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  • Analysis of TV White Space Availability in Japan

    Tsuyoshi SHIMOMURA  Teppei OYAMA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E97-B No:2

    Television white spaces (TVWS) are locally and/or temporally unused portions of TV bands. After TVWS regulations were passed in the USA, more and more regulators have been considering efficient use of TVWS. Under the condition that the primary user, i.e., terrestrial TV broadcasting system, is not interfered, various secondary users (SUs) may be deployed in TVWS. In Japan, the TVWS regulations started with broadcast-type SUs and small-area broadcasting systems, followed by voice radio. This paper aims to provide useful insights for more efficient utilization of TVWS as one of the options to meet the continuously increasing demand for wireless bandwidth. TVWS availability in Japan is analyzed using graphs and maps. As per the regulations in Japan, for TV broadcasting service, a protection contour is defined to be 51dBµV/m, while the interference contour for SU is defined to be 12.3dBµV/m. We estimate TVWS availability using these two regulation parameters and the minimum separation distances calculated on the basis of the ITU-R P.1546 propagation models. Moreover, we investigate and explain the effect of two important factors on TVWS availability. One is the measures to avoid adjacent channel interference, while the other is whether the SU has client devices with interference ranges beyond the interference area of the master device. Furthermore, possible options to increase available TVWS channels are discussed.

  • White Space Communication Systems: An Overview of Regulation, Standardization and Trial Open Access

    Hiroshi HARADA  


    E97-B No:2

    This paper summarizes the current status of regulations, standardization efforts and trials around the world regarding white space (WS) communications, especially television band WS (TVWS). After defining WS communication systems configurations and function and the categories of white space database, the TVWS regulations in United States, United Kingdom, and Japan are summarized. Then regarding status of standardization for TVWS devices, IEEE 802 and IEEE 1900 standards are summarized. Finally ongoing pilot projects and trials of WS communications in the world are summarized, and trends and future direction of research on WS communication systems are summarized.

  • New Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Period pq

    Xiuwen MA  Qiaoyan WEN  Jie ZHANG  Huijuan ZUO  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E96-A No:11

    In this letter, by using Whiteman's generalized cyclotomy of order 2 over Zpq, where p, q are twin primes, we construct new perfect Gaussian integer sequences of period pq.

  • Compatible Color Adjustment for Preserving Chromatic Adapted Color in HDR Image Rendering

    Seok-Min CHAE  Sung-Hak LEE  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  


    E96-C No:11

    The iCAM06 has been used as an image appearance model for HDR image rendering. iCAM06 goes through the color space conversions of the several steps to present HDR images. The dynamic range of a HDR image needs to be mapped onto the range of output devices, which is called the tone mapping. However, tone compression process of iCAM06 causes white point shift and color distortion because of color-clipping and cross-stimulus. Therefore, we proposed a modified white-balanced method in low-chromatic region and a color adjustment method in IPT space to compensate the color distortion during in tone compression process. Through the experimental results, we confirmed the proposed compatible color adjustment method had better performance than iCAM06 and enhanced models.

  • Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks on AES Hashing Modes and an Application to Whirlpool

    Yu SASAKI  

    PAPER-Hash Functions

    E96-A No:1

    We study the security of AES in the open-key setting by showing an analysis on hash function modes instantiating AES including Davies-Meyer, Matyas-Meyer-Oseas, and Miyaguchi-Preneel modes. In particular, we propose preimage attacks on these constructions, while most of previous work focused their attention on collision attacks or distinguishers using non-ideal differential properties. This research is based on the motivation that we should evaluate classical and important security notions for hash functions and avoid complicated attack models that seem to have little relevance in practice. We apply a recently developed meet-in-the-middle preimage approach. As a result, we obtain a preimage attack on 7 rounds of Davies-Meyer AES and a second preimage attack on 7 rounds of Matyas-Meyer-Oseas and Miyaguchi-Preneel AES. Considering that the previous best collision attack only can work up to 6 rounds, the number of attacked rounds reaches the best in terms of the classical security notions. In our attacks, the key is regarded as a known constant, and the attacks thus can work for any key length in common.

  • Face Representation and Recognition with Local Curvelet Patterns

    Wei ZHOU  Alireza AHRARY  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose Local Curvelet Binary Patterns (LCBP) and Learned Local Curvelet Patterns (LLCP) for presenting the local features of facial images. The proposed methods are based on Curvelet transform which can overcome the weakness of traditional Gabor wavelets in higher dimensions, and better capture the curve singularities and hyperplane singularities of facial images. LCBP can be regarded as a combination of Curvelet features and LBP operator while LLCP designs several learned codebooks from patch sets, which are constructed by sampling patches from Curvelet filtered facial images. Each facial image can be encoded into multiple pattern maps and block-based histograms of these patterns are concatenated into an histogram sequence to be used as a face descriptor. During the face representation phase, one input patch is encoded by one pattern in LCBP while multi-patterns in LLCP. Finally, an effective classifier called Weighted Histogram Spatially constrained Earth Mover's Distance (WHSEMD) which utilizes the discriminative powers of different facial parts, the different patterns and the spatial information of face is proposed. Performance assessment in face recognition and gender estimation under different challenges shows that the proposed approaches are superior than traditional ones.

  • Study of Dispersion of Lightning Whistlers Observed by Akebono Satellite in the Earth's Plasmasphere

    I Putu Agung BAYUPATI  Yoshiya KASAHARA  Yoshitaka GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E95-B No:11

    When the Akebono (EXOS-D) satellite passed through the plasmasphere, a series of lightning whistlers was observed by its analog wideband receiver (WBA). Recently, we developed an intelligent algorithm to detect lightning whistlers from WBA data. In this study, we analyzed two typical events representing the clear dispersion characteristics of lightning whistlers along the trajectory of Akebono. The event on March 20, 1991 was observed at latitudes ranging from 47.83 (47,83N) to -11.09 (11.09S) and altitudes between ∼2232 and ∼7537 km. The other event on July 12, 1989 was observed at latitudes from 34.94 (34.94N) and -41.89 (41.89S) and altitudes ∼1420–∼7911 km. These events show systematic trends; hence, we can easily determine whether the wave packets of lightning whistlers originated from lightning strikes in the northern or the southern hemispheres. Finally, we approximated the path lengths of these lightning whistlers from the source to the observation points along the Akebono trajectory. In the calculations, we assumed the dipole model as a geomagnetic field and two types of simple electron density profiles in which the electron density is inversely proportional to the cube of the geocentric distance. By scrutinizing the dipole model we propose some models of dispersion characteristic that proportional to the electron density. It was demonstrated that the dispersion D theoretically agrees with observed dispersion trend. While our current estimation is simple, it shows that the difference between our estimation and observation data is mainly due to the electron density profile. Furthermore, the dispersion analysis of lightning whistlers is a useful technique for reconstructing the electron density profile in the Earth's plasmasphere.

  • Hidden Node due to Multiple Transmission Power Level for White Space Radio Operating in the TV Bands

    Chin-Sean SUM  Gabriel Porto VILLARDI  Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN  Junyi WANG  Zhou LAN  Chunyi SONG  Hiroshi HARADA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E95-A No:10

    This paper presents the analysis on hidden node due to multiple transmission power level and its potential impact to system performance of White Space radio operating in the TV bands, a.k.a TV white space (TVWS). For this purpose, a generic interference model for determining the hidden node occurrence probability based on realistic physical (PHY) layer model is developed. Firstly, the generic hidden node interference model is constructed considering typical TVWS radio network deployment scenario. Emphasis is given on cases where the hidden node scenario involves multiple transmission power level. Secondly, the PHY layer design and channel propagation are modeled to analyze the realistic operating range of the TVWS radio. By combining the hidden node interference model and the PHY layer/propagation models, the realistic probability of hidden node occurrence is calculated. Finally, the performance degradation in the victim receiver due to interference generated by the potential hidden node is quantified. As a result, for urban environment, it is found that for networks consisting of devices with multiple transmit power level, the probability of hidden node occurrence is similar to that of networks consisting of devices with uni-transmit power level, provided that the interferer-victim separation distance in the former is 800 m farther apart. Furthermore, this number may increase to a maximum of 1.1 km in a suburban environment. Also, it is found that if the hidden node actually occurs, a co-channel interference (CCI) of -15 dB typically causes a degradation of 2 dB in the victim receiver.

  • A Tone Compression Model for the Compensation of White Point Shift Generated from HDR Rendering

    Seok-Min CHAE  Sung-Hak LEE  Hyuk-Ju KWON  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  

    LETTER-Coding & Processing

    E95-A No:8

    Recently, a new image appearance model, named iCAM06, was developed for High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) image rendering. The dynamic range of a HDR image needs to be mapped onto the range of the output device where it will be displayed, this is called tone reproduction or tone mapping. iCAM06, a representative HDR rendering algorithm also uses tone compression for image reproduction on the dynamic range of output devices. However, iCAM06 causes a white point shift during its tone compression process. Therefore, we propose a compensation method for white point shifts using corrected channel gain. Experiment results show that the proposed method has better performance than iCAM06.

  • Sensing Methods for Detecting Analog Television Signals

    Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN  Chunyi SONG  Hiroshi HARADA  


    E95-B No:4

    This paper introduces a unified method of spectrum sensing for all existing analog television (TV) signals including NTSC, PAL and SECAM. We propose a correlation based method (CBM) with a single reference signal for sensing any analog TV signals. In addition we also propose an improved energy detection method. The CBM approach has been implemented in a hardware prototype specially designed for participating in Singapore TV white space (WS) test trial conducted by Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of the Singapore government. Analytical and simulation results of the CBM method will be presented in the paper, as well as hardware testing results for sensing various analog TV signals. Both AWGN and fading channels will be considered. It is shown that the theoretical results closely match with those from simulations. Sensing performance of the hardware prototype will also be presented in fading environment by using a fading simulator. We present performance of the proposed techniques in terms of probability of false alarm, probability of detection, sensing time etc. We also present a comparative study of the various techniques.

  • Two-Stage Block-Based Whitened Principal Component Analysis with Application to Single Sample Face Recognition

    Biao WANG  Wenming YANG  Weifeng LI  Qingmin LIAO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:3

    In the task of face recognition, a challenging issue is the one sample problem, namely, there is only one training sample per person. Principal component analysis (PCA) seeks a low-dimensional representation that maximizes the global scatter of the training samples, and thus is suitable for one sample problem. However, standard PCA is sensitive to the outliers and emphasizes more on the relatively distant sample pairs, which implies that the close samples belonging to different classes tend to be merged together. In this paper, we propose two-stage block-based whitened PCA (TS-BWPCA) to address this problem. For a specific probe image, in the first stage, we seek the K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NNs) in the whitened PCA space and thus exclude most of samples which are distant to the probe. In the second stage, we maximize the “local” scatter by performing whitened PCA on the K nearest samples, which could explore the most discriminative information for similar classes. Moreover, block-based scheme is incorporated to address the small sample problem. This two-stage process is actually a coarse-to-fine scheme that can maximize both global and local scatter, and thus overcomes the aforementioned shortcomings of PCA. Experimental results on FERET face database show that our proposed algorithm is better than several representative approaches.

  • Numerical Simulation of Air Flow through Glottis during Very Weak Whisper Sound Production

    Makoto OTANI  Tatsuya HIRAHARA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E94-A No:9

    A non-audible murmur (NAM), a very weak whisper sound produced without vocal fold vibration, has been researched in the development of a silent-speech communication tool for functional speech disorders as well as human-to-human/machine interfaces with inaudible voice input. The NAM can be detected using a specially designed microphone, called a NAM microphone, attached to the neck. However, the detected NAM signal has a low signal-to-noise ratio and severely suppressed high-frequency component. To improve NAM clarity, the mechanism of a NAM production must be clarified. In this work, an air flow through a glottis in the vocal tract was numerically simulated using computational fluid dynamics and vocal tract shape models that are obtained by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for whispered voice production with various strengths, i.e. strong, weak, and very weak. For a very weak whispering during the MRI scan, subjects were trained, just before the scanning, to produce the very weak whispered voice, or the NAM. The numerical results show that a weak vorticity flow occurs in the supraglottal region even during a very weak whisper production; such vorticity flow provide aeroacoustic sources for a very weak whispering, i.e. NAM, as in an ordinary whispering.

  • Acoustic Distance Measurement Method Based on Phase Interference Using Calibration and Whitening Processing in Real Environments

    Masato NAKAYAMA  Shimpei HANABUSA  Tetsuji UEBO  Noboru NAKASAKO  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E94-A No:8

    Distance to target is fundamental and very important information in numerous engineering fields. Many distance measurement methods using sound use the time delay of a reflected wave, which is measured in reference to the transmitted wave. This method, however, cannot measure short distances because the transmitted wave, which has not attenuated sufficiently by the time the reflected waves are received, suppresses the reflected waves for short distances. Therefore, we proposed an acoustic distance measurement method based on the interference between the transmitted wave and the reflected waves, which can measure distance in a short range. The proposed method requires a cancellation processing for background components due to the spectrum of the transmitted wave and the transfer function of the measurement system in real environments. We refer to this processing as background components cancellation processing (BGCCP). We proposed BGCCP based on subtraction or whitening. However, the proposed method had a limitation with respect to the transmitted wave or additive noise in real environments. In the present paper, we propose an acoustic distance measurement method based on the new BGCCP. In the new BGCCP, we use the calibration of a real measurement system and the whitening processing of the transmitted wave and introduce the concept of the cepstrum to the proposed method in order to achieve robustness. Although the conventional BGCCP requires the recording of the transmitted wave under the condition without targets, the new BGCCP does not have this requirement. Finally, we confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method through experiments in real environments. As a result, the proposed method was confirmed to be valid and effective, even in noisy environments.

  • Min-Max Model Predictive Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Wheeled Mobile Robot with Slipping Effects

    Yu GAO  Kil To CHONG  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E94-A No:2

    A min-max model predictive controller is developed in this paper for tracking control of wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) subject to the violation of nonholonomic constraints in an environment without obstacles. The problem is simplified by neglecting the vehicle dynamics and considering only the steering system. The linearized tracking-error kinematic model with the presence of uncertain disturbances is formed in the frame of the robot. And then, the control policy is derived from the worst-case optimization of a quadratic cost function, which penalizes the tracking error and control variables in each sampling time over a finite horizon. As a result, the input sequence must be feasible for all possible disturbance realizations. The performance of the control algorithm is verified via the computer simulations with a predefined trajectory and is compared to a common discrete-time sliding mode control law. The result shows that the proposed method has a better tracking performance and convergence.

  • Flesh Tone Balance Algorithm for AWB of Facial Pictures

    Tae-Wuk BAE  Sung-Hak LEE  Jung-Wook LEE  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  


    E93-C No:11

    This paper proposes a new auto flesh tone balance algorithm for the picture that is taken for people. In this paper, the basis of auto white balance (AWB) is human face in photo. For experiment, the transfer characteristic of camera image sensor is analyzed and the camera output RGB is calculated by measuring the average face chromaticity under standard illuminant. For the face region taken under unknown illuminant, the proposed algorithm makes RGB output rate of face region become its rate of standard face color. For this, it adjusts the R and B channel and performs the chromaticity correction. Algorithm is applied to the light skin color (average face color) in Macbeth color chart and average color of various face colors that are actually measured.

  • Basic Construction of Whole-Body Averaged SAR Estimation System Using Cylindrical-External Field Scanning for UHF Plane Wave Irradiation of Human Models

    Yoshifumi KAWAMURA  Takashi HIKAGE  Toshio NOJIMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Analysis

    E93-B No:10

    The purpose of this study is to establish a whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (WB-SAR) estimation method using the power absorbed by humans; a cylindrical-external field scanning technique is used to measure the radiated RF (radio-frequency) power. This technique is adopted with the goal of simplifying the estimation of the exposure dosimetry of humans who have different postures and/or sizes. In this paper, to validate the proposed measurement method, we subject numerical human phantom models and cylindrical scanning conditions to FDTD analysis. We design a radiation system that uses a dielectric lens to achieve plane-wave irradiation of tested human phantoms in order to develop an experimental WB-SAR measurement system for UHF far-field exposure condition. In addition, we use a constructed SAR measurement system to confirm absorbed power estimations of simple geometrical phantoms and so estimate measurement error of the measurement system. Finally, we discuss the measurement results of WB-SARs for male adult and child human phantom models.

  • Extracting Know-Who/Know-How Using Development Project-Related Taxonomies

    Makoto NAKATSUJI  Akimichi TANAKA  Takahiro MADOKORO  Kenichiro OKAMOTO  Sumio MIYAZAKI  Tadasu UCHIYAMA  


    E93-D No:10

    Product developers frequently discuss topics related to their development project with others, but often use technical terms whose meanings are not clear to non-specialists. To provide non-experts with precise and comprehensive understanding of the know-who/know-how being discussed, the method proposed herein categorizes the messages using a taxonomy of the products being developed and a taxonomy of tasks relevant to those products. The instances in the taxonomy are products and/or tasks manually selected as relevant to system development. The concepts are defined by the taxonomy of instances. That proposed method first extracts phrases from discussion logs as data-driven instances relevant to system development. It then classifies those phrases to the concepts defined by taxonomy experts. The innovative feature of our method is that in classifying a phrase to a concept, say C, the method considers the associations of the phrase with not only the instances of C, but also with the instances of the neighbor concepts of C (neighbor is defined by the taxonomy). This approach is quite accurate in classifying phrases to concepts; the phrase is classified to C, not the neighbors of C, even though they are quite similar to C. Next, we attach a data-driven concept to C; the data-driven concept includes instances in C and a classified phrase as a data-driven instance. We analyze know-who and know-how by using not only human-defined concepts but also those data-driven concepts. We evaluate our method using the mailing-list of an actual project. It could classify phrases with twice the accuracy possible with the TF/iDF method, which does not consider the neighboring concepts. The taxonomy with data-driven concepts provides more detailed know-who/know-how than can be obtained from just the human-defined concepts themselves or from the data-driven concepts as determined by the TF/iDF method.

  • Experimental Quasi-Microwave Whole-Body Averaged SAR Estimation Method Using Cylindrical-External Field Scanning

    Yoshifumi KAWAMURA  Takashi HIKAGE  Toshio NOJIMA  

    PAPER-Biological Effects and Safety

    E93-B No:7

    The aim of this study is to develop a new whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) estimation method based on the external-cylindrical field scanning technique. This technique is adopted with the goal of simplifying the dosimetry estimation of human phantoms that have different postures or sizes. An experimental scaled model system is constructed. In order to examine the validity of the proposed method for realistic human models, we discuss the pros and cons of measurements and numerical analyses based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. We consider the anatomical European human phantoms and plane-wave in the 2 GHz mobile phone frequency band. The measured whole-body averaged SAR results obtained by the proposed method are compared with the results of the FDTD analyses.

  • Computer Algebra System as Test Generation System

    Satoshi HATTORI  

    PAPER-Software Testing

    E93-D No:5

    We try to use a computer algebra system Mathematica as a test case generation system. In test case generation, we generally need to solve equations and inequalities. The main reason why we take Mathematica is because it has a built-in function to solve equations and inequalities. In this paper, we deal with both black-box testing and white-box testing. First, we show two black-box test case generation procedures described in Mathematica. The first one is based on equivalence partitioning. Mathematica explicitly shows a case that test cases do no exist. This is an advantage in using Mathematica. The second procedure is a modification of the first one adopting boundary value analysis. For implementation of boundary value analysis, we give a formalization for it. Next, we show a white-box test case generation procedure. For this purpose, we also give a model for source programs. It is like a control flow graph model. The proposed procedure analyzes a model description of a program.

  • Integer Discrete Cosine Transform via Lossless Walsh-Hadamard Transform with Structural Regularity for Low-Bit-Word-Length

    Taizo SUZUKI  Masaaki IKEHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E93-A No:4

    This paper presents an integer discrete cosine transform (IntDCT) with only dyadic values such as k/2n (k, n∈ in N). Although some conventional IntDCTs have been proposed, they are not suitable for lossless-to-lossy image coding in low-bit-word-length (coefficients) due to the degradation of the frequency decomposition performance in the system. First, the proposed M-channel lossless Walsh-Hadamard transform (LWHT) can be constructed by only (log2M)-bit-word-length and has structural regularity. Then, our 8-channel IntDCT via LWHT keeps good coding performance even if low-bit-word-length is used because LWHT, which is main part of IntDCT, can be implemented by only 3-bit-word-length. Finally, the validity of our method is proved by showing the results of lossless-to-lossy image coding in low-bit-word-length.
