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[Keyword] cylinder(35hit)


  • Novel High-Frequency Asymptotic Solutions in the Transition Regions near Geometrical Boundaries and near Caustics for Scattering by a Dielectric Cylinder

    Teruhiko IDA  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Basic Electromagnetic Analysis

    E87-C No:9

    Novel high-frequency asymptotic solutions for the scattered fields by a dielectric circular cylinder with a radius of curvature sufficiently larger than the wavelength are presented in this paper. We shall derive the modified UTD (uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction) solution, which is applicable in the transition regions near the geometrical boundaries produced by the incident ray on the dielectric cylinder from the tangential direction. Also derived are the uniform geometrical ray solutions applicable near the geometrical boundaries and near the caustics produced by the ray family reflected on the internal concave boundary of the dielectric cylinder. The validity and the utility of the uniform solutions are confirmed by comparing with the exact solution obtained from the eigenfuction expansion.

  • Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Scattering from a Random Rough Surface Cylinder

    Hiromi ARITA  Toshitaka KOJIMA  

    LETTER-Rough Surface Scattering

    E83-C No:12

    In this paper, the electromagnetic scattering from a cylinder with a computer-generated random rough surface is analyzed by a numerical simulation method. The validity of the proposed numerical method is confirmed by comparing the present numerical results with those calculated by the perturbation method to second order and its Pade approximation. It is shown that the present proposed method can be applied to the case where the surface roughness becomes relatively large.

  • On Applicability of the Integral Equation Formulation of the Measured Equation of Invariance to 2D Scattering Objects

    Masanobu HIROSE  Masayasu MIYAKE  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Ikuo ARAI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E82-B No:4

    This paper shows the applicability of the integral equation formulation of the measured equation of invariance (IE-MEI) to two-dimensional dielectric scatterers. That is, a relationship between the scattered electric and magnetic fields, which is derived from the new formulation of the IE-MEI, is applicable to lossless dielectric materials as well as perfect electric conductors (PEC). In addition, we show that the IE-MEI does not suffer from internal resonance problems. These two facts are validated by numerical examples for a circular cylinder and a square cylinder illuminated by Transverse Magnetic (TM) plane wave or a TM line source very close to the scatterers. The numerical results calculated by the IE-MEI agree well with the ones by moment methods that employ combined field formulations with exact boundary conditions.

  • Shadow Boundary Currents in the Problem of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Diffraction by a Circular Impedance Cylinder

    Andrey V. OSIPOV  Hirokazu KOBAYASHI  Kohei HONGO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:10

    A correction of the physical optics approximation by accounting for the presence of specific currents concentrated near shadow boundaries on the surface of a convex non-metallic scatterer is analysed by considering a canonical problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave incident normally to the axis of an infinite circular cylinder with impedance boundary conditions. The analysis focuses on the development of Fock-type asymptotic representations for magnetic field tangent components on the surface of the scatterer. The Fock-type representation of the surface field is uniformly valid within the penumbra region, providing a continuous transition from the geometrical optics formulas on the lit portion of the surface to the creeping waves approximation in the deep shadow region. A new numerical procedure for evaluating Fock-type integrals is proposed that extracts rapidly varying factors and approximates the rest, slowly varying coefficients via interpolation. This allows us to obtain accurate and simple representations for the shadow boundary currents that can be directly inserted into the radiation integral and effectively integrated. We show that accounting for the shadow boundary currents considerably improves the traditional PO analysis of the high-frequency electromagnetic fields scattered from smooth and convex non-metallic obstacles, particularly near the forward scattering direction.

  • On the Applicability of a Boundary Matching Technique to the Reconstruction of Circularly Symmetric Cylinders from Scattered H-Wave

    Kenichi ISHIDA  Mitsuo TATEIBA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E80-C No:3

    The applicability of a boundary matching technique is presented for reconstructing the refractive-index profile of a circularly symmetric cylinder from the measurement of the scattered wave when the cylinder is illuminated by an H-polarized plane wave. The algorithm of reconstruction is based on an iterative procedure of matching the scattered wave calculated from a certain refractive-index distribution with the measured scattered-wave. The limits of reconstruction for strongly inhomogeneous lossless and lossy cylinders are numerically shown through computer simulations under noisy environment, and are compared with those in the E-wave case.

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by an Axially Slotted Conducting Elliptic Cylinder in Homogeneous Medium

    Takashi HINATA  Hiroyuki HOSONO  Hidenao ONO  


    E79-C No:10

    The scattering problem of a plane wave by an axially slotted conducting elliptic cylinder in homogeneous medium is investigated. We present an accurate analysis using the modified point matching method, which can reduce the order of the simultaneous equations to be solved at least by a half under the condition of the same accuracy as compared with an usual point matching method. The accuracy of our results is checked by evaluating the relative errors. Numerical results are given for scattered field patterns by a conducting elliptic cylinder with a slot aperture of angle width 120 when the angle of incidence θinO.

  • Near Fields Radiated from a Long Slot on a Circular Conducting Cylinder

    Masao KODAMA  Kengo TAIRA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E79-C No:2

    New series expressing the radiation fields from both axial and circumferential slots on a circular conducting cylinder are derived. These new series converge rapidly even for near fields. This letter includes useful figures showing characteristics of near fields calculated numerically using the new series.

  • Microwave Power Absorption in a Cylindrical Model of Man in the Presence of a Flat Reflector

    Shuzo KUWANO  Kinchi KOKUBUN  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E78-B No:11

    This letter describes the power absorption of a cylindrical man model placed near a flat reflector exposed to TE microwave. The numerical results show that the absorption is in some cases an order of magnitude or more greater than that of the man model without a reflector.

  • Scattering Cross Sections of Lossy Dielectric Elliptic Cylinders for Plane Waves

    Minoru ABE  Yasunori HOSHIHARA  Toshio SEKIGUCHI  


    E77-C No:11

    We describe the characteristics of scattering and diffraction of plane E-waves by a lossy dielectric elliptic cylinder. The computational programs for calculating the analytic solutions for the diffraction of a lossy dielectric elliptic cylinder can be achieved. From the calculated results of the backscattering cross section (BSCS) (usually the radar cross section: RCS) and the forward-scattering cross section (FSCS) due to the cross-sectional shape and complex dielectric constant of the elliptic cylinder, the features of the BSCS and FSCS can be clarified as follows. (1) There is a cross-sectional shape of the cylinder which results in a minimum BSCS with a complex dielectric constant of the cylinder. (2) The BSCS and FSCS of the lossy dielectric scatterer approach zero as the scatterer approaches a strip. This result means that no material composing such a strip exists, and the features are very different from those in a perfectly conducting strip. (3) The influence of conductivity, σ, of the cylinder on a scattered wave is small for the relative dielectric constant of εr6. (4) The total scattering cross section of the lossy dielectric elliptic cylinder which causes the minimum BSCS is not small. Hence, it may be considered that the minimum BSCS is determined mainly by interference based on the cross-sectional shape and complex dielectric constant of cylinder, and is not caused by incident wave absorption due to the lossy dielectric.

  • Numerical Analysis of Durable Power MOSFET Using Cylindrical Device Simulator

    Yasukazu IWASAKI  Kunihiro ASADA  


    E77-A No:2

    A simulation study on cylindrical semiconductor devices is described, where the internal behavior of power devices are analyzed under steady-state condition with considering heat generation. In simulation, circular cylindrical coordinate is used to consider the effect of three-dimensional spreading current flow with keeping calculation time and memory as in two-dimensional simulation. Numerical model is based on the well-known set of Shockley-Roosbroeck semiconductor equations--continuity equations for carriers and Poisson's equation, along with heat flow equation. Drift-diffusion approximation of carrier transport equations is used, taking temperature field as a driving force for carriers into account. Using the cylindrical simulator, numerical analysis of power MOSFETs, which integrate zener diodes to improve the avalanche capability, has been carried out. Results showed that, a parasitic bipolar transistor turns on under forward-biased condition in a power MOSFET with a zener diode. The highest lattice temperature takes place at source edge. Under reverse-biased condition, breakdown occurs at doughnut area around the bottom of source contact (at the upper region of zener junction), and the avalanche current flows detouring the base region of parasitic bipolar transistor which implies that secondary breakdown will be suppressed. The highest lattice temperature region under reverse-biased conditions is the same as the breakdown region. Without zener diodes, on the other hand, breakdown occurs ringing about the edge of source region, and the avalanche current flows through the base region of parasitic bipolar transistor which implies that even MOSFETs may suffer from the secondary breakdown. As channel length becomes short, breakdown caused by punchthrough becomes dominant at the edge of source region.

  • An Omnidirectional Broad Bandwidth Microstrip Anttenna Using a Parasitic Cylinder

    Masahiro KARIKOMI  Tohru MATSUOKA  Li Win CHEN  


    E76-B No:12

    An omnidirectional microstrip antenna using a parasitic cylinder is presented. A rectangular patch is formed on a dielectric substrate and it's completely covered with an aluminum cylinder which is somewhat shorter than a half of free space wavelength. Under such configuration the aluminum cylinder works as a parasitic element. This antenna can provides uniform omnidirectional radiation patterns and a broad frequency bandwidth. In this paper an experimental method for designing such an element is described. Measured input impedance characteristics, current distribution around the surface of the cylinder and patterns are also shown. By properly adjusting the coupling intensity between the patch and the parasitic cylinder a broad bandwidth antenna element can be realized. Some methods to adjust the coupling intensity are shown. A wide bandwidth element up to 14% for VSWR1.5 is obtained. Arranging many patches lengthways on a substrate and placing metallic cylinders around each patches, we can realize a high-gain and broad bandwidth collinear antenna.

  • Inverse Scattering Analysis Based on the Equivalent Source Method for Perfectly Conducting Cylinders Using Scattered Data of Several Frequencies


    PAPER-Inverse Problem

    E76-C No:10

    The inverse problem we consider in this paper seeks, based on the equivalent source method, to determine the shape of perfectly conducting cylinders from the scattered farfield data obtained by using several incident waves. When incident waves of different frequencies are used, the shape of the scatterer can be reconstructed by employing only a few number of observation points. In the reconstruction problem, to determine the shape of the scatterer, the conjugate gradients method is applied. The general approach is applicable to cylindrical scatterers of arbitrary shape. Results of numerical simulations are presented to support the suggested approach.

  • Transient Backward and Forward Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Conducting Rectangular Cylinder with an Open Side-Wall--The Case of a Half Sine Pulse lncident on the Open Side and the Closed Side--

    Shinichiro OHNUKI  Tsuneki YAMASAKI  Takashi HINATA  

    PAPER-Transient Field

    E76-C No:10

    The transient scattering of a half sine pulse wave by a conducting rectangular cylinder with an open sidewall is rigorously analyzed by using the point matching method (taking into account the edge condition exactly) combined with the fast inversion of Laplace transform. Numerical results are presented for back scattered and forward scattered responses of the far fields when a half sine pulse is incident on the open side and the closed side of the cylinder. The physical meaning of the transient responses is discussed in detail. The comparison of the responses with those by a perfect conducting rectangular cylinder is presented.

  • Magnetic Shields for HTc SQUIDs

    Kumiko IMAI  Hironori MATSUBA  Peter SPEAR  Alistair FIFE  


    E76-C No:8

    Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox thick film superconducting shields have been fabricated for use with HTc SQUIDs. Shielding factors and internal noise levels of the shields were measured using a DC SQUID magnetometer. A sample in which BSCCO was coated on the outside of a cylindrical Ag substrate exhibited larger noise levels than that with a sample in which BSCCO was coated on the inside of the Ag cylinder. The difference is explained by the thermally driven (Johnson) noise from the Ag substrate. A sample with the Ag cylinder outside the superconductor and samples with MgO substrates inside the superconductor showed good performance with a shielding factors of 10-8 and internal noise levels which did not exceed the DC SQUID magnetometer resolution (5 fTrms/Hz) at 4.2 K. In addition, the flux relaxation noise of BSCCO superconducting shields was estimated from the relaxation behavior of BSCCO.

  • An Improvement of the Equivalent Source Method for the Analysis of Scattering of a Plane Wave by a Conducting Cylinder with Edges

    Masao KODAMA  Kengo TAIRA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:9

    This letter proposes an improvement of the equivalent source method in order to give an accurate solution for the scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave by a conducting cylinder with edges.
