length. The shorter wavelength also allows a threefold improvement in the measurement resolution. The reflection-type measurement technique is a more practical than the transmission-type measurement technique for the field testing of short MMFs already installed in networks. We believe that this method will be a practical tool not only for field testing of short-length MMFs already installed in networks but also for the development of new plastic optical fibers (POFs).

  • A Partially Driven Array Antenna Backed by a Reflector with a Reduction in the Number of Driven Elements by Up to 67%

    Tadashi TAKANO  Takehiro IMURA  Midori OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:11

    This paper describes a novel technique to replace some of the driven elements in an array antenna with parasitic elements. First, the antenna characteristics are studied by simulation for a basic unit array with one driven and two parasitic elements. The entire antenna is backed with a flat reflector to conform to practical applications. The parasitic elements are excited by the neighboring driven elements through the electromagnetic coupling effect. It is shown that at the optimal coupling condition, the radiation patterns are almost identical with those of an array antenna whose elements are all driven without coupling. The simulation result is confirmed by performing an experiment at 5.8GHz (λ =51.7mm). Finally, a 12-element array is formed by combining four unit arrays. The simulation results show that the maximum antenna gain is 19.4dBi, indicating that there is no penalty with respect to the antenna gain of a fully driven 12-element array. Therefore, the array antenna can be considerably simplified by replacing 67% of its elements with parasitic elements.

  • Weighted Averages and Double Exponential Algorithms Open Access

    Juan R. MOSIG  


    E96-B No:10

    This paper reviews two simple numerical algorithms particularly useful in Computational ElectroMagnetics (CEM): the Weighted Averages (WA) algorithm and the Double Exponential (DE) quadrature. After a short historical introduction and an elementary description of the mathematical procedures underlying both techniques, they are applied to the evaluation of Sommerfeld integrals, where WA and DE combine together to provide a numerical tool of unprecedented quality. It is also shown that both algorithms have a much wider range of applications. A generalization of the WA algorithm, able to cope with integrands including products of Bessel and similar oscillatory functions, is described. Similarly, the original DE algorithm is adapted with exceptional results to the evaluation of the multidimensional singular integrals arising in the discretization of Integral-Equation based CEM formulations. The new possibilities of WA and DE algorithms are demonstrated through several practical numerical examples.

  • A Remark on Spatial Correlation Coefficient Focusing on Propagation Channels for Evaluating Multi-Antenna Systems

    Daisuke UCHIDA  Takero ASAI  Hiroyuki ARAI  

    PAPER-Adaptive Array Antennas/MIMO

    E96-B No:10

    Spatial correlation is an index for evaluating performance of multi-antenna systems. Although various equations exist, the distinction remains evasive. This paper presents applicable condition of equations for spatial correlation coefficient considering propagation channels. We reveal that under Rayleigh fading environments, the spatial correlation is properly evaluated by the equation based on three-dimensional radiation patterns, however, under environments with strong direct waves, the equation based on the channel matrix should be used for the evaluation.

  • On Global Exponential Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems by Output Feedback via Matrix Inequality Approach

    Min-Sung KOO  Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E96-A No:10

    In this letter, we consider the global exponential stabilization problem by output feedback for a class of nonlinear systems. Along with a newly proposed matrix inequality condition, the proposed control method has improved flexibility in dealing with nonlinearity, over the existing methods. Analysis and examples are given to illustrate the improved features of our control method.
