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  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Absolute Exponential Stability of Hopfield-Type Neural Networks

    Xue-Bin LIANG  Toru YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E79-D No:7

    A main result in this paper is that for a Hopfield-type neural circuit with a symmetric connection matrix T, the negative semidenfiniteness of T is a necessary and sufficient condition for absolute exponential stability. While this result extends one of absolute stability in Forti, et al. [1], its proof given in this paper is simpler, which is completed by an approach different from one used in Forti et al. [1]. The most significant consequence is that the class of neural networks with negative semidefinite matrices T is the largest class of symmetric networks that can be employed for embedding and solving optimization problem with global exponential rate of convergence to the optimal solution and without the risk of spurious responses.

  • High-Speed Optical Fiber Networks Using Code-Division Multiple Access for Future Real-Time Computer Communications

    Jian-Guo ZHANG  


    E79-B No:7

    In this paper, a feasible optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) technique is proposed for high-speed computer networks using prime codes and optical signal processing to guarantee real-time data communications. All-optical architectures for fastly tunable CDMA encoders and decoders are presented, which can be feasibly implemented in the optical domain by using electrooptic switches and optical delay lines. This can support an ultrahigh throughput and a very fast reconfiguration time. Furthermore, we present a self-synchronized sample technique to ensure the correct phase synchronization between optical clock stream and asynchronous electronic data at each electrooptic modulator of an optical CDMA transmitter.

  • Coax/Fiber Hybrid Access Network for Microcellular Personal Communication Systems

    Hanwook JUNG  Ozan K. TONGUZ  


    E79-B No:7

    A hybrid network architecture using subcarrier multiplexed optical fiber (SCMOL) and coaxial cable is proposed in this paper for the access link of future personal communication systems (PCS) between tiny passive radio base stations in microcells and remote central base stations. Results indicate that the required number of laser diodes, photodetectors and amount of fiber could be reduced by more than 4 times with the proposed hybrid access link compared to the point-to-point SCMOL link and the network cost would decrease proportionally.

  • An lmproved Method for Formal Security Verification of Cryptographic Protocols

    Hajime WATANABE  Toru FUJIWARA  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E79-A No:7

    We have devised a polynomial time algorithm to decide the security of cryptographic protocols formally under certain conditions, and implemented the algorithm on a computer as a supporting system for deciding the security. In this paper, a useful approach is presented to decide security problems which do not satisfy some of the above-mentioned conditions by using the system. For its application, we consider a basic security problem of Kerberos protocol, whether or not an enemy can obtain the session key between a client and a server by using any information not protected in communication channels and using any operation not prohibited in the system. It is shown that Kerberos is secure for this problem.

  • Database Cache Management Algorithms of a Timing Constrained Database System in Mobile Computing Environments

    Yuji WADA  Tadanori MIZUNO  


    E79-A No:7

    In this paper, we propose a timing constrained database system which accesses a database at a host computer via a mobile support server with a wireless portable computer running in mobile computing environments, so that we can provide seamless database access between a communication cell and the host computer even if the user of the portable computer moves from one communication cell to another. Then, we also provide some new kind of database cache algorihm, such as all-cell-cache, neighbour-cell-cache, 1-cell-skip-cache, 2-cell-skip-cache and 3-cell-skip-cache methods, each of which manages the data downloading and uploading among the host database and some cell databases at the mobile support servers so as to minimize the database access fault probability when the user moves from one communication cell to another. And, we show the averaged database access time and the averaged database cache hit ratio which are computed by simulating each of the above database cache algorithms with random variables generation method. Finally, we conclude that each above cache alogorithm is advantageous to the database in mobile computineg einvironments.

  • Image Restoration by Spatial Clustering

    Hiroto SHINGAI  Hiroyuki MATSUNAGA  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    LETTER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:7

    A method based on clustering is presented for restoring and segmenting gray scale images. An optimum clustering obtained by a gradient method gives an image with gray scale values which vary smoothly in each segmented region. The method is also applied to restoration from sparsely sampled data.

  • Feature Detection of Moving Images Using a Hierarchical Relaxation Method

    Dingding CHANG  Shuji HASHIMOTO  

    LETTER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:7

    A hierarchical relaxation method is presented for detecting local features in moving images. The relaxation processes are performed on the temporal-spatial pyramid, which is a multi-resolution data structure for the moving images. The accurate and high speed edge detection can be obtained by using infomation in the neighboring frames as well as the processed results in the higher layers of the pyramid.

  • Uncertainty Models of the Gradient Constraint for Optical Flow Computation

    Naoya OHTA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:7

    The uncertainty involved in the gradient constraint for optical flow detection is often modeled as constant Gaussian noise added to the time-derivative of the image intensity. In this paper, we examine this modeling closely and investigate the error behavior by experiments. Our result indicates that the error depends on both the spatial derivatives and the image motion. We propose alternative uncertainty models based on our experiments. It is shown that the optical flow computation algorithms based on them can detect more accurate optical flow than the conventional least-squares method.

  • Probability Distribution of Delay in Cellular Mobile Networks with Hand-Off

    Wuyi YUE  Yutaka MATSUMOTO  


    E79-A No:7

    In this paper, we present an exact analysis and an efficient matrix-analytic procedure to numerically evaluate the performance of cellular mobile networks with hand-off. In high-capacity micro-cell cellular radio communication networks, a cell boundary crossed by moving users can generate many hand-off attempts. This paper considers such a priority scheme that some channels and buffers are reserved for hand-off calls to reduce the forced termination of calls in progress. Performance characteristics we obtained include blocking probability, channel utilization, average queue length and average waiting time for hand-off calls. Using the matrix-analytic solution for the stationary state probability distribution, we also derive the probability distribution of the waiting time of a hand-off call. Numerical results show how priority can be provided to hand-off calls according to the number of reserved channels and buffer size. They also clarify the effect of the hand-off priority scheme on the standard deviation of waiting time of a hand-off call.

  • Completing Protocols Synthesized from Service Specifications

    Akira TAKURA  Atsushi KANAI  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E79-B No:7

    A protocol completion method is proposed to transform protocols synthesized from service specifications into error-free protocols. Communication service specifications described by message sequence charts can be synthesized into protocols. The synthesized protocols may include latent exceptional behaviors that are beyond the given service specifications. Therefore, even if the service specifications themselves are verified, these exceptional behaviors may produce protocol errors such as deadlock states or unspecified reception. Error-free protocols can be obtained from error-free service specifications by synthesizing and then completing the synthesized protocols. By taking account of each service specification through protocol completion, every exceptional behavior can be detected in the protocol entities including erroneous exceptional behaviors. This function can also be applied to resolution of feature interactions. The proposed method is applied to the synthesis of the X.227 protocol from its partial service specifications.

  • Security lssues in Mobile Information Networks

    Thomas HARDJONO  Jennifer SEBERRY  


    E79-A No:7

    During the last decade the decrease in the size of computing machinery, coupled with the increase in their computing power has lend to the development of the concept of mobile computing. Effects of this new vision is currently evident in the flourishing numbers of mobile telephones and portable computing units. In this paper we briefly investigate some issues concerning the security of mobile computing systems, within the framework of the categories of mobility, disconnection, data access modes and scale of operation (Imielinski & Badrinath, 1993). In contrast to previous works which concentrate on security in wireless communications, we focus on the security of interactions which are built upon the underlying wireless communications medium. Some conclusions are presented on the future directoins for security research in mobile computing sysytems.

  • A Study on Distributed Control Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategies in Sector Cell Layout Systems

    Satoru FUKUMOTO  Kazunori OKADA  Duk-Kyu PARK  Shigetoshi YOSHIMOTO  Iwao SASASE  


    E79-A No:7

    In estimating the performances of Distributed control Dynamic Channel Assignment (DDCA) strategies in sector cell layout systems, we find that sector cell layout systems with DDCA achieved a large system capacity. Moreover, we also indicate the problem, which is the increase of occurrences of cochannel interference, raised by using DDCA in sector cell layout systems. The new channel assignment algorithm, which is called Channel Searching on Direction of Sector (CSDS), is proposed to cope with the problem. CSDS assigns nominal channels to each sector according to their direction so that the same frequency channel tends to be used in sectors having the same direction. We show, by simulations, that CSDS is an adequate algorithm for sector cell layout systems because it significantly improves performance on co-channel interference while only slightly decreasing system capacity.

  • An Algorithm for the Solution of a Linear system by Δ-Y Transformations

    Hiroyuki NAKAHARA  Hiromitsu TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E79-A No:7

    Let W be a real symmetric matrix associated with a weighted 2-connected planar graph. It is important to study a fast algorithm to solve the linear system Wx = c, since the system has many various applicaions, for example to solve partial defferencial equations numerically. In this paper, a new algorithm for the solution of a linear system of equations by Δ-Y transformations is proposed, and a sufficient condition for using this algorithm is proved. We show that this algorithm solves in O (n3/2) time a linear system associated with a planar graph which is embedded a cylinder graph with n vertices.

  • Repair-Based Railway Scheduling System with Cycle Detection

    Te-Wei CHIANG  Hai-Yen HAU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E79-D No:7

    In this paper, we propose an approach for railway scheduling based on iterative repair, a technique that starts with a complete but possibly flawed schedule and searches through the space of possible repairs. The search is guided by an earliest-conflict-first heuristic that attempts to repair the earliest constraint violation while minimizing the value of objective function. Since cycles may exist among a sequence of repairs during the repair process, a cycle detection and resolution scheme is proposed to prevent infinite loops. Experimental results show that the efficiency of the repair algorithm improves significantly when cycle detection is incorporated.

  • RCS Fluctuation Reduction in High-Resolution Radar

    Toshiharu ITOH  Hachiro SUEDA  

    PAPER-Measurement and Metrology

    E79-B No:7

    RCS fluctuation of targets such as ships can be reduced by the high-resolution radar. The high-resolution radar resolves the total radar echo into several parts which do not interfere each other. The reduction of interference gives stable target RCS. A simple model of the RCS fluctuation reduction is presented. Typical data for ships taken by an experimental radar which has range resolution about 0.75 m, are also shown. The analysis results show that the RCS fluctuation reduction agree with the simple model well.

  • A Remark on a Class of Stability Conditions for Neural Networks

    Xue-Bin LIANG  Toru YAMAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E79-D No:7

    This letter points out that while a class of conditions presented in Matsuoka K. [1] are truly sufficient for absolute stability of neural networks, the proof of the sufficiency given in [1] is not sound. As a remark, a mathematically rigorous proof of the sufficiency of the class of conditions for absolute stability of neural networks is provided.

  • Self-Organization of Spatio-Temporal Visual Receptive

    Takashi TAKAHASHI  Yuzo HIRAI  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E79-D No:7

    A self-organizing neural network model of spatio-temporal visual receptive fields is proposed. It consists of a one-layer linear learning network with multiple temporal input channels, and each temporal channel has different impulse response. Every weight of the learning network is modified according to a Hebb-type learning algorithm proposed by Sanger. It is shown by simulation studies that various types of spatio-temporal receptive fields are self-organized by the network with random noise inputs. Some of them have similar response characteristics to X- and Y-type cells found in mammalian retina. The properties of receptive fields obtained by the network are analyzed theoretically. It is shown that only circularly symmetric receptive fields change their spatio-temporal characteristics depending on the bias of inputs. In particular, when the inputs are non-zero mean, the temporal properties of center-surround type receptive fields become heterogeneous and alter depending on the positions in the receptive fields.

  • Analytic Modeling of Cache Coherence Based Parallel Computers

    Kazuki JOE  Akira FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E79-D No:7

    In this paper, we propose an analytic model using a semi-markov process for parallel computers which provides hardware support for a cache coherence mechanism. The model proposed here, the Semi-markov Memory and Cache coherence Interference model, can be used for the performance prediction of cache coherence based parallel computers since it can be easily applied to descriptions of the waiting states due to network contention or memory interference of both normal data accesses and cache coherence requests. Conventional analytic models using stochastic processes to describe parallel computers have the problem of numerical explosion in the number of states necessary as the system size increases even for simple parallel computers without cache coherence mechanisms. The number of states required by constructing our proposing analytic model, however, does not depend on the system size but only on the kind of cache coherence protocol. For example, the number of states for the Synapse cache coherence protocol is only 20, as is described in this paper. Using the proposed analytic model, we investigate several comparative experiments with widely known simulation results. We found that there is only a 7.08% difference between the simulation and our analytic model, while our analytic model can predict the performance of a 1,024 processor system in the order of microseconds.

  • Optical Access Networks Evolving toward Multimedia Information Environment

    Tetsuya MIKI  


    E79-B No:7

    For the successful realization of the multimedia information environment, it is strongly required to develop very cost effective optical access networks. Accordingly, ways of reducing system cost are described. At the same time, the development of attractive new services is indispensable to drive network modernization. The connectionless networking service for community user groups is proposed together with the new concept of group communication.

  • Regional Community Network System

    Norihisa OHTA  Masato MORISAKI  Hisao TSUJI  


    E79-B No:7

    This paper describes the concept of the regional community network system. The system provides PC connectionless communication services to residential customers and a platform on which customers can construct closed user groups. The proposed system is superior to conventional dial-up PC communications from the viewpoint of quick response and communication charge. A new mechanism of group management using the MAC addresses of the interface cards embedded in the ONU and PC terminals is proposed. Conventional telecommunication services, multi-channel video distribution services, and connectionless computer communication services can be provided simultaneously by utilizing the fiber-optic access system. The regional community network system is promising for the construction of a regional information platform and would be one of the forces driving FTTH.
