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  • Information Geometry of Neural Networks

    Shun-ichi AMARI  


    E75-A No:5

    Information geometry is a new powerful method of information sciences. Information geometry is applied to manifolds of neural networks of various architectures. Here is proposed a new theoretical approach to the manifold consisting of feedforward neural networks, the manifold of Boltzmann machines and the manifold of neural networks of recurrent connections. This opens a new direction of studies on a family of neural networks, not a study of behaviors of single neural networks.

  • On Translating a Set of C-Oriented Faces in Three Dimensions

    Xue-Hou TAN  Tomio HIRATA  Yasuyoshi INAGAKI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E75-D No:3

    Recently much attention has been devoted to the problem of translating a set of geometrical objects in a given direction, one at a time, without allowing collisions between the objects. This paper studies the translation problem in three dimensions on a set of c-oriented faces", that is, the faces whose bounding edges have a constant number c of orientations. We solve the problem in O(N log2 NK) time and O(N log N) space, where N is the total number of edges of the faces and K is the number of edge intersections in the projection plane. As an intermediate step, we also solve a problem related to ray-shooting. The algorithm for translating c-oriented faces finds uses in computer graphic systems.

  • An Adaptive Antenna System for High-Speed Digital Mobile Communications

    Yasutaka OGAWA  Yasuyuki NAGASHIMA  Kiyohiko ITOH  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E75-B No:5

    High-speed digital land mobile communications suffer from frequency-selective fading due to a long delay difference. Several techniques have been proposed to overcome the multipath propagation problem. Among them, an adaptive array antenna is suitable for very high-speed transmission because it can suppress the multipath signal of a long delay difference significantly. This paper describes the LMS adaptive array antenna for frequency-selective fading reduction and a new diversity technique. First, we propose a method to generate a reference signal in the LMS adaptive array. At the beginning of communication, we use training codes for the reference signal, which are known at a receiver. After the training period, we use detected codes for the reference signal. We can generate the reference signal modulating a carrier at the receiver by those codes. The carrier is oscillated independently of the incident signal. Then, the carrier frequency of the reference signal is in general different from that of the incident signal. However, the LMS adaptive array works in such a way that the carrier frequency of the array output coincides with that of the reference signal. Namely, the frequency difference does not affect the performance of the LMS adaptive array. Computer simulations show the proper behavior of the LMS adaptive array with the above reference signal generator. Moreover, we present a new multipath diversity technique using the LMS adaptive array. The LMS adaptive array reduces the frequency-selective fading by suppressing the multipath components. This means that the transmitted power is not used sufficiently. We propose a multiple beam antenna with the LMS adaptive array. Each antenna pattern receives one of the multipath components, and we combine them adjusting the timing. Then, we realize the multipath diversity. In addition to the multipath fading reduction, we can improve a signal-to-noise ratio by the diversity technique.

  • A Practical Algorithm for Computing the Roundness

    Hiroyuki EBARA  Noriyuki FUKUYAMA  Hideo NAKANO  Yoshiro NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E75-D No:3

    Roundness is one of the most important geometric measures for circular objects in the process of mechanical assembly. It is the amount of variation in a circular size which can be permitted. To compute roundness, the authors have already proposed an exact polynomial-time algorithm whose time complexity is O(n2). In this paper, we show that this roundness algorithm can be improved more efficiently, by introducing the deletion of the unnecessary points, in practical applications. In addition, the computational experience of this revised algorithm is also presented.

  • Neural Networks Applied to Speech Recognition

    Hiroaki SAKOE  


    E75-A No:5

    Applications of neural networks are prevailing in speech recognition research. In this paper, first, suitable role of neural network (mainly back-propagation based multi-layer type) in speech recognition, is discussed. Considering that speech is a long, variable length, structured pattern, a direction, in which neural network is used in cooperation with existing structural analysis frameworks, is recommended. Activities are surveyed, including those intended to cooperatively merge neural networks into dynamic programming based structural analysis framework. It is observed that considerable efforts have been paid to suppress the high nonlinearity of network output. As far as surveyed, no experiment in real field has been reported.

  • Passivity and Learnability for Mechanical Systems--A Learning Control Theory for Skill Refinement--

    Suguru ARIMOTO  


    E75-A No:5

    This paper attempts to account for intelligibility of practices-based learning (so-called 'learning control') for skill refinement from the viewpoint of Newtonian mechanics. It is shown from an axiomatic approach that an extended notion of passivity for the residual error dynamics of robots plays a crucial role in their ability of learning. More precisely, it is shown that the exponentially weighted passivity with respect to residual velocity vector and torque vector leads the robot system to the convergence of trajectory tracking errors to zero with repeating practices. For a class of tasks when the endpoint is constrained geometrically on a surface, the problem of convergence of residual tracking errors and residual contact-force errors is also discussed on the basis of passivity analysis.

  • Separating Capabilities of Three Layer Neural Networks

    Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  

    SURVEY PAPER-Neural Systems

    E75-A No:5

    This paper reviews the capability of the three layer neural network (TLNN) with one output neuron. The input set is restricted to a finite subset S of En, and the TLNN implements a function F such as F : S I={1, -1}, i,e., F is a dichotomy of S. How many functions (dichotomies) can it compute by appropriately adjusting parameters in the TLNN? Brief historical review, some theorems on the subject obtained so far, and related topics are presented. Several open problems are also included.

  • Image Compression and Regeneration by Nonlinear Associative Silicon Retina

    Mamoru TANAKA  Yoshinori NAKAMURA  Munemitsu IKEGAMI  Kikufumi KANDA  Taizou HATTORI  Yasutami CHIGUSA  Hikaru MIZUTANI  

    PAPER-Neural Systems

    E75-A No:5

    Threre are two types of nonlinear associative silicon retinas. One is a sparse Hopfield type neural network which is called a H-type retina and the other is its dual network which is called a DH-type retina. The input information sequences of H-type and HD-type retinas are given by nodes and links as voltages and currents respectively. The error correcting capacity (minimum basin of attraction) of H-type and DH-type retinas is decided by the minimum numbers of links of cutset and loop respectively. The operation principle of the regeneration is based on the voltage or current distribution of the neural field. The most important nonlinear operation in the retinas is a dynamic quantization to decide the binary value of each neuron output from the neighbor value. Also, the edge is emphasized by a line-process. The rates of compression of H-type and DH-type retinas used in the simulation are 1/8 and (2/3) (1/8) respectively, where 2/3 and 1/8 mean rates of the structural and binarizational compression respectively. We could have interesting and significant simulation results enough to make a chip.

  • Closed-Form Error Probability Formula for Narrowband DQPSK in Slow Rayleigh Fading and Gaussian Noise

    Chun Sum NG  Francois P.S. CHIN  Tjeng Thiang TJUNG  Kin Mun LYE  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E75-B No:5

    A new error rate formula for narrowband Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed system in a Rayleigh fading channel is obtained in closed-form. The formula predicts a non-zero error probability for noiseless reception. As predicted, the computed error rates approach some constant or floor values as the signal-to-noise ratio is increased beyond a certain limit. In the presence of various Doppler frequency shifts, an IF filter bandwidth of about one times the symbol rate is found to lead to a minimum error probability prior to the appearence of the error rate floor.

  • A Self-Consistent Linear Theory of Gyrotrons

    Kenichi HAYASHI  Tohru SUGAWARA  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E75-C No:5

    A new set of self-consistent linear equations is presented for the analysis of the startup characteristics of gyrotron oscillators with an open cavity consisting of weakly irregular waveguides. Numerical results on frequency detuning and oscillation starting current for a whispering-gallery-mode gyrotron are described in which these equations were utilized. Experiments for making a check on the effectiveness of the derived equations showed that they well express the operation of gyrotrons in comparison with the linear theory using an empty cavity field as the wave field.

  • Visual Communications in the U.S.

    Charles N. JUDICE  


    E75-B No:5

    To describe the state of visual communications in the U.S., two words come to mind: digital and anticipation. Although compressed, digital video has been used in teleconferencing systems for at least ten years, it is only recently that a broad consensus has developed among diverse industries anticipating business opportunities, value, or both in digital video. The drivers for this turning point are: advances in digital signal processing, continued improvement in the cost, complexity, and speed of VLSI, maturing international standards and their adoption by vendors and end users, and a seemingly insatiable consumer demand for greater diversity, accessibility, and control of communication systems.

  • High-Fidelity Sub-Band Coding for Very High Resolution Images

    Takahiro SAITO  Hirofumi HIGUCHI  Takashi KOMATSU  


    E75-B No:5

    Very high resolution images with more than 2,000*2.000 pels will play a very important role in a wide variety of applications of future multimedia communications ranging from electronic publishing to broadcasting. To make communication of very high resolution images practicable, we need to develop image coding techniques that can compress very high resolution images efficiently. Taking the channel capacity limitation of the future communication into consideration, the requisite compression ratio will be estimated to be at least 1/10 to 1/20 for color signals. Among existing image coding techniques, the sub-band coding technique is one of the most suitable techniques. With its applications to high-fidelity compression of very high resolution images, one of the major problem is how to encode high frequency sub-band signals. High frequency sub-band signals are well modeled as having approximately memoryless probability distribution, and hence the best way to solve this problem is to improve the quantization of high frequency sub-band signals. From the standpoint stated above, the work herein first compares three different scalor quantization schemes and improved permutation codes, which the authors have previously developed extending the concept of permutation codes, from the aspect of quantization performance for a memoryless probability distribution that well approximates the real statistical properties of high frequency sub-band signals, and thus demonstrates that at low coding rates improved permutation codes outperform the other scalor quatization schemes and that its superiority decreases as its coding rate increases. Moreover, from the results stated above, the work herein, develops a rate-adaptive quantization technique where the number of bits assigned to each subblock is determined according to the signal variance within the subblock and the proper quantization scheme is chosen from among different types of quantization schemes according to the allocated number of bits, and applies it to the high-fidelity encoding of sub-band signals of very high resolution images to demonstrate its usefulness.

  • A Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Based on Weak Copy Consistency

    Seoung Sup LEE  Ha Ryoung OH  June Hyoung KIM  Won Ho CHUNG  Myunghwan KIM  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E75-D No:3

    This paper presents a destributed algorithm that uses weak copy consistency to create mutual exclusion in a distributed computer system. The weak copy consistency is deduced from the uncertainty of state which occurs due to the finite and unpredictable communication delays in a distributed environment. Also the method correlates outdated state information to current state. The average number of messages to enter critical section in the algorithm is n/2 to n messages where n is the number of sites. We show that the algorithm achieves mutual exclusion and the fairness and liveness of the algorithm is proven. We study the performance of the algorithm by simulation technique.

  • New Classes of Majority-Logic Decodable Double Error Correcting Codes for Computer Memories

    Toshio HORIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    A new class of (m23m1,m2) 1-step majority-logic decodable double error correcting codes (1-step DEC codes) is described, where m is an odd integer. Combining this code with properly constructed (m1k1,k1) and (m,k2) 1-step DEC codes, a (m23(mk1)1,m23k1) 1-step DEC code and a (m23(mk2)1,m2) 2-step majority-logic decodable DEC code (2-step DEC code) are obtained, respectively. Considering computer memory applications, some practical 1 -and 2-step DEC codes with data-bit lengths of 24, 32, 64 and 72 are obtained by shortening the new codes, and are compared to existing majority-logic decodable DEC codes. It is shown that, for given data-bit lengths, new 2-step DEC codes have much better code rates than self-orthogonal DEC codes but slightly worse code rates than existing 2-step majority-logic decodable cyclic DEC codes (2-step cyclic DEC codes). However, parallel decoders of new 2-step DEC codes are much simpler than those of exisiting 2-step cyclic DEC codes, and are nearly as simple as those of 1-step DEC codes.

  • A Testable Design of Sequential Circuits under Highly Observable Condition

    WEN Xiaoqing  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    The outputs of all gates in a circuit are assumed to be observable unber the highly observable condition, which is mainly based on the use of E-beam testers. When using the E-beam tester, it is desirable that the test set for a circuit is small and the test vectors in the test set can be applied in a successive and repetitive manner. For a combinational circuit, these requirements can be satisfied by modifying the circuit into a k-UCP circuit, which needs only a small number of tests for diagnosis. For a sequential circuit, however, even if the combinational portion has been modified into a k-UCP circuit, it is impossible that the test vectors for the combinational portion can always be applied in a successive and repetitive manner because of the existence of feedback loops. To solve this problem, the concept of k-UCP scan circuits is proposed in this paper. It is shown that the test vectors for the combinational portion in a k-UCP scan circuit can be applied in a successive and repetitive manner through a specially constructed scan-path. An efficient method of modifying a sequential circuit into a k-UCP scan circuit is also presented.

  • Analysis of Fault Tolerance of Reconfigurable Arrays Using Spare Processors

    Kazuo SUGIHARA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    This paper addresses fault tolerance of a processor array that is reconfigurable by replacing faulty processors with spare processors. The fault tolerance of such a reconfigurable array depends on not only an algorithm for spare processor assignment but also the folloving factor of an organization of spare processors in the reconfigurable array: the number of spare processors; the number of processors that can be replaced by each spare processor; and how spare processors are connected with processors. We discuss a relationship between fault tolerance of reconfigurable arrays and their organizations of spare processors in terms of the smallest size of fatal sets and the reliability function. The smallest size of fatal sets is the smallest number of faulty processors for which the reconfigurable array cannot be failure-free as a processor array system no matter what reconfiguration is used. The reliability function is a function of time t whose value is the probability that the reconfigurable array is failure-free as a processor array system by time t when the best possible reconfiguration is used. First, we show that the larger smallest size of fatal sets a reconfigurable array has, the larger reliability function it has by some time. It suggests that it is important to maximize the smallest size of fatal sets in orer to improve the reliability function as well. Second, we present the best possible smallest size of fatal sets for nn reconfigurable arrays using 2n spare processor each of which is connected with n processors. Third, we show that the nn reconfigurable array previously presented in a literature achieves the best smallest size of fatal sets. That is, it is optimum with respect to the smallest size of fatal sets. Fourth, we present an uppr bound of the reliability function of the optimum nn reconfigurable array using 2n spare processors.

  • Perceptually Transparent Coding of Still Images

    V. Ralph ALGAZI  Todd R. REED  Gary E. FORD  Eric MAURINCOMME  Iftekhar HUSSAIN  Ravindra POTHARLANKA  


    E75-B No:5

    The encoding of high quality and super high definition images requires new approaches to the coding problem. The nature of such images and the applications in which they are used prohibits the introduction of perceptible degradation by the coding process. In this paper, we discuss techniques for the perceptually transparent coding of images. Although technically lossy methods, images encoded and reconstructed using these techniques appear identical to the original images. The reconstructed images can be postprocessed (e.g., enhanced via anisotropic filtering), due to the absence of structured errors, commonly introduced by conventional lossy methods. The compression, ratios obtained are substantially higher than those achieved using lossless means.

  • A 1.55-µm Lightwave Frequency Synthesizer

    Osamu ISHIDA  Hiromu TOBA  


    E75-B No:4

    A frame-installed lightwave synthesizer is constructed for optical frequency-division-multiplexing (FDM) communication. The synthesizer consists of two DFB diode lasers, electrical feedback loops, and an HCN gas cell used as a frequency reference at v0=192,843GHz (1.55459µm in wave-length). Output frequency can be stabilized at anywhere within v0(220) GHz. The beat note observed between the synthesizer and another HCN-stabilized DFB laser is constant within 2MHz over 100 hours. Frequency stability better than 410-10 (80kHz, without normalization) is obtained for an averaging time of 200s.

  • A Simple Method for Avoiding Numerical Errors and Degeneracy in Voronoi Diagram Construction

    Kokichi SUGIHARA  


    E75-A No:4

    This paper presents a simple method for avoiding both numerical errors and degeneracy in an incremental-type algorithm for constructing the Voronoi diagram with respect to points on a plane. It is assumed that the coordinates of the given points are represented with a certain fixed number of bits. All the computations in the algorithm are carried out in four times higher precision, so that degeneracy can be discerned precisely. Every time degeneracy is found, the points are perturbed symbolically according to a very simple rule and thus are reduced to a nondegenerate case. The present technique makes a computer program simple in the sense that it avoids all numerical errors and requires no exceptional branches of processing for degenerate cases.

  • A Model for the Prediction of the Triple-Site Diversity Performance Based on the Gamma Distribution


    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E75-B No:4

    Multiple-site diversity systems are foreseen for earth to satellite paths operating at frequencies above 10GHz in localities with high rain-induced attenuation. In some severe cases double-site protection can be proved to be inadequate and consequently triple-site diversity becomes indispensable. In the present paper, an approach for the prediction of the triple-site diversity performance based on an appropriate three-dimensional gamma distribution is proposed. The model is oriented for application to earth-space paths located in Japan and other locations with similar climatic conditions. Numerical results are compared with the only available set of experimental data taken from some parts of the United States. Some useful conclusions are deduced.
