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  • A Proposal for a Text-Indicated Writer Verification Method

    Yasushi YAMAZAKI  Naohisa KOMATSU  


    E80-A No:11

    We propose an on-line writer verification method to improve the reliability of verifying a specific system user. Most of the recent research focus on signature verification especially in the field of on-line writer verification. However, signature verification has a serious problem in that it will accept forged handwriting. To overcome this problem, we have introduced a text-indicated writer verification method. In this method, a different text including ordinary characters is used on every occasion of verification. This text can be selected automatically by the verification system so as to reflect the specific writer's personal features. A specific writer is accepted only when the same text as indicated by the verification system is inputted, and the system can verify the writer's personal features from the inputted text. Moreover, the characters used in the verification process can be different from those in the enrolment process. This method makes it more difficult to get away with forged handwriting than the previous methods using only signatures. We also discuss the reliability of the proposed method with some simulation results using handwriting data. From these simulation results, it is clear that this method keeps high reliability without the use of signatures.

  • A Comparative Study of RCS Predictions of Canonical Rectangular and Circular Cavities with Double-Layer Material Loading

    Shoichi KOSHIKAWA  Dilek ÇOLAK  Ayhan ALTINTAŞ  Kazuya KOBAYASHI  Alexander I.NOSICH  


    E80-C No:11

    A rigorous radar cross section (RCS) analysis is carried out for two-dimensional rectangular and circular cavities with double-layer material loading by means of the Wiener-Hopf (WH) technique and the Riemann-Hilbert problem (RHP) technique, respectively. Both E and H polarizations are treated. The WH solution for the rectangular cavity and the RHP solution for the circular cavity involve numerical inversion of matrix equations. Since both methods take into account the edge condition explicitly, the convergence of the WH and RHP solutions is rapid and the final results are valid over a broad frequency range. Illustrative numerical examples on the monostatic and bistatic RCS are presented for various physical parameters and the far field scattering characteristics are discussed in detail. It is shown that the double-layer lossy meterial loading inside the cavities leads to the significant RCS reduction.

  • Man-Machine Interaction Using a Vision System with Dual Viewing Angles

    Ying-Jieh HUANG  Hiroshi DOHI  Mitsuru ISHIZUKA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E80-D No:11

    This paper describes a vision system with dual viewing angles, i. e., wide and narrow viewing angles, and a scheme of user-friendly speech dialogue environment based on the vision system. The wide viewing angle provides a wide viewing field for wide range motion tracking, and the narrow viewing angle is capable of following a target in wide viewing field to take the image of the target with sufficient resolution. For a fast and robust motion tracking, modified motion energy (MME) and existence energy (EE) are defined to detect the motion of the target and extract the motion region at the same time. Instead of using a physical device such as a foot switch commonly used in speech dialogue systems, the begin/end of an utterance is detected from the movement of user's mouth in our system. Without recognizing the movement of lips directly, the shape variation of the region between lips is tracked for more stable recognition of the span of a dialogue. The tracking speed is about 10 frames/sec when no recognition is performed and about 5 frames/sec when both tracking and recognition are performed without using any special hardware.

  • A New Class of Single Error-Correcting Fixed Block-Length (d, k) Codes

    Hatsukazu TANAKA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper a new class of single error-correcting fixed block-length (d, k) codes has been proposed. The correctable error types are peak-shift error, insertion or deletion error, symmetric error, etc. The basic technique to construct codes is a systematic construction algorithm of multilevel sequences with a constant Lee weight (TALG algorithm). The coding rate and efficiency are considerably good, and hence the proposed new codes will be very useful for improving the reliability of high density magnetic recording.

  • A Sufficient Condition for a Generalized Minimum Distance Reed-Solomon Decoder to Ensure Correct Decoding

    Norifumi KAMIYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    Generalized minimum-distance (GMD) decoding is well-known as a soft decision decoding technique for such linear block codes as BCH and RS codes. The GMD decoding algorithm generates a set of candidate codewords and selects as a decoded codeword that candidate with the smallest reliable distance. In this paper, for a GMD decoder of RS and BCH codes, we present a new sufficient condition for the decoded codeword to be optimal, and we show that this sufficient condition is less stringent than the one presented by Taipale and Pursely.

  • An Evaluation Method of the Block Error Probability by Using a Low-Weight Sub-Trellis Diagram

    Kenichi TOMITA  Toyoo TAKATA  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the block error probability of maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) for a block code or a block modulation code over an AWGN channel. It is infeasible to evaluate the block error probability of MLD for a long block code with a large minimum distance by simulation. In this paper, a new evaluation method of the block error probability of MLD by an analytical method combined with simulation with a low-weight sub-trellis diagram is proposed. We show that this proposed method gives a tighter upper bound on the block error probability than the conventional one, and can be applicable to a relatively long block code with a large minimum distance for which conventional simulation is infeasible.

  • On the Minimum Distance of Concatenated Codes and Decoding Method up to the True Minimum Distance

    Toshiyuki KOHNOSU  Toshihisa NISHIJIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    Concatenated codes have many remarkable properties from both the theoretical and practical viewpoints. The minimum distance of a concatenated code is at least the product of the minimum distances of an outer code and an inner code. In this paper, we shall examine some cases that the minimum distance of concatenated codes is beyond the lower bound and get the tighter bound or the true minimum distance of concatenated codes by using the complete weight enumerator of the outer code and the Hamming weight enumerator of the inner code. Furthermore we propose a new decoding method based on Reddy-Robinson algorithm by using the decoding method beyond the BCH bound.

  • On Synchronization for Burst Transmission

    A.J. Han VINCK  A.J. van WIJNGAARDEN  

    PAPER-Communications/Coded Modulation/Spread Spectrum

    E80-A No:11

    We consider methods to locate sync words in packet or frame transmission over the additive white Gaussian noise channel. Our starting point is the maximization of the probability of correctly locating the sync word. We extend Massey's original result to the specific synchronization problem, where the sync words is prefixed to the data stream and each packet is preceded by idle transmission or additive white Gaussian noise. We give simulation results for several interesting sync words such as Barker sequences of length 7 and 13 and a sync word of length 17 with good cross-correlation properties. One of the conclusions is that the newly derived formula for the probability of correctly locating the sync word enables the reduction of the false sync detection probability.

  • Extended Symbol-Aided Estimation for Non-selective Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Le-Hai NAM  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Communications/Coded Modulation/Spread Spectrum

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper the conventional symbol-aided estimation methods are extended to use not only the known pilot symbols but also the previously estimated fading values to extract more information on fading channels. The proposed estimation method is evaluated using theoretical analyses. Recursive formulae are derived for calculating the mean square estimation errors, which are then used to calculate the BER performance of a BPSK system employing the proposed fading estimation method. The results show strong BER performance of the proposed system in the region of high signal to noise ratio under fast fading compared to that of the conventional system. Moreover, the proposed system still sustains its performance under mismatched conditions, where the conventional system degrades exhibiting error floors. Finally the theoretical results are verified by using computer simulations.

  • The Importance Sampling Simulation of MMPP/D/1 Queueing

    Kenji NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Stochastic Process/Signal Processing

    E80-A No:11

    We investigate an importance sampling (IS) simulation of MMPP/D/1 queueing to obtain an estimate for the survivor function P(Q > q) of the queue length Q in the steady state. In Ref.[11], we studied the IS simulation of 2-state MMPP/D/1 queueing and obtained the optimal simulation distribution, but the mathematical fundation of the theory was not enough. In this paper, we construct a discrete time Markov chain model of the n-state MMPP/D/1 queueing and extend the results of Ref.[11] to the n-state MMPP/D/1. Based on the Markov chain model, we determine the optimal IS simulation distribution fo the n-state MMPP/D/1 queueing by applying the large deviations theory, especially, the sample path large deviations theory. Then, we carry out IS simulation with the obtained optimal simulation distribution. Finally, we compare the simulation results of the IS simulation with the ordinary Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. We show that, in a typical case, the ratio of the computation time of the IS simulation to that of the MC simulation is about 10-7, and the 95% confidence interval of the IS is slightly improved compared with the MC.

  • An Almost Sure Recurrence Theorem with Distortion for Stationary Ergodic Sources


    LETTER-Source Coding/Channel Capacity

    E80-A No:11

    Let {Xk}k=- be a stationary and ergodic information source, where each Xk takes values in a standard alphabet A with a distance function d: A A [0, ) defined on it. For each sample sequence X = (, x-1, x0, x1, ) and D > 0 let the approximate D-match recurrence time be defined by Rn (x, D) = min {m n: dn (Xn1, Xm+nm+1) D}, where Xji denotes the string xixi+1 xj and dn: An An [0, ) is a metric of An induced by d for each n. Let R (D) be the rate distortion function of the source {Xk}k=- relative to the fidelity criterion {dn}. Then it is shown that lim supn-1/n log Rn (X, D) R (D/2) a. s.

  • A Bitplane Tree Weighting Method for Lossless Compression of Gray Scale Images

    Mitsuharu ARIMURA  Hirosuke YAMAMOTO  Suguru ARIMOTO  

    LETTER-Source Coding/Channel Capacity

    E80-A No:11

    A Bitplane Tree Weighting (BTW) method with arithmetic coding is proposed for lossless coding of gray scale images, which are represented with multiple bitplanes. A bitplane tree, in the same way as the context tree in the CTW method, is used to derive a weighted coding probability distribution for arithmetic coding with the first order Markov model. It is shown that the proposed method can attain better compression ratio than known schemes with MDL criterion. Furthermore, the BTW method can be extended to a high order Markov model by combining the BTW with the CTW or with prediction. The performance of these modified methods is also evaluated. It is shown that they attain better compression ratio than the original BTW method without increasing memory size and coding time, and they can beat the lossless JPEG coding.

  • Speech Enhancement Using Array Signal Processing Based on the Coherent-Subspace Method

    Futoshi ASANO  Satoru HAYAMIZU  


    E80-A No:11

    A method for recovering the LPC spectrum from a microphone array input signal corrupted by less directional ambient noise is proposed. This method is based on the subspace method, in which directional signal and non-directional noise is classified in the subspace domain using eigenvalue analysis of the spatial correlation matrix. In this paper, the coherent subspace (CSS) method, a broadband extension of the subspace method, is employed. The advantage of this method is that is requires a much smaller number of averages in the time domain for estimating subspace, suitable feature for frame processing such as speech recognition. To enhance the performance of noise reduction, elimination of noise-dominant subspace using projection is further proposed, which is effective when the SNR is low and classification of noise and signals using eigenvalue analysis is difficult.

  • Two-Dimensional Least Squares Lattice Algorithm for Linear Prediction

    Takayuki NAKACHI  Katsumi YAMASHITA  Nozomu HAMADA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose a two-dimensional (2-D) least-squares lattice (LSL) algorithm for the general case of the autoregressive (AR) model with an asymmetric half-plane (AHP) coefficient support. The resulting LSL algorithm gives both order and space recursions for the 2-D deterministic normal equations. The size and shape of the coefficient support region of the proposed lattice filter can be chosen arbitrarily. Furthermore, the ordering of the support signal can be assigned arbitrarily. Finally, computer simulation for modeling a texture image is demonstrated to confirm the proposed model gives rapid convergence.

  • Investigation on Radiated Emission Characteristics of Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards

    Takashi HARADA  Hideki SASAKI  Yoshio KAMI  


    E80-B No:11

    This paper analyzes mechanisms of radiated emissions from multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) and presents a model to describe the characteristics of such radiation. The radiation mechanism from a four-layer PCB, including the internal power and ground planes, is investigated using a time-domain magnetic field measurement near the PCB. Measurement of the waveform indicates that the main source of radiation is in the power distribution planes. To investigate the characteristics of the radiation from the power distribution, the S21s of the board are measured; the board impedance and the transmission characteristics of the power distribution planes are found to be directly related to the S21 between the two points in the board. The results indicate that the power distribution acts as a transmission line at frequencies higher than 100 MHz. A model that can explain well the radiation properties of these planes treats them as a parallel-plate transmission line interconnected by decoupling circuit comprising a decoupling capacitor and interconnect inductance. From the transmission line theory it is deduced that the line resonance gives rise to strong radiated emissions. The interconnect inductance is an important factor in determining the radiation characteristics.

  • Time-Frequency Analysis of Scattering Data Using the Wavelet Transform

    Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  


    E80-C No:11

    Scattering data from radar targets are analyzed in the time-frequency domain by using wavelet transform, and the scattering mechanisms are investigated. The wavelet transform used here is a powerful tool for the analysis of scattering data, because it can provide better insights into scattering mechanisms that are not immediately apparent in either the time or frequency domain. First, two types of wavelet transforms that are applied to the time domain data and to the frequency domain data are defined, and the multi-resolution characteristics of them are discussed. Next, the scattering data from a conducting cylinder, two parallel conducting cylinders, a parallel-plate waveguide cavity, and a rectangular cavity in the underground are analyzed by using these wavelet transforms to reveal the scattering mechanisms. In the resulting time-frequency displays, the scattering mechanisms including specular reflection, creeping wave, resonance, and dispersion are clearly observed and identified.

  • A Low Complexity Speech Codec and Its Error Protection

    Jotaro IKEDO  Akitoshi KATAOKA  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E80-B No:11

    This paper proposes a new speech codec based on CELP for PHS multimedia communication. PHS portable terminals should consume as little power as possible, and the codec used in them has to be robust against channel errors. Therefore, the proposed codec operates with low computational complexity while reducing the deterioration in speech quality due to channel errors. This codec uses two new schemes to reduce computational complexity. One is moving average scalar quantization for the filter coefficients of the synthesis filter. This scheme requires 90% less complexity to quantize synthesis filter coefficients compared to the widely used vector quantization. The other is pre-selection for selecting an algebraic codebook used as random excitation source. An orthogonalization scheme is used for stable pre-selection. Deterioration of speech quality is suppressed by using CRC and parameter estimation for error protection. Two types of codec are proposed: a 10-ms frame type that transmits 160 bits every 10-ms and a 15-ms frame type that transmits 160 bits every 15 ms. The computational complexity of these codecs is less than 5 MOPS. In a nochannel error environment, the speech quality is equal to that of ITU-TG.726 at 32.0 kbit/s. With 0.3% channel error, both codecs offer more comfortable conversation than G.726. Moreover, at 1.0% channel error, the 10-ms frame type still provides comfortable conversation.

  • Another Countermeasure to Forgeries over Message Recovery Signature

    Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E80-A No:11

    Nyberg and Rueppel recently proposed a new EIGamal-type digital signature scheme with message recovery feature and its six variants. The advantage of small signed message length is effective especially in some applications like public key certifying protocols or the key exchange. But two forgeries that present a real threat over such applications are pointed out. In certifying public keys or key exchanges, redundancy is not preferable in order to store or transfer small data. Therefore the current systems should be modified in order to integrate the Nyberg-Ruepple's signature into such applications. However, there has not been such a research that prevents the forgeries directly by improving the signature scheme. In this paper, we investigate a condition to avoid the forgeries directly. We also show some new message recovery signatures strong against the forgeries by adding a negligible computation amount to their signatures, while not increasing the signature size. The new scheme can be integrated into the above application without modifying the current systems, while maintaining the security.

  • Use of Multi-Polarimetric Enhanced Images in SIR-C/X-SAR Land-Cover Classification

    Takeshi NAGAI  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  

    PAPER-Measurement and Metrology

    E80-B No:11

    This paper presents a method for land cover classification using the SIR-C/X-SAR imagery based on the maximum likelihood method and the polarimetric filtering. The main feature is to use polarimetric enhanced image information in the pre-processing stage for the classification of SAR imagery. First, polarimetric filtered images are created where a specific target is enhanced versus another, then the image data are incorporated into the feature vector which is essential for the maximum likelihood classification. Specific target classes within the SAR image are categorized according to the maximum likelihood method using the wavelet transform. Addition of polarimetric enhanced image in the preprocessing stage contributes to the increase of classification accuracy. It is shown that the use of polarimetric enhanced images serves efficient classifications of land cover.

  • On the Cover's Conjecture on Capacity of Gaussian Channel with Feedback

    Han Wu CHEN  Kenjiro YANAGI  

    LETTER-Source Coding/Channel Capacity

    E80-A No:11

    We consider the upper bounds of the finite block length capacity Cn, FB (P) of the discrete time Gaussian channel with feedback. We prove the relation C2 (P) C2, FB (P) < C2 (2P), which is a partial solution of the conjecture given by Cover. In addition we prove several relations.
